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Douglas Bolles and William Morgan host a lively weekly conversation in which they naturally discuss "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" with the interesting authors, thinkers, syncers and philosophers of our day. The show has its genesis in a series of discussions regarding The Sync Book, of which, both hosts are authors. Subscribe on iTunes: |

Purchase: Ocean from amazon.com Purchase: Dreamer of Dune from amazon.com Purchase: Dune from amazon.com Read: "Dune, 50 years on: how a science fiction novel changed the world" The Program travels through time and space to share Back To The Future Day with our favorite synchromystic filmmaker, Joe Alexander. Tonight the program crosses the great stream on its fourth birthday with the help of special guest and tarot master, Benebell Wen. Today for a very special 21 minutes, we do our part in "setting science free" and we do so with the help of author, biologist, and banned Ted-talker, Rupert Sheldrake. After last night's rare, "super blood moon", we're going into the deepest hole on the planet to examine dark matter with writer Kent Meyers to confront the thought that the matter we know is only a... Will Morgan and guest host, Andras Jones, share 42 minutes & the Radio8Ball with triple threat, Mikela Jay, and discuss her career as an actor, model, and intele-pop star. What's in your jumpsuit? Why don't you Asket? We find out today on 42 Minutes with author, publisher, and podcaster, Douglas Lain. Today on 42 Minutes we pick up where Don Draper left us, in 1970, to visit a midwestern basement in lieu of a literal dungeon, with author Paul La Farge as our Dungeon Master who helps teach us how... And so begins our 5th Season of 42 Minutes. We resume today from our summer break on the edge (figuratively and literally), with our favorite guest, Dr. Jeffrey Kripal, with whom we further explore... Will gives Peg Carter from Sync Book I a call, and ends up receiving "Conspiracy Therapy" while learning a lot about an individual with the ability to study topics that make the majority of us out... Sync Book Radio presents a One UP from the member's section: "Mushroom Party"... PsoNik from Type 1 Radio joins Will for epsiode 2 of the Renegade Series. (Recorded early May 2015). We conclude Supernormal July with an Ultimate Journey Out Of Body to The Monroe Institute in Virginia with Executive Director and President, Nancy McMoneagle in the control room. We continue our Supernormal July in the practice of both yoga and mediation under the instruction of Swami Anantananda Giri discussing his new book, The Authoritative Guru Gita. Supernormal July continues this morning on both land and sea with New York Times bestselling author, Brian Herbert, son of famed Dune author, Frank Herbert. Tonight commences our month-long exploration of the "Supernormal", so naturally, we begin with the authority on the subject, Dean Radin, PhD, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science. Will Morgan and guest host, Andras Jones, share 42 minutes & the Radio8Ball with actor, Keith Coogan, and discuss the implications of "the Answer" as it pertains to childhood actors and the real... On this night, Doug and guest host, Alan Green, travel to the heart of darkness, to the "Chapel Perilous" with Znore, author of the sync blog, Group Name For Grape Juice, as their guide. (This... Doug and Will stay in Colorado this week to meet local synchronist, Zach Bauer, to discuss his new album and podcast as well as the news of the day including Charleston and the Confederate flag.... Will and guest host Zach Bauer, meet Chuck and Melina, organizers of The Free Your Mind Colorado Meet Up, and discuss consciousness, mind control and the occult.
07.14.15 Episode 193: Brian Herbert
An Ocean of Dunes
Supernormal July continues this morning on both land and sea with New York Times bestselling author, Brian Herbert, son of famed Dune author, Frank Herbert.
Topics: Arrakis, Paul Atreides, The Dragon And The Sea, Strong Women, Human Potential, Ecology, Politics, Jodorowski & Lynch, Weirding, Finite Resources, Polar Pioneer, Shell No.
Joe Alexander
Back To The Future Day Predicts 911
Benebell Wen (201)
42 Minutes Fourth Anniversary Show
FREE 10.05.15
Rupert Sheldrake (200)
The Science of Synchronicity
Kent Meyers (199)
Dark Matters
Mikela Jay
Be Cool
Douglas Lain (198)
After the Saucers Landed
Paul La Farge (197)
Destroy All Monsters
Jeffrey Kripal (196)
The Altered States Of Esalen
Peg Carter
Will Morgan Sync Renegade Series: "Conspiracy Therapy"
Will Morgan Sync Renegade Series: "Mushroom Party"
Nancy McMoneagle (195)
The Monroe Institute
Swami Anantananda Giri (194)
The Authoritative Guru Gita
Brian Herbert (193)
An Ocean of Dunes
Dean Radin (192)
Keith Coogan
The Kali Kid
Znore (191)
Chapel Perilous
Zach Bauer (190)
Metatron's Reality Hour
Melina & Chuck Williams
Free Your Mind Colorado