Sync Book authors on Mike Clelland's Hidden Experience

04.16.2013 Trish and Rob MacGregor on Hidden Experience
The book Aliens in the Backyard has the word synchronicity right on it's cover. The overall abduction phenomenon might seem to have a defined set of boundaries, those crumble when you examine it more closely. Then you realize it's a lot more mysterious than just little scientists coming to visit us on metal spaceships.
Trish and Rob have written a book that looks at some of the more bizarre aspects of the overall lore surrounding UFOs. Their examination of the phenomenon includes divergent topics like synchronicity, psychic experiences, the occult, planetary empaths and the military aspects. They are both professional writers and their skill shows through in the well written book. It is also a personal journey where the authors play a role, so it reads like a first person detective story.
01.05.2013 Freeman on Hidden Experience
Don't ask me why, but people who clim first hand UFO contact experience also tend to be absorbed in conspiracy research. Nobody fits that better than Freeman. I've been following this guy off and on for years and part of me is mystified and the other part is fascinated.
Freeman (a pseudonym) has a pretty impressive web presence. He has an audio podcast series as well as a huge load of videos. As I prepped for this interview I got absorbed in both. I've included two videos below, and remember, these were created by someone who's had direct contact with UFOs.
03.25.2012 Jason Horsley/Aeolus Kephas on Hidden Experience
Jason Horsley is a writer, scholar, former podcaster and misadventurer. You might know him by his pseudonym Aeolus Kephas, or Jason Kephas, or just Jake. Who and what he might be is difficult to pin down. He wrote a book that I very much liked titled THE LUCID VIEW. And he wrote another that I've yet to read, but I suspect will be right up my alley titled THE SECRET LIFE OF MOVIES.
He hosted a podcast series known lovingly as STORMY WEATHER. I return to this amazing series again and again and I am continually struck by the depth of Jason’s thinking and bold ideas.
I do my best to keep up with Jason's mind, and hopefully there is plenty to chew on in this interview. We also talk about God, UFO abductions, unconscious filters, Jesus, Dr. Steven Greer, the ego and the metaphoric map.
12.03.2011 Alan Abbadessa-Green on Hidden Experience
Alan just published a book on a subject dear to my heart, synchronicity. He played the role of editor and collected 26 essays on the subject and compiled them under the title The Sync Book. We’ve both been at the receiving end of a lot of profound synchro-weirdness, making this a very lively, ultimately beautiful conversation. During the podcast Alan shares a personal experience that transcends mere synchronicty, and feels more like direct contact with a mystical overlord. This ethereal presence claims to be communicating from Sirius! This is the kind of thing that gets my attention. Topics discussed include: The 9-11 mega-ritual, Jake Kotze, UFO’s, the contact experience, spiritual journeys, lottery tickets, 2001: A SPACE ODDESY, Charlton Heston in PLANET OF THE APES, Jared Lee Loughner and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, owls, communications from Sirius, direct gnosis, The Secret Sun, Steve Willner, David Bowman, David Bowie, stuffy academics, blogging and Osiris.
07.28.2011 Trish and Rob MacGregor on Hidden Experience
Synchronicity is an an elusive subject, but it's been the focus of the last three books written together by the husband and wife team of Trish and Rob MacGregor. They've also created a website with a daily posting about synchronicity called Synchro Secrets. The main focus of this interview is their book "The 7 Secrets to Synchronicity."
During this recorded interview we take turns sharing a slew of stories - and all of 'em are synchro-weird! We spend a lot to time on how synchronicty and UFO's are somehow intertwined with each other.
11.27.2010 Jake Kotze on Hidden Experience
I love the term Synchromysticism, it was coined by the young enigmatic film-maker Jake Kotze. From his home in Winnipeg Manitoba, he has creating a series of delightful videos that attempt to define an elusive force that is welling up all around us.
Pop culture is easily dismissed as trite and vapid, and it can be dismissed by those searching for deep metaphysical answers. But hidden within the soup of our mundane movies and TV shows is a path to the divine.
We dig deep into psychedelics, interacting with aliens, crop-circles and transformative experiences all interwoven with synchronicities.
where is the mountain/cliff at? it seems i’ve drempt of it