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Douglas Bolles and William Morgan host a lively weekly conversation in which they naturally discuss "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" with the interesting authors, thinkers, syncers and philosophers of our day. The show has its genesis in a series of discussions regarding The Sync Book, of which, both hosts are authors.

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03.20.14 Episode 128: Iska Dhaaf
Even The Sun Will Burn
Topics: Treefort, Seattle, Light & Dark, Nautilus Shell, Art, Exploration, Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band, Mad Rad, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, The Devil, Drone Warfare, Disconnection, The Darkness, Meaning, "Iska Dhaaf" - "let it go".
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John Sousa (138)

Canadian Dip Sticks

Wood, Flow, Grain, Compression of Time in Space, Lumpy, Saws & Hammers, Tiny Houses, Burl, Tung Oil, Mikela Jay &...


Olympia Sync Summit Indiegogo Campaign

Towel Day (42) Live Pledge Drive Show

Radio8Ball, "Sync Head", Olympia, West Coast Sync, Legal Weed, Fertile Ground Guesthouse


Jake Kotze (137)


Heart, Hurt, John & William, Truth, Mysticism, Robin Tunney, Animation, Rodney Ascher, 42, TheRon, Star Mummy 3,...


Derek Muller (136)

Veritasium: An Element of Truth

Truth, Einstein, 911, Magic, Constant, Change, Habits, Jokes, Magnetism, Josephson Junction, Dualism, Real, Virtual,...


Swami Anantananda Giri (135)

The Yogic Gospel Of Thomas

Mushrooms, Bliss, The Self, The Realm, Advaita, Guru, Existence, Consciousness, Experience, Yoga, Aldous Huxley, Samadhi,...


Lisa Wells (134)

yeah. no. totally.

Portland, Iowa, Authenticity, Sadness, Optimism, Finisia Medrano, Sacred Hoop Rewilders, Great Basin, Devil Script,...


Lea Metzler (133)

Das Sync Buch - German translation of The Sync Book

Circle Takes The Square, Sync, Translation, Faust, Poetry, I Ching, Secret of the Golden Flower, Jung & Crowley,...


Lauren Artress (132)

Veriditas, the World-Wide Labyrinth Project

Blood Moon, Labyrinth, Minotaur, Ties That Bind, Transitions, Cartesian Split, Myth & Ritual, Sacred Geometry, Jeff...


Ezra Sandzer-Bell & Alan Green

Astromusik & Oly Sync Summit

Astromusik, #olysyncsummit, Sound & Consciousness, Astrology, Alchemy, Ritual Magic, Correspondences, Resonance,...


Amber Nelson (131)

Alice Blue Books

Go Ask Alice Blue, Chapbook, Dutch Baby Combo, Dancing Girl Press, SHOTGUN WEDDING & The Stranger, APRIL, AWP,...


Andy Shmushkin (130)

Mustache Music

Banff, Golden Child, Buddhist Monastery, Parzival, Connection, Dillinger's, Olympia, Anti-Shmushkinites, Dan Bern, Andy...

FREE 03.26.14

James Lloyd

Mystic Pets

Treefort, mr. Gnome, Food Truck Rally, Treefort Film Fest, Teens, Solander, Sallie Ford, The Room, Early Bird Tickets,...


Zach Voss (129)

The Skyship Tour

Treefort, Hackfort, Dan Deacon, Storyfort, Rigsketball, Band Dialogue, Street Fever, RJD2, Apes on Tape, Ned Garthe...


Iska Dhaaf (128)

Even The Sun Will Burn

Treefort, Seattle, Light & Dark, Nautilus Shell, Art, Exploration, Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band, Mad Rad, Macklemore...

FREE 03.18.14

Storie Grubb And The Holy Wars


Treefort, Comix, The Tale, Projections, The Crux, The Shredder, Evil Wine, Get Wet +, NighTraiN, Deep Creeps, The Blaqks,...



Dark Arc

Treefort, SXSW Tragedy, Mike Mogis, White Album, April Fool, Ohio, Dreams, Busman's Holiday, Frankie Cosmos, Appalachia,...


Disco Doom (127)


Treefort, Sister Crayon, Perfect From Now On, Built To Spill, SXSW, Circus, Austin, Zurich, New York, Seattle, Jim Roth...




Treefort, Noise, Skinny Puppy, Technology & Agression, New York, The Spectacle, Alienation, Ray Kurzweil, Her,...

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