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A free-form open roundtable discussion. By approaching the subject of sync through conversations, instead of the more traditional radio format, we hope to encourage insights or 'ahas' to occur more readily, both in ourselves as well as in the listener. Through the casual interactive nature of Always Record, the listener is invited to be a part of the ongoing conversation.

05.17.12 Always Record 3 | Riders on the Storm w/

Jason Barrera

This episode: Dead Kennedys, 9/11, Isis/Osiris, Tarot, and Kubrick. The Riders on the Storm are Alan Abbadessa-Green, Dvd Plate, Bill Klaus, and Jason Barrera.

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06.21.12 EPISODE # 8:

We All Shine On

(with John Fell Ryan)

A very full house talk on The Shining with guests John Fell Ryan, Mark LeClair, and Tommy Fulks -- along with Always Record regulars Bill Klaus, Jason Barrera, David Plate, and Alan Green. . . .

06.07.12 EPISODE # 6:

Inside Out--Splitting the Atom Kadmon

Splitting the Atom and turning Adam Kadmon inside out. David Plate and Alan Green.

05.31.12 EPISODE # 5:

HEAD--The Monkees touch the Monomyth

The HEAD Episode: with Alan, David, Bill, Jason Barrera, & Mark LeClair.

05.25.12 EPISODE # 4:

VALIS & the Cosmic Cube

(with Mark LeClair)

Talking VALIS and the Cosmic Cube with Mark LeClair, the Wrong Way Wizard.

05.17.12 EPISODE # 3:

Riders on the Storm

(with Jason Barrera)

This episode: Dead Kennedys, 9/11, Isis/Osiris, Tarot, and Kubrick. The Riders on the Storm are Alan Abbadessa-Green, Dvd Plate, Bill Klaus, and Jason Barrera.

05.10.12 EPISODE # 2:

Doors Of Perception

In Episode 2 we start with an exploration of The Doors and Jim Morrison, then we travel into Mordor and face some shadows, then cover a wide spectrum of related and tangential subjects. Part 3 of...

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