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A free-form open roundtable discussion. By approaching the subject of sync through conversations, instead of the more traditional radio format, we hope to encourage insights or 'ahas' to occur more readily, both in ourselves as well as in the listener. Through the casual interactive nature of Always Record, the listener is invited to be a part of the ongoing conversation.

10.14.15 Always Record 134 | The Role of Thunder w/

Znore and Wally Scharold

"Holy Fucking Shit. Best conversation I've had in recent memory. Thanks for facilitating. Mind Blown." --Wally Scharold's text message to Alan Green less than 15 minutes after hanging up after a 3-plus hour talk with Znore. Topics include: The Wake; the Latinized Tetragrammaton is Teeth; finding Universal Truth in the sitcom Friends; the phonemes of oppression; Japanese fascination with non sequitor English; Canadian Conservative Politics; CAKE inducing mass Satanic chanting; Hidden Messages in Spam; Gnosis vs Dogma; McLuhan; Miyazaki; McKenna; Motives for Inventing the Printing Press; Ichtheleogy.

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10.14.15 EPISODE # 134:

The Role of Thunder

(with Znore and Wally Scharold)

"Holy Fucking Shit. Best conversation I've had in recent memory. Thanks for facilitating. Mind Blown." --Wally Scharold's text message to Alan Green less than 15 minutes after hanging up after a...

10.09.15 EPISODE # 133:

Venus in Furniture

Recorded the same night as AR132. After a break between calls, David and Alan return to their ongoing conversation.

10.05.15 EPISODE # 132:

We Should Talk

Wally Scharold and Alan Green talk about Sirius, Bob Dobbs, Mind Control, the power of quote-un-quote Love songs, and so much more. Then David Plate joins in the second hour to help us plug our...

09.23.15 EPISODE # 131:

Of Mice and Men

(with Bill Klaus and Jeremy ViolatoR)

After a one-month break, Always Record goes on an old-school marathon gab session with Bill Klaus and Jeremy "ViolatoR" Knight joining Alan Green and David Plate.

08.25.15 EPISODE # 130:

In His Image

We're always happy when Bill Klaus joins the conversation. Novel topics of inquiry include Gnosticism/Alchemy, the art/validity of brainwashing, the Twin Peaks-Terrence McKenna conjunction,...

08.09.15 EPISODE # 129:

Tragedy and Hope

A cathartic expression of emotion, grief and loss; friends saying things that needed to be said; the retraction of some things Alan didn't need to say to strangers; all balanced by the very...

07.31.15 EPISODE # 128:

The Wizard of AUS

(with Nicholas Ulbrick)

David, John, and Alan are joined this episode by generalist & researcher Nicholas Ulbrick from the Land Down Under where we take 39 Steps toward a deeper understanding of The Shining, historical...

07.21.15 EPISODE # 127:

Labyrinth of the Psychonaughty

(with Steve Willner)

Synchromystic & Reality Artist (Soundless Dawn and Labyrinth of the Psychonaut) Steve Willner joins the Always Record crew for a wide-ranging discussion in which we explore the flat-earth...

07.02.15 EPISODE # 125:

Surfing the Wasteland

(with Znore)

It's another 42Minutes/AlwaysRecord summer crossover as Alan Green and Doug Bolles continue their conversation with Znore from 42Minutes Episode 191.

06.30.15 EPISODE # 124:

The Signal and The Noise

(with Wally Scharold)

The versatility of words meets the limits of language when Wally Scharold and Alan Abbadessa-Green share an afternoon chat.

06.25.15 EPISODE # 123:

Traversing the Border

(with Thomas Joseph Brown)

Former director of Borderlands Research, Thomas Joseph Brown, joins us again on Always Record for a lively jaunt through the whacky and wonderful world(s) of occult science, esoteric philosophy,...

06.12.15 EPISODE # 122:

More Mad Men

Today's Always Record is a continuation of a conversation that began on 42 Minutes episode 188 (hosted by Douglas Bolles & Will Morgan) with a roundtable consisting of Jasun Horsley, Andras Jones,...

06.08.15 EPISODE # 121:


(with Dennis Koch)

Visual artist Dennis Koch joins John, David and Kevin to talk free energy, free minds and free expression. Part 1: Free Energy, Harold Aspden, PESN, Process Physics, Viktor Schauberger, Eric...

05.29.15 EPISODE # 120:

Living Language

(with Jason Barrera)

Synchromystic & Editor Jason Barrera joins Kevin, David, and John for a late-night trip into the underworld to discuss imagination, earth angels, and treasure-in-the-trash. Points of interest...

05.20.15 EPISODE # 119:

The Body

Highlights include: Spiritual-Materialism, Neo-Nazis, Awkward Erections, Reichian Character Armor, No-Thingness, Prometheus Rising, K-Pax & Blue Bird, Masonic Police Force, Lemuria & Alice Bailey,...

05.16.15 EPISODE # 118:

Steeping in a Jar

(with Wally Scharold)

The wonderful thing about working with Synchronistic Artists is that every brain storming session is filled with glorious tangents and revelations. Here's a call with Alan Green and Wally Scharold...

05.01.15 EPISODE # 117:

Mem Oh Random

Will Morgan joins the full Always Record crew of Alan, David, John and Kevin Halcott to discuss Secret Songs, Secret Red Doors and Secret Redheads. Lots on Robin Williams and some MadMen. Part2...

04.20.15 EPISODE # 116:


After our 420 Members Hangout, we reconnected with some of the folks who accidentally got locked out of the original call. An amazing conversation ensued. Participants include SJ Anderson, Wally...

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