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Scroll down for selected videos from our authors and filmmakers

Additional sync book press videos can be found at

Joe Alexander

Joe Alexander on YouTube

Richard Arrowsmith

Richard Arrowsmith on Vimeo

jj draa

Kevin Halcott

Kevin Halcott on Vimeo

Jeremy (Violator)

Jeremy (Violator) on Vimeo and YouTube

Andras Jones

Andras Jones on YouTube and Vimeo

Jon Kidd

Jon Kidd on YouTube

Bill Klaus

Bill Klaus on Vimeo

Jake Kotze

Jake Kotze on Vimeo and YouTube

Marty Leeds

Marty Leeds on YouTube

Will Morgan

Will Morgan on YouTube

Nexus of Sync

Nexus on Vimeo

Scott Onstott

Scott Onstott on YouTube

David Plate (MK Ultrasound)

David Plate (MK Ultrasound) on Vimeo

Jim Sanders

Jim Sanders on Vimeo and YouTube

Ezra Sandzer-Bell

Ezra Sandzer-Bell on YouTube

Noah Sherrill

Noah Sherrill on Vimeo

Steve Willner

Steve Willner on YouTube