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42 Minutes | |
05.19.15 Episode 185: Dennis Koch The World Is A Square Toroid Today is a bit of a Catch 22xTwo, that is, a double fantasy times a double paradox. Doug & Will share 42 minutes with visual [sync] artist, Dennis Koch who draws inspiration from Always Record & Mark LeClair. Topics: Talitha Wall, Lyme Disease, LA, Gagosian Gallery, Biking, PKD, Tragedy, Valis, Marko Rodin, Raiders, Tom Campbell, Truth, Eric Dollard, Canard, David Plate. Loading the player... | |
FREE 12.12.12 Moon In The Green Room Mark LeClair, Maya Alexis, & Jason Barrera in the [Alan] Green Room Loading the player... | |
12.04.12 Episode 60: Mark LeClair Moon In The Middle Visit: (Chapter 13 of The Sync Book Vol. 2) Loading the player... | |
05.15.12 Episode 32: Mark LeClair The Wrong Way Wizard Visit: Visit Loading the player... | |
Always Record | |
02.20.16 Always Record 151 | X Marks the Folded SpaceThe bizARro crew talks 11.22.63, the X-Files, and the 2016 election. Iowa Caucuses, Cliff High, Nickel Diner, 11.22.63, UFOlogy, The Phantom Toll Booth, Lost Highway, 153, Technology as time travel, Andrew Basiago, JFK conspiracy culture, Appropriating conspiracy culture, Palo Alto, TV as tool for altering timelines, Cryptokubrology, 1999, Digital filmmaking, Coltrane in Vanilla Sky, Healing trauma through changing perception of the past, Hail Caesar!, Capturing light, Shakespeare cipher, PKD, Post 9/11 unreality, Return of Jesus as the photograph, Happy Birthday Mark LeClair!, JFK and JFK Jr are still alive theory, 35, Kanye West, Mark Zuckerberg, Barry Lyndon, 153, Chris Cooper, Edge of Tomorrow, Petter Amundsen, Rosicrucianism, Hitcher’s Guide to the Galaxy, Oak Island, Khafre Pyramid, 12.369 full moons in a year, MK Ultra, Installing collective realities, Medical experimentation, Chris Cooper, Al, 1947, David Bowie, Crowley, Roswell, National Security Act, Agent Carter, Chris Carter, Al from Quantum Leap, Agent Cooper in Twin Peaks, Ziggy Stardust, Starman, Fire Walk With Me, Wizard of OZ, King Kill, SK, Tommy Wiseau, The Room, Changing the future through writing, Jodorowsky, Pinchbeck, Channeling, Julian Jaynes, X Files, William, Secret Space Program Conference, The Lone Gunman, Promis Software, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, TV ad revenue, 2016, Dubai Tower, David Bowie, British Fascist Union, Thin White Duke, 9/11 vortex, Bernie Sanders, Not feeling the Bern, Ron Paul, Hillary Clinton’s Yellow Cube, Ben Fulford, Yellow card man in 11.22.63, The Fool, Daath, Kevin J. O’Conner, Stanley Kubrick’s life midpoint 11/15/1963, The Black Dahlia, John Huston, Walter Bosley, Charles Dellschau, Space travel as holographic projection, Phoenix Lights Referenced Links | |
06.08.15 Always Record 121 | Implosionarium w/Dennis KochVisual artist Dennis Koch joins John, David and Kevin to talk free energy, free minds and free expression. Part 1: Free Energy, Harold Aspden, PESN, Process Physics, Viktor Schauberger, Eric Dollard, Charles Dellschau, John Searle, Scalar Waves, Tom Bearden, Ralph Ring & Otto Carr, Pyramids & Wardenclyffe Tower, Ken Shoulders, Electron Clusters & Ball Lightning, LHC, Cold Fusion & Alchemy, Vortex Math & Marco Rodin, Enneagram, Occultism & California, Walter Russell, Vacuum Polarization & Consciousness, Wild West, Implosion, Mark LeClair, Nazi Bell & Joseph Farrell, Crystalline Mucus, Velokofsky & Catastrophe Theory Part 2: Cosmic Imprints, Astrology & Astronomy, Nervous Systems & Linearity, Carl Sagan, Bohm’s Quantum Potential, Electromagnetic Pollution & Devolution, Methernitha Testatika, Hook, Any Color You Like, Prismatic Alphabet, Mad Men, Batman, Atlas & Axis, Superman & Zarathustra, Beatles/Kubrick/Lord of the Rings, Facebook Rejection, Larry David & Swan Killing, 9/11 & Engineered Weather, David’s Videos, Sandy Hook & Aurora, Nathan Crowley, Protest & Police State, Art & Motives, Memory & Trauma, Blue Velvet/Yellow Submarine, Body Degradation | |
11.22.14 Always Record 103 | Kubrickon w/Jasun Horsley and Mark LeClairHigh alchemy! We bring together JaSun Horsley and Mark Moon in the middle LeClair. "One way or another, Kubrick films generate obsession. As Room 237 amply illustrates, they act like Rorschach blots that receive viewers' projections and reflect their fantasies back at them. My view is that they are able to do this because, like Rorschach blots, they are empty of meaning. Kubrick films are enticing to intellects because they are like puzzles, games. They demand participation. The viewer must put his or her soul (psyche) into the movies because Kubrick has left his own out. What makes Kubrick’s films fascinating is that they create cognitive dissonance. The skill and the precision of the lighting, set design, camerawork, and composition is juxtaposed with the barrenness of human emotion and of dramatic coherence, the often unnatural acting and stilted dialogue, and the fragmented and oddly lackluster storytelling. The mechanics of melodrama have broken down. There is no center to hold. This mysteriously missing center—the incoherence of Kubrick’s films—creates fascination in many viewers (especially the more intellectual ones) and a burning desire to somehow find that missing center, to crack the code and relieve the tension of not-knowing." From Kubrickon: Stanley Kubrick & the Architecture of Immersion, a work-in-progress by Jasun Horsley, due in 2015 Referenced Links | |
09.25.14 Always Record 96 | Peer Down Below w/Mark LeClair and ZnoreIn Part One, Mark LeClair joins David to talk about: Firey syncs around The Visitor/Visitors (, "One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces", David's video "A Dream Story for Mark LeClair" (, Anality in Freudian Psychology, and the struggle with the abyss. Znore from joins in Part Two where the conversation turns Oedipal. The definition of "Matrix" is "Womb". Lots of Greek Mythology. Plus, psychedelic nightmares. In Part Four, Znore and David talk about Jodorowsky. This conversation was recorded on August 18th 2014. Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Referenced Links | |
06.12.14 Always Record 90 | Time after Time w/Mark LeClair and Joe AlexanderLyin' in my bed I hear the clock tick, And think of you, Caught up in circles confusion, Is nothing new, Flashback warm nights, Almost left behind, Suitcase of memories, Time after, Sometimes you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead, You're calling to me I can't hear, What you've said, Then you say go slow, I fall behind, The second hand unwinds. | |
05.08.14 Always Record 86 | The Tensor w/Mark LeClair and Alex Fultonten·sor ˈtensər,ˈtenˌsôr a mathematical object analogous to but more general than a vector, represented by an array of components that are functions of the coordinates of a space. Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Referenced Links | |
08.07.13 Always Record 59 | HAL is Other People w/Mark LeClairMark LeClair joins Alan and David for a 2001: A Space Odyssey long-haul. . . . Hello Hell, can you hear me? . . . Smile, you're in the camera (Moon in the Middle, Mirror in the Meddle) . . . Sympathetic Schizophrenia (HAL is other people) . . . and Logik (with a "k") Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Referenced Links | |
03.14.13 Always Record 41 | Clockwork Kubrick w/Andras, LeClair and JFRAndras Jones (Accidental Initiations), Mark LeClair (WrongWayWizard) and John Fell Ryan (KDK12 and Room 237) join us to talk about this bizarre syncy history of Kubrick: Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Referenced Links | |
01.24.13 Always Record 35 | Mirror Ball w/Mark LeClairDavid, Bill and guest Mark LeClair discuss hellishly intense introspective nightmares, duality/polarity, healing/curing, The Master, and the Indigo Boys. Mark's Mirror Ball chapter, "Moon in the Middle," available in The Sync Book Vol.2 Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Referenced Links | |
11.08.12 Always Record 24 | The Entertainers w/John Fell RyanTry and get a word in when the room is this full...a lot of ideas, factoids, dreams and tales from the worlds of Disney, Kubrick, and, well, what else is there? John Fell Ryan and Mark LeClair join in on the fun. Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Referenced Links | |
07.19.12 Always Record 12 | The Big C w/Mark LeClairA couple of C students try to explain what all the g-d fuss is about w/ William Klaus and Mark LeClair ( "Ah! Well the thing about magic that appeals to me is its difference to religion. The two words are very different. Religion is from the Greek or Latin root religari, which is the same root as ligamenta and ligature, and so it means bound together in one space. Now that always feels a bit unnatural to me. It seems very unlikely that any two human beings on the face of the planet would believe, be bound together, in exactly the same thing. So, alright, magic is a language but perhaps a better analogy is to say: Each religion is a language, and magic is linguistics. In the sense that, if you are a linguist, there's no such thing as a false language. It's not like, Oh yeah French is real, but Russian is not a real language.So if you're a magician, you have to accept ALL of those religions as being, they're all true languages! So, you get a different array of concepts, a different worldview in each of the religions. To some degree I take the quantum position that ALL of them are right, in a sense. In order to see truth, you have to consider a lot of different possible positions and hold them all to be true in some mysterious way. Magic, in this sense, is moving between those different positions, studying them, seeing what information there is to be gleaned from each of them, seeing how they connect up. How, for example, a story in the New Testament of the Bible seems to connect up with an ancient Egyptian legend from the Parari Anu. And how this in turn relates to one of the Tarot cards. Which gives it a certain position on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah. And you follow through these chains of ideas. You do that long enough, you start to get a different set of synaptic connections in your brain, different pathways. And you start to see things in a different way. You start to put things together differently."--Alan Moore Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... | |
06.21.12 Always Record 8 | We All Shine On w/John Fell RyanA very full house talk on The Shining with guests John Fell Ryan, Mark LeClair, and Tommy Fulks -- along with Always Record regulars Bill Klaus, Jason Barrera, David Plate, and Alan Green. . . . Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Referenced Links | |
05.31.12 Always Record 5 | HEAD--The Monkees touch the MonomythThe HEAD Episode: with Alan, David, Bill, Jason Barrera, & Mark LeClair. Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... Referenced Links | |
05.25.12 Always Record 4 | VALIS & the Cosmic Cube w/Mark LeClairTalking VALIS and the Cosmic Cube with Mark LeClair, the Wrong Way Wizard. Loading the player... Loading the player... Loading the player... |