42 MINUTES # 392:
Spring Book Club
Grail Quest: Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival
What troubles you, Uncle? Or so we try to find for this our Spring installment of the Seasonal Book Club with Wolfram von Eschenbach's 12th Century masterpiece, Parzival as our guide. Drop the...
(with 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club)
Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring Book Club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 392.
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Randomizer is playing the file named 42minutes_10bonus.mp3A video game about magick and synchronicity from Sync Book!
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Plus, as part of the Little Ghost series, SYNC BOOK's very own fully illustrated 78-CARD TAROT DECK is now in development!
Spilled Blood, A False God & Real Estate is a graphic novel about the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian land. Written and illustrated by Rabbi Borukh Goldberg, it collects poetry examining the destructive effects this Occupation has had on the souls of everyone involved, occupiers as well as occupied. In stark, yet detailed, red, white & black illustrated pages, the corrosiveness of ethnic hatred is demonstrated. Some of the topics addressed concisely in this book are: -Operation Cast Lead against Gaza -Torture in Israeli prisons -Conflicted settlements in Hebron -Seizure of Palestinian orchards & farms on the West Bank The book calls for an end to the political misuse of religion and an end to military violence. Ultimately, although the current reality outlined by the pictures and words is bleak, a way forward --for those courageous enough to take it-- is suggested. Click here to BUY ON Amazon.com |
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