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Douglas Bolles and William Morgan host a lively weekly conversation in which they naturally discuss "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" with the interesting authors, thinkers, syncers and philosophers of our day. The show has its genesis in a series of discussions regarding The Sync Book, of which, both hosts are authors. Subscribe on iTunes: |

Purchase: A Maze Of Death from amazon.com Purchase: UBIK from amazon.com Read: Philip K. Dick Was a Friend of Mine from thephonenix.com Duck's Breath, Edge Science, Isaac Asimov, Precogs, 1968, Brown Wool Suit, Divine Invasion, Room 2374, Dark Haired Girl,... Valis, Tim Powers, Nicolas Roeg, Bowie, Messages & Deconstructions, Frozen Journey, Biography, Skeptic, Victorian,... Valis, K.W. Jeter, Dead Cat, C.S. Lewis, The Savior, Theophany, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Keanu, Deja Vu Cat, Discrete... Knowledge, Wisdom, Philosophy, Socrates, Ziggy Stardust, 42, The Question, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, Gnosticism,... Blade Runner, 1982, Valis, 2374, Tangerine Dream, Hope, Cancer, The Black Iron Prison, Bishop Pike, Paul Williams, Robert... Superheroes, Reality Sandwich, Intuition, Fashion Design, Burlesque, Performance Art, Sewing, Vancouver, Body &... Lorenz Attractor, Chaos, Synchronicity, Owls, UFOs, Grey Alien, Mind Control, Messenger, Dream Analysis, Queen Of The... LA, Burning Man, Sync, Projection, Tarot, Dark Side Of The Rainbow, 237, The Jejune Institute, Church Of The Subgenius,... Arabs & Jews, Zionism, Judaism, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Shekinah, Exile, Shock & Awe, Hope, Rachel Corrie, Tariq... True Love, Tom Campbell, Nature Is Language, Read The Book, Self Organization, ET & IT, Kuhn, Spooky Action &... ≥, Kant or Kierkegaard, Personal Connection/Internet Connection, (Everything Is Connected), Truth, Engagement,... Neologism, Diachronic, Remember, iPhone, Paradox, Language Virus, Meme, Biological Computing, Meta, Conspiracy, NSA,... Double Vision, William Blake, Barbarah Eherenreich, Another World, Wales, Daimon, Matter, Mother, Monster, Seance, UFOs,... 42, Bowser, King Koopa, K2, Sound & Light, Color, Spaghetti Western, Lead & Gold, OZ Devil Power Chord, Labyrinth... Speed, 2525, Sirius, The Keanu Code, Eschaton, Messiah, Utility, Conspiracy, Whoa, WE KNOW KUNG FU! Music Credit: "Not An Animal" & "Lips And Hips" by Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside
FREE 09.30.14 Episode 152: William Sarill
It's My Friend, Philip K. Dick's World
Visit: paloaltoprize.com
Topics: Duck's Breath, Edge Science, Isaac Asimov, Precogs, 1968, Brown Wool Suit, Divine Invasion, Room 2374, Dark Haired Girl, James Joyce, The Matrix, CoQ10.
FREE 09.30.14
William Sarill (152)
It's My Friend, Philip K. Dick's World
K.W. Jeter (151)
Cats & Dogs
Tim Powers (150)
Philip K. Dick On Stranger Tides
Simon Critchley (149)
Bowie & Mother Goose
Mark Steensland (148)
Behind The Book Case
Misty Greer (147)
Synchromisty & The Magic Queendom
Mike Clelland (146)
Owls, UFOs & Synchronicity: The Hidden Experience
Michael Allen (145)
Project Ions
Rabbi Borukh Goldberg
Spilled Blood, A False God & Real Estate
John Maguire (144)
Lydia Netzer (143)
How To Tell Toledo From The Night Sky
Alena Graedon (142)
The Word Exchange
Patrick Harpur (141)
Daimonic Reality & The Philosophers' Secret Fire
Ezra Sandzer-Bell (140)
Tone Color Alchemy & Astromusik
The World Speed Project
Ryan Beitz with Bo G.
Sallie Ford (139)
Summer EP