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Douglas Bolles and William Morgan host a lively weekly conversation in which they naturally discuss "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" with the interesting authors, thinkers, syncers and philosophers of our day. The show has its genesis in a series of discussions regarding The Sync Book, of which, both hosts are authors. Subscribe on iTunes: |

City Slickers, Bill W, AA, Positive Thinking, Spirit Medium, Swedenborg, Psychiana, Mind, God, Mary Baker Eddy, Manly P... Crowleymas, Gods, Poetry, 93, Science, Love, Will, Synchronicity, Legend, Mystique, Art, Mountains, Golden Dawn, Follow... Science, Consciousness, Emergent Properties, Body Schema, Quantum Physics, Mystery, OBE, NDE, 237, Scientism, Use Your... Dark Horse, Christian Bale, Sextans, Bojack Horseman, Stars, Knight of Pentacles, Winter's Tale, Horus, Interstellar,... Sync Book, King James, Alex Jones, Crowley, 82, 17, 42, 59, Symbol Literacy, Conspiracy, Interstellar, Giants &... Money, Intention, Power, Race, The Toy, Flow, Current, Currency, Dam, Slavery, Jordan Maxwell, Bull, Bear, Monkey, Buy,... Phenomena, Freud & Fort, Hypnagogic, Book Of Wonders, Weird Stuff, Cults, New Age, TM, Olympia, Ego, Automatic... Post-Apocalyptic Writing, Hemingway & Conrad, Poetry, Adventure, Lost, Jim Wagner, Fishing, Flying, Super Flu, The... Truth, Beauty, Kennewick Man, Epistemology, Caucasians, Evolution, Adequate Design, Fools & Geniuses, Ben Franklin,... King Lear, Children Of The Corn, 2001, The Earthling, Twister, Contact, The Kick, Naomi Klein, The Fountain, Robin... Wilhelm Reich, Orgone, Where The Road Ends, Orgasm Box, DOR, UFO, LSD, Roswell & Kennedy, Route 66, Grassy Knoll,... 2012, Advertising, Marriage Story, New York, Emasculated, Unintentional Wrongs, Slow Resentment, Blurred Lines, Sex At... Zombie Jesus, Bruno Schulz, PKD, Is This Real Or Am I Crazy, Authors Of The Impossible, UFOs, Esalen, The Grotesque,... Blunt, Wu Tang, Repurpose, Hip Hop Culture, Phantomshino, Waking Life, Conspiracy, Detroit, Modular Origami, Christmas,... Sex & Politics, Valis, Victoria Nelson, Barbara Ehrenreich, Mystical Experience, Dean Radin, Book Of The Damned, Jung... Michael Jackson, Kevin Halcott, The Sync Whole, Les Twins, Beyoncé, Stonehenge, SXS, The Mask of God, Hip Hop,... Sync Summit, Olympia, The Tower, Lightning, Treasures, David Plate, Conspiracy, Illuminati!!!!!
11.12.14 Bonus 17: Andrew W. Griffin
Dopey Little Tykes, The Stalks
Visit: "Maize/maze" at reddirtreport.com
Topics: King Lear, Children Of The Corn, 2001, The Earthling, Twister, Contact, The Kick, Naomi Klein, The Fountain, Robin Williams, Dreams, 2037, Manifest Destiny, 1989.12.30.14
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