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middle chamber 7:

EA Koetting

This week in TMC, FX n MX welcome Black Magician EA Koetting from to discuss his works <i>Evoking Eternity</i> and, the new release, <i>Anthology of Sorcery</i>.

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middle chamber 6

Andrieh Vitimus

FX n MX talk to author and adept Andrieh Vitimus to discuss his great book <i>Hands-On Chaos Magick</i>.


middle chamber 5

Mother's Day Show

FX n MX discuss news, events, and an upcoming show-segment with TeslaTech President Steve Elswick as well!


synchronize 6

Oly Sync Summit Primer

Marty Leeds, Ezra Sandzer-Bell, and Joe Alexander play Radio8Ball and discuss the upcoming Olympia Sync Summit


middle chamber 4

Lon Milo DuQuette

DuQuette returns to TMC to discuss his new book, <i>Homemade Magick</i>, and his upcoming European Tour.


middle chamber 3

Mike Cross

Enjoy this edited rebroadcast of the recent interview w/ FX and Mike Cross discussing Noah, the Nephilim and the Flood.


middle chamber 2

Brave New Books

This week Frater X and Mater X venture to Austin Texas for The Secret War On Human Consciousness DVD release event at Brave New Books Store. FX gave a passionate talk covering a wide...


middle chamber 1

Ras Ben

This week Ras Ben returns to help us relaunch the new TMC format with more on the Mystic Mounds of Philadelphia, PA, Colonial Rosicrucians, and Tribal histories from his unique and...


synchronize 5

Fear and Loving at the Bay Area Sync Summit

Andras Jones and Alan Abbadessa-Green follow-up on the Bay Area Sync Summit ... Douglas Bolles of 42minutes "No Heads and Tarot Tales" .... Radio8Ball with Jeremy/ViolatoR of...


synchronize 4

Tom Waits for No Man

Tom Waits takes us to the Bridge by Alan Abbadessa-Green and Andras Jones ... Radio8Ball with musical guest Ira Marlowe, with a question from David Plate ... Douglas Bolles on Victoria...


synchronize 3

Short, Sharp, Shakti

Michael Schacht, of, interview and Radio8Ball ... Znore, of, on "Funeral Parade of Roses" ... 317 Shakti by Alan...


synchronize 2

There Once Was a Note

Music of the Spheres by Alan Abbadessa-Green ... Steve Willner and Ezra Sandzer-Bell interview ... Steve and Ezra play Radio8Ball with Andras Jones ... Will Morgan on Prometheus ......


synchronize 1

Another Dawn

Synchronistic Star Wars by Alan Abbadessa-Green ... Rae Dawn Chong interviewed by Alan Abbadessa-Green ... Rae Dawn Chong plays Radio8Ball with Andras Jones ... Ezra Sandzer-Bell...


synchronize Zero

Opening Day

Jackie Robinson Day Ka-Base-Ballah by Andras Jones ... Alan Abbadessa-Green interviews Alex Robinson ... Alex Robinson plays Radio8Ball ... Jason Barrera on recent events as they sync...

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