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A free-form open roundtable discussion. By approaching the subject of sync through conversations, instead of the more traditional radio format, we hope to encourage insights or 'ahas' to occur more readily, both in ourselves as well as in the listener. Through the casual interactive nature of Always Record, the listener is invited to be a part of the ongoing conversation.

10.14.15 Always Record 134 | The Role of Thunder w/

Znore and Wally Scharold

"Holy Fucking Shit. Best conversation I've had in recent memory. Thanks for facilitating. Mind Blown." --Wally Scharold's text message to Alan Green less than 15 minutes after hanging up after a 3-plus hour talk with Znore. Topics include: The Wake; the Latinized Tetragrammaton is Teeth; finding Universal Truth in the sitcom Friends; the phonemes of oppression; Japanese fascination with non sequitor English; Canadian Conservative Politics; CAKE inducing mass Satanic chanting; Hidden Messages in Spam; Gnosis vs Dogma; McLuhan; Miyazaki; McKenna; Motives for Inventing the Printing Press; Ichtheleogy.

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03.09.16 EPISODE # 152:

Mind Games

(with Frank Zero)

Frank Zero joins John Maguire and Alan Green to talk about John Lilly, ECCO, and the VR nightmare of World on a Wire. Plus: Trauma-based mind control, robotic warfare, the human bio-computer,...

02.20.16 EPISODE # 151:

X Marks the Folded Space

The bizARro crew talks 11.22.63, the X-Files, and the 2016 election. Iowa Caucuses, Cliff High, Nickel Diner, 11.22.63, UFOlogy, The Phantom Toll Booth, Lost Highway, 153, Technology as time...

01.27.16 EPISODE # 150:

Choose Your Own Adventure

Alan once again asks about the future of Sync Book, this time towards the end of our members hangout call. Huge thanks to our members for being so cool and so inspirational.

01.24.16 EPISODE # 149:

Off the Scale of One to Ten

Alan and Andras check in on the 2016 Sync Summit Project, pose a question about the future of Sync Book Radio to the Pop Oracle and turn the dial all the way up to blue. Or maybe it's off the...

01.18.16 EPISODE # 148:

Sing The Body Electric

(with Kurt Hardesty)

The Bizarro AR crew is joined by guest Kurt Hardesty for a wide ranging discussion on biology, AI, and media. Topics Include: Star Wars, San Juan Islands, Speed Reading, Ohio, Manson,...

01.13.16 EPISODE # 147:

Show Your Work

(with Andras Jones and Will Morgan)

Take a look at the Lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show

12.31.15 EPISODE # 146:

A Space to Process

(with SJ Anderson)

Recorded the same night as our Winter Solstice SyncBook+PLUS Member Hangout and AR145, after everyone else had said goodnight, Alan wanted to say just one quick thing to SJ Anderson. "One quick...

12.26.15 EPISODE # 145:

Talking At The Same Time

(with Hannah, Jim, SJ, and Will)

The Winter Solstice SyncBook+PLUS Member Hangout seemed to be winding down after four hours, but Hannah Elizabeth Craven, Jim Kincaid, SJ Anderson, Will Morgan, and Alan Green decided to turn that...

12.23.15 EPISODE # 144:

Skin Deep

Audio production as a perception-based examination metaphor. Jainism prescribes a path of non-injury towards all living beings, but Robocop prescribes ruthless justice. Why does it hurt when I pee?

12.19.15 EPISODE # 143:

Two Frames is Too Much

There's a podcast in here somewhere.

12.13.15 EPISODE # 142:

Queen to Bishop three

(with BizARro Team)

The Bizarro Always Record team is back with a discussion on the Walter Bosley video detailing the synchronicities of the 1915 San Bernardino Working murders. They also delve into Jasun Horsley's...

12.06.15 EPISODE # 141:

Destroy All Monsters

John Maguire and Alan Green face an attack on shadow of Goliath proportions (probably could have used a David to face it). Anime, Zombies, Economics and Systematic Opression. Misty joins in later...

11.24.15 EPISODE # 140:

Return to Negativland

(with Mark Hosler)

This is a continuation of our conversation with Mark Hosler of the groundbreaking media activist musical group Negativland.

11.16.15 EPISODE # 139:

Figure 008

(with BizARro Team)

The Bizarro AR Team is back! Alex Fulton, Dennis Koch, and SJ Anderson discuss the recent James Bond film Spectre. Later, they delve into the life and strangeness surrounding the late singer...

11.10.15 EPISODE # 137:

Is A Bowman

(with Will Morgan)

Will Morgan joins David and Alan to talk about The Nightmare, sleep paralysis, the land of the dead, John Keel and the Mothman, Kelipot and the Tree of Death, the bridge to the other side, as well...

11.06.15 EPISODE # 136:

Before Completion

(with Andras Jones and Sylvie Sovina)

I-Ching, you-Ching. Radio8Ball's Andras Jones interviews Olympia artist Sylvie Sovina about her I-Ching inspired 8x8 Deck. In a long laughter filled conversation, sprinkled with copious deck...

10.31.15 EPISODE # 135:


(with BizARro Team)

On Halloween, when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, a podcast slips through from the other side. Listen to an Always Record hosted by Dennis Koch, Alex Fulton and SJ Anderson, and...

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