11.18.14 marty leeds 15:
Joe Alexander, The Heretic Foundation
This week\'s guests include from Apophenia Productions Joe Alexander and the musical guest is The Heretic Foundation.
go deeper down the rabbit hole
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Arun Joseph Ragan
Seasoned left-coast psychonaut Arun Joseph Ragan comes on the show to discuss his experience working with Western Ceremonial Magick and its connection to the correspondences cited in...
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Rihanna, Evil Stick & Comet Lander
More news than you can shake an evil stick at.
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David Mathisen (Part 2)
This is a continuation of the talk from Episode 14 with David Mathisen, author of the Undying Stars.
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David Mathisen, Whim
This week\'s guests include author of The Undying Stars David Mathisen and the musical guest is Portland, Oregon\'s Whim.
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Andras Jones
Episode 2 of the Astromusik Podcast features Andras Jones, founder of the Radio8Ball pop oracle. He is an author of the Sync Book Press community and another figure in the field...
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Misty Greer, Jonathan Talat Phillips
Fashion designer & synchromystic Misty Greer discusses ontology, epistemology, and the art of navigating the masquerade ball of contemporary culture.
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Space Oddities and Ashes to Ashes
Lots of news resonating with 2001 A Space Odyssey, but all our spaceships are falling out of the sky. Plus: The May Queen and Midterm Elections.
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Gemini Brett
Join us on one of our first known journeys through the synchromystical world of Astromusik. Recorded on the evening of October 31st 2014, this podcast begins with a look at the three...
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NASA, WTC Rainbow and Sirius 9/11
How many ways can you spell Prism? And how much is that Dog Star in the Window?
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Lenon Honor, The Space Between
This week\'s guests are author, lecturer and counselor Lenon Honor and the musical guest is the hip hop group The Space Between.
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Ebola, Kubrick and the Simpsons
Did you notice that all the news this week, from the Ebola scare to the Simpsons, resonated with Kubrick's Room 237?
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Laird Scranton, The Young Blood Brass Band
This week\'s guests include author of China\'s Cosmological Prehistory Laird Scranton and the musical guest is The Young Blood Brass Band.
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Andy Laub, D.L. Marble
This week\'s guests include documentarian Andy Laub of As It Happens TV and the musical guest is singer songwriter D. L. Marble.
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Hollie McNish, Otis Heat
This week\\'s guests include poet Hollie McNish and the musical guest is Otis Heat.
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A Spider in His Hand
Alan and Andras return from the Oly Sync Summit to a world on fire. ... Alan Abbadessa-Green delivers an open letter to Henrik Palmgren and Red Ice Creations. ... Alan has a...
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Gregory Sams, The Jimmys
This week\\'s guests include author of the State is Out of Date Gregory Sams, and the musical guest is the blues band The Jimmys.
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Prof. Jim Fetzer
Prof. Jim Fetzer returns to review the parameters of the Military Industrial Complex w/ FX n MX.
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What is Truth? Quid Est Veritas?
Part 1 & 2 of a spirited discussion with Prof. Jim Fetzer, Alan Green, and Andras Jones with FX n MX.