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Douglas Bolles and William Morgan host a lively weekly conversation in which they naturally discuss "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" with the interesting authors, thinkers, syncers and philosophers of our day. The show has its genesis in a series of discussions regarding The Sync Book, of which, both hosts are authors. Subscribe on iTunes: |

Purchase: Real Magic from amazon.com Listen: Dean Radin on Pentamental 10 from thesyncbook.com Today we consider what's keeping her down with writer Chelsea Bieker, recipient of a 2018 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writer's Award. Today for 42 minutes we explore our Infinite Possibility with the help of Katernine Jegede, author of the 2018 book by that same name published this past June by Tarcher Perigee. Published two weeks after his seventieth birthday, Ada, or Ardor is one of Nabokov's greatest masterpieces, the glorious culmination of his career as a novelist. It tells a love story troubled by... Time is not what you think it is, and neither are you! (And maybe not synchronicity either.)-So we spend 42 minutes with Eric Wargo, author of Time Loops, and talk precognition. The program reconnects with Trish and Rob MacGregor, prolific authors, (who both are featured in The Sync Book), and discuss time slips and hurricanes. Oh, synchronicity too. The program reconnects with synchromystic filmmaker, Tim Murphy to chat about his latest work, as well as time, art, and sync. Today for 42 minutes we reconnect with synchronicity by considering politics, entertainment, speculative fiction, and spirit with Walter Kirn, author most recently of The Stones, The Crows, The... Today for 42 minutes, the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences turns a critical eye toward such practices as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis. Are such powers... In perfect fashion, we get into sync with a Fox on the run for 911. Today the program heads out onto the interstate for 42 Minutes with Jordan Bartee, reconnecting with so much history. Did positive thinking and mental science help put Donald Trump in the White House? We explore this today with author and scholar, Gary Lachman as well as considering what other various magical and... Tonight, on Bloomsday, the 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club seeks a sense of proportion in the pages of Virginia Woolf's 1925 modernist masterpiece, Mrs. Dalloway. Upon the release of the full length feature sync film, Vision & The Voice, the program has the pleasure of sharing 42 Minutes with its creator and the editor of the Sync Books, Alan Abbadessa... As the media age gets deeper into the fake news era, the program considers again whether or not it's all a conspiracy by reconnecting with Kirby Ferguson, the filmmaker responsible for This Is Not... On the day before the paperback edition of The Night Ocean arrives, we meet again with Paul La Farge to speak about his 2011 work, Luminous Airplanes, an expansive, hugely imaginative, and very... Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; So yo then man what's your story? (Or that's what the... The program looks back at Treefort 2018 with LED, a group of artists who mounted the dance "Artificial Flowers" five times during Treefort, gave a concert, and premiered a film. On this our last gasp before Treefort, we share 42 minutes with Jessica & Tyler of Escondido who play Friday, March 23rd, 9pm at The Olympic. eLDopamine is a band that goes in and out of focus, writing and recording music that is personal, heartfelt, and only occasionally misguided. We share 42 minutes with its founder, John O'Neil on...
FREE 09.17.18 Episode 315: Dean Radin
Real Magic
Today for 42 minutes, the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences turns a critical eye toward such practices as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis. Are such powers really possible? Science & Dean Radin, author of the recent, Real Magic, say yes.
Topics: Science, Worldview, Technology, Mythology, Empiricism, Magical Thinking, Open Mindedness, Consciousness, Fantasyland, Information, Symbolism, Mathematics, Meditation, Establishment Media, Quantum Toothpaste, Entanglement, Pathos, Psychophsyical, c = C, Quantum Leap, It From Bit, Ineffable, Idealism, 911, Chaos.
FREE 01.14.19
Chelsea Bieker (322)
Keep Her Down
FREE 01.11.19
Katherine Jegede (321)
Infinite Possibility
FREE 12.11.18
Fall Book Club (320)
Ada, Or Ardor
FREE 12.05.18
Eric Wargo (319)
Time Loops
FREE 11.26.18
Trish and Rob MacGregor (318)
Secrets Of Spirit Communication
FREE 10.23.18
Tim Murphy (317)
Tome Of The Aeon
FREE 09.26.18
Walter Kirn (316)
The Stones, The Crows, The Grass, The Moon
FREE 09.17.18
Dean Radin (315)
Real Magic
FREE 09.11.18
Jordan Bartee (314)
FREE 09.04.18
Gary Lachman (313)
Dark Star Rising
FREE 06.25.18
Summer Book Club (312)
Mrs. Dalloway
FREE 05.21.18
Alan Abbadessa Green (311)
Vision & The Voice
FREE 04.24.18
Kirby Ferguson (310)
This Is Not A Conspiracy Theory
FREE 04.17.18
Paul La Farge (309)
Luminous Airplanes
FREE 04.09.18
Spring Book Club (308)
Infinite Jest
FREE 04.03.18
LED (307)
Artificial Flowers
FREE 03.21.18
Escondido (306)
FREE 03.20.18
John O'Neil (305)