01.20.15 marty leeds 21a:
Greg Carlwood & Michael Phillip, Moon Gypsies
This week\'s guests include from The Higherside Chats, Greg Carlwood and from Midwest Real, Michael Phillip and the musical guest is the Moon Gypsies
go deeper down the rabbit hole
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Matt Pulver, Christopher Dunn
Physicist & alternative researcher Matt Pulver discusses the science of subquantum kinetics (SQK) as well as the spiritual dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
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Parisian Folly & Mo' Beta Blues
Did the Illuminati kill Charlie Hebdo? Well, that depends on the meaning of a particular French word. Also, TheSyncBook.com is Beta Testing.
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Vinny Eastwood, City of Ghosts
This week\'s guests include researcher and truth seeker Vinny Eastwood and the musical guest is the Milwaukee, Wisconsin band City of Ghosts.
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Ain Sof & Keter
Rabbi Borukh Goldberg gives 7 brief talks on The Manifestation of Divine Energy. In Part 1 he discusses Ain Sof & Keter. Join him as he explores what would seem to be an impassible...
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Noah's Yellow Submarine: Two of Every Kind
Paul is Dead, but did Kanye revive him? Doppelgangers all around. Noah Pozner is the boy who died twice.
marty leeds 19
David Metcalfe, Natty Nation
This week\'s guests include writer, editor and researcher David Metcalfe and the musical guest is the roots reggae band Natty Nation.
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Bill Klaus, Dr. Donald DeGracia
Synchromystic & author Bill Klaus discusses the ways we define authority and how we might develop the alchemical art of reading/interpreting synchronicities.
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Set & Setting : Back to the Astral Plane
Mark Pasio claims to have seen hundreds of UFOs, another airplane goes missing, Obama kinda sorta Ends War in Afghanistan. Plus, the return of the Space Dolphins!
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Sphinxes, Sony, Sydney and Surveillance
Someone wins the Synchromystic of the Year award. Plus the Sydney Siege, SONY hack, and the Elf on the Shelf.
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Timothy Hogan, Tony Dipofi
This week\'s guests include author and Freemason Timothy Hogan and the musical guest is Tony Dipofi
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Locket & Key, Fire Walk With Me
There are actual Keys to the Internet, but the Internet, like everything else, is on Fire.
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Randall Carlson, The Harmed Brothers
This week\'s guests include Randall Carlson from Sacred Geometry International and the musical guest is Portland, Oregon\'s The Harmed Brothers.
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Magic Wands (Dexy & Chris Valentine), Richard Merrick
Musicians Chris & Dexy Valentine (aka Magic Wands) discuss their views on synchronicity, cultural sadomasochism, and the healing properties of music.
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The Arch: Cops Cameras and Cards
Everything is upside down and polarized as we read the Tarot cards popping up in the news.
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Walter Cruttenden, Hewn
This week\'s guest include author of Lost Star of Myth and Time and organizer of CPAK (Conference on Precession of Ancient Knowledge) Walter Cruttenden and the musical guest is Hewn.
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Sync Quick Music: THWAK
We take the week off for Thanksgiving, and give you a musical feast.
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Marty Leeds, Thomas Joseph Brown
Geometer & author Marty Leeds discusses the mystical utility of mathematics and how the universe can be envisioned as an entity striving towards archetypal perfection.
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Feast time for the Kelipot
"I am in a world of shit. Yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid."