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Douglas Bolles and William Morgan host a lively weekly conversation in which they naturally discuss "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" with the interesting authors, thinkers, syncers and philosophers of our day. The show has its genesis in a series of discussions regarding The Sync Book, of which, both hosts are authors.

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05.16.17 Episode 272: Jordan Bartee
The program has the pleasure of meeting a new synchromysitic filmmaker today, Jordan Bartee, responsible for the recent film, Initiation.
Topics: Synchromysticism, Apophenia Productions, Synchronicity, Writing One's Self, John Carpenter, Indiana Jones, David Plate, Sorry Cassandra, Oneohtrix Point Never, Garden of Delete, Information Theory, Systems Theory, Academic, Simulation, Answers, PhD, Meatloaf, Terminator, 911, Donnie, Darko, Transcontexuality, Mind, Reality, Cinema, Modular Video Synths.
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Watch: Initiation at


Watch: Casandra I'm Sorry I Misunderstood at

Read: The Confidence Man by Herman Melville at Poject Gutenberg

FREE 09.17.17

Todd Stein (286)


A man's life is derailed when an ominous pattern of events repeats itself in exactly the same manner every day, ending at precisely 2:22 p.m. We explore these patterns for 42 minutes with the...

FREE 09.05.17

DJ Morgan (285)

Twin Peaks: The Return

We Return to Twin Peaks one final time by way of Fall City to see who is playing at the Roadhouse with our guide DJ Morgan, KEXP's resident Twin Peaks expert.

FREE 08.01.17

Jospeh Cambray (284)


Today, at the end of another season of 42 Minutes, we explore the pattern forming tendency at the origins of the universe with Joseph Cambray, author of the book, Synchronicity.

FREE 07.27.17

Twin Peaks Unwrapped (283)

Laura Is The One

The program continues unwrapping the Twin Peaks fan community by meeting up with Ben & Bryon hosts and producers of the podcast, Twin Peaks Unwrapped.

FREE 07.17.17

Jeremy Bates (282)

World's Scariest Places

The program is introduced today to the "World's Scariest Places" by the author of the series, Jeremy Bates.

FREE 07.11.17

Summer Book Club (281)

The Secret History Of Twin Peaks

Fear The Double! Or so the summer installment of the seasonal book club finds as we meet the first Man In Black who just also happens to be from Twin Peaks, Washington. (Show contains spoilers!)

FREE 07.02.17

Scott Ryan (280)

Gotta Light?

Today the program finds itself sitting in the waiting room during this Twin Peaks: The Return hiatus, but we find ourselves in good company as Scott Ryan, managing editor of The Blue Rose Magazine,...

FREE 06.25.17

David Bushman & Arthur Smith (279)

Twin Peaks FAQ

Just the FAQs ma'am or that's how the program gets to the bottom of Twin Peaks: The Return Part 7 with the help of David Bushman and Arthur Smith, authors of the Twin Peaks FAQ.


Spring Book Club (278)


Bloomsday or Doomsday? Today on this 16th day of June for this our Spring installment of the seasonal book club, we celebrate the "Good Book to the Hibruws", Ulysses. The panel consists of Bill...


Andrew W. Griffin (277)

American Girl

We shine our "Cosmic Flashlights" today on this morning's investigation of the "Case Files" from Twin Peaks: The Return and with the help of Red Dirt editor, Andrew Griffin, we discover an American...


Greg Hahn (276)


Today, the program looks back at Treefort 2017 with Boise State associate vice president for communications, Greg Hahn. It also considers the local and national media landscape.


Doug Dorst (275)


Though there is only so much mystery a person can handle at once, particularly when one is buried in all of it, we nonetheless set sail, bound for adventure, aboard a book: a chronicle of two...


John Thorne (274)

Twin Peaks: The Return

Since the stars have turned and a time has presented itself, you better believe we are all chomping that out-of-style gum today in a place both wonderful and strange and we are doing so with...


Psychedelic Sync Cinema (273)

The Shining: Forwards And Backwards

Sync Book Radio is pleased to promote an event, the Psychedelic Sync Cinema, presented by Paul Wendell Obis, which will screen John Fell Ryan's The Shining: Forwards And Backwards at 10 pm,...


Jordan Bartee (272)


The program has the pleasure of meeting a new synchromysitic filmmaker today, Jordan Bartee, responsible for the recent film, Initiation.


Mike Clelland (271)

The Messengers

Meanwhile, 25 years later, the owls still are not what they seem, so we enlist the help of Mike Clelland as our guide to understand "the message".


Michael Allen (270)


The program conducts its annual spring check-in with our favorite projectionist, Michael Allen, to talk Synchronicity and music, and to get our 2017 Coachella update.


Paul La Farge (269)

The Night Ocean

The program considers the horrors of everyday life by taking a trip to Florida with novelist Paul La Farge to visit H.P. Lovecraft and Robert Barlow during the spring of 1934. A Lesser Summoning...

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