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sync quick news h2020:1
Hindsight 2020 | Episode 1 | 9/11 Spider-verse
2005-2006 Into the Spider-verse || Vanity Fair recognized the film Loose Change as "the first Internet blockbuster". Nearly 15 years later, this new documentary covers...
sync quick news 32
Lions Tigers n Bears
An insanely potent archetypal flare up lurches into the news all this month. See how it also mimics the same intense symbol set we tracked in 2011, from the rebirth of dead pigs and...
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Something's Afoot
Remember how I was saying the broken leg motif is really important right now?
sync quick news 30
RussiaGate highlights n context
Don't let the news cycle try to silence its own malfeasance on this. They tried to sell you a Cold War and DNC lies and they might have just handed Trump the story he'd need for...
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Osiris out of the Box
This 317 we're digging Osiris out of his grave and tearing down the walls ...