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A free-form open roundtable discussion. By approaching the subject of sync through conversations, instead of the more traditional radio format, we hope to encourage insights or 'ahas' to occur more readily, both in ourselves as well as in the listener. Through the casual interactive nature of Always Record, the listener is invited to be a part of the ongoing conversation.

05.06.19 Always Record 189 | Brazil

AR Film Symposium

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04.11.20 EPISODE # 208:

April 11th Working

The global meditation/ritual working with Mark Golding, Wally Scharold, Jeremie JJ Draa, Guillaume Samard, Joe Alexander, SJ Anderson, Znore, Douglas Bolles, Hannah Craven, Dennis Koch, Bill...

04.06.20 EPISODE # 207:

The Scenario Framework

(with Znore, SJ, Doug, Alan)

No business, All chit chat.

04.05.20 EPISODE # 206:

Chart Reading

(with 411 Planning Session)

A planning session, not a conversation. Only listen to this if you're looking to be involved in the 411 working and want the meeting notes.

04.04.20 EPISODE # 205:

Down Under Check Up

(with Nick Ulbrick)

These quarantine sessions continue with a check up from our friend Nick Ulbrick.

03.30.20 EPISODE # 203:

Ripple Effect

(with 11 Guests)

Wally, JJ, Guillaume, Joe, SJ, Znore, Doug, Dennis, Bill, Alan, and Jordan check back in, not only on how their worlds and cities are evolving in Corona-era madness, but also to further discuss a...

03.27.20 EPISODE # 202:

House Of Leaves Part II

(with 42 Minutes Book Club)

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Winter Book Club discussing House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. Always Record is the second portion of the...

03.22.20 EPISODE # 201:

Event 201

(with 7 guests)

A global pandemic calls for a global Always Record roundtable with Wally (London), Guillaume (France), Joe (Israel), S.J. (Country of Georgia), Znore (Japan), Doug (Western US), and Alan (Eastern US).

03.19.20 EPISODE # 200:


(with David and Alan)

Recorded at the start of quarantine and yet we manage to barely talk about Corona virus.

02.06.20 EPISODE # 199:

Early Spring

(with znore and wally)

Wally, Znore, and Alan play catch-up. Topics include: Language and Media, Psychedelics and Literature, Corona Virus and Conspiracies.

12.02.19 EPISODE # 198:

Underworld Part II

(with 42 Minutes Book Club)

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Fall Book Club discussing Underworld by Don DeLillo. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation,...

11.28.19 EPISODE # 197:

Gang Haunting

(with Jordan Bartee, Alan Waller)

Jordan and Alan circumambulate eternally around war, witches and wd-40

10.31.19 EPISODE # 196:

Halloween Special 2019

(with Jordan Bartee, Alan Waller)

Alan and Jordan go trick or treating

09.22.19 EPISODE # 195:

The Cutting

(with Jordan Bartee, Alan Waller)

Alan and Jordan discuss the art of editing as regards movies, alchemy and life.

09.17.19 EPISODE # 194:

The Overstory Part II

(with 42 Minutes Book Club)

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Summer Book Club discussing The Overstory by Richard Powers. Always Record is the second portion of the...

08.22.19 EPISODE # 193:

Smiling With You Or At You

(with Jordan Bartee, Alan Waller and Alan Abbadessa)

Alan Waller and Jordan Bartee chat with Alan Abbadessa for the first time ever. Are all syncs to be shared? Are all syncs to be trusted?

07.24.19 EPISODE # 192:

Screen Memoriam

(with Jordan Bartee and Alan Waller)

Jordan Bartee, a mutated video vagrant from dimension 11, and Alan Waller, a big gnome, stumble into AR to discuss precognition, ghost magic and vaporwave.

07.22.19 EPISODE # 191:

Don Quixote The Second Part Of The Second Part

(with 42 Minutes Book Club)

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring Book Club discussing Don Quixote Part II by Cervantes. Always Record is the second portion of the...

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