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Douglas Bolles and William Morgan host a lively weekly conversation in which they naturally discuss "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" with the interesting authors, thinkers, syncers and philosophers of our day. The show has its genesis in a series of discussions regarding The Sync Book, of which, both hosts are authors. Subscribe on iTunes: |

Explore: Wend at TreefortMusicFest.com Explore: JÃœN at TreefortMusicFest.com On the Winter Solstice, the Roundtable Book Club seeks the Holy Grail. (The Holy Spirit? The Transcendent source of being? Kairos? Sync? Flow?) To do so we consider Le Morte d’Arthur, a... What...is your name?
--Sir Lancelot of Camelot.
What...is your quest?
--To seek the Holy Grail.
What...is your favorite color?
Right, off you go. What troubles you, Uncle? Or so we try to find for this our Spring installment of the Seasonal Book Club with Wolfram von Eschenbach's 12th Century masterpiece, Parzival as our guide. Drop the... Today the secret, early Christians reassemble in plenary session to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Philip K Dick's 2-3-74 experiences by reconvening the Rhipidon Society at the Sombrero Bar to... "Captain Ahab, I have heard of Moby Dick--but it was not Moby Dick that took off thy leg?"
"Who told thee that?" cried Ahab; then pausing, "Aye, Starbuck; aye, my hearties all round; it was Moby... Night of your birth. Thirty-three. The Leonids they were called. God how the stars did fall. I looked for blackness, holes in the heavens. The Dipper stove, and so did the book club as we hove... "Is it not the very Rhythm of the Engines, the Clamor of the Mills, the Rock of the Oceans, the Roll of the Drums in the Night, why if one wish'd to give it a Name?" Tonight, for 42 minutes,... Tonight for 42 minutes, we will be initiated into the mysteries of the Rosy Cross! And our mentor will be Zanoni . . . Zanoni is an 1842 novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a story of love and occult... Today, on the eve of Treefort, we catch up with a "Classical Queen", Jessica Harned who performs at Treefort Music Fest 2023 with the bands Wend & JÜN. Wend performs Wed 3/22 9:50pm... Breaking all academic codes, the program meets up tonight with The Plagiarists during their band practice as an anticipation for Treefort Music Fest, which they play Sunday, March 26th at 5:10 pm... Tonight, in honor of the upcoming Treefort Music Fest, we consider "Haunted Radio" with Brion Rushton, host of RadioBoise's Strange Feeling program. Brion performs at Treefort as a part of the... To continue on with our recent David Bowie obsession as a warm up for Treefort Music Fest, the program considers Blackstar Theory with its author, Leah Kardos, senior lecturer in music at Kingston... As the program begins to prepare for Treefort Music Fest, we consider the impact Williams S. Burroughs had on decades of rock and punk musicians with Casey Rae author of the 2019 book about this... Tonight we try to find a "5" on this 12.2.22 because, 2×2 is four is not life, gentleman, but death. Or so we shall see on this, our Fall installment of the seasonal Book club where... "Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die." Or so said Job's wife after he was afflicted by Satan with boils. The book club get our own potshard to scratch out some of these ills... Today for 42 Minutes we consider the mysteries of Treefort 10 with Erin Anderson, director of The Idaho Botanical Garden, and look ahead to the Garden's Outlaw Field Summer Concert Series. It's Treefort Monday! And today we are sharing 42 Minutes with Tyler Shlagenhauf of MYLO BYBEE. They play Treefort Music Fest Wednesday, March 23rd, 6:30 pm at the Mad Swede Brew Hall and on...
FREE 03.21.23 Episode 386: Jessica Harned
Classical Queen
Today, on the eve of Treefort, we catch up with a "Classical Queen", Jessica Harned who performs at Treefort Music Fest 2023 with the bands Wend & JÃœN. Wend performs Wed 3/22 9:50pm at The Egyptian Theatre & Fri 3/24 11:10pm at Old School School. JÃœN performs LATE Thu 3/23 12:50am at Reef.
Topics: Treefort, Wend, JÜN, Mariachi Sol de Acapulco, Conservatory, Philharmonic, Tár, Love, Compassion, Connection, Competition, Ensemble, High Brow, Project Flux, Meld, Noise, Fuzz, Looping, Emily Wells, 208 Ensemble, Highway 45, Joshy Soul, Women of Color in Classical Music, Jazz, Cultures, Japanese Breakfast, Bibliography .
FREE 01.04.25
Fall Book Club (394)
Grail Quest: Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur
FREE 09.29.24
Summer Book Club (393)
Grail Quest: Chretien de Troyes' Perceval
FREE 06.23.24
Spring Book Club (392)
Grail Quest: Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival
FREE 03.23.24
Winter Book Club (391)
FREE 01.13.24
Fall Book Club (390)
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale
FREE 09.23.23
Summer Book Club (389)
Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness In The West
FREE 06.25.23
Spring Book Club (388)
Mason & Dixon
FREE 04.29.23
Winter Book Club (387)
FREE 03.21.23
Jessica Harned (386)
Classical Queen
FREE 03.12.23
The Plagiarists (385)
Supersonic Dynamite
FREE 02.27.23
Brion Rushton (384)
Strange Feeling
FREE 02.22.23
Leah Kardos (383)
Blackstar Theory
FREE 02.13.23
Casey Rae (382)
William S. Burroughs and the Cult of Rock 'n' Roll
FREE 12.13.22
Fall Book Club (381)
Notes From Underground
FREE 10.03.22
Summer Book Club (380)
FREE 03.28.22
Erin Anderson (378)
Outlaw Field
FREE 03.21.22
Tyler Shlagenhauf (377)