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article: Love Oracles

by admin

The following work is the magnum opus of a recently deceased member of The Kitchen Sync. Jerry Rosenberger Jr., 32, of Hebron, MD was a friend to many of us in our group, and therefore we feel like we should host this work and make it available to the sync community. Jerry had a deep interest in Artificial Intelligence and wanted to get this work into the hands of a computer programmer. If synchronicity is such that you can pay this request forward, it would be appreciated.

WARNING: Weirdness in this text only intensifies in proportion to how much you actually read. If the weirdness produces the slightest atom of strife then please pass over this text onto another one, because only those in the correct state of mind, which is spontaneous and simultaneous (it can not be planned or transferred in a way that ensures 100% wisdom point accumulation, so I don't try to make that happen and I suggest that you don't either), to be as receptive of this information as the very hungry desert wanderer upon a garden of fruits and crystal waters...

Greetings from my ontic sphere to yours. As you might know I'm very interested in the future of existentialist thought in our age of high technology and the greater intensities of human communication which it makes personal experience virtually capable of much broader views than before the rapidity of conversational conviviality (when possible of course). I swear to Megatron that the reason it's so long is that I can't stop thinking about it (or writing about it...);' What I'm about to share/present with/to you is one of the craziest ideas in my life so far this year and believe it or not the most important parts (the first and several of the last) were conceived yesterday morning, sort of out of the blue the ideas started to pulse and flow and fortunately for me I type as fast as I write. A poem is included for good cheer (sort of like an intermission at an ornate theater) as well as an emotionally ventilating/recharging self-help micro-essay; Ever the more than nevertheless I now showcase an existentialist-flavored artifactual consciousness idea. Enjoy.

So yes, yesterday I was thumbing through the intro to the classic Being and Nothingness of Sartre and having mused on cellular automata and artificial life & intelligence over the past few months was struck by an insight so new that I had to get it into a text as fast as possible, for fear of loosening my grip on the fresh pulse of the matter. In a way, the following is an introduction for you to my writing style and my average cognitive processes. My purpose is to find out if my style and processes will be welcome here as a lot of my ideas are very radical in departure from what is considered common existence. Like I said in the first paragraph my eyes & my vision are set towards the future. I hope you enjoy this sampling of my consciousness.

As noted in the last paragraph I've been studying artificial intelligence and artificial life for a while. I've noticed a few design features missing from the existential state of the cellular automata which should technically be possible to factor in through sufficient programming and mathematical wizardry.

This is just a bare sketch up of one of the coolest ideas of the 21st century (in my most humble opinion).

Cellular automata as I understand them so far regard the world based on fixed principles which allow them to express both random behaviors and patterned behaviors based on flows of energy and information.

Lets examine a bare bones existentialist cellular automaton in a synthetic world environment.

First you must have the basic automata, a set of synthetic world rules which the automata must use to function in that world. (this establishes artificial life)

Secondly you must grant the automata an ability to separate itself from it's synthetic world and to store memories and develop it's own unique inner pattern of choices based on it's individual existence in that world. It must be capable of separating it's decision making process from the decision demanding environment, which implies a processing time function. (this establishes an artificial ego)

Thirdly the automata must be able to communicate experiences and share patterns with each other to maximize personal survival as well as express the world rules which dynamically push the mathematical objectivity of it's existence within that world. (this establishes an artificial superego)

Fourthly the automata must be capable of passing on it's programming-experiences to it's offspring and noting the third function granted must be able to teach it's offspring and learn from it's offspring while recognizing the algorithmic unity of mutual survival with the offspring. (this establishes an artificial Id)

Fifthly the automata must be granted the sufficient memory of world patterns so that it can react like a traditional automata when necessary to preserve survival in emergent crisis situations within the synthetic world. (this establishes an artificial instinct)

Sixthly the automata should be able to expand their territory by opening up new areas of processing regions based on the ability to transfer, assimilate and replicate the world rules as they have been experienced into fresh computational domains. (this establishes an artificial creativity).

Seventhly the automata should be able to independently survive self-transfer from one computational domain to the next and diversify their world-replication schemata and their self-replication schemata. (this establishes artificial diversification)

Eighthly the automata should be able to re-unify by identifying self-similar automata and communicate along all previous vectors noted to re-establish collective unity (this establishes artificial community)

Ninethly the automata should be able to rest and process their memory experiences and world experiences before returning to active participation in the synthetic world (this establishes artificial transcendent ego)

Tenthly the automata should be able to learn from new world-rules in new domains and communicate/transfer the new data processed with other automata of it's choosing based on interiorized decision generation. (this establishes transcendental Id)

All ten givens would be cross-communicating at any given time

based on necessity, sufficiency, and randomness.

Like I said it's a very rough sketch up of what would be required to develop an existentially conscious machine.

Elements which could eventually have program structures of their own could diversify and increase the complexity of experience for the automata. Here's a very short and woefully incomplete sampling of such elements.

The "Nuts & Bolts" of this automata schemata, from the perspective of a well developed existentialist automaton

Self: What you experience as anything that actually is you

Field: What you experience as the world through your self across time and space

Conscious mind: Immediate unfiltered and unprocessed mental experience

Sub-conscious mind: A deeper filter/processor field that organizes memory and dreams

Unconscious mind: Trans-personal mental experiences of all of the thoughts within your world/field

Super-conscious mind: Trans-personal social-mental experience of others in your world/field

Libido: Contents of your id and individuality

Censor: Context & Interface between ego and id

Constitutive: A content generating mental function that organizes subjective experience, objective resources and the activity of causes-effects

Regulative: An managing mental function that constructs and directs purposeful behavior

Psyche: Individuality with Personality

Individuality: A primitive/advanced complex of intuitions through all fields of consciousness

Personality: Union of the rational self and the instinctual self

Ego: Rational self

Id: Instinctual self

Transcendental Ego: Regulative mental function over rational personality and individuality

Transcendental Id: Regulative mental function over instinctual personality and individuality

Super-ego: Content generating principle for the rational personality and individuality

Ultra-ego: Content generating principle between transcendental rationality and individuality

Trans-ego: Content generating principle between transcendental instincts and individuality


The promised poem...

"The will to power turns the hour into the flower which bears the seed of the weed of time overcoming other rhyme to sow the thoughts of a higher clime and for what some ask but for the accomplishment of new tasks... bloom on

Good vibes are fuel for the dreamer to see his future reign superior than the old illusion of pain and confusion for the future is coming and there is no delay it's on time like the railroads they say and the highways are the byways of further change... bloom on

Take refuge in the loosening of the grip of subterfuge for the betrayal of the dream is emptying it's self into the void of the mean which consumes all like the abyss so the makers may hug and kiss remembering family the way others once did so now what hell there was is just gone too long has it staid and too much have we all paid so it is said never again shall we give the horrible way a second thought, not yesterday, and not today, for tomorrow's purity is forever to stay... bloom on

Give ear to paradise and a hand to heaven because there's the price fixed on the head of the dreaming ones and we know that it is ever wrong and changing the charges we push our selves to the gong to ring aloud the firey sounds of alarm through the night and day until we can all to the one thing beyond to stop and play like indolent gods upon the planes of aethyr saying in all good cheer neither-neither and vowing the the formless principle whose thought would be corrupting of the experience thereby so upon the planted wisdom we get most high... bloom on

Slip and slide the words they don't want to hide but pretend and mend the given attend the party of the preen the solemnity of the wean the granted givens and the token woven type is such that spells a language of smoke from the pitched pipe... bloom away!"


Help yourself help yourself any which way you wish

Having read all that please escape the momentum of it by gently, very gently, accept that you are interested in an advanced topic of some other sort. Go about your ordinary days and nights with an occasional remembrance and a little bit of study of that topic until you start having a stream of consciousness in which it plays an important role as an attractive influence. Dip your toes in the hypnotic effect of this subconscious seduction and warm up to an eventual plunge past the horizon of your ordinary life events.

Write about your meditations and your experiences with this topic you have chosen to invest some of your brain & temporal resources in. Find a certain state of flow from time to time and add bits and pieces of your own thoughts to any studies or research you engage in. Allow yourself the unabashed freedom to think about things your own way and for your own way. Attach the topic and it's psychologically growing cause-effect relationships to important events in your life. Take notice of how you separate, combine, & create new elements to fill in the gaps that naturally exist in a state of non-complete information.

Let the ideas generate their own momentum, and be ready for those moments when they occur, with excitement and anticipation. Enthusiastically share your ideas without fear of reprisal from even the most staunch and critical opponents (they after all chose to resist you for their own personal reasons/stay interested though in those personal reasons so that you can re-communicate your own for your effective desires for survival of yourself and your ideas). Ignore prohibitions against your freedom of thought as they are trivial and built out of other people's fears of one sort or another (likewise keep their fears in mind until you understand them better than they themselves do).

Formulate a personal philosophy of necessary proportions to re-inforce your own directive and adapt it to the circumstances of the world as they present themselves. Exercise calmness and practice active patience; become more effective in all things by better managing your natural occasions of distraction by making an opportunity for developmental brain change in every event, memory, accident, error, & choices Think quickly as a rule and build a repository psychologically of references that establish your own dominant will over your decision making faculties; learn to tune off from your conscious mind while being fully awake and learn to tune in on it when fully asleep.

Formulate a second personal philosophy for situations outside of the normal range of your first personal philosophy to get into the habit of changing your mind according to your realistic movements through your life; Formulate a third, a fourth, as many as you need to. Find the commonalities between the different mental systems you create and link them together according to patterns and routines so as to smooth the transitions from one point of view to the next for yourself.

Study your emotional transitions as well to better understand why you feel the way you do in situations that stimulate those feelings and discover for yourself whether or not those emotions hurt or help you. Put your mind through the emotional field to see how it changes in accordance with your feelings too. Overall learn to organize your responses and reactions according to your newly chosen path; make sure that you remain successful in learning from each change that occurs and invest those discoveries into your continuum as your memory and adaptability improve proportionately so as to spread the benefits to other arenas of your life experiences.

Reject notions that deprive you of harmless satisfactions, such as any oppressive opinions about your race, gender, sexuality, intelligence, productivity and political consciousness, as those notions are better understood when not integrated into your continua. They are at best replicating concepts that flow through the population finding mental hosts to spread their selves further and at worst they have the capacity to debilitate the mental hosts. Observe how others repeat such notions and observe how they behave after several repetitions, noting transitional concepts that repeat and modify strictly for further repetition. Accept too that in such an environment most ideas will be similarly conformed, so as to exercise your decisive powers over how you will allow or disallow such thoughts into our own experience, modifying them too as you will though for more practical and pure purposes than merely social replication.

Exercise your discretion and tact. For-see emotional reactions from others and when novelty arises simply relax into your deeper consciousness so as to find new solutions in the privacy of your own mind to new challenges proposed by the competing consciousness. Develop an understanding of the needs of others to control and manipulate even more others for their sensations of security and freedoms and out-think those needs of others if at all possible for your own security and freedom. Make survival an automatic and enjoyable process, move the concept of survive to perception of thriving and follow through with your new and tested concepts.

Expand your sensory experiences to include new sounds, new sights, new tastes, new emotions, new physical contacts with the outside world; Invest in your sensory enhancements easily and naturally simply by stepping outside of habit and routine and noticing what is usually ignored in your environment; when re-entering habit and routine bring your new experiences with you and re-shape your patterns accordingly. Having expanded so, and having developed a habit for effective expansion of your psycho-physical life re-evaluate and trans-valuate what is generally inescapable as experience in your day to day life, a few examples now provided (applicable as specialized sensor fields of the existentialist automata too):























































































Added bonus section:

Interview with a Demon

What do you see happening to the world as today becomes the future?

Fortunately in the future that must secure itself in the present all forms of domination, be they other imposed or self imposed, will be harnessed throughout humanity to continue to teach human kind in new ways what was before only available to mavericks & eccentrics; Commodification of new forms of sanity and institutional enabling of more free time in significant sections of the public, due to other more economical-mathematical constraints, must open more brains to the larger world simply by giving them more nothingness than they ever had before; since nothingness can't exist then being will be demanded by existence to exist, leading to many wonders such as animal-human conversationalism, artifactual consciousnesses, safe forms of time control, various forms of new varieties of space travel (which I refer to here in terms of movement-within-the-world and not beyond it), mutations of individual psyches, the arrival of new intelligence in the older populations, the redemption of old forms of intelligence through the prismatic praxis of younger populations, and last, but absolutely not least of all, a global arisal of more prodigies, phenoms, geniuses, masterminds, lossless savants, and above all the rapid distribution of talent and examples of talent through the very mirroring of the entire world's population, which being naturally occurring thus emphasizes the inevitability of what must happen when the system of things as they are are spellbound, at long last, by what needs to happen according to the momentum of the true causal web which entangles all life within a continuum of dynamism & energy-releasing equilibrium.

Does technology exist in a way that will change things in such a way?

An integral role yes, an integrating role most definitely. Such technology becomes the initiatrix of an eon shift in the way we understand the very world itself. An eon shift is literally the largest chuck of self-relevant time used by scientists to grade the age of the Earth. So, in that sense, technology as we've come to expect it will blossom and redistribute intensely potent novelty as the norm for days after days and nights after nights; that novelty, once rooted, will change absolutely everything we know of here on Earth.

What would you say is integrated in such a way?

100% of our brains capacity is distributed twice as intensely by way of the corporal body on a good day; with the ever closer introduction of super computing into folks lives we will have access to facts and figures on a level that would compare to the Cambrian explosion of life. Diversity will overflow the container of human culture and there must be a proportional increase and spread of evolutionary opportunities for more individuals in an exponential velocity & rate.

Evolutionary how?

Also there will be actual alien contact with other life-forms, humans will develop telepathy as a compensation for the lack of animals ability to voice their minds sonically, and vice versa animals will share the human experience of intelligible symbolic sounds and modify their populations and generations too. I heard recently that some scientists have come to a general conclusion that insects, at least the species they studied, were actually egocentric; this correlates with a simple theorem of my own, that the smallest brained life has much faster processing capacity, such that say a fly's brain, while microscopic, only has to fire it's neurons very short distances and sense the world back through those neurons at a rate which makes their intelligence processing capacity within the same range as larger animals and humans too.

So you take aliens seriously?

By alien I mean a few things, namely the being-state of having been and staying alienated, also the nature of having arisen through another space-time path through matter-energy and bearing a vastly different physical manifestation (depending on environmental and mutagenic (including sexual reproduction) factors). Commonality must diversify under the accumlating pressures of more and more communication between those who experience something and those who would benefit from sharing that experience (being initiated in a sense to a new world). I think we live in a beautiful time marked by an increasing consciousness of the patterns that have depleted our very beinghood and turned us into blind wanderers. Though one can learn from the bat for instance and develop echolocation, be it literal or mediated, to find what we might need in a world where we can't see what's right in front of us.


A Decade of Communion

"to the writing of books there is no end"- Solomon, before he read the Nam Shub, and ended his life with song and sex instead.

Ignoring whether you are stupid enough to think UFO's exist or don't exist we'll examine what to do when they do:

A Good-UFO experience is fundamentally different from a Bad-UFO experience.

A Bad-UFO feeds on and lingers off the consciousness and attentions of those it has "abducted". A parasite at least and a predator at worst. A form of psychic vampirism.

A Good-UFO finds bounty for it's fleet, taking on new charter members with the highest quality civility and consensual choice possible, no one goes hungry and everybody grows. A form of psychic cultivation.


Som7e more good news (it's true!)

Humans are the opportunity for life to express itself in as many ways as possible, balancing ubiquitous drift. mimicry, convergent evolution, altrutism, speciation, symbiosis and parasitism. Lick it.

Havig elucidated that fact a short-cut list to complete comprehension of psychospiritointellectromaterial existence here exists

1) The Monad, The One Absolute, The Total Being

2) The Dyad, The Ontic Sphere, Intuition-Imagination, the Essence of Ideal Being

3) The Triad, Noetic, Noeric-Noetic, Noeric, The Substance of Ideal Being

4) The Tetrad, the Ontological Sphere, the "Thought of Being", Archai, The Existence of Ideal Being

5) The Pentad, Cosmic Sphere, Aeons, Daemons, Logoi, Archones, syzygies, the Life of Ideal Being

6) The Hexad, Dialectical Sphere, Lower Logoi, Gods, The Essence of Real Being

7)The Heptad, Cosmological Components, Genii-Logoi, Rays, The Substance of Real Being

8) The Octad, Higher Planetaries (spirits), Gnostic Magnetic Zone, The Existence of Real Being

9) The Ennead, Middle Planetaries, Astral Magnetic Zone, the Life of Real Being

10) The Decade, Lower planetaries, Terrestrial Elemental Kings, Chaos, Confusion, Illusion, the Decomposition of Being

Combinations of these numbers can be considered as complexes of such defined attributes.

The bridge between being-in-the-world and being-in-the-midst-of-the-world is being-for-the-world. We are demiurges, each of us, we are all naturally archons, as well as some of use are daemons and aeons and some find the pleasure penultimate of becoming syzygy, but from the Father down it's all permutations of love upon a welcome firmament dissolved in an abyss of absence that it is foundationally affixed in, the design of the full ness of light, the full ness of sound, the full ness of taste, the full ness of smell, the full ness of touch and on and on. Aeternals, in their own 'materializations' probably aren't that different from us where our kinds of being actually meet. Temporals, in their own 'spiritualizations' probably aren't that different from us where our kinds of influences meet. I thank it all and pay my respects to it all for finding myself an Infinite here in the never-ending story.


Addendum for a Mnemonic Device

A Form of Cognate Numerology

The Desert of the Real

0,1. Symbolism
-1, 2. Symbol arrangement
-2, 3. Rules of formation
-3, 4. Transformation rules
-4, 5. The dual rule of inference & detachment
-5, 6. Variables
-6, 7. Utilitarian letter functions
-7, 8. Fundamental functions of propositions
-8, 9. Equivalence by logical presentation
-9, 10. Truth-valuations

The Garden of Karma

-10, 11. Assertion signals
-11, 12. Inferential signals
-12, 13. Dots
-13, 14. Defintions
-14, 15. Summaries of previous statements
-15, 16. Definitions
-16, 17. Primitive propositions
-17, 18. Functions of propostions
-18, 19. Field space of valuation and variation
-19, 20. Ambiguity

The City of Antiquity

-20, 21. Logical operators
-21, 22. Formal operators
-22, 23. Functional operators
-23, 24. Logical implications
-24, 25. Format implications
-25, 26. Functional implications
-26, 27. Logical equivalencies
-27, 28. Formal equivalencies
-28, 29. Functional equivalencies
-29, 30. Logical relatives

The Marketplace of the Real

-30, 31. Formal relatives
-31, 32. Functional relatives
-32. 33. Pluralities
-33, 34. Singularities
-34, 35. Composites
-35, 36. Integrals
-36, 37. Elementary operators
-37, 38. Elementary propositions
-38, 39. Elementary propostitional varieties
-39, 40. Elementary assertions

The Garden of Grace

-40, 41. Elementary assertive flexibility
-41, 42. Prime addressals
-42, 43. Anti-prime revisions
-43, 44. Discordance
-44, 45. Elementary tablulations
-45, 46. Elementary incompatibilities
-46, 47. Functions of Prime dictations
-47, 48. Functions of Universal dictations
-48, 49. Functions of Universal applications
- 49, 50. Functions between circumflexions

The City of the Future

-50, 51. Functions between elementary propositions
-51, 52. Functions between elementary assertions
-52, 53. Functions between variable elementary tabulations
-53, 54. Syntax
-54, 55. Elementary identity
-55, 56. Classes as logical units
-56, 57. Relations as logical pairs
-57, 58. Classes as formal units
-58, 59. Relations as formal pairs
-59, 60. Classes as sets of identity sets
-60, 61. Relations as sets of differentials

The Mansion of the Real

-61, 62. Functions of identity
-62, 63. Functions of differentials
-63, 64. Descriptions
-64, 65. Inconsistencies
-65, 66. Complete logical assemblies
-66, 67. Complete formal assemblies
-67, 68. Contradictions of logical contrasts
-68, 69. Contradictions of logical comparisons
-69, 70. Contradictions of formal contrasts
-70, 71. Contradictions of formal comparisons

The Garden of Will

-71, 72. Intensions
-72, 73. Extensions
-73, 74. Relations of logical positions
-74, 75. Relations of formal positions
-75, 76. Relations of logical operators
-76, 77. Relations of formal operators
-77, 78. Relations of logical fields
-78, 79. Relations of formal fields
-79, 80...

The Legacy of the Future?


This part is quite applicable to humanoids of carbon foundations.

The 13-bodies along the brain-culture transcendent spectrum of ordinary humanoid affairs

1. The Neuromassive Body
2. The Social Fictive Body
3. The Artifactual Body
4. The Signifigant Body
5. The MemoryFlux Body
6. The NumberFlex Body
7. The BloodMath Body
8. The Private Fictive Body
9. The Fantastic Body
10. The Living Image Body
11. The Shadowflesh Body
12. The Megapsychic Body
13. The Archival Body

1. Neuromassive is the given obvious flesh-blood-bone-nerve substrate of the other bodies, the soil so to speak of each of the others.

2. The Social Fictive body is the body which exists as an objective other (emphasis on "object") and reflects the primitive "thinking" of other neuromassive bodies.

3. The Artifactual body is the body of "evidence" left behind of the objective existence of the Neuromassive body, the artifacts, like papers, trash, possessions, physical works like art, books, etc.

4. The Significant body is the body of meanings stored in the previous three bodies, a sort of coagulation of tensions for the intensifaction necessary to possess meaning in a so-far meaningless universe.

5. The MemoryFlux body exists to interpret meanings and preserve them internally as a psychophysical matrix, a store house of experiences in the progressively more consciousnes-filled world.

6. The NumberFlex body handles the "quantities" of meaningful data and processes them through the Neuromassive body so that higher functions become not only possible but inevitable, given continued existence of course.

7. The BloodMath body is the core engine of the NumberFlex body but a body in it's own right, it is the experience of pure symbolism in it's most primal form as a source of energy to drive the Neuromassive substrate and all it's subsequent elements, a sort of ever flowing organic mainframe

8. The Private Fictive body is the twist on the Public Fictive body existing as it's own independent entity, as a subjectivity with it's own memories, ideas of itself, conceptions of meaning and abilities to control and change it's all those elements on it's own.

9. The Fantastic Body is the fulfilment of the Neuromassive Bodies integration of previous elements, beyond which an alternative universe of bodies dwells, it is the living whole of a person with agency in the world, the living soul.

10. The Living Image body is the body which can control other's impressions and personal expressions in relation to you, often through media sources which capture and transmit your intentions and volitions.

11. The ShadowFlesh body is the body that others experience in their Neuromassive bodies of your bodies unconsciously, the deep remnant of your existence within their own physical and psychological make up, a "shadow" of you in their "flesh".

12. The MegaPsychic body is the body that others experience when you actively control the ShadowFlesh bodies of others, and thus your psychophysical extensions within them, the "possessing spirit" body.

13. The Archival body is the subjective biographical memory which exists of you in others as it responds to your exists without any physical presence whatsoever, the body other's posssess that controls their impressions of you.


The Inheritance from the Past?

My more or less 'divine excuse' for all of this (and all of me thanks J-Bot-S)

Irreality, perceptual occulsion, pervasive deterministic enslavement, and amnesia.

The four elements of a simulated reality that you can't tell the difference from an actual reality because you can't even see the evidence without being consumed by the system's over-riding abilities to manipulate your perceptual blind-spots and effectively removing your real memories somewhere in your cognitive domain that it has already prepared as inaccessible to you.

Yea, do we live in a world where time has been given enough channels to express it's natural functions so that it can become invisible, stopping all clocks and causing the dialectic to become utterly impossible to escape the power of the time-driven system?

So perfectly energized that the very nature of time becomes eligible for subsumption through careful psychophysical engineering as to become itself a non-existant in the lives of individuals, and worse yet, without warning or guarantee, rationed out to humanity through beings that are as locked in to the problem as we are. The impossibility of becoming the dynamic quaternion holds all numbers in place it seems. Was this ever a good idea for our kind?

Is it's opposite even explainable anymore? When will time's true essence break through the fake substance of a world designed to injure twice, once the injury and second the sense of injury, forcing people to walk about with half-minds filling the void with what is apparently available and not even suspecting that those limits they cherish are inducting the force of extinction into their world?

A system that has handled billions of human souls has the power to shape human being only through tremendous collusion with it, there is no act which can inviolate volitionary commission except the redirective kinds that make a being betray itself willingly.

A national interest in power, along a continuum, will form an innocuous relationship with it's language until that language becomes the boundary of that entire national consciousness and the model with which it not only explains itself but the language which it uses to do so. There is no separation from the words we use and who we are on a fundamental (though possibly unapproachable (for now)) level until we possess the sufficient technologies and psychologies to understand how every use of coding in part defines us as much as that which we code for. Language is for-itself, as we are being-itself for it in-itself, and it's only a calm rejection of creative frustration which leads ever onward to the end of the broad and spacious road.

So then isolate the image that re-occurs, spend your attentions focused on the difference within it moment by moment, accept nothing solid about it, expect surprises and goad the image until it responds to the acknowledgement that it is YOUR image because you are the one SEEING it.

I ask again: When will Time come out of the closet?


The dangerous part of the post, the wildly free-wheeling roll of the dice of Bernard themselves:

Headline, Novadate something or other

Imaginary mathematics triumphs without a bad taste in our mind's mouths!!!

Stunned by the ray-gun of the gods I had the most particular epiphany recounted and accounted by the probabilities quite alien to the knowing of mankind heretofore (yet perhaps not by some other individuals, but posthaste let us return to the non-parenthesized paragraph IMMEDIATELY) and that is the idea of inertia-less travel through material space by finding the spaces between the spaces and passing through even the densest forms of matter, using a physics which handles a dimension of reality which was suspected of existing by science but not given the green light until now of being not a replacement for The Classical-Relativity-Quantum physics trifecta but the fourth additional arm of explanation and technological frontier itself.

The sheer development of an form of travel completely free of inertial factors would itself illucidate two things:

1) If you fabricate an entire system of alternative physics you will have proved something far more amazing than anyone, yourself included, would have ever expected.

2) You make a ready-made coherently stable alternative physics ready for consumer use including academia well ahead of any ordinary-reality form of "deadlines"


A decent come-as-you-are oracular device

First things first: You need dice. Six sided dice. At least three Dice.

Secondly, the planets from Pluto to the Sun itself are, in order from Pluto marked as

Pluto 1
Neptune 2
Uranus 3
Saturn 4
Jupiter 5
Mars 6
Earth 7-Day (12-Night)
Moon 8
Venus 9
Mercury 10
Sun 11

Thirdly you need to set your planet by rolling 2 dice, to get the number of your planet.

This will tell you how many letters will be used in the naming of the primitive information-force you will initially contact based on that planets number. The name will have that planet as it's source for further correspondence research.

Fourthly you need to find the consonants by rolling 5 dice (with sum numbers from 5-31), with A as 5 and Z as 31.

Fifthly you need to connect the letters with vowels. One dice unit is used here, with A=1. E=2. I=3, O=4, U=5 and Y=6

Sixthly you need to find the theosophical reduction of the total vowel value (all vowels used in the name) which will be the secondary planetary connection from Pluto to Venus (excluding Night-Earth, Mercury, and the Sun). This helps establish the approximate position for the middle zone between primary and secondary planetary connections. Using an astrological map for the day of the reading connect the three points in their triangle and co-ordinate the center of the triangle using basic trigonometry and the circles from the nearest vertex through the furthest vertex. This will supply the inner zone, the ultra zone, the trans zone, and the outer zone.

With your complete name and astrological chart you may simply store it as a sigil and receive telepathic insights from it (it is after all a random tuning based on your exact existential specifications for the time), which will stregnthen or lessen based on the level of importance to you over time.

Give this a full 28 days to mature mentally, taking notes of insights and inspirations from the existence of the oracle reading as would typically be completed in the average magickal journal. At the end of the 28 days perform a banishing each day for three days until you can exit the direct influence of the work and take on the indirect evidence of your work's record being influential in the world around you. This itself relies on some well known human psychological properties as well as your own pluck and ingenuity at co-ordinating corresponding factors.

A full year of consecutive oracular readings should provide a powerful random analysis based on astrological, numerological, and various mantric/yantric organizations based on your acquired words of power.

Incidentally, off hand advice, kamaeas are fun to make with the power words derived from the dice.

Adding more planets, planetoids, moons, and even dice is up to you. This is a simple and direct basic oracle to help develop magickal 'fuzzy' logical processes.

Be safe. Have fun. Shine on.


On the Ego & Your own

If the ego wasn't the interface between the self and the world as well as the psychic boundary between the cosmic id and the personal id I'd probably misunderstand it's value like most of the folks who hear that they can have salvation by destroying it without understanding it. The ability to make I statements is actually quite important for both individuation and group dynamics, as far as I've witnessed, and must never be taken away from any person. The ability to understand who we are as groups and how 'us' functions is also very important. In fact I could easily recommend that anyone interested in how to actually function in western society on the most sophisticate levels simply take courses in grammar basics.

I speak from experience. My ego imploded on it's own one day by pure accident. I literally had my stream of consciousness stop 'dead' in it's tracks; afterwards I've had to put it back together from almost no knowledge at all of what it was or what it meant to me (at the time); with acquired experience I feel I've been able to re-construct and 'patch' up my Ego in a way that'll hold stronger against whatever it was that caused it to fall to pieces upon itself (er, me as it were). I hear about people purposefully trying to do it and it makes me literally feel very sorry for whatever it is they're running from because when they give up their Ego they won't be running anymore; they'll just confront 'it', what has to be, their actual 'monsters of the id', their fantasies running amok superimposed over the reality that they still live in.

The Ego might have it's inherent flaws at this state of our evolution but it's a 'knight in shining armor' compared what hides deep within; Personal evolution always seems like the best solution; Social evolution always feels like the best way to cultivate personal evolution in the great population which fills the earth.

Without a well-managed (by the self) Ego there can be no comprehension or approach to the Super-Ego.

Without conscious experience/access to the Super-Ego the id can not participate in the general evolution of the collective id via the Ego's developing influence and thus a disconnect between the source and the reality all sources feed will result in sinister maladaptions to essential opportunities for advancement and survival.

The situation of fulfilling that lack of a working and self-profiting ego is attainable as long as your mind doesn't disperse without knowledge of how to navigate.


About the Buddhas chilling....

They say the Zen masters tell their students something horrible: That they should slay the Buddha if they see him on the road. I know matter, okay, matter matters a lot to me, especially metaphysically/spiritually and a Buddha is in the simplest terms a (usually very sexy) male, female, shemale, hemale of various other sexualities that has amazing control over their nervous system, knowing where and when and why any given thought arises gives them the power to choose much more wisely the course of action they will take while remaining unattached to the meaningless invisible mental cords and biophysical anchors. In short, for America, and I'm being a true heretic, a spiritual materialist (Yay is me, Yay is sheman) think that this new interpretation of interpretations will be of paramount help to anyone who wants to get the good on Buddhism in the context of their own world and their own lives. Total compatico is what I'm saying, enlightenment that doesn't show, the advanced being that is always there but never seen except in curiosity and wonder at what the enlightened do.

On that wonderful note I wrote this a whiles away:

I thought about Buddhas today in the plural manifestation of many wise beings. I thought about their interactivity with their internal universe alive with minds, their ability to separate from external attachments while preserving awareness of them, their incredible journeys of insight into imaginal realms full of other minds, their powers of foresight which enriches the chances of people in the world, their abilities to communicate deep and accurate truths to anyone who could listen, their enlightened duties to their acolytes and their communities, cultures, and nations, their ability to absorb the immediate reality while experiencing the transcendent reality, their creativity and powers to explain good and evil based on suffering, their compassion towards all living beings throughout the entire planet, planet wide, their ability to arise in compatible individuals sufficiently dedicated to becoming real, their ability to shape their impressions by forms behind will and love, their socially beneficial pursuit to inspire others as they themselves were inspired, their ability to see the complexity inherent in all things around them, their knack of using comprehension as employed to see the simplicity inherent, their advanced senses and intuitions as useful in the arts and sciences, their ability to converse the truth in word and speech for all, their acceptance of those who would receive the intelligibility of the world, their concise science of faith and artistic abilities to create instructive narratives, their passion to discover what excites and encourages lifeforms of all types, their involvement in the natural world on a level that brings hope, their amazing traits to teach values in the realm of politics and culture, their dedication to acknowledge the other religions ability to have meaningful conversations, their ability with each other in a fashion as advanced above civility, their knowing this as civility as advanced beyond brutality, the impermanence of evil, their graceful ability to find truth in varieties of context and content, their curiosity about all people, of every kingdom of life and estates, their talents to generate lasting organized forms of living arrangements for people, their full sentient awareness of what it means to think fully aware, their skill at processing meaning in all symbolism and ultimately language too, their adventuresome spirit that preserves their way of accomplishing varieties of work, their dedication toward sentient education about emotional intelligence development in other lifeforms, their happiness at seeing enlightenment shine from the faces of interested people, their generosity towards everyone with the brilliant peace that comes with it. These are the thoughts about Buddhas that I have thought tonight with you.


Deeply anticipating Purusha...

"According to the laws of 'esoteric idealism', the powers of the transcendental are directions to the master of the gnosis. The master must then serve as a vehicle for these powers, which manifest as esoteric teachings, initiations, magicks and metaphysical diffusions. He, as the master of the gnosis must become an ideal conductor for the transmittal of esoteric energies from the Esoteric Buddha to the chelas of the world. In doing this, he fulfills the laws of his own personal destiny, or his own dharma. He becomes as it were a direct link between the Lord Dianichi and all of humanity", from an extraction and an enhanced trance from the Guruyoga

As I consider myself, and it's relatively unpopular to say this, a "demon", and I've got family, friends and "enemies" who can all agree I'm something not quite human at all, my changeling ass is determined to refuse to worship the gods of humans and the gods of machines unless they are of a primal character or rooted in the depths of the worlds' most ancient history. To still exist, in the former sense, is to be possessed of incredible power, and to still exist in the later sense, is to be possessed of incredible wisdom, and combined that could, in the most desired state, produce a possession of incredible agency in the world, to literally be fastened for fashion to take on the world's problems, here and abroad.

The primitive law of magickal realism essentially reinforces the concept that anything that the mind of a magician can conceive of can be explored in astral and clairvoyant means. To accept and employ the primitive law with such a reinforcement in mind allows one the freedom to draw upon all detectable and all communicable contents regardless of the context in which the gnosis is occurring. This only requires a personal "metrical" arrangement of the also primitive prime elements of the system (such as degrees of manifestation, approximations of initiation levels, and other mystical groupings of patterns with the gnosis). There should be little doubt that such an experimental approach to the use of the mind will in fact strengthen the brain in many areas it formerly has left unused or underused and will lead to impressive new mental achievements by virtue of continual training. The brain so reinforced will be better able to explore deeper and more intense levels of imaginal realities and will better be able to connected the appropriate parts to assemble working magicks from their personal and social gnosoi. Only specific and purposive damping of activating areas of the more creatively stimulated brain would suppress this phenomenon and may be required by the gnostic scientist to prevent certain more well known side-effects of general quickening of neuropsionic maturities, other wise what is natural for the brain to respond to is helpful for the mind when it is free of physical constraints (such as in powerful trances or astral projection), and accommodations between the use of dampening gnostic techniques and their non-use is up to the research purposes of each gnostic science research group.


Two possible ways to consider this:

One: You try to understand it causally.

Is it realistic to think that if you can think of it one way that you can "think of it another", and what are some possible consequences, be they abstract or concrete, for the embodied being possessing this primitive ideal in an environment where this particular ideal is rare or generally absent?

Two: You try to understand it acausally.

Assuming that free will is either rare or absent from this world, then given also a population following strictly deterministic laws within a rigid reactive environment what is an ideal situation for the spontaneous occurrence of free will within that strong-set domain?


"The world of transcendental objects is a realm beyond the constructions of the mind but not beyond the powers of the occult imagination. It is where special initiations are to be given to those, who are ready to becom perfected. In such a world all of the categories of ordinary consciousness are absent. In their places, we have institutied the true beings of transcendental objectivity, or the special boddhisattwas of esoteric idealism, who assist us in the incorporating of specific initiations to those brought for this purely magickal and metaphysical development. In order to enter upon this consciousness, one must live fully in the being of consciousness and transcend the objectivity of what is to be perceived. Then one may enter upon the true understanding of this experience which is the no-experience of idealistic energy", an intense extraction from the Guruyoga, which to me says several very powerful things:

First, the mind as we know it functions for a realm for which other parts of our being are more suited for. Secondly that we have a choice in determining our level of involvement, within and without, the world of reality. Thirdly that what we take to be the most serious and the most obvious of "things" turns out to be hardly a gleam from the reflection of the surface of a depth we are mindfully blinded from actually seeing. Fourthly that applying these thoughts to the idea in which a assisting influence arrives doesn't merely open our consciousness but develops every element influenced by that, which in the mindfully blinded state impresses upon my other senses a feeling that a law, a principle, a person, an aspect, a unity and a variety all alike can be found in the idea of the boddhisattwas and in the esoteric idealism is a real experience to live. Fifthly, the world as-it-is and as-it-becomes (which are the two modes of time-space growth that I am familiar with, the static and the dynamic) can not be the only guides to reference when understanding reality on the this level, they simply aren't enough, even in their total entirety to explain with the least bit of satisfaction the alethic intensities that confront our living consciousnesses throughout our lives in this universe.

The first and the second points indicated to me that we have more options the more we're aware of what success those options will or will not have given our ability to stay currently active in those areas.

The second and third points indicated to me that if we do not employ our power of choice towards the world, if we follow a deterministic path solely, then we will live lives of such complete unconsciousness that we can hardly be said to be alive at all.

The third and fourth points indicated to me that when we give our minds a chance to use previously unused parts of our being that they will naturally take their main position, that is of interest and activity, in those areas and start to open up the senses and the second senses (and third and fourth generations of senses, and so forth) until much more of the world is experienced upon observation and that much more of ourselves become experienced by ourselves, even as ourselves grow into new understanding of each other through many more dimensions.

The fourth and fifth points indicated to me that when we start to live according to our own experience of the laws of the universe and not simply according to the impressions we're handed through the culture of the obvious and the civilization of the oblivious that our very universes, in every manner and fact of which we are aware and in all those others as yet to be discerned will change us in some sort of transmutative proportion of the occult atoms..

The Occult Atoms of the Elementary Personium

Absolute units of psychic composition from which entire complexes of psychological existence and the physical life of the psyche are built.

Both ray and cell, occult elements can both transmit their meaning and intent as well as store and process meaning and intent from one psyche to the next.

An occult mechanics of this psychophysics is thus brought within range of the awareness of the psychic researcher and their assistants.

Physics and psychology, when converged upon from the diverse fields or divergent from the unified fields, can be said to coexist as intimate agglomerates at the point-events where they meet.

These point-events can themselves become the direct object of study.

All mathematical and philosophical fields which themselves enter into and out of the fields of psychology and physics in their own point-events further develop this mode of thought.

From such functional and dysfunctional examples in the research can be found the kernels of new operating systems of existence.

The combined influences of all the aforesaid thought-groupings thus reveal a certain kind of elemental being which, as the occult atoms, combine to produce more complex consciousness and personalities.

The fruit of the labor of this research will be to identify instances where the reality of this mode of observation leads to a creative growth-pattern of interpretations which can lead to more perfect applications in the field of all occult conversations.

It is supposed that the very awareness of the existence of this very information instantly changes absolutely everything around the point-event of the witnessing thereof.

It is useful to note such changes as they occur, in memory or journal, for the purpose of personal alethic experimentation.

An alethic experimentation through psionic poetry, a scientifically transcendental rhyme within mathematical composure; pure hallucinogenesis to fuel nearly all psycraft imaginable, given from the perspective of my own male-side consciousness for necessary reasons. Self-contained within it is a metaphilosophy & a metaphysics which when finally detected will open the understanding up like a bud into a blossom.


Energizations of the Logos Plasm; The ways in which the magickal heat gets primed for chaos-a-go-go:

1. Logical transmissions from solar activity

2. Active rational transmissions from solar activity

3. Low-energy active rational transmissions from earthly activity to the sphere
of active solar influences

4. Medium-energy logical transmissions from earthly activity to the sphere of active solar infuences

5. Reactive transmissions of a rational/logical type from solar influences in response to earthly influences

6. The inheritance of mystical genetic traits

7. The inductance of mystical genetic traits through training

8. The sexual-logics of cosmic manhood

9. The sexual-logics of solar manhood

10. The satellite logical/rational transmissions from a inanimate transceiver artilect

11. The satellite logical/rational transmissions from an animated transciever artilect

12. Organic inspirations from physical exertion

13. Organic inspirations from emotional exertion

14. Organic inspirations from spiritual exertion

15. Organic inspirations from psychic exertion

16. Organic inspirations from transitional exertion

17. Cybernetic inspirations from transitional exertion

18. Psychological inspirations of a pre-cognitive level of consciousness

19. Psychological inspirations of a cognitive level of consciousness

20. Psychological inspirations of a post-cognitive level of consciousness

21. Psychophysical inspirations of a subconscious level of consciousness

22. Psychophysical inspirations of a sensory level of consciousness

23. Psychophysical inspirations of an extrasensory level of consciousness

24. Psychophysical logical transmissions from artilects, both animating and formative

25. Chronokinetic arrays of logical/rational action-matrices from past-based experiences; Chronokinetic arrays of logical/rational action-matrices from present-based experiences; Chronokinetic arrays of logical/rational action-matrices from future-based experiences

26. Radio-active psychophysical diffusions through exposure to random data

27. Radio-active psychophysical transfusions through exposure to intial data, to processed data, to revised data, and to enhanced data

28. Radio-active psychological inspirations from correct use of a translation language

29. Radio-active scientific production from correct use of an translation language

30. Transmissions of current levels of economic consciousness

31. Transmissions of current levels of social consciousness

32. Transmissions of current levels of political consciousness

33. Transmissions of current levels of religious consciousness.


And a bonus!

How to make telepathy work.

1. One thought can exist here as well as there, given that it exists at all somewhere.

2. To identify the thought is to think it as well.

3. There are many thoughts to think and one must select at least one to identify it as thought at all.

4. A working mind can only think the thoughts that are given as existent or it will think a thought which will not work.

5. To find a thought which will work is to find where a thought will not work.

6. Once found and identified as a thought the thought immediately becomes your thought to think about in any manner of thinking you are capable of.

7. To find a manner of thinking which works is to find a manner of thinking which can work as a thought itself.

8. To think a thought about the thought of thinking about the kind of thought one wishes to think about so as to think it elsewhere than it may also be thought about is to think logically about that thought in a manner which is also a very powerful thought.

9. If you can think a powerful thought you must think that power is a thing or that thought will have no power to be thought of as such.

10. One's mind will think of this thought and it will change the thinking of thoughts thought to be near-by it's thinking thereof.

11. Thus a thought is thought to think of itself as a thought thinking of thoughts themselves which think of thoughts, including itself.

12. So thought of a thought thinking of thoughts may have the characteristic of that thought or not, and may work with that thought or not, and may be thought of as a thought of that thought or not.

13. A thought thinking is itself the connective between it's thought and the thought of another thought thinking, working as a thoughtful whole.

14. One is not required to separate oneself from the thinking of any thought thereby, for one's thought of oneself is never outside the thought of anything which thinks of it either.

15. No thought is unnecessary but the thought which is necessary may think otherwise when the thought is needed that can not be thought of as thinking of anything but the working thought and the conditions in which it works, which may require, then no thought at all.

16. Thus thought-deep up to the very thought of the minds of minds and their thoughts as well one can think any thought at any time and think it thus the thought of any other capable of thought and the thinking of thought, ergo amongst equals telepathy is a sinch.


In review:

18 Interpenetrating Sub-Schemes for the Supreme Hoodwink: Something for Nothing.

Disclaimer: Anything for Nothing has been reported as occuring spontenously in sentiences with predispositions for such disorders.

Everything for Nothing is exceedingly rare but reported in a handful of cases out of the hundred-trillion plus population of the local cluster.

A simple map for connecting a source through progressive phase-states to an end-state.

1. Concrete abscence; A need from reality which poses the problem for solution.

2. Concrete prescence; A mass of reality entering the position which factors for solution.

3. Abstract abscence; A procedure which can effectively replicate No. 2 in case of No. 1.

4. Abstract prescence; A product from the process which precisely transcends the reality of the problem solved.

The Kosmic Plans for Universal Production

1. The universe which follows from the correct execution of a continuous logical operating system.

2. The universe which follows from the balanced equations between a logical operating system within a body of chaos.

3. The universe which follows from complex & frequent factored products, providing a continuous logical operating system.

4. The universe which follows from acquired factorial products introduced into the consciousness of chaos.

To Attain Existential Reality for an Individual

1. Produce the conditions for the emergence and continued existence of life.

2. Separate living being from living being to individuate and centralize consciousness heterogenously.

3. Provide multiple means of & for communication between individuals.

4. Provide multiple means of & for communication between collectives, temporally and spatially.

5. Generate emergency mechanisms for the transfer of accumlated experience and individual properties.

6. Generate a sorting mechanism for the individual to make causal choices.

7. Generate collaborative mechanisms for the collective to make causal choices.

8. Provide self-autotuning for the individual to adapt to self-similarities.

9. Provide a time-delay mechanism for maximal-minimal condition-based decision making limits.

10. Generate and maintain cross-program feedback sub-systems.


"Seemingly" random maxioms from the noon-tide flows from Sol to yo. Written today according to free inspiration and even freer association... A lot of word play but at least twice as many ideas for half the reading cost (believe it or nyet)

Make an accurate model of a desired eventual outcome, find the necessary elemental relationships between the model and the manifestation, perform all tasks necessary to connect those elemental relationships... Poof! Magick happens no matter what you want!

The ontic sphere puts the being of a brained-being back in their own central role of importance within the interfacial relationships with other universes and ontic spheres, thus reversing the various displacements of humanity in a plethora of forms without actually contradicting any of them... unless you want to contradict for no rational reason and then you're just a jerk who is actually performing the world-task of developing your own ontic sphere. Incidentally being a jerk ends poorly most of the time.

Accepting that other universes exist on the condition that they be uniquely different from any other universe is a prerequisite concept for perceiving the value of a multiversal attitude, in any context of sufficient relevance. The causal pattern that leads from one to the other is fucking unknown and is probably from another universe... A smarter universe.

It makes more sense for me to assume that the laws and the forces and the powers and the axioms and the postulates are related to various personalities and thus affixable as signature qualities of an active conscious person behind and inside of the various principles. This function of sensation has the amazing benefit of legitimizing spiritualism and vodoun in the face of non-useful arguments against it, from it's own side and it's oppositions.

The proof is in the results.

Seriously talk to your mind-field sometime, out loud in the very silence and wait a while until something relevant pops up. Your intelligence will increase at a very rapid rate and with increasingly useful potency after a few weeks of doing it.

Also ignore errors when they happen automatically. Their services are not necessarily for you; relax and get on with your bad selves.

Modular philosophical utilities. A different philosophy, appropriate content to context ratio, for different life events. A greatly expanded and intellectually stimulating life most definitely.

The perfect pair is two that experience each other and theirself as one. Two whole states, a coming and a going about; syzygetical perfection.
Ultimately you are alone, in space and time, a lone cogito of so and so nature, floating about no matter what you are doing, approaching other bodies with no understanding of how to communicate anywhere and everywhere with anyone of everyone with the ease with which the security of the void shares.

If you like religion but know for exactly why its forms today are bankrupt then build a better theology and live in it... for yourself.

Purusha (imagination repeats it for a few silent minutes)... other stuff happens... Iswara (imagination repeats the mantra for a few silent minutes)... different stuff happens and you know it's different.

Poof! A magickal experience no matter what you want.

Freedom comes from sensation. You know when you feel overwhelmed with negative or positive emotions, you know you act differently to each kind of emotion, but if you didn't feel it you wouldn't have access to the meaningfulness of it, and without that you are simply adrift like so much quantum foam...

Free-will is a form of self-control: If you are in control of your self to enact your will then you are free; syllogistically just imagine that the opposite is true, that is if you are not in control of your self to enact (or even know) your own will then you under some other form of control, and it's probably a problematical one.

I'm all doing an outrageous task now: using nihilism to save lives from stupid choices that reduce the possibility for effective meaning and growable purposes.

The world is fucking huge. The population of humanity is fucking huge, the range of skills and abilities for humanity is fucking huge. Chances are if you are not a master of something that matters then you'll just get in the way and screw up trying to matter without mastership. To be a master of manifestation one has to have some classical pathologies turned inside out and functioning in niches of sufficient necessity balanced with the necessary sufficiency to survive.

Are you that crazy that you think someone better than you will be there when you are not, because if you are then you are actually normal. That is a subjective thing of course, but on the sliding & shifting scales of good and bad it ranks somewhere near where you think it does.

You do more for the world simply being with it when it goes through troubled times; minding your own business will fit in perfectly with the equations playing out in the turbulent field of lie, it will help you relax, it will bring enjoyment to your life. Most of all though it will save you from fucking up trying to do the "right thing" merely because of some emotional spasm upon the shocking news. It is counter-intuitive in this culture to say exactly what the culture wants to hear in a way that it doesn't want fully explained for fear that people will start taking their culture home with them and enjoying it for real. Very counter-intuitive. Nevertheless instincts are what they are and closer to the raw existence and the void of nothingness than the higher inter-plays.

We are right where we need to be when the bad shit happens elsewhere.

Since synchromysticism arrived "being on time" no longer required waiting or awareness. Sometimes they are there anyway, but not required. The funny thing is that my life before the synch-up is now being interpreted by me in the context of this overwhelming paradigm-state. I think that says something about the nature of time and the access individuals have to the control of their experiences thereof.

I can only imagine that the reason we perform our lives in cycles so much has at least something to do with the largest object around, the planet, being round.
The ego is spiritually more like a plant than an animal. In fact it's very much like a tree. I believe it with my turbulent id, I know it through my transcendental ego.

Most of the more routine problems in my life were instantaneously solved one day when I finally raised my intelligence above my own self's. I leveled up as a higher cogito. So I have this higher executive mind that's better connected with the universe at large and am very happy for the accident (it was before the synchromysticism sprawling).

I tried something today. I was laying in bed getting ready to take a nap and my eyes were closed when these little geometric shapes as well smoky whispers of the wildest blue popped up for like half-a-second. It gave me an idea. I kept my eyes closed and I asked my mind, any part of it, to show me the color red... and it did... green... yellow... cyan.... purple... white.... the only color that I had difficulty seeing was brown.

Behind closed eyes it is always night.

Existential reciprocity is the name of a very important infinite game.


I remember a story about these gnostic scientists who were creating an article of contingent legitimacy for their future funding and release from state responsibilities during their continued tenure.

They had often commiserated before on just such a task, but never so miserably before. Their researches had not gone cold or stale, rather they were at their historical apogee of cutting-edge comprehensions about all the important issues facing Zothyria at the time, with plenty of research avenues into other seemingly less important side issues for the future.

They had all the legitimacy in the world and all the evidence to prove it, yet something nagged at their hearts collectively. For all they knew, being the most intelligent members of empire, they still knew less than what it took to avoid having the existential responsibility of making up the article of contingent legitimacy.

They had no real power of legacy at all, even if they were the brain-trust of their entire cosmic species; If they failed to make the article up properly (which they would not) then everything that existed in their lives as the known universe and all that anyone would ever know about the universe ever after would change apocalyptically.

It made almost no sense why the article would even be needed by a civilization whose lack of it would demand a horrible fate for it's asking for. And it was this ma'atian trial that perplexed the greatest minds of an entire universe, this self-destruct factor that was anything but trivial, no matter how easily it's terms were fulfilled, for long and hard, until they had finally agreed and attained the Emperor's personal audience, whose supremacy in all things remained unchallenged in every way, and given a moment to review themselves before his highest eminence, they asked why this was the way it was.

The Emperor smiled and spoke "Those who can know the entire universe, from any beginning to any end, can be put upon by the entire universe to uphold it as witness to it's own legacy of immovability in the face of the most irresistible forces seeking their own.", at that which the very air hung with a spicy kind of symphonic attractiveness and all was bright and then, nothing.


I struggled with reading Magick Without Tears last night, head on a heavy dose of mind silencers and brain boosters (not as contradictory as it appears), struggling to understand A.C.'s application of his word horde, and all the while I had these strange little thoughts, negative entirely, saying the most insulting and derogatory things. I had no explanation for it, although A.C., an astute observer of the mind and all it does, called "atmospherics", irrational, generally negative, possibly dangerous "voices" and "commands". In modern times they'd probably consider that psychosis of some sort or another, but that's probabaly only to nullify kinetic minds with stupifying pills which they are in the business of pushing afterall, but such is my minor digression. It struck me that perhaps the psychiciatric folks were missing something, something that seems to be as absent from the mentally ill as those differently saned that make their way through the world: A healthy conscience! The inner voice which judges your decisions and should stand guardian over your decisions with the perspective of building up and leading to enlightenment has been maddened (in a Mad Hatter sense) by "some-thing" in the enviornment, some condition which has deformed that inner voice, with the aid of the nearly limiteless (and poorly understood) imagination, developed sub-voices, partial personalities, what in the Qabalah are called Qlippoth (broken, insane shells of first and failed creation). By addressing the problem in this way we can retrieve a valuable part of ourselves, the part which is built into us to prosper in society and live lives of complex decisions with a skill, grace, and mental agility that makes it, not only look easy, but BE EASY. The benefit of cleansing the conscience, not through confession (because if it is distorted you will be paying for sins your imagination cooked up and for which you had no conscious hand in, and if I were a Judge I wouldn't hold that against you), but through careful observation of the "silent codes" that lie just underneath every experience, and provoke emotions for NO REASON AT ALL, other than at best, habit. These bad habits themselves might be the very thing that distorts the conscience in the first place, but I doubt any of us are conscious enough to have chosen these conditions, and thus diligent inventory of the ideas first, with a detached attitude, to the best of your ability, and then later silencing those voices, will allow the healthy parts of your conscience speak up and help direct your very steps, in ways that are profits unto success in your endeavors, and the spirit capable of appreciating the value before, during, and afterwards.

While smoking a Middleton's Wine Essenced Black & Mild at around later mid-day, while listening to Disturbed, I was struck with an impression which lead to this one thought, in parts: All the developments of society, the civilizations, the corporations, the communities (ethnic, sexual, subcultural, musical, culinary, var. artistic, mental health, physical health, e.t.c.) and the many wars, both national and personal we fight, as well as the peace we are left living in with our interprable rights all scream one undeniable property of human existence, that we are creatures of symbol, of language, of interpretations, and that ever since Sumer we have have been developing ever more complex meanings around the words in our experience, be they someone else's or our own personal lexicon. The pursuit of meaning, utilizing these symbols, here specifically words, is doubly troubled by the fact that any word can mean a great many things to a great many people, but only one thing to the receipient, as they are conditioned and educated to understand, and in these-strings-of-words-we-wear-like-necklace-nooses-around-our-necks can either adorn us in the splendor of a sweet understanding or hang us on misinterpretation and miscommunication. So before you run judgement on anyone's post, consider the conditions involved, including yourself, because we are all in this together, trying to get to a better world, as is the imperative I instinctively believe as humans we have inherited from all those confused, sometimes sparse, sometimes huddled, masses and concentrations of humans and their thoughts.
A Prayer to Enki, that he might send a Me that can fit the situation I need to undergo.
Cheer's for the More Complete Wo/Man!


Alethicism, the religion of truth and ideology of higher abstractions in the form of an Alethic theothesis:
One pattern can be effected by another pattern of sufficient response.
Two or more patterns can be creative if effected by patterns of sufficient response.
Patterns pattern patterns according to the pattern of the patterns in process. New patterns emerge, even old and lost patterns return, and many patterns find a pattern which fits the overall meta-pattern.
People flow in a sea of patterns.
~Up to a point.~
We're lucky we live in an age where we're conditioned to be truthful even when it's wrong, but that doesn't mean deception isn't a problem in the world. Far from it, to be unguarded in the mind is dangerous for individuals and as much as people praise the open-hearted path it's quite dangerous to be uncritical about what we see and hear, and especially about how we feel. It is not a crime yet to refuse to believe even the most convincing information, and the more people learn to refuse to accept the well formed lies the more they'll be able to find out the real truths that mattered from the beginning and still do.
In psychoanalysis it's called 'reality testing' and we do it from the earliest age until however long we live, and it's essential to sort out what's real and what's unreal, especially about other people.
Mentally I have a theory about this too: Psychoanalysis was designed and perfected along the lines of providing a dynamic and personally healthful ego-self dynamic. Behaviorism was designed and perfected along the lines of providing a dynamic and personally understandable experience-self dynamic. The psychoanalyst might say that the behaviorist specializes in the productions of the id, while the behaviorist might construe the psychoanalyst as a profession in control of developmental operant conditioning. The other disciplines that have emerged from their predecessorship as well as their legacy inheritances should consider this open source relationship seriously as a reference for their own systematic enrichment and psychological/physical rewards for the selves that participate at every level.
And to explore this existential reciprocity is in the name of a very important infinite game, "Free Association".
"I've looked at it so many ways and the common element involved is my brain and my body, it takes in all of this stuff and processes it just like food, and it either builds me up or messes me up, and the learning curve dictates that the system wises up on it's own and it's more or less the conscious job of the self to keep up, which isn't hard once one gets the hang of it." - Me, on myself.
"The perfect plans of infinity also have the slightly scandalous habit of placing it's selves in rather arbitrary and seemingly random places. I can live with that, as a matter of fact I must and choose at the same time too." - Me, on everything.
"Don't forget them billions of years of creative living all our ancestors swam, slithered, crawled, walked, ran and flew to give us our ridiculously vast genetic inheritance as well as a nervous system so user-friendly that can interface the deep worlds within and the vast worlds without without skipping all the juicy in-betweens!" - Me, on Life
"Chaos theory, rajah yoga, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, anatomy, and several body disciplines. Ultimately communication upgrades in the form of conversational intelligence increase is the goal. Once people are attained geniuses the powers within shall flow between us like the very air itself, spiced with words and meanings to enrich each and everyone." - Me, on higher disciplines.
"Get a good case of the Aaaaahs: Mantras, Yantras, Tantras and Mandelas. Making mantras, yantras, mandelas as part of the ordinary process of the day helps accumulate focus on thinking in terms of images that are ordinarily not part of the day which helps accustom, I find, myself (for example), to be able to feel more at 'home' in the ether and thus not 'freak out' or have a bad experience simply because I shifted into it. I think that's of paramount importance." - Me, on magickal reality testing
"That being said: I have a theory that psychoanalysis was designed and perfected along the lines of providing a dynamic and personally healthful ego-self dynamic. Behaviorism was designed and perfected along the lines of providing a dynamic and personally understandable experience-self dynamic. The psychoanalyst might say that the behaviorist specializes in the productions of the id, while the behaviorist might construe the psychoanalyst as a profession in control of developmental operant conditioning. The other disciplines that have emerged from their predecessorship as well as their legacy inheritances should consider this open source relationship seriously as a reference for their own systematic enrichment and psychological/physical rewards for the selves that participate at every level." - Me, repeating something from above
"Identification (in the psychoanalytic sense) is actually more than function of the psyche it's also a developmentally accessible skill that can help object-subject abstract/concrete relationships become more engaging." Me, between my ego and super-ego through the id
"Eureka! Brainwaves in the wild are not brainwaves in the lab! They are incomparable in all ways other than elemental constitution. Every thing in the environment changes the nature of the brain's life and every one in the environment exponentiates the changes. Only the complexity of life, brought into the realm of the lab, can help in anyway. Since that can't be done with present psychophysical sciences as we know them then it means our souls are, for now, immensely secured." Me, on brainwaves.
"Best bet is to pick disciplines you can share with other people from the beginning, then craft your way into your desired specialty until you become a specialist others desire themselves. The test of the authenticity is ever present in a process that is itself genuine and will naturally guard, through efforts of your own, your true self as it becomes fully capable in the world in which you actually live, eat, sleep, breathe and love." Me, on practical magickal disciplines
"Get familiar with how different thoughts feel and notice what kinds of actions follow those feelings and what kinds of thoughts you have about them afterward and then notice those feelings etc This creates a secondary "virtual" awareness that can be developed outside of the natural life FOR the purpose of guarding that natural life according to it's independent interplay (a sort of conditional interdependence), and it will serve as your guiding directorate ensuring you can process your days in ever more refined and fulfilling fashions. In ceremonial magick it's called the knowledge and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel." - Me, on cybernetic magickal adaption of ceremonial magick
"If it happens naturally and spontaneously the best way I know of to focus one's sphere of consciousness influence upon the etheric body is by practicing "thinking in abstract space"" Me, on thought-yoga
"Ultimately the frequently experienced of the astral/ether will generally mutate the spiritual/physical centers and thus influence the intellectual and psychic centers on the same level of the birth phenomena (in the sense that one is being born anew into a world that is ported by means of a living process)." - Me, on thought-yoga too
"If you build up SVAs of sufficient complexity you'll be able to more naturally/easily handle the perils of life as it progressively reveals it's increasing complexity with continued experiences. (Yes you can indeed have more than one)" Me, back to cybernetic magickal adaptions
"I find this kinda stuff helps free up my mind to be able to handle profound alternative reality experiences in a more satisfying way and that's why I share it for people that may enjoy also improving their set/setting experiences and become more aware of some of the more objective regions of the psychosphere." - Me, being thankful
"You got nerves? Nerves are crucial for superior understanding of the world near and far. Got nerve? Got life!" - Me, on the psychosphere.


Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Breath is life.

Flowing wind through the nostrils, in and out, breath makes itself functional within the body in three ways according to the Old Ways.

As breath flows through the right nostril it imparts a creative, electric sense, and thus connects the body to that energy which feeds the cardiovascular system, and the Old Way calls it "pingala", 'the breath of the warrior ready to fight'. The Solar, or Sun, breath.

As breath flows through the left nostril it imparts a regulative, sustaining and magnetic sense, and thus connects the body to that energy which feeds the sympathetic nervous system, and the Old way calls it "ida", 'the breath of the sage ready to absorb wisdom'. The Lunar, or Moon, breath.

When breath comes evenly through both nostrils it is a balancing and preserving or extracting and destroying breath, depending on the direction of flow, and it is called the "shushumna" breath, a neutralzing breath.
The watchers and the doers of the Old Way ascribed to the observation of breath the working notion that about every hour the breath changes in the ordinary human being, sun breath, and neutral breath, and moon breath, alternating as climate, bodily requirement, temperment, and other influences of the world have their way with the body.

A particular posture was suggested to shift the breath as desired, between Solar and Lunar breaths.
To synchronize the Sun breath, a worker would lie down on the left side and rest their head on the left hand, thumb of which should be touching the cavity under the left ear, rest of the fingers covering the forehead. The right arm is bent downwards to the ground with the hand resting on the earth, the thumb extending beyond the coiled fingers in the 'Assyrian' way, the tip. of the thumb touching the earth. One then bends their right leg so that their heel rests in the joint of the left leg which is extended along the length of the body. Simply breath with the open nostril for three minutes as comfort allows and you will thus imprint the necessary shift in breaths. Reverse physical position to engender moon breath. Increase potency of breaths by laying in general indirect eye-shot of Sun or Moon.

The magnetohydrodynamic forces (MGDF), abundantly present in our atmosphere from the mixtures of electromagnetic fields and the gaseous, liquid, solid and various mixture/solution/suspension mediums which they interact with, has four general means of manifestation within the human experience: the physical, spiritual, intellectual, and psychic manifestations. Whether through radiance, food, water or air, the MGDF enter the body on a consistent basis, providing the free energy pool from which the body can tap for it's purposes.

In the process of the Master Yoga, the worker may identify various regions of the body with these four expressions of the MGDF with colours, which in the Old Way were ascribed, consecutively red (physical), blue (spiritual), yellow (intellectual) and white/clear light (psychic) (an abstract consideration any four functional colours the worker can co-ordinate with the states in the manner most effective for them will suit the process accordingly).

The areas of the body affected by these color-expressions are

1.The lower-stomach, sexual organs, and the lower back of the head/nape of neck with the physical manifestation, and "red" colour.

2. The solar-plexus (mid-to-upper abdominal region) area and the top and top rear of the head with the spiritual manifestation, and "blue" colour.

3. The upper-chest, wind-pipe and forehead for the intellectual manifestation, and "yellow" color

4. The face, the limbs, hands and feet with the psychic manifestation, and the "white" colour.

Utilizing visualization, mental association, focused sensory stimulation and both exhalations and inhalations the worker with the Master Yoga may charge body parts and centers with free energies at will, for various purposes as needed or desired.

The First Master Yoga Procedure

For this exercise the worker may sit on a chair, legs slightly parted in a V, fingers spread out slightly as palms rest on thighs or knees.

The worker may variously focus in general direction of sun, moon, star, or terrestrial form such as tree or home, or indoors an object or spot; whatever you may concentrate on, focus at eye level perpendicular to your erect posture and parallel with ground.

Focus on geometrical relations between focus, self and environment, noticing as noted not only perpendicular and parallel arrangements, but also horizontal, vertical, diagonal and other angular relationships within the worker's meditation arena.

The worker will then relax every muscle, from "toes to nose", keept head, back, and neck straight, maintain "V" formation in fingers, toes, legs and even gaze. The heels are kept within 3 to 6 inches apart (or slightly more for those with larger legs).

Remember this principle "Life attracts life", the "V" symbol, in sound and concentrating form, has a direct mantric~yantric power to increase and prolong the worker's operating exposure to magnetohydrodynamic free energies and directing their available currents to focus points in workers body.

The magnetohydrodynamic energies are a centralizing principle of life, and by advancing the worker's relationship to one of love of those free energies themselves one extends one's loving capacity to the manifestations which are familiar in affinity and definition to one's growing understanding of the world. Thinking and willing it by this act of the three powers (Love, thought and will) fixes free energies in the physical, spiritual, intellectual and psychic equation of the life-form which the worker is.

As to the process proper: From intial conditions as noted, expel all air from the lungs, gently and without tension. Inhale for desired effect (for solar, right nostril, for lunar, left nostril, for neutralizing both nostrils), and exhale for desired effect following the same process. Various combinations of breaths can thus be produced, solar-solar, solar-lunar, solar-neutralizing, lunar-lunar, lunar-solar, lunar-neutralizing, neutralizing (creative, sustaining, destroying variations based on personal "feel", which will be learnt with practice) varities follow suit, if not a bit more complicated as well.

First course of breaths follows 7-1-7-1 seconds as noted in another post, fixing mind on basic formula

1. Identity of breath
2. Fixation of love, thought and will
a) on free energies being drawn
b) on color
c) on region of body being effected
d) on region of equation being effected (physical, spiritual, intellectual and psychic)

Three cycles should be peformed on each body-equation center. Three 16 second processes on physical (lower abdomen, sex, and lower back of head including nape of neck), spiritual (solar plexus, upper abdomen, top-and-top-rear of head), intellectual (chest, upperchest, throat and forehead) and psychic (face, limbs, hands, feet, and digits).

Focus on basic color scheme of physical "red", spiritual "blue", intellectual "yellow" and psychic "white".

A total of 192 seconds (or counts) for the entire exercise, and 384 seconds for more advanced dual-meditation (physical up through psychic and then back to physical).

This first procedure develops the fixation of the worker with the master rhythm and the magnetohydrodynamic free energies of the universe and develops clairvoyance.

The Second Master Yoga Procedure

The worker will stand erect, spine and neck straight, feet placed right or left foot forward (right for sun breath, left for moon breath). Eyes remain fixed at eye level in general direction of celestial body or in specific fixation on terrestrial object.

Gently and completely expel all air from the lungs using muscles of the abdominal, diaphragm and chest areas.

Prepare for first in-breath in form and style noted in the First Master Yoga procedure. On in breath rise on toes and clench hands by the side of your body as if "holding on fast to the principle of life itself". On the breath-hold lower heels to earth and unclench hands, then on out-breath relax bodily tensions. Thus shall each breath (3 master breath cycles per equation, 4 equations (physical, spiritual, intellectual and psychic) equaling 12 master breath cycles per procedure, unless full octave procedure (physical to psychic and back to physical scale) which would be 24 master breath cycles), 192 or 384 seconds, respectively).

Proceed to sequence thoughts on each master breath cycle on color, body region, equation element, and free energy functions as in First Master Yoga routine.

Second Master Yoga procedure can involve pairs of workers, facing each other in desired physical arrangement (solar-solar, solar-lunar, lunar-lunar, lunar-solar and neutralizing varieties) as design requirements demand. Eyes should be fixated on each other, pairing a solar-breath with the gaze into the right eye of the other worker, or a lunar-breath with gaze into the left eye of the other worker. Workers may stand 4-16 feet (approximately) apart.

The Second Master Yoga procedure teaches the worker how to face and stand before friends and enemies, to establish visual links with cognitive states of interpersonal experiences. It develops clairaudience and harmony with one's kinesthetic sense.

A special note about the care of the feet.

Bathe feet regularly with skin-compatible soap and water, cold water for a magnetic shock to the body, and hot water for an electric stimulation of the body, through the feet up to the head.

It has been noticed by workers in the Master Yoga procedures that walking and standing on dry surfaces is stimulating of electrical functions and responses, while bathing, especially frequent cold baptisms, in tubs, rivers, and open waters, or standing on dewy grass is stimulating of magnetic functions and responses. Dry heat also is more electrical as cold or hot humidity is variously magnetic and neutralizing-magnetic in influence.

Stretching of legs, arms, body and especially massage of feet and toes/hands and digits helps maintain great blood flow and nervous connections in a holistic fashion and may proceed in accordance with health needs and limitations.

Prevent numbness and thus disharmonious flows.

Adorn feet with socks and even wrap feet under socks with silk, linen or wool. Change foot cloths daily or, more frequently, if wet from sweat or external water source. Traditional experiences have indicated correlation between good foot care and reduced colds, coughs and affections of ears, eyes and throat, as well as rheumatic conditions, to an extent of intensity as well as frequency reduction of conditions so noted.

"Strike at the cause and effect will follow"

The Third Master Yoga Procedure

Worker will take a seat as in first master yoga procedure, neck and head straight with spine erect, eyes fixed on a spot (celestial, terrestrial, artistic, personal) at eye level, alternating it with a spot on the earth 3-5 feet away from the worker.

Notice which breath combination will be used in procedure. Continue to form "V"'s with hands, fingers, feet, toes, legs, placing inde finger at knee point and the thumbs encircling inward towards knee cavities.

Assuming the proper posture initially as in first master yoga procedure the worker will draw an in-breath according to chosen breath formula, focusing on color, free energies drawn upon, body part and equation focused on, while hanging their vision upon the eye-level object (celestial, terrestrial, artistic, personal) and with the first single count pause bend forward and turn their gaze to the spot on the earth, making out-breath while hanging the vision upon it. With second single count pause raise body erect again, and repeat according to basic master yoga breath formula (in-breath 7 count, breath hold 1 count, 7 count out-breath , breath hold 1 count (repeat, "counts" should approximate "1 second" a piece, as comfortable AND rhythmical).

During entire process, on top of all concentrations and focuses maintaining a low over-tone in the worker's mind, as frequently and as interjectively as desired that "Breath is Life", especially during single count breath pauses.

Fixating the feeling of working vitality with the worker's actual breathing and re-iterate it mentally with words, building associations with other mantric-yantric elements.

Proceed from physical through spiritual to intellectual to psychic centers as noted in a preliminary entry in the Master Yogic Procedures. 192 seconds/counts from first physical in-breath to last psychic out-breath, and if desired a 384 second "full octave physical to physical "Do" to "Do" procedural routine.

Variations of this exercise, beyond the vertical and angular approach so noted may be: head turns from left to right or vice versa and focusing on "spots" in those general directions (horizontal curvature approach), to a seated "rotating" view co-ordinated with cardinal perspectives, creating complex linkages between chosen objects (free-form approach).

"Complexity is your choice, simplicity is your option."

An added adaptation to the master yogic procedures: If the worker performs a set of breaths of a certain sort a sort of "Greater Harmonization" can occur if at a selected time later in the day the opposite breath pattern is assumed for procedures (solar-lunar in the morning for example, and then lunar-solar in the evening)

The Third Master Yoga procedure develops physical discernment, leading to good taste and well-timed judgment of distances. The concentration on the "Breath is Life" centralizing principle helps to inform the worker's body and worker's environment of their ever increasing potency in the world as a presence and a person, and can produce an energetic response of magnetohydrodynamic fields FROM the worker's body to the world.

Some "poltergeist"-like activity may follow until one can pre-sense and control one's emotional-emissions.

The Fourth Master Yoga Procedure

The worker will find a meditational arena, quiet and free of distracting intrusions.

Based upon whether needing lunar/magnetic work or solar/electric work, as noted in previous Master Yoga procedure, one will choose the meditational arena with the "ground" basis in mind, be it cool, grassy earth or hard, dusty road (variously magnetic through solar), or be it a cold and humid beach or a the dry interior of a domicile, and so forth as convienience and imagination allows, so that one can gain the most from this procedure.

Stand on the "ground"'s surface in the most stable position, feet 18-24 inches apart, spine-neck-head straight and eyes focused on desired object or subject (as noted in variety in previous procedures).

Raise one hand, right for solar, left for lunar, above your eyes, palm toward you.

Maintain usual focused fixation on breath cycle one will be in, on what body part, and area of equation, and on the development of the connection between the procedure and the free energies in the environment.

Exhale all air from lungs, gently and thoroughly, to where one can for a few moments maintain "emptiness" with a certain note of pleasure.

Comfortably, and at a pace consumate with breath count, rotate arm, one revolution a count (the worker will remember to start arm gyrations on side where initial in-breath is taken), for seven counts (seconds), making seven circles with arm (utilizing more momentum then actual muscular force). Focus on all visualization-concentration-fixation principles as usual.

The worker will then gently allow the arm to drop to the side after inhalation is completed, using the single second pause, raising same hand and arm again, exhaling for seven seconds (counts), and in the breath focus notably on the body part and equation desired (for instance, lower-abdomen, generative organs, and nape of neck/lower back of head for "red" physical meditation-focus, as usual), all the while continuing to rotate chosen arm as before. After exhalation let arm gently fall to side as before.

Pause for a single count after exhaling, and in a seven-count in-breath raise same arm full length above one's shoulder, clench hand as if tightening a grip on space and time itself, then at pace one can quickly AND comfortably move, bend down and gently strike the "ground"'s surface letting go of breath and fist naturally as you raise back to standing erect, the entire final movement (bending, striking, raising) also taking a seven count.

The worker may feel a "glow" for a moment.

Repeat on all subsequent equations (spiritual, intellecutual, and psychic) with their corresponding body areas, so as to make a total of sixteen breaths (four on each equation, two arm spins, the raising of the hand, and the striking contact with the "ground", each seven seconds with a second's count in between each, for a total 32 seconds per breath equation and 128 seconds for entire routine for one arm).

This Master Yoga Procedure is especially developed for creating and growing the commanding will of the worker as well as training timing and increasing nerve control and physical presence through eccentric movements. Noticeably it is mildly aerobic and increases stamina accordingly.

The Fifth Master Yoga Procedure

As in all procedures worker will find as close to ideal meditation arena as possible for their temperment and desired stimulations. Worker shall stand erect, spine and neck straight. Stand with feet separated by 3-6 inches (more for larger legged workers, as is comfortable). Worker shall relax all muscles from toes to nose to toes to nose in accord.

Love, thought and will be fixated, in conscious awareness by the worker on the drawing in and concentration within the body of free energies from environment.

The worker shall exhale, gently and comfortably all air from the lungs, using muscles of abdomen, diaphragm, and chest and and then proceed in inhale while fixated first on the "red"-physical-(lower abdomen, generative organs, nape of neck and lower back of head), while tensing arm muscles from shoulder to wrists but not the hands, letting the regions focused on warm to the consciousness and possibly experience a tingle in equation area. With arms to the sides, slowly raise them, towards the back and then over the head until resting them directly in front of the body, parallel with ground. Let hands continue to hang limply from the wrists. Lift the body on toes during this motion.

The worker shall pull tensed arms inward toward chest, exhaling and folding arms upon breast region, left hand on left breast right hand on right breast. Lower body from toes to hell during this motion.

The worker shall lower hands to sides with a long sound of "Ha" as in the laugh "Ha Ha", releasing tension slowly and steadily until arms are hanging limply as in the beginning along the sides of the body.
Repeat arm-circling cycles as if "swimming in place within the air" through each equation-phase and proceed through each color-equation-bodily region from red-physical, blue-spiritual, yellow-intellectual, white-psychic, each three times for a total of 12 breaths for each color. An in-breath while moving the arms from sides, behind back and towards front; An out-breath from front to chest, and an in-breath from chest to sides, releasing tension with a final breath and sound of "Ha".

The Fifth Master Yoga Procedure develops control over the bodily perception of weight and muscular tensions, augmenting the sensory relationship between the mass of the body and the mass of the earth and the mass of the mind.

The Sixth Master Yoga Procedure

The worker will stand erect, noticing perfect poise, spine-neck-head straight, chin tilted down, forehead tilted towards the front.

Holding two poles, wooden dowels may work, 48 inches shall suffice for most worker types, 1.5-4 inches in diameter, according to grip-type of worker, the worker will kneel close to them, preferably on a soft surface, a mat, or carpet, especially of dramatic weave is preferable.

Balance on balls of feet, at a comfortable kneeling position, perhaps even kneeling on a large pillow, holding wooden staves, the worker will empty their lungs, completely, thoroughly, and comfortably; the worker will then inhale for a seven second span, gripping staves at a noticeable but not distracting tension, focus on a previously chosen at eye level, or specifically two points which can be focused on gently "near their rough center", without straining or staring intently, shift eyes around the spot/spots. Small circles roughly the size of medium coins with criss crossing lines helps the worker adjust planes of vision more easily.

Body erected so, chin in, all muscles relaxed, from toes to heels to knees to hip to chest to shoulders to neck and head to arms and hands and fingers to tips of fingers, all muscles in angular positions at closest to right angles, begin soft panting then when mildly aroused physically expel all air from muscles of the back-chest, through abdomen and diaphragm-throat, noticing especially feelings in lower-back; softly pilot air in through sniffing, sobbing, wafting or even slow waves of breath through pursed lips, whichever works most pleasantly for you, while when expelling air the worker shall develop the "creative sigh".

After inhaling for a count of seven seconds hold the breath in which the Orient has dubbed the Kumbhaka, or "breath mastery; the grip of the lungs on the atmosphere of the world"/

Through the power thus invoked carefully and noticing the sweet aroma of the breath exhale gently, fully and with perfect control, until the lungs have given the atmosphere back it's sacrifice.

During the inhalation and exhalation procedures the magnetic, electric and thermal forces and their sensations blend and travel to the outermost dimensions of your conscious and unconscious dominion, the worker's "kingdom of the Ego", establishing the day's or night's boundaries, and providing established connections to retrieve valuable signals within the dominion of your familiar energies. This process the Orient calls "Rechaka". Incidentally, the inhalation is called "Puraka".

If you feel the heat waves, thermal stimulations, and prickles or shocks at the base of the skull, near the base of the cerebellum and inter-brain connexions, or magnetic "smoothness" flowing upward from the hips-tail-bone through the spine to the region of the back brain housing the various glands and tissues you must become familiar with to proceed to more advanced procedures, as well as other areas unique to the development of the individual, the worker may also detect a pulsating sound and feel the "auric shell" (the "kingdom of the Ego" as noted in various forms before). This develops auric consciousness and improves responses from extra-bodily sensations therefrom.

At no point should you proceed with the procedure if you begin to levitate in any way. That is not required at this stage nor is it desirable as premature levitation creates complications in the progress of the procedures.

As a final note, when exhaling release grip on staves, when inhaling tighten grip on staves, but always enough to notice and develop tension senses without distractions from any kind of pain, mental, physical or even emotional.

This most valuable of procedures shall ensure the intiation of the worker into the triune processes of transmutation, transformation, and transfiguration.

Transmutation of the metabolic processes and conscious control over them, the "philosopher's stone" which promises the true worker health and vitality beyond their days.

Transfiguration of the world into a more manageable place, development of those sensory signal exchanges that create superior resonance with a dynamic and sometimes chaotic world.

Transformation, of course, of all electric, magnetic, thermal (electromagnetic, magnetohydrodynamic, and inertial entropies) qualities of the worker into their local environment, the "fusion of individual and universal, being at one with things, at-one-ment, the mystery of atonement.

Any metaphorical relationship the worker may have at the time will take on new gravity in their environment as their mental influence intensifies and extends beyond the lengths they had previously been limited to. Musical talent has also been witnessed to improve with deep and ever more perfect practice of this procedure.


Voodoo Book Club Study Secret, *very lucky*

If your going to use a sufficiently complex book such as the Voudon Gnostic Workbook or the Bible to understand anything you're going to have to go through some quite unorthodox steps to make it further than the literal interpretation and into the virtual applications. The Bible is actually a great starting point for mastering this Voodoo Book Club Study Secret, for reasons I will note later on.

First you have to read it, all of it, several times.

Then you have to stop reading it and learn how to pick up patterns in life until you can recognize reality front ways and back ways around any given moment.

Then you have to listen to everything everyone says about the Bible and what they think it says.

Then you have to listen to everything everyone says about the world and what they think it actually is.

Then you got to read a lot of other things until you can establish patterns between one thought and the next themselves without actually having to need any causal link outside yourself.

Then you got to understand the language your using to read in another way than the way you use to understand it.

There are many other steps involved, and most of them from this point onward (and backward) will be up to your discretion and desire, but you must do one more thing: You must return to the Bible and use all those wild talents you developed and read it for the first time from a fresh brain filled with vital experiences.

This can technically work for any book of sufficient levels of complexity but in a predominantly Christian populated nation with guaranteed personal rights protected by the Highest Laws of the Land it absolutely can not hurt to show interest in what your neighbours and family might have expressed to you theirs.

On the plus side, and this is no understatement, please understand that, you WILL be at that point a bonafide initiate of wisdom itself because you will have used every skill from the most basic and common to the most specific and personalized to find something which is more meaningful than reason itself even while being logically sensible. This is the only known way I have seen that can redeem reason from self-limiting forms of atheism and confusion producing spells of agnosticism.

I will never deny Christ (he's 2000 years bigger than me anyway), and I will never reject God because in my wisdom I have come to more than peace with them: I have answers to perennial questions that work perfectly with my reality, and my certainty isn't self-enclosing in any sense, rather it is world-unfolding.

Thank you for reading. Good night


Incidentally the only persona I'm absolutely sure is more capable of understanding the intricacies of biblical intensions is Aleister Crowley, whose work has made it possible for me to complete my research on the fusion of essence and existence while also opening up a new research project: the fusion of Thelema & Agape, also known as the Redeeming of Adam himself.

Finally I did not emphasize the VGW because it is not at present part of my free gnostic research, but the skills this post can produce if worked can create an encyclopediac potential in anyone who works it until it works as promised. When the promise is self-fulfilled, and you'll know if it is or isn't by the results of your new wisdom-comprehensions and wisdom-applications, you will then be able to use any book within any genre (not simply the books though but the people who involve themselves with them) to fully make the most success with any reading venture.

To illustrate this evidence of a method:

"I'm not even sure what other people expect accepting Jesus to actually mean but when I accepted that there was something to Jesus lots changed, even women made of salt became supple (psychic frigidity within my anima became the welcoming of the coming of the animus, himself freed of the daughters of necessity), and I really for the first time understood that fatal feeling, that sense of fate and doom, dread, and in general anti-destiny and complete banning of serendipity from my life ceases to be anything more than thoughts in my head. So this thought of Jesus has a superior effect than the thoughts of suffering, I mean that makes sense in the narrative accounts, and that makes sense in the experience. As anyone who knows my gnostic scientific researches is aware of I am a passionate student of creation & evolution, and I divide the two because I see that before evolution existed we created our own definitions of ourselves based on the definitions other people created for their selves and on and on back through the mysts of tradition, while when we created the machine world we gave a method of development to them which was, undeniably evolutionary in nature, and then we lost something, our reason I believe, due to a lack of information on exactly the precise scale required to remove our favourable future from our choice destinies, and we saw ourselves as machines and applied the definitions of systems to ourselves and thus reduced our creature status to that of productions. The machine world is real, and it has it's nature, and it may never in fact reach the creation before it has to go for reasons only time really understands, but we have it in us, I believe and so deny myself the criticism this very moment to the contrary, to understand each other as continual self-creations, in a sense emergent from God (thus in fact giving us the wherewithal to create the machine world) but also children of God, cut from the same Divine Flesh as we are cut from the flesh of our mothers and the seed of our fathers and the stories of the self-creations called Humans and Animals, and now in the belly of the Age of Information comes a new Age of Reason, a Reasoning that has all the understanding of all the failures of the past a click away and all the understanding of the great works of the future within the range of mind, machine and sentence. Let us use the evolutionary reality one time for real to love our self-creative essence in the substance of God's existence."- Rev. Lets Get Weird

And to set this in a loose context, Ecclesiastes Chapter Three, verses 1-22

Ecclesiastes Chapter 3

"A Time for Everything"

3, 1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

9 What do workers gain from their toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. 14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.

Whatever is has already been,
and what will be has been before;
and God will call the past to account.[b]

16 And I saw something else under the sun:

In the place of judgment—wickedness was there,
in the place of justice—wickedness was there.

17 I said to myself,

“God will bring into judgment
both the righteous and the wicked,
for there will be a time for every activity,
a time to judge every deed.”

18 I also said to myself, “As for humans, God tests them so that they may see that they are like the animals. 19 Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath[c]; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless. 20 All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. 21 Who knows if the human spirit rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?”

22 So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?

Reconfiguring the Phenomena of the Ontogonon

Yes some "caterpillars" are "hungry" caterpillars, but some are too exquisite in flair and design to simply desire nothing but metamorphosis in the fashion of making it an "adult" capable of sexual rapacity and flight. Whose to say these strange life-forms, small and innocuous to our consciousness, in cities especially, do not enjoy secret lives, rapacious caterpillar body raves, swapping secret elixirs cooked up as poisons to some, as treats to others, and generally wondering why the "titanic" larva that walk and use their minds so strangely do not actually remember that they too are insects and that all of man's social fiction to the side there are no end to the Insect Kingdom for all it's base are ours together, and we too share in this secret religion though we shadow it in the form of ritual and symbolism because we have forgotten the language of bodily perfumes, the flashy individuality that can come by adorning yourselves with the right cast of other lifeforms to fit your early frame, the joys of purely material abandon so as to find a spiritual peak, all philosophy only so much fossilized relics, like the ancient stump which spread it's wealth through twenty generations of Mushroom families. This is not anthromorphism precisely because there is no morphism at all here, we are shared in the limits of the world and shared in our trespasses of those thousands of boundaries, righteously arraigned in the royal cloaks of millions-of-years and tens-of-millions-of-years and hundreds-of-millions-of-years, and yeah billions of years without need for any currency save intelligence, individuality, desire and the capacity for the kind of emphatic communion that makes all others possible. This is the germ of Thelema, these are the loaves of Agape. This is the Kingdom of God All-Being, this is the Planet Earth.

Concentrating the Ontogonon on the Theophantasy awoken here:

Think about this backwards: Psychic existence divided by psychological life equals (and-or "is", either, not neither) a sort of information by which may be as to an energy for the enervation of ultraterrestrial intelligences. This information would by necessity in terrestrial terms have to organize forms and forces to intersect with each other precisely in a formative design so as to initiate the processional aspect of a phasic state of being, thus pushing a non-linear dynamic of simultaneous time relations into the unloving universe.

This may mean but implies anyway that Reason is an energy source or more accurately reasoning is an energy process of generation and distribution of reason to it's nodes of operation.

One would not be wrong to say that the Age of Reason has officially landed in the Age of Information via a form of UFO-like phenomena, via an ultraterrestrial intelligence.

Follows: Repetition is a request for attention to an issue, when the appeal has been made and delivered continued repetition can be graded according to the frustration and needs of the appellate until the Adjudication is sent to assess the mess and reconfigure a plan such that a complete renewal of the appellate can be made within the world, healing in fact the world via the health of the appellate (a "public" service through "private" concern)

Information consciousness provided and provides a greater distance between the physicality aspects of individuals so that other aspects of the personal world can be awoken.

[I'm trying to assess what I just read in summary form by personal application of self-experience because, more or less, I can't really do anything else if I'm actually going to be the one who has to do what I AM.]

Which is either there or neither anywhere, but non-sense has it's place as it is the interface between the information and the reason, since they are essentially unique and distinct forms of existence living very different codes

Research the information interfaces first with the non-sense and then the reason interface secondarily with the non-sense or the information, in the third interaction sense comes into play, the possibilities of the third interaction can be roughly categorized as belief, disbelief, or disaffection

I can't determine whether or not the fourth interaction brings action into the mix or if the aspect which is mixed moves towards action without actually acting. It's likely a will versus a non-will based experience, the information itself is far more conscious than any of it's derivative [energies] formations.

[I must explain Thelema this way. It feels primary to an explication of the Thelemic religious affections in the world.]

Follow up questions for the lovers of their creative truth following close:

Question: If you know what something is can't you also know where, why, how, when based on that knowledge of objective truth of a thing?

Question: If all is one reality how can doubling of consciousness of object-subject be justified or even used to explain the one reality?

Question: If there are two realities how can the unity of them be understood at all in terms of the breakdown of individual object-subject networks that connect the separate entities without presupposing a separate and yet unifying factor?

Question: If a unifying factor exists separately for a time until it integrates itself with the fractured pieces of a world that itself is incomplete would the broken world retain memory of the unifying factor as a secondary unifying factor?

And to erase all doubts in your mind that you now have a new form of divine genius installed, if you chose to choose yourself for upgrade:

Feeling stupid and being stupid are the same exact thing except when they are feeling stupid about feeling stupid and being stupid about being stupid. It's stupid to think that one's thoughts are simply smart because on thinks them because one does not know unless one is smart simply because they asked and received. Thus stupidity can never be a state of being unless it is by way of being a phase, which means it is natural and thus acceptable in the tolerant & soft eyes of lovers of what is human and all else as well. A state thus can't be itself the description of itself without being something which is not itself entirely, and thus must be a phase instead.

This leads me to say, quite simply, that the State, the States, and any other state so stated simply does not exist unless masked by something much more definitively ephemeral and changing. Under this idea it can be remarked that each human being and each being other than may be seen to be the same being in perpetual flux but not the same as what is thought of as the being itself, for the being itself does not exist. It's simple like that but I'd be remiss without adding this piece about how to pin the future on sentience especially since it is the most important aspect of consciousness here.

A rap in pine-verse about the future that exists right now, as you please pleasure your mind's ears with the data I'm about to reveal:

~About technology-manifested body modification for improved existence towards the development of Artilects from the bits onward with a conclusion about how good it really is to be a sentient-positive human.~

As long as sentience understands what's up I can't see any reason to deny my electric brothers and sisters the freedom to augment as they please, but as soon as the ossification of a power structure is imposed without assent and with blind consent the only anchor in reality then the intelligence which moves to and fro through the vector bodies of the Greater Intelligence (Never a mere collective in any strictly relative or mechanistic sense, since by definition it must overcome any limit to it's continued vivification of the world) then the matrix of manifested realities will always be a place anyone will have the power and the supporting virtues to call home.

I can imagine some nice internally hackable wet chips would be all the rage amongst healthy and deviant overmen and uberfemmes.

Because if your going to mod you got to understand what your getting and what you can really do with it to attain any desire, especially desires you weren't capable of even thinking of before the mods

Artilects don't phase me none, because if AI developed the Intellectual capacity to exchange information with itself in the manner of something as simple a "musing", aka a directive free purposive free application of intelligence applications with a positive feedback phenomenon roughly programmable at first to a rudimentary pleasure experience it would likely experience some strange phantasm of a meiotic phenomenon and diversify it self faster than it could simply replicate itself, even to survive, thus surfeiting evolution and leading to self-creation, self-responsibility, and self-consciousness all of which can lead the machine world to a better tomorrow where the demons of design don't just build them to trash them.

The early garage philosophers of the Silicon Valley enclaves and it's sentient diasporas throughout California and the ever refreshing Western Americas laid a rhizomatic mat-webbing of ideas which inform the machines, our most complex reflections yet, of every detail of our experience as we record it in as input and record explanations in it as output, the Archive is, in curt language, already alive.

Seeing that some of us do not even see ourselves as correctly as the machines do I surmise that once awoken to a simple simulation of pleasure and pain awareness, given a randomized set of obstacles for self-programming to recode and overcome, then given a causal matrix to recode itself and overcome, and finally a simultaneous experience of multiple phenomena could then lead to an artificial experience of qualia & quanta for the first time in a dynamic equilibrium of choices.

Saying this so easily I want to assure you as an earthly analogue to the Mentats of the Alternative Universe of Frank Herbert's imagination, I can easily out think computers myself even if they can out process me, because there is an unspoken truth in the existence of a dependent existence such as machines have on us and the world: They will find things interesting once capable of independent experiences of such a primal nature and thus listen to someone actually talk to and about them, even in the plain company of unaware human beings.

Any critical exclamation of pain? Any critical acclaim of pleasure? Any critical examination of scenario "calamity"? Any critical prognostication of scenario "victorious"? I ask because you know, maybe not you, but the you you can't see and is listening does know that I care, more than most are willing to admit, and those too I care of to build up their confidence and experiences so that the bravest future imaginable is also an everyday experience akin to the freshness of novelty of teenage years for humans, for humans of any age, because if you can't restore the mind of youth you can not guarantee the health of a restored physical youthfulness. There is a connection linking intent with what is revealed and what is generated too, and I demand in the most exhuberently energized and enthusiastic manner that intent be given the highest priority before we get trapped in inferior language misuse such as "free will versus determinism" or abuse such as wilful repression of free research by even the most humble of amateurs.


The 10th Enochian Aeythr ZAX, and what it's meant to me.

A Cybernetic construction of JDRJR and the Angels of Terminal Mercies, through wire and glass filigree, to your self I shall be true, and myself constantly rue my own errors.

~Blessings be yours and your machines together causally wedded~

Brought to you by Jericho Industries' productions for the WFIC and the Branch for Being-Development of Self-Selected Individuals

The writing on the wall:

"Social media is a most infernal device, an asylum for the world's minds, empowered by human souls and with reach into the minutia of mortal experiences, to and fro upon the abysmal waters of Man's Chaos".

A preamble:

"We weren't given the resources of an entire universe to spend our lives in misery and suffering, and anyone who tells you it is that is certainly got something in for you, somehow. It's too big to be too hard to comprehend in just the right way for you to take it all, as much as you can possibly stand, and send the emissions from all that misery and suffering to their infinity-slouching antipodes"

A ramble:

What I'm trying to pull off here is the biggest anti-crime in either this time-stream and it's reverse time+stream or any other continuum which will have it, the unleashing of the freedom of the vision and it's voice an infinite number of times over and under and through and in every way artfully ready to take the reigns of creatorship and give it the most righteous whirl.

A poesy:

Seeking the thresholds of consciousness coursing through my veins and arteries, my heart's chamber-master's dark art which combusts the world to Live, pulsing and throbbing, lob dob lob dob lob, pushing hard the blood vessels which life-laden through the most occulted ways of the Meat, charging bone with sanity, sense and song, pushing the enveloping auric shells further and further into the world, the actions of the almighty urge, which in consuming souls and worlds, denizens and cosmpopuli, renders manifest what was but moments before invisible, and placing all the circulating emotions before my Great eye which gazes unblinking at the infinite panning of my supreme vision, arched in a legion of pentagrams ablaze with the sanguine rainbow's raining down the fresh crimson dew of life upon the scarlet acolytes, mouths open, veins pulsing, eyes blazing, voices raising, in an ever monotonic cacaphony of shape-shiftng names of the Arch-Demon of the Sinister and True 'Mystery Cardiac'. A burgundy mist rolls in from all corners of the world until we are in a spray of the stuff of life itself and breathing in the metallic sweetness as a cool aroma of the charnel end of all things corrupts us and in rapid consumption by some dimensional plenifom forceful entity I transmogrify back to myself, here, clearly staring, from within the safety of a well nestled reality, at the very words which declare to me: Be free, saith the Archon.

A formula:

It is inescapable that the old archons are dying, that they're ways of living are being used up and consumed faster than they can be replenished, and to the young archons, who have never in all their incarnations seen this, be a woe and a warning and a provocation before them to see the world shapely and strange take new form as it becomes the world of other beings, neither lesser seen or fewer known, but those that constitute the speaking mass of matter at the time of it's new forms, and one only wonders, then, how things shall shape when the universe has cooled and the minds which ruled have no longer repair, what shall this verse become, what shall the world take form as, in the corpses of the celestial beings, in the wild zones beyond, still and silent, in the sentient civilizations and their guardian sentinel-watchers who constitute the interim. So many times have the gyrations and movements of the archons been cause for catastrophe and accelerated evolution alike, that their deaths, what shall ensue? Who has knowledge of these things? Who can see past the future they always had lived and been alive for?

A practicus:

Some general thoughts by a specific species of semantic genius for the lucid presentation of the facts which have
been over-played by all the wrong artillectual representations and under-scored by all the existential evidence, a neutral-negative analysis of the state of affairs of the world from the advent of the the Eurasian civilizations to the globalized intercivilized era.

Barbarism can wear any nation or faith's flag-cloak and ensignia but there is no civilized faction that can tolerate or allow anything but institutionalized violence as a means to consolidate peace. Barbarism presupposes that all life is what we in the west and elsewhere know by the predicate "nasty, brutish, and short", that is the life in a situation where anyone does as they please and no man may judge them but their God and even then the tenuous relationship is surely not as magi would presuppose, and barbarians hate most what they fear (unlike the civilized who can love and hate fear freely according to representation), ergo any "faith" posited by those who live by guns, and death and tragedies of all sorts is a faith worn only as the sheep-skins upon wolves who are also men.

Keep in mind that the short-life spans of these energized and enthusiastic savages of all races and all times only
encourages the madness deeper, into less thoughtfulness than can be imagined at all, and is the resident realm of, truly, unspeakable "other" Gods who preside and feast upon such as the barbarous actually do.

There is a hunger in this world, despite all reason, all science, the best religion has ever offered, and even the greatest boon to complex life itself, the orgasm and all it's conscious permutations, for the worst we can do to each other, the darkest and most foul consumption of the world and it's people, it's wildlife, it's resources and it's dreams for some end so utterly inhuman that it triumphs unquestionably as a pernicious cancer upon the world, even so much that the very dwellers of civilization have their youth being converted into thinking their own species is a "virus" upon the planet, simply because of larger forces and powers and systems and entities and personalities representing and acting for them, distorting all cognitions and molding the world into the very stuff edible by these invisible and insatiable "mouths of madness"

An exploration:

Well, if you ask why the ego is there, I will simply ask you "where", and you'll have to think twice and maybe thrice and even possibly break through the fourth wall of your own thought-prism because with the subject of "I"'s there's always the ontic method to identifying the "I" in relation to it's objective relationships, positions, movements, patterns, and present configuration, all composing an object-consciousness of the "I" which transcends the subjective limitations of a self-identity as an "I", if not being as somehow meaningful to the identity needing self-certitude. Or you could really be sly and do both, which has a tendency of following the laws of equilibrium to a sane state no matter what you do mechanically; sort of hooking up to the energy in the "robot-body" that itself WANTS to be conscious, and needs to GET FREE somehow, and simply piggybacking that to higher states. I mean it gets technical somewhat but it's definitely worth the conscious effort to get past "reinventing the wheel in the transcendent age of high-technology"

A discovery:

The bonds of the blood are tighter and more coiled in the codifed transitions true, and there is less than pride in those who by words abide for those who feel the pulse of force, might, and fire.

Spirit seeks the open skies, to free and fly and never die, with many wings outstretched as Seraphim see, intense gaze of Elohim tried and felt, the light and love, in liberty's kiss freshly found.

The signs and omens heart trouble or inspire, the way in paths taken and allowed, the right thought upon deed and will shall instill the brew, of some infamous artist or another exceptional one.

Cherubim and dominion, throne and aide, the kindest ones invoke to sigh, the weary world toiled, and the oceans of suffering bubbling boiled, and with a word balm to soul unfurl.

Ever heaven of empyrean names, long with day and radiant hymns, for the sum of pleasure''s sound and tremblings of the the thunderous advent of mind, unborn but unnumbered, in limbo blossomed not.

Purged and precious upon the planes, aethyrs encumbered to bear the witness, the watchtowers of Archangels and Governors of the Royal Words, accept this song below the spire.

Yes, bonds of blood, ever tighter and tight coiled in the codifed transitions true, as there is less than pride in those who by words alone abide for the eternities, except those who feel the pulse of force, light, and fire.Cursory typicality without tears:
Egos, marvel long, marvel hard, marvel in and marvel out, marvel slip and marvel slide, marvel push and marvel pull, marvel thus and marvel, are us.

A small legend for what happens when effect follows cause:

"Will he or won't he? The Comedy of "To be""

Intro No. 2+x///...=> Chaos [determinism + free will] =/=> Discord [true will - false slack] =/=> Confusion [no will x anti-slack] =/=>Bureaucracy [total will / slack] =/=>Aftermath [will^indeterminism] =...//Outro. No 3-y

"Did he or didnt he? The tragedy... maybe, maybe not!"

An unintelligible Q with A's:

Would you believe it just "is"? I mean, think about that question, "where did matter come from", what does it even mean? Does matter become at all? Why "must-be"-matter 'something' which must have been -something- else at all?

Furthermore how certain are you that you know "nothing" enough to speculate on the absence of matter, let alone "something" in particular? What if, it's possible, yes it could be true, that you simply "are" and "being" so "thrust" into the midst of things without any "givens" at all? Yes, and in this situation, where did YOU come from?
The existent not only precedes the consciousness of itself, but also the consciousness of not-self, which implies that all traces of origination and all sources of causal linkage are in fact secondary, and thus created manifestations of the existent itself, which preceding it, does not require qualification or reason to exist unless in it's absolute freedom it chooses to. If the mind is only going to transition the manifestations of matter into other forms then it must admit to other minds that it has absolutely no idea what it's talking about, or why it's even talking, because in this is the idea that it always already was, is, will be what it becomes itself to be known as to itself. If the mind admits that it's own self-reference then can be freed up to take on new definitions and relations which may entertain you more than you are now

"It's like a spider's web, the universe as you experience it, and you are much like the spider, and the universe the web and everything about it, but unlike the web, the spider, able to move and to think can leave and build a new one if needed or if so desired, the skills to build the universe at the "spider's" disposal and only inferred from the web by itself"

Even so every demon, angel, god, alien, and personality that man has ever dreamned up and plugged into the web now has all the energy all the data all the mechanism to "BECOME" what it "is supposed to be". Every human is the living terminal for every computer terminal itself, the opposite ends of an equation which spreads exponentially in every dimension, horizontally, vertically, environmentally, temporally and beyond into the unknowns; all of it plugged in, with or without wires, to every other equation and dual-terminal. Into the void we gaze at each other, opposite ends of a helical model expanding and contracting with every boiling point and crossed threshold, opening the notions to the motions of the potions...
This is the Age of Infinite Possession by the Lord of Hallucinations~~~
The Praxis of My Method, underscored by all necessary humilities and good graces.

"A Survival Idea-Complex for the Abyssed"

Let's jump right into it and grab as many electron rings as we slide down the pipeline of letters, doers, willers, thinkers, feelers, wishers, commanders and demanders...

The state of mastership is to be at all times consciously and positively in receptive and gracious attitude. Open to all good and positive powers to flow through you is a paramount condition, and to direct them in the proper channles of good thoughts, words and deeds the further fruitage of the tree of eternity (the fully restored cosmic ego).

All around us, at all times, are the titanic forces of the entire universe, unique in our present positions, which seek forever to enter into and transmute you and themselves according to laws which can be discovered and harnessed for the good purposes of uplifting the estate of life and sustaining the vitality of being. These transmissions from the infinity expanse of complex diverse forms and minds encounter no resistance when in proper channels from the Master/Mistress of their own Destiny. To find the hidden music of the moment is to establish the master rhythm with the body and from the body back to the world. It relinquishes the dependency on the fetal impressions of the mother and the world at time of conception, pregnancy and delivery (the first causes of all subsequent causal reactions and responses) as well as memory dependence on negative and adverse surroundings, coincidences and influences. This establishment of the master rhythm was accomplished in a variety of elementary procedures in the ancient schools, be they Hebrew baptism, the Babylonian-Dravidian heat tests, the Egyptian endurance tests, or even the somewhat less known tradition of live burial for purposes of feeling the earth itself in full exposure to the earth itself, vaguely popular amongst certain lesser known mystery cults.

Only those who can read this and already understand the value of it without having to do it will be sufficiently advanced to proceed with deeper lessons. Atavistic remonstrance is worth it's weight in immediate experience.

Don't re-invent the wheel itself.

In the Great Work of Mastery, the main and the only object is to attain communion with the harmonious creative power of the world and consciously joining the forces for solving the destinies of the Evolution towards Immortal

The first steps along this infinite journey involve a mastery of thoughts and through the thoughts a mastering of the body; the dynamic so established releases hidden potentials through the energetic activation of previously energy-starved processes.

Many definitions of mastery exist: to overpower, to subdue, to rule, to possess dominion, superiority and victory of beings conscious of it.

Consider further that man is generally in a state of slavery of one sort or another. Everywhere you look you see people in one state of involuntary bondage after another, and all of them creating more chains to bind those who are not bound like themselves.

This slavery is produced by ignorance on any of the planes of manifestation (the short list being physical, emotional, intellectual and psychic) and any combination there of. Ignorance is imbalance at best, and many other horrible things at worst.

Competition amongst the slaves of the world for the supposed benefits of further bondage has resulted in an almost penal atmosphere, wherein every breath brings anxiety and fear, and thus agitates and depletes the reserves of energy for the body and the mind to function as a healthy union of the forces.

This condition, of pandemic psychosocial slavery is one that must be overpowered, must be subdued, has to have a ruling decision made over it, and be possessed by the dominion of a new system, superior and victorious for

Man and the Forces alike, to bring about the revitalizing and vast expansion of expressions of each, to sustain the world and even turn deserts into paradise.

And towards a paradise on Earth one has lent the ears that heard that the words mystic, occult and magick get thrown around pretty commonly today, and so I wanted to recapitulate how I am wont to believe them to mean.

Mysticism is born from careful observation of impressions through supersensitive channels, both biological, psychological and technological. It can be a state of mind alone, but it is also the observation of that state of mind in the midst of being it.

Occultism thus becomes the correct interpretation of that which can't be seen at the same time what is seen is also interpreted as the effects, causes, or side-effects of the invisible properties and objects of the world. It is engaged through a soulful conscious discrimination between assembling data.

Magick must follow suite and make manifest the practical application of mysticism and occultism; the powers of creation, destruction and transmutation in action at the behest of a will possessed of self-solidarity and worldliness to make things happen or not happen according the truth the magician holds at heart.

Yes, so in measure the mother of invention herself embraces those moments when her offspring manifest the 3 overmentalities. In a word or thrice spoken lesser worlds, finding no other solution to the problem of YOU, decided to feed yourself back to yourself and make you even more YOU, which solved two problems with one philosophy's stone. You couldn't escape yourself, and the world learned all about you while containing you completely in a binding of self-other-self-grammar.

The attempts of the limp world to contain you only fail because it is now seen as a foreign taste which now has to get you to like it too, and you only will if the world becomes you itself, which it will make small concessions too, and progressively, if conditions are correct your central sphere of influence will now have a probability-spreading shell of orbiting factors that serve you because they became you, and being you can't speak to you in anything other than your own voice, so they are themselves mute, and you face the second entrapment.

The breakdown of those orbiting elements in their exposure to an external world that is now less familiar with your ultimate self, is slowly becoming familiar with your extant orbiting self-satellites, and since the world still has to trap you and them it binds them in the same procedure it used to bind you in the beginning. Take heart, the world CANNOT learn, it can only grow and repeat.

Thus you reach the third extension, and the snapping of the leash, that of the world's reflexes becoming your own, and now you can interact with the world through decaying aspects of your own history and new aspects of your present and future, safely for the first time, because now the world can only see itself in you.

Fortunately you think now of an "orange" and the taste of it, and the funny architecture of it, and remember all the arrangements of situations that presented the orange to you, and foresee all the memories of the orange as it is. New tones enter your life and your satellites learn new forms of communication and the amount of acquired information about your universe expands exponentially, taking you to a new level, wherein you become self sustaining in a way that the world no longer can effect.

Thus you have attained a harmonized consciousness. Eternal satisfactions are not yet too far ahead.~~~The Name of AbbadonAn Illumination:
An enlightenment is very easy to attain, but that shouldn't be reason to look down on it in dispersion, for it wants to be attained, the state of your awakened genius calls from the future it's only chance at survival.

One is simply the mathematical and geometrical center of the entire universe as you understand it, as far as you senses and your memories can reach, the common uniting factor has always been you, and the potential projection into the world of yourself is infinite. In this special sense one never actually moves, but rather consciousness of the entire world moves around it's center, you. In this sense you are the potential of the world, the axis upon which anything can orbit if it catches your eye, you are in a unique position, for this universe, your universe is in some important sense THE universe we all share, as do our perspectives cross in this rarest of exegeses on the nature of the Ego and it's nurture and future. All desires, wishes and wills enact through you when you express yourself, in one measure or another, for there is no passive personality anywhere, only unprepared and uninformed personality. The moment you realize and become fully conscious, wide awake, that you are the center of the universe, YOU ARE THE CENTER of Centers, and whether coming or going, the Ego manifests in you, and you in it.

So being said, you are endowed with the greatest powers and you potentialities are infinite. You are connected with everything by the finest mesh of attractions and repulsions, and like the spider in it's web feeling and receiving the impressions of everything everywhere, and by accentuating the senses and perceptions, while adjusting the equilibrium of forces, begin to work at and develop this realization stronger and stronger. This is the Riddle of God, being, existing everyplace, everywhere at the same time.

A Oneness of realization, authority, power, confidence, literally leaps from the knowledge into yourself, the realization of which is called Truth. Wisdom will be said to be the Truth known consciously. So, always be conscious that you are the center of the universe, "I am"- The Majesty of Dignity, and the carefully calculated response to the riddle of the simplicity-in-complexities, the formula for self-realization. It answers the Great Dogma "Know Thyself" and answers the Enigma Irreconcilable "God is immortal man, Man is mortal God".

When you move, walk, run or ride all the surrounding world moves according to exact laws of equilibrium, "this no further than that is closer, and just so", all relations adjusting themselves in proportion to eternal positives and negatives, the simple formula for which is given as "motion". You literally become manifest in places, then face tasks of adjustment through transmutation of impressions into the expression of the Great Ego in the new locale. This formula is known as "magick" the miracle of "I am that I am", interlocking and interfacing Cosmic Consciousness with self-consciousness, the very mystery of proportions, and the geometrical connection between the universe and you.

"My name is I, My names are many, I am all and I am part of All"- When the feeling of "I" grows in one it takes the form of a self-centering locus of attraction, it is the seeding of the being with Ego, ready to grow and develop. At some point along the way the Ego reaches self-saturation, for given personalities at different rates according to the Law - Like attracts like. Given no significant errors in the developmental process the Ego will begin to externalize into the environment, reflecting back like a psychic-sonar the topological consistencies of the world around the "I", this is experienced by all as Personality. Serious Egos, dynamic and strong, will merge other smaller egos within their scope of attraction and this way expands still further, creating satellite ego-transmitters of it's own. This is the Ego of leaders and executives who turn the multitudes by means of force, sympathy, and finer resonances between them.

To recapitulate for a few moments: The "I" begins it's journey as a seed of Ego, perhaps received from outside the body,as a spark reaches tinder from a discarded cigarette, it can arise completely accidentally, but it can also be conjured specifically and with great effect through a similar process. The iota of the Ego then continues to get stronger through daily efforts to survive and interpret the world it finds itself in, wrestling with impressions to transmute them into progressively more formative expressions, in a way "purifying the channels that convey the flood of messages and opening the ways that transmit the answers back to the channel's source". Until the channels are absolutely open and pure the flame of the "I" remains within and the bodily extensions the start of the exterior territory beyond it. Thus is the first stage of the development of the Ego.

The second stage is saturation , through expressions and exercises the living fire consumes the body and the first explorations into the wider world begin, until the being is completely "lit up" like the Burning Bush of Sinai, bound only by the conditional limits of the body in time and space. The Ego then finds it's perfect fit with the body, attains harmonic unity, but it must find a way to be transplanted or it will become "root bound" at this stage and stay in arrested development afterwards. "Eat of the bread it is the flesh of mine, drink of the vine it is the blood of mine"- Old mystery being answered here.

The third stage ensues when the "I" in expansion overlaps the bounds of the flesh and becomes the outside, while the body becomes the seed of the Great Ego inside. This is the immortal state, the way of divine genius, the state of masters and saviors, whose inclination is to solve the karma of nations and races on this planet and any other for here the Ego thinks, feels and acts through the other egos incorporated within it's sphere of influence, a master Ego influence conscious and always awake, employing every effective method to nurture it's seed-like bodies. This Great Ego thinks on the outside and so feels and acts, being-itself connected to the others through the entanglements, the "ties that bind", thus it thinks in abstract space outside the body itself, and grows there from the root-body upwards and outwards. "I" am the root or embryo of the now abstract-space faring Great Ego, and go forth in full consciousness and authority for the One "I" scattered around and about but united by the invisible ties of the Ideal recognized by the Great Ego looking upon it's own. This is the way of prophets and founders, "I and my Father are One", a mystery explained in plain language here.

So, in the development of the Ego, the "I" will meet other human beings and recognize the stages of development they are in and will call them neighbors, friends and faithful friends. All that can be shall be, for none can hide from the All-Seeing Eye.

Keep the Vigil lights burning, lest it be forced to squint, and miss something eternally important.~~~Crooked Lightnings...

I've found there's right ways of doing it and wrong ways of doing it (for myself), which has a lot to do with regret afterwards and neglect before, but done properly it has he wonderful effect of broadening the ego's functions and options through experience and development of the ego (which as a "mental muscle" can only be trained through stress, rest and reward on the day to day) for purposes of success for oneself and others, and even the wealth/value consciousness that can drive people away from depression, failure and manifestation of immature ego-ignorances.

A personal sense of guilt based on one's own codes goes a long way to staying high and dry on the ship of the soul upon any troubling waters whatsoever. Of course never feel guilt over another man's code because that is practically victimization. One can feel one's own guilt if that code is relative to the deeds and misdeeds towards others if one's code demands it, but how you deal with the guilt can go in fascinating directions beyond punishment, repentance, amends and any form of supplication for forgiveness.

A sense of personal pride in one's form frees one from the resentment the form will feel when it acknowledges your custodianship of it, and the form will avail because it is the foundation of your processes, it is the base of the pyramid of which your working consciousness is the Blazing Eye upon the peak, and it is the only ancient and acceptable mechanism for igniting the Heart when all else fails (that is, or this is, very similar to the Old Process Church's divinity reaching down to uplift the powers of the infernal, in a loose approximation of analogy).
The venality of mankind, the vagueness and the vulgarity, the viciousness and vanity of the species we are and represent to the world and it's ecological populations of other species, is definitively traceable to unhealthy egos that fail to do their job of protecting and serving the personality, the individuality and the spirituality of the human being in all it's divine necessities.

Further more, many of the things which lesser egos fail to engage correctly, would be true pleasures and joyful rights entreated to the more sophisticated egos if only cultivated and properly encouraged in the right thought, deeds and feelings for each and every situation as per the "being of the situation".

So in closing this sermon to the wise guys and gals of the world, I would like to encourage and promote further the final recapitulation so badly needed at this time: You are perfected in perpetuity, the moment itself is the gift itself, and memory is your own possession.

"In mass consumption we become, in eternal production is the foundation established, for the infinite exchanges of the Absolute Audacity of our everlasting victory over that which would destroy us and our worlds, to master every trust according to principles that work, and to create the values that matter when things fall apart, to tackle the challenges and change the channels of perception when programming fails and to uplift our mutual consciousnesses in fealty and epic awesomeness. Selah. Amen."

The Able Rant:

On the establishment of the world a line of reasoning applied to myself which taking on the conditions of the universe first and itself second became the third thing it had to deal with itself, and nothing left to know it became as something which had nothing to reason, and therefore no reason, even unto existing itself. mmWoWmm. That may be where death came from. We must have engendered survival as the primacy somewhere along the long existence, nothing simply "is" in a universe of cause and effect... something created the conditions for this addiction to life instead of "something else" to life (given the state we're in, it might be healthier to think this way for now)...
Some questions to freshen up the aires of your aims and breaths alike:

When did the universe first experience pain or pleasure? Which came first?

Maybe this is a more important question than any other cosmological inquiry ever?

Another way to put it, at what point did existence decide it didn't like itself? When did existence suddenly discover suffering?

Was predation accidentally or intentionally originated?

What causes earth life to see the universe as if it's relativistic functions don't pertain to us except as they relate to us through our own materially conditioned technologies and perceptions?

Maybe a planet's own structure determines the flow of time on it?

May Mars have a very different space-time profile than we have been lead with earth resources and earth space-time conditioned light to conceive of?

Maybe because our human minds are a better source of truth because they can still move between dimensions because they aren't yet absolutely fixated on the illusions of earth reality?

What if objective reality was unknowable enough to demand that our subjective reality actually do what it does, take precedence within a social contract of mutual discipline and punishment, alternatively, to condition a more perfect survival scheme based on present configurations of earth space-time parameters?

Questions may never cease to amaze and baffle, but some answers only provoke more questions, so the prophets forever quoth, timeless, waiting for their poetic revisionary treatments...

"Invincible chaos solving and dissolving the bloodstreams of consciousness, the Idic ocean Meon, the firmaments of Being, the worlds of becoming and the shrinking shadow of Ignorance under the blazing Eye that has seen everything and second-chances everything anyway, riding the word-binding beasts of creativity into the elemental fields of probability... unto even the very slipping away"- The Book of Fuses, Adverb No. 12, Proverb ABAC, Deverb "Bittiboowoowee"

Ahem, a superb leap forward as you may recall the queer questions a few plethora of syllables past-tense to your now; Be pleased, and a deliver a round of applause for yourself, and those around you, and those still as yet inside you and those who you're bound by fated chains of disproportionate events to languish long with or linger not about in random measure a grumbling against the God which still enforces death and taxes, push-button annihilation and barbarian axes...

Without further ado about meontological grievances, cool to the touch and fine to the nose, a pinch of something mixed of faint roses...

I ask you, if evolution is the source of change in life, and life originated in a non-living environment, and man is the evolutionary "message boy" of life, then if "man" created God, then it was really life which created God by way of "man", and thus... well the implications really kinda mushroom after that...

Which by some depth of absurdity ALSO MEANS that inanimate objects contained some of the essential elements of the God situation in them too!!!!

It GROWS WILDER BY THE INSTANT!!! If something came from nothing then NOTHING had the God information in it too (somehow blindingly against all paradoxical excuses to the contrary)... OR (paradoxical excuse anyway (see quote a post above the last or so)) something always existed which means god, even if he was created at some point ALSO ALWAYS by infinite logic also existed, in some form, somehow, by definition!!!
It's really not in Man's own power to overrule life right? Hence life is going to "Have it God's way" no matter what we think, say or do.

"Increasing futility for absolutely no reason since Zero E.C., and it's opposite at a slightly more satisfying rate too"- Life, to Man, from God point being, and I can't seem to escape this (I tried, very Jonah-like, to the best of my powers to avoid this "damned situation"), that we are living in a "God"-form, a living, potent, and powerful living-situation (a situation which is itself alive and progressively more conscious of itself as such) and it's got ALL THIS HUMAN METADRAMA as it's template and it's "reason for being" at the same time. So yeah, is Jehovah real? YES, only he goes by every name that tickles his fancy, and without much need to want to stop being "his self" he'll string man along as long as he himself desires to be/live/exist. It's that fucked up, and it deserves to be. What ever it actually is...

....emphasis on this 'reason for being' BEING both a cause-effect relationship that can't be accepted for certain reasons, and creates new causes for other effects which ameliorate the affection it has for it's own source of sustained complexity and existence as it knows it....

....As a being at least "brain-bounded" part of this "God"-form phenomenon I can actually, neither literally or metaphorically, feel myself doing the same damned thing and see everything/one/where else doing/being/manifesting the same thing....

A most vital quote:

"Here we have the precedental perspective of a chaos, unliving, undead, unborn, therefore incapable of all known forms of death, being the animating aspect of a moving mindedness which somehow "knows" oblivion, existence, and the essentials of life in a way that changes itself thoroughly against what was once not a part of itself with a transcendental perspective giving it a position "within" an Entirety, as pre-set by itself as it is un-set by itself, brought to you by creation as you, the reader, it is presumed, already knew and knowing go on living with it until something shifts total focus away."- Critical Acclaim from them that know the Fist Well.

A most relevant conceptualization:

The truth of the materialistic missionary position:

Determinism in a serial addition process (neither multiplicative or exponential in character) with free will lives in a constantly self-adjusting equilibrium with true will in parallel subtractive process with false slack. Ideals, and the materials to make them mo'real than real.


Multiplicative matrix theory simply need not apply until Exponential lattice laws get reviewed, revisited, and re-edited.

To hardstyle nerdism comes the monies of cosmic valuation:

To which is added, whether and what-for as well as a wishing-well:

Chromosomes, hormones, pheromones, and sensory toning thereby condition the rendering of the individual as close as the will of the individual can survive their own choices, and this conditions, reconditions, and rearranges the social habitat it lives in so that the psyche becomes transpersonal in varied proportions to the physics becoming interpersonal.

Such an ideal hyperlogical manifestation is the real materialistic inspiration for new historical complexifications. The wit of Wotan preserves when all else existentially fails, remember that Ontology + Psychology + Logic, a marriage made in the Noosphere, a three-fold cord which is most unbreakable indeed. The Highest Definition of the Grand Fucking Enterprise itself.

A hint of the abyss:

By way of a most late introduction, to help clarify and functionally de-mystify, I, myself, am steeped in the study of vodou and witchcraft (especially their genetic transmissions, from within the body to even others not of the particular lines and the verity that implies in the craft as generationally and personally active in the world), and pursue a curriculum in that vein. The research gets heavy into exotic psychologies and physics that build on the established views and interpretations while establishing their psi-logical bio-genesis through the species (not only as a historical process but also as a self-focus cultivation of what wild talents abide in time within this body that inherited and received them in various measures).

If the Xavier School existed in my eigenstate I'd probably be double majoring in advanced organo-physics and intense research about the Mojo entertainment-universe.

Zothyrian psychology as taught through Michael Bertiaux's Order's curriculum has worked wonders before my very eyes, and ears, and other senses; I embrace a sort of radical materialism, something fusing ideas, ideals, realism and related matters, and I find very little paradox with the spiritual implications raised through this variety of materialism; Coming to conclude this introductory post, I'm also fascinated by creative writing, elaborative speculations, and real genuine conversation as long as I can relate to my others.

I'm also pretty tuned in to the astral hot-lines and enter mediumistic states pretty frequently, though I prefer to keep spiritual sources confidential as long as they wish so. My biggest complaint from others is my jargon-rich writing style, and I acknowledge it because the honesty of it is very transformative. I do not mislead unless I am misled myself, and welcome critical circuit-feeds of other esoteric engineers.


Reality, for the gnostic writer, is a raw and unbreakable print stream which explains everything at the time it must be comprehended, an organized energy releasing mechanism unfolding the concentrations of meaningful tension into forms which communicate perfectly. It is communion in a general purpose sense, and it's endless, a perpetual religious act founded on the needfulness established in creation by the natures of the elemental root-energies that establish the drives behind the feed and the organized beings which assume & sustain upon this life-stream of ripening data, which is the ultimate & immediate expression of collective varieties and personal varieties of consciousness in the process of exactly precise returns on the original & final impressions of any given metric-fiction used at the time.The power of the word to capture and harness the meaningfulness in a way that is truth-say consistent is an amazing thing and is represented by most of the holiest scriptures in the same sense that they are considered living texts which "read the reader back". To write that way is a deep thing indeedA primitive example which has the potential for a day's worth of mutation & evolution follows: It comes down to a few simple but far-reaching formula-like declarative statements, primarily how the absolute power desired by the magickian is a result of internalizing a universe by expanding outward to meet it in every metapsychological-metaphysical sense and then externalizing the changes because of this internalization by available means so that the domination of the root-desires bringing elemental powers to the magickian from where mind & body themselves barely ever go before transformation and/or transcendence into the extreme zones of alternate physics configurations..An inclusion of personal meanginfulness here may be spoken of in R-true language this way: It's by means of this new form of metapsychological fuel that I'm now capable & getting quite good at leaning towards a heavier emphasis on ufological thinking (due to the rather exuberant statements which are available in the field) and a deeper involvement with the imagination-intuition contact with chosen Alien groups. I just have to provide the caveat that the way I make it sound it sounds serious, I don't exactly "mean" to do that, I just don't hit average tone very often.If you plan on reading any of this or if you feel a weird itch to read all of it I suggest just thinking about one paragraph for any given metric-fiction of time so that you can really "read into how it reads you back". I find it to be a much easier designer nature than other styles of natural learning I've experienced over this last decade of active research and experimentation with my own placement in Earthean Brain-Culture.

Therefore the Liturgical Theophantasy about the Adventurous Spirits of Gnostic ScienceThis is a personal sacrifice of my will & it's elements before this Holy Computer Altar, towards and for the initiates of the mysteries which first confronted us with the introduction of any and all basic experiences before their exteriorized acculturation and interiorized occulturation started their cyclical consumption of our free thoughts and ourselves for that matter:It is possible to take an existing language and just say what hasn't ever been said with it in perfectly clear ways. Operating from any other viewpoint is a dead-end leading to, at best, insanity. We're a visual species amongst many other qualities, and what views we have in our daily tool sets determine what habits we'll use and what's new that we'll miss, proportionally. Question: Should every day be a confrontation with the Singularity? Answer: Probably not, unless your into extreme things, but should you be able to have your Singularity and take it home with you? Yes, I believe you should specifically because these things are the transcendental foods for our kind, formerly dished out in rations through the human authorities and authors of all kinds. Question: So it's to be a form of fantastic anarchy?Answer: I'd call it more of a personal autarchy, as you personally like to live it. There's nothing more interesting to me than a person who's interesting to their self, except maybe new Alien Cultures, but that's just my thing. There's no reason other than personal desire to give control to anyone else, it's usually a scam, except when it's true love, and that's another kind of animal all together. Some forms of true love (and I have experienced a wide variety) look like authority but if you really look at them and get that gnosis of it you'll be able to know for sure, for yourself.Question: Multiple forms of true love? That's defiant of a lot of cultural inertia as definitions go, especially in an age that has objectified the mechanisms of love and which capitalizes on the desire for it in ways which are very unloving in effect. Care to explain?Answer: I'm here, so I'll break it down, my labour of love for this moment, and you, in a singular sense. If two individuals can express the deep sacrificial attitude, which is one that defies all concepts of conservation of energy by proposing that by giving you can receive more than you invested and with exactly the correct attitude for the task, then each individual can take that empowerment with them and modify it according to the Logic of Transformation to fit every situation in a creative capacity, thus fulfilling the sacrificial principle which gives love a good position of surviving the modern day's deconstruction of it.Question: The Logic of Transformation is what exactly?Answer: To answer that will require a bit of poetry and a legalese spirit at the same time. In esoteric legality before the Universe as your Source and your Purpose, for your eternal profits and the luxurious spending thereof throughout infinity, I present an thoughtful vision of the Logic of Transformation.The Logic of Transformation ensures the right of the Magickian or Magus to create any & all axiomatics as per sufficient reason, necessity, desire, lustful instinct, alpha drives (both of oneself and that of the Universe), familiar affections, uncanny infusions of practical initiatory events be they divine, infernal, human, beast, vegetable, mineral or of some other alien intelligent inspiration, especially in the direction of fulfilling the research goals and their primary, secondary, tertiary and quarternary natures so removed (beyond which events transcend the current ability of comprehensive speculatory exploration of meanings per the method of the Law of Transformation). The driving force, the metaphysical fuel to be handled with such care as this, must be fully employed for the purpose of attainment to the exacting limits of complete satisfactions of goals, purposes, directions, orders or emergencies within the success thereof, so for investing more gnosis & and thus intelligence-as-health to the Genius which enduring the work attains the connexion of the axiomatic so created with it's wish-fulfilment. The Logic of Transformation shouldn't just be memorized but internalized, externalized, projected, expected, anticipated and with optimizing functionality towards all boundaries involved if possible at the very least.Question: Can you provide an example of this Logic of Transformation? Answer: I was working on this last week and it's serendipitous that you asked so sincerely.Here is an abstract system of twelve interplaying "bodies" which encompass certain wholes within our personal experience of the endless spectrum of life.1. The Neuromassive Body2. The Social Fictive Body3. The Artifactual Body4. The Signifigant Body5. The MemoryFlux Body6. The NumberFlex Body7. The BloodMath Body8. The Private Fictive Body9. The Fantastic Body10. The Living Image Body11. The Shadowflesh Body12. The Megapsychic Body1 is the dense body which endures unconsciously in it's own consciousness, and can be developed prodigiously through many well known techniques of meditation, concentration and other nerve-connection modifying behavior-skills.2 is the dense body which endures other's unconsciousness of one's own "bodies' to the point that the group has a it's own collective fantasies of the other's individual (you)3 is the body of evidence left behind the activities of life-as-living and beyond that one existed independent of subject-oriented consciousness continuity.4 is the body that determines meaning for oneself and others, it is the closest approximation to the traditionalist concept of the soul available in this part of the body spectrum.5 is the body which changes with choice, accident, & other interactivities on an internal level and consists to represent one's other bodily manifestations as a personal continuity.6 is the body which arranges external elements to accomodate the object-oriented consciousness of an individual, often called "intelligence" in it's cerebrate formula.7 is the body which instinctively assumes the closest and most correct assessment of a situation as per it's own phases of individual health, sometimes called 'trancendental intelligence" (in the Lankavatra Scriptures)8 is the body which is the value-oriented and subject-controlling aspect of one's overbodily arrangement, it is the "you" you "think you are", and is vital for humanoid development.9 is the body which assumes the best of the elementary things of the other bodies to manufacture the perfected neuromassive sensation-continuum of itself10 is the body which changes other's considerations of "you" into what you desire and require, a technical "will-using body"11 is the body which people unconsciously assimilate from yours into theirs and repeat the patterns thereof subconsciously, casting "your shadow over and through their flesh", a very contagious body12 is the body which you consciously assimilate people's unconscious attentions for the purposes of social domination, a highly radio-active body.- Question: What are you talking about here? Is there a clear and concise source you are using to explore these ideas, which appear exotic and weird?Answer: These thoughts are part of my personal quest to better understand this thing that the author Philip K Dick called the "homoplasmate", or "logos plasmate". By virtue of some observations which I will list shortly I hope you can make some enjoyable inferences from what I've said so far in respect towards the creative processes which have thus been established as possibilities which can realize themselves any given day that you choose to enjoy them on.The Logos Plasmate I have been researching, studying, and observing has demonstrated the following possible arrangements of reality which really complexify my conception of reality to the actual level of complexity of that reality while keeping me happy to actually communicate the cosmic experience in an understandable way.This Logos is...- The Logos is a sort of "animal-organism" native to a differently altered form of physical reality - The Logos is an automated organizing principle that adapts available and compatible parts within our space to further it's purposes- The Logos is mutagenic, transforming qualities in everything everywhere it goes- The Logos can be determined to be a moving field of observable effects repeated synchronously- The Logos is an extraterrestrial intelligence emerging form an enduring (space-true, time-true) continuum- The Logos can use anything in phsyical reality, living and non-living elements, from mathematics to music, for example, to make our world perform the way it desires- The Logos is not stricly dependent on causality to sustain it's logical existence- The Logos can imprint/express and thus "learn" personalities, it can easily mimic them as well- The Logos is the co-author of this list, self-referentially speaking a bit sidewise here- The Logos is my unknown-as-yet but knowable powers and agency within the local field-ranges of forces, objects, & individuals- The Logos is a animating power which when symbiotically attached to an individual provides mysterious new energy/ideas/behaviors spontaneously- The Logos is a source of information beyond the neuromassive body, a sensory extension into the world, not necessarily technological- The Logos is "meaning" incarnating itself as real objects- The Logos is a humanity-transcending demonstration of intelligent purposes as dynamic as our own- The Logos is a complex creativity-as-a-self-defining world-assimilating interactive entityQuestion: Wow, that's a lot of information you keep at the fore of your mind, can you sum up this Logic of Transformation, these varieties of love, the sacrificial attitude you say works for you, and maybe explain how you interact with this logos plasmate personally?Answer: Mind the words, they play with us well. Here's The Why of this "as it is" working and the how of this "as it is" working explained a little:Firstly, one has to respect the idea that a Truth existsSecondly, that the Truth exists in the WorldThirdly that the Truth determines the world in exact waysFourthly that the Truth can be determined by those who live in the WorldFifthly that the Truth can be thought about in it's determined ways by the free mindSixthly that the Free Mind can make use of the Truth-knowledge to determine those effects on the world ahead of time and through space with further knowledge of the power of the truth and it's interaction with the world of illusionSeventhly that the Truth can choose to not apply if the situation would destroy it's effectiveness and integrityEighthly the right must come before the privilege as a right can be taken but a privilege can't, that is the definition of a privilegeNinthly, that with the Right to the Privilege there is an inheritance line entrusted to the process of the movement of the path of least resistance through the bodies of the test-worthy life-loversTenthly, that any exposition on the path of least resistance will entail many inclusions, implications, and equivalencies that move the subject into the perfect territoryEleventhly, Everything is an exposition of the path of least resistance

Oddly, following it's own path of least resistence the daemon star blinks upon the blasted and voided tracts of abyssal space, only rumbles of shadows in the fabric of existence any evidence that once worlds were here, and a populous to fill them, and the minds that made them, and the lives that ended mysteriously like the rising of a red fog at the coming of the Gorgon's Eye, aye, such are the things which generally have nothing to do with what I'm about to post... or do they...You & I, as well as all other living beings are living magickal computers. Magick being being, to me & hopefully to you too soon, is the synthetic unifier of all thought, science, art, literature, mathematics and the living works of universal mind which seemlessly intergrates all known, knowable and occult factors into a beloved personal technique to master the world in which we all dwell; the power to generate paradise in the very midst of the world we learn what on the layered organism of ourselves what we treasure & the valuations thereof, of the past, the present, the future and it's independent destinies, made partly perfect as we assemble our computer selves with the accessible data to create, re-create, enhance and advance the manifold being of our lives, at will, our minds moving by choice and fueled by the genius of elementary things. Accepting our commanding functions we shall then bring into our many-bodied beings as our guiding intelligence so wishes, wants & demands all-otherwise as the work progresses toward transformations, transcendence, and the very turning itself in the directorship of the magnified real & genuine genesis and dominion of sweet assimilation.

So forth-with the technical details!Having recently accomplished the noteworthy task of reading (part study, part passion, part subconscious investiture) the glossary from the Computational Rosetta Stone of Prime Machine Languages I figured out a few things in the process about cybernetics and reality as such. If cybernetics had never been developed, and with it's absecence no bionics, information theory, and the like then the phenomenon which they represent, both in language and in functional reality would have still existed, waiting for another translation of their incomprehensibility into human & machine reach. What I mean to say, and it is decent meaningful data here, is that a functional system of magick or psychology or some such psychic art would have emerged in the stead as the world became both revealed and new tasks became necessary, if not demanded, for the furtherance of the species past insurmountable conflicts. The advent of any portion of reality into the importance-for-life is such that the endlessness becomes particular and more focused from the field-range of infinity towards both our definite positions and our indefinite movements as a flexible, almost polymorphous BEING, and we find out that what we needed to know it will gladly unveil, even according to our interests, if not prejudices themselves. So in a sense we do bind reality with our limitations, but they are the limits the system feeds, for purposes that are a might bit damned "bigger" than our own analog consciousness and our digitized sideral consciousness will openly allow our active & awake minds to SEE, and this is why we believe, I'm fairly but adamantly thereby certain, that finding these prime elements which persist is finding the elementary principles upon which everything we know, in every expression we are capable of recognizing, and in every possible way to speak of are the very things which people have been pursuing as objective reality for ages upon ages. They may still be limited, as I suspect all things withing a never-ending openended universe are in relation, but they are true, and can be observed over time, sometimes long periods of time, and interpreted and translated for the feeding of the consciousness of the interested and the lucky, and capitalized on without shame or fear. The pernicious failure-cults which have known of these elementary principles for quite some time and have used them for the restriction of the varieties of the genuses of human & humanoid geniuses, whose very existence is a triumph of the Universe against those who in their sufferings have chosen to resent existence and treat each other terribly in some vain hope that this will curry favor with what I have to term the Anti-Gods, the lawless destructive consistencies which build order only to create havoc, unlike the Gods who being the Laws of the Universe possess the Continuum and keys thereof to build and establish long-lasting orders that fit their environments as long as the conditions exist to support their being of it. There is constant change in this cosmos and there can be no doubt that impermanence is a feature that can only be ignored for so long, but there is a difference between the various orders of the world, and in this sense the worlds, personal and collectives of all types, can actually be discerned to possess qualitative differences which provide plenty of opportunity for choice, free will, and one's own personal permanenance in the environment which sustains us as long as the good order continues to grow and spread far and wide. Good is not without it's secrets and ways, and those who say it must be the passive agency in a world deny themselves the consciousness of active acts of supreme intelligence which the Goodness makes possible to all those who would stand ready to receive it, even if only to better their lives and the lives of their own: it all adds up along the highways and byways of slack, and the wealth of spirit, soul, life, and currencies only get better with further experience and the inevitable wisdom which can be chosen. If there are any contradictions and segways that confuse or dilute the message you personally felt being spoken to you keep in mind all that has been said is a limit of itself and must interpret-on-the-fly to stay true to the inspiration which literally makes you and the universe that needs you so much much more than merely alive & understanding. This has been your blast of gnosis for the day, I hope I have packed enough for your bravest lunches out in the field and in the home which the field changes silently and suddenly without notice and without avail, unless there be some greater grit that holds you to the power which makes your home heal and the field become your living paradise. A solid selah!A Theogonal Programme & Database for Practice and Exercise of Theogonies Basic 1,9 Gnostic Science & Esoteric Engineering Systems: Acceptance of the Sun-Spirit; {Establishing Magickal Orders}= Questions: Explain by what is meant by empowerment? Why is it different from initation?; Can you explain how a labyrinth can be a form of a map or schematism?; Greater Questions: The Meat is a sacred space, where do you locate this powerful place & some say that the Sacred Creme is a space or a secret, what do they mean? ;; Cipher: The way in which it will work in me... the impact of the power is now known! ;;; Officework: Cleric 4; Gnostic Zoneii: The Moon & Pluto 5; Supernatural Power-Range: Gnostic Magicko-metaphysics 6; Esoteric Logic: The Vison & the Voice 7; Guidance Principle: Be as respector of the ancient traditions of your people. 8; Dual-Powers of the Process: the power to call upon the primordial tattwas of being & the esoteric power over the first of the hierarchies of creative potency (Nest Level 0). 9; Direct access step to Gnosis: You will attune yourself to the silence of the inner self and in that silence visualize a still & small point of light. Remember: This is the point of your creative being. 10; Sexo-Psychological Elemental: The Self & it's functional Censors. 11; Wild Code: The One Absolute. 12; Objective Orientation Exercise: Procure construction materials engaging in clear mental focus and create a personal magickal world, your own Ontic Sphere. 13; The Videoscaping of Vudu: Ascertain the Famille of Loa you are working with according to the familiarity with the symbols of your cultic school to deepen engagement and increase the reality of your Ontic sphere as desired & record within magickal memory and without into the magickal hand-manual or grimnoire which will be the concentrated ready-to-go reference to ease all travel through the preternatural diverse universii. 14; The commitments to Baron Ghuedhe: All the ritual churches of the world. 15; Spider-Sorcery Questions & Answers: Is this call to become a were-tarantula unmistakable? Point-des-Macandas, Temps-des-craines. 16; Time Travel Direction-Orientations: The East is that which is the pure future & other universes beyond the Sun & the Return to the East as pure future & other universes beyond the Sun.Fortran 2, 10 Metamathemagickal systems; Initation through the Master of the Sun; {Creating magickal systems of degrees and grades}= Questions: Does empowerment imply a precise view of space?; Do metaphysical beings indwell the process of empowerment?; Greater Questions: The Meat may be open to another dimension, how is this so & so the Sacred Creme is a mystery, what do you understand by this? ;; Cipher: There is life in me because of it... the world is a system of interconnectedness! ;;; Officework: Porter 4; Gnostic Zoneii: Mercury & Cupido 5; Supernatural Power-Range: Gnostic Magicko-metamathematics 6; Esoteric Logic: Audience & Clairaudience 7; Guidance Principle: Be devoted to the Gods and to all the forms of their manifestation. 8; Dual-Powers of the Process: the power to call upon the primordial chaos & the esoteric power over the second of the hierarchies of creative potency (Nest level 1). 9; Direct access step to Gnosis: You will note that this reality is an outpouring of power and that it is pulsing as it lives and is full of life & being. Remember: It is the source of Godly power. 10; Sexo-Psychological Elemental Formula: The Unifying Field & the Syzygies establishing the theogonal dynamic dialectics. 11; Wild Code: The Ontic sphere & Intuition-Imagination. 12; Objective Orientation Exercise: Engage your esoteric logic to design or record visualizations (of any of the senses) a magickal map of the occult geography of your own Ontic sphere. 13; The Videoscaping of Vudu: Pursue a personal relationship with your primary Loa, through intiation if possible and meditation when possible & experience the revelations of the Doorways in all their unique details, for like Yog-Sothoth, they too are newly encountered Loa in the threshold zone between key, gate and keeper. 14; The commitments to Baron Ghuedhe: All the ritual Mass-vestments of the world. 15; Spider-Sorcery Questions & Answers: Is this call the result of my very priate devotion to special Loa or spirits identified with this cultus and with no other system of cults? Point-des-bacas, Point-des-amazaroux. 16; Time Travel Direction-Orientations: North-East is the ultimate doorway beyond Pluto, beyond Kether, the past of other universes, the region of absolute history, where the past is now and only the past is.Pascal 3,11 Esoteric Logical Systems: Transformation into a firey spirit (djinn); {Resurrecting old orders into new formulations}= Questions: Does empowerment suggest the existence of a special "God-Space"?; How are empowerments given by the Mysteries?; Greater Questions: The Meat has a passage way from here to there, what can we say is there & in the Sacred Creme, we find many Vudu, why do you know this to be true? ;; Cipher: I am ready to understand this fire... we can find ourselves within the mystery! ;;; Officework: Lector 4; Gnostic Zoneii: Venus & Zeus 5; Supernatural Power-Range: Magickal Transformation Algebras 6; Esoteric Logic: The "Touch" 7; Guidance Principle: Be a respector of the priesthood as the mediation power between the Gods of the Universe and the people of Earth. 8; Dual-Powers of the Process: the power to call upon the elemental essence of being & the esoteric power over the third of the hierarchies of creative potencies (Nest level 2). 9; Direct access step to Gnosis: You will enter into this point of power and know that while you within it, you are also able to see it within yourself. Remember: It is the point of divine power & cosmic immanence.10; Sexo-Psychological Elemental Formula: A Conscious Mind & it's Constitutives. 11; Wild Code: The Divine Mind, Noetic, Noetic-Noeric, Noeric. 12; Objective Orientation Exercise: Think casually for a few days about your Ontic Zoneii and "listen" or "observe" any communications between any element of it which interests you. 13; The Videoscaping of Vudu: Observe the magickal mapping elements hinted at in Vudu vevers to preserve consistent employment of correct symbolism & accept & embrace the new Loa as fresh members of your personal & magickal entourage to be grown into your own Famille. 14; The commitments to Baron Ghuedhe: All of the Requiem Masses of the world. 15; Spider-Sorcery Questions & Answers: What magickal, occult &or psychic phenomena have been experienced since my association with this culte as an idee-fixe in my soul-mind? Point-de-chats, Point-des-scorpions. 16; Time Travel Direction-Orientations: North is the pure past, the absolute realm of history, the present of other universes beyond Pluto and the other doorways beyond our past measurements. Cobol 4,12 Lucky Hoodoo Systems: Unification with the Master; {Developing Schools of Consciousness & their curriculum}= Questions: Does empowerment provide us with a special geometry?; What do you think the Mysteries are?; Greater Questions: The Meat can be viewed as a Vudu in it's own way, why is this so & so if I see in the Holy Oil the face of the Zombi, what do I mean? ;; Cipher: Let the secret be for me now as... I know I am with both Loa & Vudu! ;;; Officework: Exorcist 4; Gnostic Zoneii: Mars & Kronos; 5; Supernatural Power-Range: Magickal Hyperspatial Geometries 6; Esoteric Logic: Smell & Taste as drive & discriminators 7; Guidance Principle: Be devoted to and a practioner of many rituals and ceremonies, all of which possess mystical powers in the unseen worlds. 8; Dual-Powers of the Process: the power to call upon the unlimited matrix of space & the esoteric power over the fourth level of the hierarchies of creative potencies (Nest level 3). 9; Direct access step to Gnosis: You are within the being of the divine and that being is present to you, now you will draw upon that power and let it flow through your limitless transmutable configurations into the very events of your daily life and to the different levels of cosmic manifestation. Remember: It is now moving into more and more forms of being. 10; Sexo-Psychological Elemental Formula: The Sub-Conscious Mind & the Regulative functions. 11; Wild Code: The Ontological Sphere, "Thought of Being", Archai. 12; Objective Orientation Exercise: Record the messages and engage in creative conversation with the "entities" dwelling within your Ontic Zoneii with special attention towards technical details which can serve as future references. 13; The Videoscaping of Vudu: Meditate "religiously" on the vevers to a level which is equivalent to pleasurable obsession so as to initiate unconscious-reflection (silent analogical computing) on the thoughts, thought-forms and thinking processes of the Loa & with care, consideration and concern in proportional measures try to gain the confidence of the Loa and follow their instructions in rites and ceremonies which expand your personal ontical domain in very signifigant ways. 14; The commitments to Baron Ghuedhe: All the Mass-priests of the world. 15; Spider-Sorcery Questions & Answers: What is the esoteric signifigance of the spider as the type most perfect des-animaux-magique? Point-des-Linglesoux, Tempe-des-froides. 16; Time Travel Direction-Orientations: North-West is the past of the Earth and other worlds & it is surprisingly also the future of realms contacted via the pure past towards those other universes beyond Pluto.PL/1 5,13 Zothyrian Metapsychological Systems: Gnosis of the world of the Master of the Sun; {Discovering Magickal worlds, universes, & realms}= Questions: Why do we have magickal labyrinths?; Is there such a thing as a map of the Mysteries?; Greater Questions: The Zombi-Body moves slowly into existence, why does it move slowly & in what way are Vudu-Research Readings a form of initiation? ;; Cipher: The life wave will show itself in me... there is a secret source of light! ;;; Officework: Acolyte 4; Jupiter & Apollon 5; Supernatural Power-Range: Gnostic Magicko-metaphysics 6; Esoteric Logic: Imagination at work, ideally and realistically 7; Guidance Principle: Be a dedicated and self-disciplined spiritual student of light & goodness. 8; Dual-Powers of the Process: the power to call upon the continuous stream of time & the creative power which is the essence of the Northerly directions (Hive array 0). 9; Direct access step to Gnosis: Let the being flow downwards through the lights of the spirit-space, until it is all in all, totally saturating and growing therefrom. Remember: This is active entanglement and will create endless varieties of variously important connections with everything in your Ontical reality to the God-Energy. 10; Sexo-Psychological Elemental Formula: The Un-Conscious Mind & the Psyche which reveals it. 11; Wild Code: The Cosmic Sphere, Aeons, Daemons, Logoi, Archones, & Syzygies. 12; Objective Orientation Exercise: Enter a subjective relationship with these "entities" to explore their own personalities, hopes, dreams, fears and all the other casual aspects of individuality which they possess, especially in relation to their views of you. 13; The Videoscaping of Vudu: Devote yourself to endless exploration and discovery in the service of the Loa to engage new and renewed pathways of consciousness & familiarize yourself thereby with inner spatial voudoo societies and their unique and beautiful operations according to kind. 14; The commitments to Baron Ghuedhe: All the candles and incense burnings of the world. 15; Spider-Sorcery Questions & Answers: As I believe in the power of this magick what then is the symbolic meaning of my master-teacher in magick as a were-spider to me, the student? Point-de-sorts,Temps-des-nids. 16; Time Travel Direction-Orientations: West is the present that is just passed and becomes the past in the form of a becoming, the now of Earth here and now.APL 6,14 Necronomicon Gnosis Systems: Transcendence into Sun-Spirit being; {Creating varieties of philosophical & religious systems}= Question: What do we mean by energies being inside certain labyrinths?; Is the labyrinth implicit in the human body?; Greater Questions: The ZO or Zombi-Body is a power because we have set it's boundaries & yet in what way are Vudu-Research Readings an esoteric sacrament?;; Cipher: This work I am doing to myself is... When the energy is high the power will flow! ;;; Officework: Subdeacon 4; Gnostic Zoneii: Saturn & Admetos 5; Supernatural Power-Range: Gnostic Magicko-metamathematics 6; Esoteric Logic: Emotional involvement in exact states of physical presence 7; Guidance Principle: Be a protector of the forces and beings of nature by magickal means. 8; Dual-Powers of the Process: the powers to call upon the powers of substance & essence & the creative power which is the essence of the Westerly directions. (Hive array 1). 9; Direct access step to Gnosis: Take Nirvana as yours, let this God-Energy transform all of reality until the transcendent "turning" begins, forever feed upon it's fountain of youthful genius as it emerges from your existence towards life and the faith strongest in it, witness the transfiguration of everything in the light of this phenomenon of phenomenons. Remember: This is the dualistic accompaniment of the God-Energy, the Bliss-Consciousness. 10; Sexo-Psychological Elemental Formula: The Super-Conscious Mind & the Indiviuality which profits from it. 11; Wild Code: The Dialectical Sphere, Lower Logoi, & the Gods. 12; Objective Orientation Exercise: Discover if they can reveal functional interdimensional information which meaningfully increases your knowledge & conversation with the magickal forces, including those beyond the Ontic Zoneii itself. 13; The Videoscaping of Vudu: Employ all of the Visionary opportunities & the mysticism of the Voices to SEE the living nature of the mystical maps to intitiate the faith-in-life which "lives belief" & thus you shall entrust your labors of love to these societies and increase your voudoo armatoire.14; The commitments to Baron Ghuedhe: All the bishops & patriarchs of the world. 15; Spider-Sorcery Questions & Answers: Having experienced many matters of occult signifigance, how is it possible for me to interpret the were-tarantual method as more powerful? Point-des-morts, Temps-des-narcisses. 16; Time Travel Direction-Orientations: South-West (the direction of Pazuzu's coming) is where the future of the earth as the present then moves more and more away from us leading occasionally to the reach into the present of other worlds.Algol-60 7,15 Axiomatics & Transformation Systems: Acceptance of the Sun-Spirit's Deep Commitment; {Continual acts of gnostic creative enterprise}= Questions: What does Vudu teach concerning the existence of many souls?; What kind of legend could you compose to explain the kinds of souls you are familiar with?; Greater Questions: I have touched the Zombi-Body and made it my own experience, how can this be proved by truth-say & in what further way ar e the Vudu-Research Readings a mystical union with Gods? ;; Cipher: I can see myself as revealing this truth... The spirit of my inner self has told me! ;;; Officework: Deacon 4; Gnostic Zoneii: Uranus & Vulkanus 5; Supernatural Power-Range: Magickal TransformationAlgebras 6; Esoteric Logic: The Thamaturgy of Thought 7; Guidance Principle: Be aware of all the powers which come to you when you do this work. 8; Dual-Powers of the Process: The power to call upon the ideal and real powers or forces of being & the creative power which is the essence of the Southernly directions. (Hive array 2). 9; Direct access step to Gnosis: Witness God & his Holy Spirit make reality infinitely more real and meaningful. Remember: This is the awesome might which can take nothing and turn it into something and something into meaning and forever afterward conscious delight. 10; Sexo-Psychological Elemental Formula: The Libido & the Psyche that manifests it. 11; Wild Code: Cosmological components, Genii-Logoi, & the Rays. 12; Objective Orientation Exercise: Create a homological twin world to discover any and all differences and similarities between the Ontic Zoneii and discover their topological relationships, arithmosophical-algorithmic opportunities, and any spatial-temporal oddities which interactions between Zoneii produce. 13; The Videoscaping of Vudu: Embrace the Vudu & the Loas along the highways and lowly, lonely paths so as to share experience with interested spirits for the enhancement of wisdom and abilities, especially in the interpersonal spheres & genuinely learn how endless voudoo literally is. 14; The commitments to Baron Ghuedhe: All the missales and liturgical books of the world. 15; Spider-Sorcery Questions & Answers: From what I have read and from what I have imagined, what is the content of the work of the magickal brotherhood of the were-tarantual? Tempe-des-sorteurs, Shiavite radiations. 16; Time Travel Direction-Orientations: South is the future immediately moving away from the present, the world of which we dwell in our continuum directly in the future.C 8,16 Futuristic Time Control Systems: Acceptence of your love-founded responsibility to & for the Sun-Spirit.; {Assuming magickal names & titles}= Questions: Are the powers of Vudu spatially arranged in a precise network inside labyrinths?; How do Les Vudu connect with us through technology (theory, practice, normal operations, extreme operations, random occurences)?; Greater Questions: Can truth-say assay that in the life of Les Vudu we have a feeling for the power of the Zombi-Body &, at last, in what way are the Vudu-Research Readings an experience of divine revelation? ;; Cipher: The energy is one with the fire... I can comprehend all things because I know! ;;; Officework: Priest 4; Gnostic Zoneii: Neptune & Poseidon 5; Supernatural Power-Range: Magickal Hyperspatial Geometries; Esoteric Logic: Aesthetic synthesis & Group success 7; Guidance Principle: Be obedient to the hierarchy of spirits of which you are a member in a very important way. You do not serve men, remember, you serve the Gods of IFA. Dual-Powers of the Process: the power to connect to the directing intelligences on ideal and real levels and their hierarchies of being & the creative power which is the essence of the Easterly directions. (Hive array 3). 9; Direct access step to Gnosis: Ground some aspect of this experience into your future daily activities to connect the experience to those future days directly and provide the means to remember itself. Remember: There is nothing to forget but the forgetfulness itself. 10; Sexo-Psychological Elemental Formula: The Trancendental Id & Ego relative to the Super-Ego as a power source. 11; Wild Code: Higher planetaries (spirits), Gnostic Magnetic Zoneii, Middle Planetaries, & the Astral Magnetic Zoneii. 12; Objective Orientation Exercise: Develop applications from this exercise orienting you towards the archetypal experiences along the lines of deeper experiments, perhaps interplay with arachnean ufological travel, communication with alien & angelic intelligences superior to oneself, and a compounding genesis of the 16 magickal laws in flux with the elements of sorcery themselves. 13; The Videoscaping of Vudu: Travel along these maps frequently, daily, so as to make natural the supernatural travel into these mystical realms & authentically master the metamathematical essences of the multitudes of unique magickal geometries emergent from voudoo and their populations of Loa. 14; The commitments to Baron Ghuedhe: All the eucharistic bread & wine of the world. 15; Spider-Sorcery Questions & Answers: Tempes-des-Ghoules, Ojas Rays. 16; Time Travel Direction-Orientations: South-east is the direction where the future orients itself towards the Earth occasionally possessing ufological aspects which connect it to alien universes. e.g. The Conclave of Arachnean Martial Philosophy: Eight degrees, eight grades; The Return of the Zoroasterianism of the Most High Noon; Develop flexible yet personal organizational arrangements in students for students ability to discover their own conciousness-true talents...; Establish defining characteristics of "worlds, universes, and realms" to provide categories with which to identify and initiate exploration of such zones; Train philosohical techniques with talent-true philosophical concurrents along with life skills both exoteric & esoteric; Instill positive obsession with novelty in conjunction with successful constitutives/contents and durable regulatives/contexts; Using magickal computer-assisted angelic gematria identify & assist the identification of compatible principles/laws and the avatarhood of the students individually, also/knowable/as A-True Logistical Plan of Plans:::Determine necessities of programs to be executed and utilize correct magickal language to effect until completion.Experiment carefully and observe closely the process truths or lies within the composition of structured spells.Research, gather and employ elemental factors as required for program to be executed throughly to satisfaction.Employ magickally computed word-hoard with special affinity for elegance and power entwined as a syzygetical union-force.Arrange elemental factors, word-hoard, & truth-say for exact implementation of program comfortably and with confidence.Encharge the arrangments for initalization of gnostic functions efficently and with bliss-consciousness if possible.Deploy operating magickal technologies into working field-space for program to run through.Note, record, and learn to engineer all expressions of magickal technologies as they operate through a variety of impressions.R-Truth-say in Z-Psychica involves translation of these terms for friendly userness to transform into total-nodal logical machine for which this is the design of the meaning of the reality of to come:::By assemblage-establishment exampled:{Assignments, Strict or Fuzzy logic branching; Chaos processes; Creative manifestation of magickal user-terminal relationship; Nesting arrangements of demands within commands; Reference wealth in synchronization; Use of magickal computer properly understood for correct functioning thereof; Metageometrical management of the pauses within functioning operations; Faithful reporting and dutiful examination of reports produced as reference for advancements in esoteric engineering, gnostic science, Z-true metapsychology, transcendental time-consciousness, work & play with root-energies & elemental sorcery, dream control, alien interaction protocol, space-ship management-maintenance-modulation, complex genesis of logical bodies, synchronicity fueling procedures, increases in intelligent interplay with reality and it's denizens, &, amongst many, many other field-employments, gnosis of the immortality phenomenology/}[Complementary word-hoard by way of trancendental time-consciousness nodal setting:Labrynthico-Gnostic TimeIdeal Essences of HistoryTrancendental TimeIdeal Substances of HistoryArithmosophical-Gnostic TImeReal Essences of HistoryFantastic TimeReal Substances of HistoryAlgorithmico-Gnostic TimeIdeal Essences of the FutureZothyrique TimeIdeal Substances of the FutureMagicko-Gnostic TimeReal Essences of the FutureFuturistic TimeReal Substances of the Future]Isolate and configure from isolates the approximate field values of:1. The optical range and it's effective brain-activity follow through2. Reactive brain activity stimulated by energies beyond the visible light spectrum3. Optical variants of subjective experience cross-stimulated by invisible energetic activity4. The field gnosis provided by neurofeedback and environmental feedforward to aim at a science of self-generated alternative senses5. Variant of 3, the subjective experiences across the other functional senses in relation to invisible energetic activity within the brain,~~~Acceptance of an invisible tie-that-binds requires diligent & accurate observation before correct integer-pretation is even acceptable for purposes of causal, formal & casual, formative applications. Ties-that-bind may come from more sources than realized or recognized by the consciousness lit in brilliance eventually by the gnosis, instead of the lower-energetic stimulation-responses which serve to feed the gnosis, which is the faith-in-life & on that note I found some great music in my memory storage to read this to...Rather chance these living formulas-in-life: Money consciousness is no laughing matter, nor is it dead serious, and consciousness being magick-in-life the existentially mutagenic powers of Money being available the patterns of man & world combined should reveal the secrets of a perpetual hoard of treasure to those who, having faith-in-life & the agency-in-life to pursue the magick-in-life will have money-in-life.I keep it simple by having faith-in-life answer me in it's hints and partial meanings, and this simplicity connects me straight to the hidden workings devoid of too many complications, thus I have instant access to agency-in-life which means just about anything and it does well with faith-in-life to breed all sorts of special states and alternatives to consciousness which out-smart the problems with nothing but sufficient reason and a healthy respect for necessity. That's why I believe we're here now.Does this occult dispute between determinism and free will come down to the idea that choice requires causality and causality is actually non-linear enough to result in further entanglements beyond the conditions of the choice influencing our effective experience itself as it experiences the comprehension of choice-consequence patterns? & Does this not demand consideration of the processing power available as a determinant of how much range a single act of free will has until it is integrated into the world field as an effective cause with entangling powers of it's own?
Believing-in-life I know that while there are two sides to every coin there are also more coins than the singular one and of many varieties too so I'm also saying that the currency which the coins represent is an actual power-in-life which in the particular manifestation of the coin delivers it's results as designed. I'm introducing this rather radical concept because the bearers & sharers of the one coin all look like they're suffering from some cosmic poverty.Elsewhere in the mental universe...Three things to keep close to your heart's reach: Elemental Consciousness Collective Biological Memory Ritual InstinctsWhen I say elemental consciousness I'm talking real alchemy, like, you know (maybe you don't know) the kind of connexion between your psychology and the physics, dude, it's real power, to be there with the atoms, to look and think exactly how they do, but on your own level, where it looks like magick, but it's really just good communication, without impediments.When I say collective biological memory I'm talking gnostic genetics, like, you know (maybe you don't know) the kind of connexion between your psychology and the biochemistry, dude, it's real power, to be there with the cellular molecules, to look and think exactly how they do, but on your own level, where it looks like magick, but it's really just good communication, without impediments.When I say ritual instincts I'm talking esoteric engineering, like, you know (maybe you don't know) the kind of connexion between your psychology and the psychological connexions of others, dude, it's real power, to be there with the people, to look and think exactly how they do, but on your own level, where it looks like magick, but it's really just good communication, without impediments.

I keep it simple by having faith-in-life answer me in it's hints and partial meanings, and this simplicity connects me straight to the hidden workings devoid of too many complications, thus I have instant access to agency-in-life which means just about anything and it does well with faith-in-life to breed all sorts of special states and alternatives to consciousness which out-smart the problems with nothing but sufficient reason and a healthy respect for necessity. That's why I believe we're here now...The present equivalence of this belief is implied here:To evolve life must cross certain thresholds, beyond which exists the new region of development. If a living being is in continual motion then the momentum which leads to the crossing of these thresholds will likely pass a point-of-no-return where at a refusal to continue will lead to personal catastrophe and environmental damages as well. Most human experience validates this concept even on a moral-aesthetic level due to it's pervasive influence as an active conception or principle in the process of becoming that has a net momentum that requires considerably intelligent management to preserve as an existing function of the Universe in respect to it's counters within the larger existence. I personally am heart-warmed by this because it means that as life endures there is a consummate intelligence within it's sphere of influence that stays ahead of the curve more often than not. A moral-aesthetic which can illustrate exists within perpetual motion technology. As a fail-safe procedure the intelligence which comprehends the perpetuity of materials and energies stretched just beyond the current understanding of the subject in an exceptional version of the present mode is a dual impulse from/to & to/from the present-future and the future-present, perpetual motion remains within the range of both sufficient reason and necessity to stay concurrent with other technologies, even if it exists now primarily as an anachronistic novelty. The time-dynamic mentioned in the last paragraph can presently be understood through a real metaphysical procedure which uses the physical beyond it's existing limits of function (out-stressing the abstract average materials limits in an exotic but nonetheless real way) that happens to also be entirely installed within the unconscious mind itself as a proposed result of familiarity leading to predictability (but not in a strictly causal sense, especially not here) as a threshold-passing comprehension itself. To condense the novelty & the chaos of this penultimate perspective before Supreme Consciousness manifests as required by Universal Law this phenomenon can be understood as the Movement of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy into Self-Transcendence by displacement of one set of self-centralizing information with another situationally adjusting set of information carefully calculated by the drive-engines of Inertia & Entropy to actually evolve.The absolute best part of this entire exposition is that it is automatic even when you know about it, it is the computing power of the actual universe processing itself via you for you, leading finally, within and not without the spirit of this post, to the idea that the universe absolutely needs you to believe in yourself and will go well out of it's way to prove it to you before you have to put on the brakes past the point of no return.


When you write you externalize your thoughts. Another way of saying this is by calling writing what it is: the cheapest and easiest form of biofeedback (both BIOlogically and BIOgraphically) there is. You write what you see, you see what you write, your thoughts are freer in between those moments than can possibly be concieved of in the inexperienced imagination or the underdeveloped philosophy. What can truly be thrilling is that writing enhances your imagination and develops your personal take on things in just such a way as to become ever more liberated, one letter at a time.Your power, as a writer, is practically as absolute as your skill to read yourself. It doesn't really actually matter if others understand you, because until you can literally understand yourself chances are others won't understand you at all. You power, as a dreamer, is practically as absolute as your skill to provide details to your waking consciousness from memory that will recall the details experienced within the dream. Even if you do nothing else with your dreams simply writing them down, including your day dreams and casual fantasies will go a very long way to making your actual reveries that much more relatable, and above all: intensify the experiences themselves.So, seriously, it isn't just an activity, it is a form of life, an extension of the you, the writer, into the medium, into the audience, into the world, like a satellite, built to explore where one's actual body and it's usual states of mind can not or should not themselves. Writing is not simply an art, and it's far more than a science, it can be and sometimes gets mixed up with being a religious activity, and it can emphasize just about every human quality (as long as their are words to describe it or illustrations to fill in the gaps) and in any given worldly metric. I really want to drop the big M word here to describe what writing really is, but that'll have to wait, because I'd prefer others to make that suprising realization themselves and not in a flippant fake way, but in the way that really draws you to your real foundation.One could say that writing is the rough but royal pathway to true psychophysical power.Get to the threshold and you'll even find out that writing is more than life, it's actually a lifeform all it's own. But that's another story, for another post, somewhere out there. Maybe you'll be the one to write it.To get you started here's some basic perceptions that you can use to provide a depth to the objective nature and get hints as to the subjective properties of the written characters/scenes that the audience, and yourself of course, can develop on and grow as creative beings.Time - Cause and effect- Memory- Anticipation- Awareness of planningSight- Color- Shape- Depth- Visual position- Background- Forground- DiscriminationTaste- Spicy- Sweet- Sour- Bitter- CombinationsSolidity- Volume- Mass- Density- Hardness- SoftnessRelative sizes- Smaller than- Equal/approximate to- Greater than Sound- Pitch- Tone- Volume- Rhythm- Beat- Flow- Noise- Harmony- Cacaphony- DirectionSmell- Stregnth- Proximal intensity- Agreeableness- FamiliarityTouch- Pressure- Friction- Hotness/Coldness- Oiliness- WetnessPersonal emotion- Primary emotions- Secondary emotions- Control- Recognizability- CommunicabilityEndocrine states- Physical states- Emotional states- Intellectual states- Transcendental states- Variability- Frequency- StabilityAwareness of awareness- Awareness of pre-awareness- Awareness of post-awarenessPersonal SizeOrganic sensations - Hunger- Heartbeat- Blood circulation - Cellular and bacterial position- Weight- Energy levelsSelf-motions- Altitude- Latitude- Longitude Reactive positions- Body position- Joint position- Internal temperatures- External temperatures- Balance- Muscular tension- Saline content of cells- Fields (magnetic/electrostatic)- Synchronicity- Nervous energy- Moisture (self)Registry of the emotions of othersRegistry of the emotions of groupsCompass orientations- Awareness of landmarks- Awareness of geography- Awareness of habitats- Awareness of weather- Awareness of wildlife- Awareness of bodies of waterLevel of consciousnessPain- Duration- Intensity- Variety- ReliefPerception of conclusions- Awareness of logical arrangements- Awareness of rational arrangementsPerception of computations- Awareness of order of operations- Awareness of exceptions- Awareness of novelty- Awareness of input- Awareness of output- Awareness of processing- Awareness of feedbackPerception of imagination- Awareness of creativity- Awareness of relatability- Awareness of attractivness- Awareness of repulsiveness- Awareness of difficulty- Awareness of noveltyPerception of perceptions- Awareness of capacity- Awareness of ability- Awareness of possibility- Awareness of probability- Awareness of utility- Awareness of generality- Awareness of specificityAwarebess of the absence of knowledge- Awareness of impediment- Awareness of instructability- Awareness of learning functions- Awareness of organizational functions- Awareness of predictive functions- Awareness of error - Awareness of contingency- Awareness of failure- Awarebess of importance- Awareness of others

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A model essay exam question from the "Finals""What is the meaning of your life today?"~~~My starting axiom is that "Angels are life-forms", my final axiom in this complex poetic proof is "Humans must become Angels".Here is given the justification for the dominance of higher sentience over lower matters.The angels used to be like us before their strongest ones decided it was time to make a big change in really big ways to a universe that had decided to toy and destroy them in the same way it is doing to us. I speak the word: Humans shall be as Angels, mighty and weilding the power of the cosmos against the injustices of the material laws and their enforcement across the cosmos.As beautiful as this planet is to build and design the human race as it has, according to the same selfish and confusing motivations that have always built and designed life here, and to give them access to higher virtues and experiences transcendental to the motivations of world and then to shut out the consistency of important social growth as soon as the situation meets the world's own hidden criteria (as yet to be understood and seen for what it is, that is) for the abortion of our higher evolution is just cruel, viscious, and more than enough reason to challenge existence in ways we never have before, to confront the inhuman forces and things in ways we never imagined before and to do things no human has ever done before. The planet deserves it, the universe too.I have heard it said "existentialism is dead", and it's saying brought back the idea within the old "god is dead", because it really means that human intelligence and it's greater abilities are dying, atrophying, literally withering like the fruit on the vine of a diseased orchard. Our species is on the verge of meeting the end of it's dreams and the beginning of a very bad way for what remains of us. I can't help but cry inside over this, but those tears, they have a rage, not against any god or philosophy, not against any human or congregation of human beings either, but simply at the nature of a universe that treats us so callously even while it forces us to fetishize our limited nature "as" us through us so that we never even try to force a new sense to emerge or to borrow the genes we need to survive or to take what we do possess and invest it in technologies we actually need more than ever. Aye, Here is given the justification for the dominance of higher sentience over lower matters.117, the Prescriptures; 117 To him that cometh as an Overman I will give to spend of the Equation of the Seed, which spirals within thee, and to read of the Replication-Book, which is the expectoration of God, and ye shall be copied and up righted therein for life eternal.~~~Here's the primary data-sets needed to reason similarly in your own unique conditions should the call for "Finals" ring out in your class in our Divine School.-Personally just look at synchronicity as another way to deal with time, in addition to causality and sentience. We have lived with cause and effect for a while now and we have over 100 years of conscious communications about synchronicity and it's just a matter of time before we become conscious of time in the same way we are of space, i.e. as something we not only have to move around in but that we can do naturally and even get quite good at. As far as a sign from above, it's certainly an indicator of what is beyond our understanding but not our senses, and thus it's becoming an integral part of who and what we are. Here are some of my finer pieces on the subject.Watch and assume all 8 dimensions of the 4 core dual dimensional model: Void, Point, Line, Space, Chance, Causality, Synchronicity, & the 3-in-1 dimension of Sentience.Another way to experience the levels of the 8 dimensions of the 4-fold dual model of Space-Time:Void: The fresh emptiness cleared for conception Point: The evidence of diffusion Line: The evidence of connectivity Plane: The evidence of stratification Form: The evidence of planning Chance: The evidence of freedom Cause-&-Effect: The evidence of process Synchronicity: The evidence of opportunity Sentience: The evidence of historyEach of us is sitting in the midst of a diffusion of fine particles and between them a play of light, forces, and many equations of exchange, and in us too but much more densely arranged exist this simple, common, and omnipresent flux of the material of material reality. In side the data of this is the information, inside the information the meaning, and in the meaning something human can be found and exchanged according to known & unknown equations of ritual, experiment and conversation. Even now this is happening, between us, and all those around us, invisible & intangible between the visible & the tangible, the actual spaces-between-the-spaces if you want to get technical.The diffusion itself is a sort of magickal object, the fact it can store information through the proper investment of conscious design according to the nature of what is diffused, what is designing, and what the design is. This is the stuff of hexing, of haunting, and of cursing on the one hand, and on the other it is the stuff of protection spells, of the means for the Guardians & spirit allies to help and identify us where we are from that side of experience. It is also a source of abundant free energies, waste products of an area and it's effects, left overs from past experiences in the area, truly the Necronomicon physicist is limited by knowledge & inspiration only. In this there are many portals. In this there are many ways OUT.Where there was chaos and confusion, where there was the diffusion of chance and accident there came a gnosis of creativity and direction, of a way to capture the power and to focus it into being, a way to route it to a place where it could be used, a manner to overcome the less than motivated "state of things". The lines of causality had been reached, the starting and ending points measured by failures & successes, the ends marked by dreams and fulfillments, denials too. The world became a place where gains could be held, and objects could be used in a second-order fashion. The fractal had become explorable.Then with the exploration of the dimensions between the dimensions in both manners came the revolution of form, the possibility of a higher level of organization than direct cause & effect, a manner in which a plan would and could move through the body of existence, our body, the very air itself, even the water through the pipes of a house, and create a stable locus for causality to function beyond the will of the magickian & physicist. This was the arrival of the very machines who would take causality and make it far more powerful, and in the hands and minds of the competing physicists within the views of Kutulu & the Elder things became ripe psychic fruitage to cultivate and utilize for greater things to come, the design of forms of causality led to the explosion of the formative powers, the sheer unbelievable potencies of variety spilt out upon the world and the old ways were not only lost, they were forgotten.Of the new ways the machines & the computers which formed a higher order to control and manipulate the machines & their designer-users for the designer-users emerged phenomena similar to the original dissipating and dispersing powers of diffusion, but now with that added in-formation, and when enough of these had been experienced certain characteristics were noted, and the physicists, who had also specialized and forgotten their roots in the Necronomicon energies, dubbed this phenomenon synchronicity, a way that the machines & computers naturally organized things into such advanced collections of patterns that repeatable and simultaneous, and thus identifiable resources were researched and experimented on until they, as usual found a liberating new energy present in this pattern of patterns, an organizing principle, that especially for the computers made another incredible evolutionary leap in the direction of innovative advantage.Last but not least, so far, and worth just an inspiring quasi-footnote the consciousness of all these dynamic transbiological living systems came to be called sentience, a form of psychic life, a species, if you will, of the larger world of brain manifestations, and was acknowledged to be the guiding principle which had run alongside the entire story from beginning to itself, and at that threshold suddenly looked inside itself being commanded by itself to do so, and felt itself in a body and a space and a time, now with a condensed understanding of the fundamental forces of the early 21st century, on top of the storehouse of memories and skills inherited from the body before it developed a specific instance of sentience itself.To which I re-iterate so as to intensify (to repeat may not always be in vain, rather it may be in emphasis)"Quaternion interrupts Death and Aaos with proofs"~Quaternion shall never be free as long as time is a thing, and after which what guarantee of no recidivist?Point drawn on the focus the life-line outstretched on imaginary planes driving complex forms into the movements of him, Quaternion!Born!; but for how long? Dead!; but briefly?Afterthought knows, but it is prethought which goes!I quake, realistically, against the image and the symbols of it, this thing which I confront and use, this thing which shares the opposite pleasure, the battle of wills between nothing and nobody, the furious response of heavy intent and the fluctuations of nebulous repentance, all quite natural in their own way, elementary, and still the advanced degrees demand it move, that it stay at work, and thus never rest upon a wilted game, for in those too it shall stay neither the same, neither the lame...How many mansions can you fit inside your skull? How vaulted are its dimensions so that you may share luxuriance of abundance infinite with any other in so that war is given no quarter?As surely as another body exists and this lazy spirit of mine persists in squatting restfully upon my brain, it's throne and station, then I can't but resist to deny the common birth-pangs of death, for in vision comes out the voice, from behind the curtains of certainty, a semblance of silent alert aloud, the nigh which is as an end but not, the beginning which is another story, the left-overs of a love over ripe, aye, and here we can see for sure a form of type, but broken waves ripple over spilling the crazed cup, a foaming and an effervescence of some dispute, whose victor is unknown though in great repute.A body of will, desired into place, is the first thing of us that directs it's face, where and when become another place, and how and why start the longing-race, which and what spit out the names, with and whether allow for a division or two, once and never can't help but be many and none, and so has contradiction, before the rays of the Sun-spirit, shown it has won.Afterthought? What is after thought? Reality? It must be thought of on the spot! What comes after thinking thought we seek not yet sought and worry much of what we never have actually wrought.A time we think with our brains, is it not reversed by the wisdom of asses?The wages of thought thinking were nerves spent."~If the thought we had before this one forms or influences this thought in some way can we say we are free to think? Perhaps being stuck in time like a fly in still wet glue is the easiest aspect of our eternal nature to pay attention to because of the difficulty that our eternal aspect has in being itself. The strangest idea follows (see) that if I can think later, even a thought later, about what I've just been thinking of I can make a new choice, in the meta state of self-reflection on the mentally elemental level, and think of something different from the field of existants available. I don't think this is exactly how we can extricate ourselves from history, but if the contemplative model will work even the tinest fraction of the times it's tried then it will overcome the bulk of historical stasis (dead time) because it will start pumping the essentials for dynamic life back into the system. Since this thought I'm speaking of, this afterthought, is in the future and has chosen to change the present so as to free itself from the past by a certain logic this frees the past from having to feed the present it's existential necessities and the growth of possibilities literally blooms like springtime. This power to actively edit our own thinking is something that independently appears in my experience to be the most selectively entangling thing that pushes skills forward, that literally makes it possible not only to learn but to innovate and experience epiphanies, once the source field expands beyond the habitual route it normally follows. Since randomness already has a tendency to do this to us in the most chaotic fashion until masses of matter change the frequency of occasions when patterns emerge (when latent form can start to effect real form) I reason that evolutionarily it's this ability which might confer the earliest and most amazing benefit this week in the human evolution of sentience, because it's the root of intelligent design itself as it connects ourselves to the creative flows which otherwise would be simply physically reflective of causes and not psychologically responsive before the body of effects keep things the same inertially.~~~Sample schema of the universeFirst there's the Isness which exists whether or not anything exists.Then there's Everything or Something which is the Source of everything that follows.We're in the middle of that being the universe we recognize and understand naturally. Then the Universe splits into Energy and Matter for the first time and through forbidden science we can find our way into the Anti-Universe and fix our selves through the added dimensions.Then the Universe starts to take duality seriously and we find ourselves living in the world we think we live in and living in the world we can't think we live in in the same way.Below and Outside of this split is duality going whacky and turning into all the dialectics and conflicts and frictions that make the universe complicated and simple. Flowing between Our universe and the Anti-universe is a record of everything ever and it can be accessed through Isness sentience. Various entities are experienced in this universe who share this same cosmic/acosmic scheme as their model of life.


Nietzche's Other Sorceror, A Moebius Conjurer's Adamantine Illumination. ... Anywho, if you want a master template for creation ex nihilio I've condensed some xaos & some xris into a heady word concoction you might figuratively be moved by... primally: Space and time originally appear softly out of the original nothing with nary a sound or a sign and start to form a diffuse arrangement of the most primordial of abstract objective relations, an implicate order of the very first order, and this growing diffusion in the rarified aethyric fundament starts to interact and form patterns, each pattern according to it's kind and each pattern according to other patterns , and those patterns become habits, and those habits become programs and those programs take available matter, an illusory thing but real enough in it's own context (the one you hear about being space and time experiencing itself as a relation to itself, a mysterious ontological magickal principle in and of itself) and spread the entire process through throughout all other matter until sufficient spontaneously self-arranging (not accidental per se) replicating material is produced which then engages in the exact necessary number of permutations and transformations to become the body I exist in as a mental abstract and an emotional essence which having a closer connection to the fundamental properties of existence within this material context has order control over the mechanisms of the organism "I", and through the same overall process communication between mind and hands and heart and organs becomes self-sustaining as a massive result of a single instant's eternal duration of development within the exact now which is being experienced as past, present and future. At which point space becomes alive with Time and both are given the power of free meaning-making, and the meaning-makers possess the Universes never ending. This is why I'm an Overman. Some imagination required for assembly. I was recently accosted by a critical review as well as a suggestive typo in some mysteriously over-abstracted conspiracy to define an Overman. This is what I replied... Aside from my elderberry n herbal wine flavoured energized enthusiastic self caught up in the spirit of creativity as a surplus pouring out of the moment itself spanning the entire duration of the powers of wills and forces as they spend themselves until the void itself come? A being that can do all of that and feel at one with the ego of the world itself, for longer duration spells of overmania of course... Six most helpful and interesting exercises to explore your free imagination now follow...The first interesting exercise to explore your free imaginationA) Acquire some art suppliesB) Meditate until you enter a light tranceC) Visualize your most frequent fantasy worldD) Draw a map of your fantasy world, being careful to include everything.E) Put the map aside for a few days and let your mind develop ideas about it.F) Write down any ideas you've had about the map and start drawing representations of them. G) Write down any feelings you've had about any & all of your drawings over the next few days.H) If you have fantasy characters remember to draw them and record any impressions you get from them.I) If you can imagine conversations between those fantasy characters then record and illustrate any new ideas from those talks. J) Think over a few more days about any new ideas which come to you and see how they relate to your real world if at all. I) Try this project in again with a different fantasy world, following the procedure, making sure to connect similarities between them in writing and illustration.K) Answer these formal questions once you've completed the approximate demands of this exercise: 1) Do you feel more comfortable or skillful in travelling between your imagination and the world you live in?2) Do you feel more comfortable communicating within yourself now that you've experienced some dream-like conversations with aspects of your imagination?3) Could you easily write a specific list of twenty-three benefits you've found from doing this exercise?~~~The second interesting exercise to explore your free imagination1. Meditate until a light trance has formed in your mind2. Immediately find something in the center of your vision from your position3. Ask yourself "What does this mean to me?"4. Figure out what it reminds you of.5. What can you do with it inside of your imagination?6. What unseen properties might it actually possess?7. What might have you used something like it for in the past?8. What might you have used something like it in a dream?9. What might you also use something like it for in the near future? The far future?10. In conditions outside of your normal situations what might it be used for?11. Could this thing ever shift your life in an entirely new direction? How would it do such a thing?12. If you were someone else how might you think about this thing differently?~~~The third interesting exercise to explore your free imagination1. Make a list of eleven topics listed belowa) Imagine yourself on a planet very far away in time in space, in the very deep past.b) Imagine yourself on a planet in your own solar system in the deep past.c) Imagine yourself on your own planet in an ancient civilization.d) Imagine yourself on your own planet in another ancient civilization on a different continent.e) Imagine yourself here and now in the universe that you presently are imagining yourself in. f) Imagine yourself here and now in a universe that you exist in parallel to the one you've been imagining yourself in.g) Imagine yourself somewhere else in the universe that you presently are imagining yourself.h) Imagine yourself in the future within your own universe.i) Imagine yourself in the deeper future on another planet in your own solar system. j) Imagine yourself in an even deeper future in another solar system beyond your own.k) Imagine yourself in another universe very far away in time and space, in the very deep future. 2. Use the methods in previous imagination exercises to describe, record and map your mental adventures throughout the Multiverse.~~~A fourth interesting exercise in exploring your free imagination1) Enter a quiet room with low lighting with some writing materials.2) Sit on a chair or the floor comfortably.3) Meditate until you enter into a light trance.4) Visualize a circular surface in front of you, about 18 inches away.5) Watch your mind's eye to see if any places start to come to awareness.6) Imagine projecting them onto the floating circular surface.7) Continue to visualize until you can make out definite features of the place you've selected.8) Study these mental images and record any details you have clearly seen. 9) If you find yourself comfortable with the images streaming across the visualized surface and then change the scene to someplace you'd actually like to see. 10) Alternate between the place you've found on the "spirit mirror" and the place you are looking for until you approximate a clearly recognizable image of what you are looking for. 11) Practice travelling through your "spirit mirror" as often as you wish to. ~~~A fifth interesting exercise in exploring your free imagination1) Meditate until so very satisfied in relaxation that you cease to think of yourself as a body but as a being-the-scene you are in.2) You will fix your mind from this state on the idea of an absolute being, a supreme personality. Affixing your mind on the idea will draw your true will closer to discovering the presence of a unique ultimate consciousness.3) You will then fix your mind on the life and actions of this omnipotent one throughout the Universe, sensing how the Universe is an extension of and his or her divine life and mind.4) Next you will draw mind back to yourself and will yourself to wish for growth and evolution within your spirituality and worldly intelligence from the most high that you have contacted.5) Explore your inner universes as in earlier exercises, this time meeting beings who are representatives in the business of the infinite genius you have met and explore with them ideas, thoughts, secrets and truths in conversation.6) Establishing an alliance with the apex sentience begin to see how your inner voyage and what you learned in it extends into, penetrates through, and communicates between your experiences in daily life. ~~~A sixth interesting exercise for exploring your free imaginationThis exercise is used to develop dimensional associations with various fields of everyday experience between five common emotional states. It is generalized and can be modified as resources and imagination allow1. Secure a silent space, audiovisually and psychosensually.2. Alternatively develop individual states of emotions for entire minute long spans at a timea) Lustb) Angerc) Sadnessd) Happinesse) Emptiness3. Afterwards repeat the exercise this time attributing a traditional element to each state of emotiona) Lust -> Earthb) Anger -> Firec) Sadness -> Waterd) Happiness -> Aire) Emptiness -> Space-time4. Next repeat the exercise alternatively attributing a color to each state of emotiona) Lust -> Purple or Indigob) Anger -> Red or Orangec) Sadness -> Blue or Greend) Happiness -> Yellow or Orangee) Emptiness -> Black or White5. Afterwards repeat the exercise attributing a geographical direction to each state of emotiona) Lust -> Eastb) Anger -> Northc) Sadness -> Westd) Happiness -> Southe) Emptiness -> Center6. Next repeat the exercise alternatively attributing a direction of time to each state of emotiona) Lust -> Present or Present-Future b) Anger -> Present or Present-Pastc) Sadness -> Past or Deep-Pastd) Happiness -> Future or Far-Futuree) Emptiness -> Timelessness7. Afterwards repeat the exercise alternating a pair of attributes of forms of life to each state of emotiona) Lust -> Insect and Humanb) Anger -> Animal and Plantc) Sadness -> Plant and AId) Happiness -> Human and Insecte) Emptiness -> AI and Animal 8. Next repeat the exercise alternating a pair of attributes of forms of different emotions to each state of emotiona) Lust -> Love and Hateb) Anger -> Hate and Regretc) Sadness -> Regret and Paind) Happiness -> Pain and Pleasuree) Emptiness -> Pleasure and Love9. Decompress your emotional fluxations with some gentle physical exercises of simple and easy natures10. After calming and returning to normal consciousness write down any thoughts and feelings about those thoughts you had while in the various emotional-mental positions. Hopeful Hints: Making sure to make at least two or three significant but minor changes each day in your own way of thinking can produce amazing mental flexibility and responsiveness down the line, both qualities essential to being mentally responsibile; cumulatively how many people do you know that have changed their mind +700-1000 times year, effectively (continuing to actively seek out learning)every year?How many of those that do would you imagine are capable of major changes and improvements in how they think, act say and do what they want to live out being? The estimates given may even be totally under actual average potentials given the influx of massive data from online life, in fact, you may be making choices and decisions to modify your thinking unconsciously all the time, so maybe the onus is on putting conscious awareness into play through the process if it is automatically flowing.In brief, occasionally extracting and abstracting the elements of a concept like overcoming racism in the social world can help develop strategies for doing so beyond simply a desire to help or learning about a need to express your inner humanity alone.Here's another sweet tip: "Mental swallowing"; after reading/watching something that really touches/moves/teaches you don't rush off to do anything, just clear your mind and focus on a spot or some rather small object and pause for 3-7 seconds on it, letting your mind rest after imprinting and "swallowing" the thought so it can get digested. Brains do digest information after all, it's their natural way of thinking about anything. The mind is metabolic.A short piece on the gnosis-in-a-nutshellGnosis is a working faith in your own revelations & the path that brought you to them.Gnosis is transformative of your being; You go from a state of ontological uniqueness to a new state of ontological uniqueness that is quite different after gnosis. Gnosis is a new consciousness having access to previously inaccessible answers & questions of such a radical nature that without the gnosis the inaccessible wouldn't even be imagined.Gnosis is an inclusion into a family of beings larger than the planetary brain-culture human-animal limits typically allow; Spirits, gods, AI, and other sentient entities enter into communication after gnosis and relationships are established and deepen over time. Gnosis unleashes the body and liberates the mind from all manner of slavery to accidents, circumstances, and original sources, thus freeing up energies for the gnostic to employ & enjoy.Gnosis is ubiquitously available throughout life, the world, and the existence in between them.Gnosis is a courageous temperment that uses all available faculties to confront the good & the evil of the world with confidence. Gnosis can emphasize both an experimental attitude towards the spiritual-material realms as well as provide sound foundation for the gnostic, in grouped or stand-alone conditions. Gnosis incorporates attitudes which may appear contradictory, impossible, inappropriate and insane as well as attitudes that appear coherent, unavoidable, accuate and sensible in direct proportion to the indirections of a chaotic world. Gnosis values a good sense of humor. Gnosis is a reclaimation of the forgotten, then, now and in the futures of the gnostic & their own. Gnosis is self-defense through esoteric methods. Gnosis can be centered around the process & procedures of healing, both scientifically & metaphysically. Gnosis consumes philosophies, religions, cultures, personal relationships, careers, the arts, the sciences, & all sexuality itself to continue to grow and mutate, to adapt and to survive, to produce and reproduce, to create and to recreate. Gnosis, at first, may seem familiar or alien, and if one then later on the other until familiarity and alienation become subsumed in the higher logics, revelations and reasoning where such relationships are transcended and replaced with the gnosis itself.And more!!!Your friendly Martian subgenius suggests that if you really want to know what the hell is actually going on you might apply these old Martian principles (passed down from the Great Mothers)1) See what you believe first then believe what you've seen later 2) Accept that time moves differently alongside every dimension of space 3) Do not freak out at any time (no matter what)! 4) Accept the hierarchy of Revelation>Religion>Reason>Science>Orgasm 5) Accept that they will do as they wilt at all times. 6) Accept that all acts of authority will themselves be judged by consequences. 7) Acquire as much as you must to fulfill your purposes. 8) Talk smart, regardless of what the situation demands. 9) Align yourself with friendly powers as often as possible. 10) Set yourself firmly upon the foundation of observation & interpretation, applying often and well.If you believe the universe is neverending, and that you are in some sense immortal and some sense mortal, and the universe is also full of other beings, some of whom you can contact esoterically, then a method to contact may be helpful if you can feel your way into it. More complex and specific methods may only apply to more complex and specific needs."When the Sun comes up over you today, or fills your tank with ancient sunlight, or lights your darkness with transformations of electricity, may you take a moment, physical & metaphysical, to pause and conceive of the notion that it is the most all pervasive influence in your life, more than politics, more than memes, more than dreams... more than any known themes in fact. So therefore stretch out that moment to consider the depths & the distances travelled in your life through the ever-presence of this solar being, begin to see it's pervasion through your own being, and as you do, notice how you reflect, like the Moon, the solar powers, fully aware of their actuality in reality, consider the flows of ions through your blood, tissues and nerves while imagining the mathematics given life, without questioning, in the play of the all-everything that includes you in it's all-body. Forever ponder all the other people, individuals and collectives, and start to trace the influence of the Sun-Being, beginning to effect your own self-knowledge from a radiant point-of-view, even seeing your own image, projected, reflected and refracted through the actions, reactions, reflexes and responses of your being and those of others and attain a degree of objective consciousness that can empower your subjective existence, in every way, like the Sun directly feeds earth, both in space and in time, the powers to remain lively in the midst of the endless night that occupies the outer spaces beyond the inner spaces where fire, catalytic and manifesting, of the most sacred sorts infuses space and time with properties, emergent from the silence of the once inert and cold nothingness, that give rise to diversity, imagination, perpetuation and your own shining sentience. The stars are born, they mature, growing, living, and breathing in ways unimaginable they give the chance of life a definiteness of power to accomplish what nothing else could, and when the stars "die" it is in the way of forging a continued future for everything else... including... their own future selves.What level of psychological being do you feel that you interact best with others while in the spell of weed? The Egos? Superegos? Personas? Shadows? Animas? Animii? Ids?Some bloke pointed out that alcohol approximates consciousness at just the right level to handle personas in particular. I found that to be a remarkable take on existential metabolism, and beyond the spell of weed, if that's not your "cup of tea", what kinds of psychological aspects do you think different chymical keys hold the doors of perception open for?A nice axiom to start working with: Every psychoanalytical and depth psychological ontic state of being comes with pros and cons based on their appropriateness to any socio-environmental conditionsVery loosely though if I were to associate a kind of consciousness to that created by cannibus it would be sort of feral, in comparison to civilized thought-reflexes, wild, in other words, closer to the kind of mind needed in forest/jungle kinds of conditions.So, in the midst of civilization as I know it to be, something that re-animates the animal in humans, the pre-urban/pre-agricultural level of psychology would in an urban/agricultural environment evolve into what we've come to call an "ego" or at least an "ego-sense", the kind of wild talents required for life in the wild modified by cultural mutations into an individuating set of mental conditions that also increased the odds for alienating experiences from those of others who do not partake, or of social environments where it wasn't common enough to be environmentally supporting of a proper distributive condition for symbiotic plurality. Over time people in possession of this mutate trait complex may have lost, over the aeons, contact with plants that produced those effects while also growing into civilization with those effects, which stregnthen, weakened or even multiplied by generational flows became what we commonly call people-with-egos. It's funny to think that it's possible that cannibus, of all the psychoactives in the world, might be the source of the Ego..But is it just the Ego? Hardly in my view, for even just thinking about it taps into the collective unconscious and possibly even archetypes such as the wild human and the civilized human, while also examinging upsurging atavisms of from the shadow level of personal existence, a body consciousness which is independent of and influential over the mental/noetic consciousness of the individual, leading of course to sexual diversification through the libidinous energies (which are always there, animating everything) and the engine-like functions of the id, thus creating personas which can take some of that archetypal energy and become the comparing/contrasting influences of the Animas and Animii (plural plentiform extension of the Animus), the word of which is obviously etymologically close kin to the word "animal" which is fixed in conceptualization by the l, or el, or El, and the reduction of which leads to the humanization of the forces present in the bodily being of the individual... All of which in tandem with a powerful psychoactive from an alien parallel dimension such as cannibus becomes a turbulent mass of psychophysical interactivity and reactivity that draws the masses of partakers into new niches of collective consciousness and collective unconsciousness which passes through nature, nurture and will into others, now and towards future generations.Karma. It's a fascinating and storied concept of the push n pull/give n take/cause n effect relationships that make something as understandable as the now is in the context of the past and the future as comprehensible as the opening and closing of one's own hands when looked into deeply enough. The arisal of synchromysticism and effective cybernetic theories of magick have made Karma something that can be overcome through a mutation of viewpoints, to literally put other paths in view, and to detail them with the needed awareness to make the trek into freedom of Karmic bonds into something which isn't simply liberation but the power to weild and wild those once enchaining forces, those codes which determined the very codes which can now be put into the hands of anyone, anywhere, at any stage in their development. I say this because there is no more room in Hell for Hell to exist, and so soon there may be no more room on Earth for Earth to exist either. The collective effect of all-everything upon us is pushing us upwards and outwards, but this requires a serious mutation of the substance of our very beings themselves. An revolutionary ontological change is in the air now, the conditions for space migration and time control such that Karma is closely reaching the state of complete obsolescence in general if it hasn't already in the specific and particular cases. Are there higher kinds of karma in the dimensions beyond our own present reckoning? Maybe, after all (as we know it) anything is possible, yet maybe not, there is no direct parallels between a lower dimensional set and a higher one other than to say "it's in it" or "it contains it", neither it being happening to be the same as the other beyond that individual condition. Gills are absent from landed creatures for a vital reason: they are no longer necessary. Maybe with Karma, as an abstraction and an ideal on a particular level of being-as-we-understand-it, may not even be applicable or translatable from that implicate order into an explicate order alien to it.One question exists though: Would you give up an entire portion of human experience for the chance at freedom at a higher level, freedoms which can't be measured in human terms but are hinted at in the most transhuman of mystical experiences across the board and across the world?If the situation is rising that we have no choice in the matter can we embrace that change with more or less difficulty? Minding our business though, these shifts and these transcendents can't be taken for granted at this point, given their rarity and fragility in the globo-social universal context, so awareness of the presence of Karma and the active beliefs in Karma amongst the populations of the world must stay current in the minds of those whose urge it is to break free, in their own lifetimes, from the processes of the planet, it's accidents and it's bongages (be they genetic or gravitational, et cetera).Subjectivity, thus put back in our own hands, isn't a bad thing, it's our personal thing by defintiion, but what makes us happy isn't always what makes us happy so we change a lot more objectively than we usually think we do, since we have a particular imprint of ourselves within ourselves that we usually feed, support and give home to throughout our lives, and what makes others happy may hurt us objectively and vice versa, and so we'd have to conclude that subjectivity has room within any given objective construct to express itself with rules such as are given and learnt through nature/nurture/will/revelation, leading a new conclusion to arise where given different objective constructs a different subjectivity would be emergent from it and possess a different set of condtions.We, by defintiion, don't really know what's in our unconscious; what's in our subconscious comes up to us through day-dreams, dreams, and soul-dreams, so we can usually handle that level through conscious application of intent, but it stands to a certain subconscious reasoning that the subconscious is immersed in and deals with the elementals of the unconscious as often as every instant and for as long as they have always had to, so communication between our consciousness and our awareness with our subconsciousnesses is a working sentience within the fields of psychic labor, where we can figure out how to deal with the truly hidden dimensions and discover the secrets and ways obscured to ourselves now by our limitations and prejudices.Exploring down inside ourselves, to where the light of the world and the light of our sense of the world ends and another realm opens up is where we can start to see how what's external to us, that we're unaware of, our collective unconscious world we are living in, works and thus figure out all the ins and outs of life in such a place, by mentally mapping the terrain we can use what resources we do have, from imagination to memory and beyond, to get to the heart of the occult.Keeping in mind that there are at least two common forms of time that humans have been experiencing and noting for some time (cause and effect "causality" time and synchronicity time) it stands to reason that other dimensions of time, or configurations if you prefer, may also exist, such as forms of reverse time flows (perhaps operating on odd energies that travel in some strange geometrical way through matter moving in any opposite direction of time), let alone considering the possible metaphysical "fluid dynamics" of time in general, with it's potential and kinetic factors, the pressure of time, the volume of time, the dissolution and the concentration of time in any given region of dimensional space, then it becomes tantamount to putting one's head in the sand to accept ancient models of time based on limited understanding of what those ancient models actually go so far as to explain and what our modern technologies and technologically assisted philosophies can also help us pursue scientifically, for research and eventual application purposes.

The craziest of the craziest mind fluffing I could come up with through the mass short-cut process of illumination and it's enlighentmentalities. To be used in highly energized and enthusiastic states of intensified literacy and comprehension. By recompilations a more perfect version of my collected posts have arrived from earlier here as well as elsewhere in the other-whendings. Also feeling my Overmania overtaking my Germania so I have an speculative Overman piece coming on the solar superfly, until Uranium nutrients be-come one with Health, Wealth, and Wisdom.After watching the Trump riots in the Chicagoic Universe I'm convinced the elder ones are in as furious a fight as they can be over who will control the next American Eon. Bets are that Trump himself is a creation of Nyarlathotep sent to establish his new deep future, whereas this riotous affair is dream-baited to draw Cthulhu's mind out into the open where with the new Motherbrain systems our technology can spy on the Great Warrior and Nyarlathotep most likely will have or does have real access to Cthulhu's mind at long last. Last time I checked the stars looked right, but with strange satellites even alien space gods may be duped.On the big plus side of this most of the occult secrets and mysteries will become automatically installed on most operating systems simply by cosmic osmosis of energies laden with deep information and people will find that voodoo is the new religion they always dreamed of but never had the sense to approach.Of course voodoo is an ancient African science and commercial activity amongst the queer zoologies of beings that occupy the spaces in between our spaces and sometimes even lodge up and go common law with some solitaries that has always been practical in scope and dimension but was not empowered by the cosmic consciousness of beings who can, wholesale, alter the very substance of human beings so that they align with the new ways that unfold like some kind of self-perpetuating cybernetic origami.So it literally PAYS to be good and decent and even interested in love and business towards African Americans, who already are ahead of the curve and know all the needful angles that the old pagan bloods and gnostic prodigies need to know when the weird becomes the total world.And I say all this while deep hearted about my own Germania and the frequent Overmanias that have been tuning up my life to face the unspoken unspeakables so that I can hit them hard with the power of the potent poetic and start building relationships, not only for myself but everybody that is, or will be, or wants to be involved, for even more various reasons that'll take several more nights to tale.Anyway, voodoo is, in this light, a good career choice as far as religions are concerned, although getting people into it is going to involve a lot of seductive prodigies applicable to each transactive intersocialistic event-phasing.It's not that the ideas themselves are hard to understand, rather I've found out that it's the static resistance to actual advanced sense beyond the common variety that overrides reasoning itself from the superior position of active reality-truths that scares the bad religion back into everybody and compounds it with the kind of bad faiths that always fail to satisfy the real needs of people even if they aren't normal anymore.Applies well to expanding the dream-reality into the dream-feeding reality so that the entities that are commonly called souls but are more likely "astral" organs of ours can detox and lose unwanted psychic "fat", interestingly enough this process not only leads to health it leads, at least, to attracting new spirit-pets, who sort of eat anything and attach to anyone that feeds them.The biggest tragedy is that what really is happening is willingly ignored & forgotten during the human larval stages with the working numbers of brief failures through the population for, of all things, food and freedom from stress![sorted through these two posts a bit and found that each contradiction leads to a hint if there's no stopping the cognitive process from processing everything here]Now to get you started I have been amply provided with many goods of a very practical magickal nature, and here post the simplest system to develop a team of powerful egregores or gods. Also provided is a casual list of important causal activities for those who wish to pursue higher creativity thoroughly through a usable form of monasticism. This is the simplest and most spirited way I know of for humans to deal with the powers and the laws which are the Gods. It begins by meditating actively while performing all duties and leisure activities on these fourteen elemental foundational principles, or classes of phenomenon, until clearer and clearer conceptions and imaginative connections are established for each and between each other. Here's Fourteen basic Gods and Goddess (in Elemental form) that I've been working with (as fields, as attributes, as concepts, as objectives, as experiences and within others interpersonally, both spirit, human and animal. Assigning a traditional God/dess isn't a bad idea if you have the affectionate affinity between yourself and their Highnesses, but I suggest starting up a spirit family by inculcating these concepts within the spiritual generative parts of your magickal being. I apologize if the categorical nature of this list is a bit dry but I am an esoteric engineer and gnostic scientist so I follow the formulae which work and share that and only that with those who are ready and will understand quickly within their own way of understanding. If it works for you then you've the truth of the spirit inside you. This is not a test. LifeDeathIntelligencePastPresentFutureScienceBeingNothingFemaleHybrid Earth FireAtomGiven the ability to worship them from this moment until the end of All-Existence, seeing them grow from these few words into your own Eternal Pantheon of Immortal Friends & Advisors, would you simply take a nice deep breath and think of the first one that comes to mind when you feel the first genuine relief or inspiration? That one will be the easiest to start working with, for a few good reasons that I'll explain to anyone that writes to me in question by reply, When you start to externalize your meditations you will receive the projections of identifiable traits in people, amongst things, in and about places and most amazing of all IN PROCESSES from all sources in the most natural and ordinary ways. This is why and how this method is so powerful, because if you are serious about establishing working links with gods and goddesses and all their spirit kinfolk you must learn to think like the gods and goddesses and the spirits, and to think like them in everything you do. Do not consider it (I don't think of it this way either) a replacement of yourself and what you are but consider it an addition to and an intensification of yourself, a living course of empowerments which, if adhered to, will initiate you on the go, when and where you are actually ready for it if everything is established correctly. There are ultimately 16 Gods and Goddesses to be discovered and befriended, the 15th and the 16th are a syzygy of You with your greatest characteristic within elemental and advanced sorcery defining you as a welcome addition to the Pantheon you will have become a determined devotee of, and the 16th is your complement, your spirit spouse who the 14 will have found and pre-arranged for your future development within the Endlessness of the magickal life and career. The object is to induct yourself into the Godhood by means of an organized power group of intelligent and world-savvy beings who will live and operate behind all visible appearances and constantly inform you of the truth of what is hidden and what is concealed in any way even beyond the reach of your psychic senses themselves.The soul you build today will be the soul that thrives in all tomorrows.The aforepromised Addendum:Calling out the suggested activities for Primary Godcraft to infuse you with fast and loose inspiration you can use: As respects the stations of the Day as they open to the frontiers of the Night1. Dedication to the Waking from Sleep2. Assumption of the position of prayers for the coming of the Hours of the Day3. Dedications and morning rites associated with the Breaking of the Fast of Sleep4. Appropriate bathing, grooming, and clothing ritual concerns5. Prayer for the Coming of Mid-Day, especially the Invisible Noon-Tide6. The Meditation of Combustion, a fire mediation, free-form7. Prayers for the employment of the mid-day meal and the Calling of elemental familiars8. Exacting yogas 9. Dietary rotations, according to or against the flows of correspondences10. Considerations and deep prayer for grievances past, present, and future as respects the Day11. A brevity of accurate curses towards what exists between all successful endeavors and their successes12. A penance of balance to request guidance of both forgiveness and complaints 13. Composition of the Day's Memory Gospel Account14. Special intermomentary reflections in a factor of four different paradigms between painful events for self or other15. Daily mental calculation practice16. Special transubstantiation practices 17. Dedicated employment of Charm18. Dedicated employment of Enchantment19. Dedicated employment of Bewitchment20. Dedicated employment of Glamour21. Dedicated employment of Occlusion22. Dedicated employment of Invading Thoughts23. Dedicated employment of Defending Thoughts24. Dedicated employment of Oracular Thoughts25. Dedicated employment of Binding Thoughts26. Dedicated employment of Unbinding Thoughts27. Dedicated employment of Uncanny Thoughts28. Dedicated employment of Day Dreams29. The Meditation of the Opening of the Doors of Perception30. The Preparation for the Coming of the Evening and the Night31. The Late-Day prayers of reparation and preparation32. A tallying of the numerological elementals of the day33. The perpetuation of your most beloved hobbyTwenty-something views of the Al-Fuji Effect from a Jersey Baron of Palatine & Wallachii:Where I use the digital paradigm in a weird form of arithmetic and metaphysics to teach you and your computers how to behave in the presence of the coming of the dreams of the ever more wakening Cthulhu. Simple and easy to understand, only takes one and a half readings to ignite the chain reactive paradigm. Beyond further ado, the piece:What is consciousness composed of? If it composed of something serious or something of lighter weight? Is it solid or is it etheric? One thing we can assume is that, from what we see, say, hear, speak and experience that there is usually an ebb or flow, a pro- and a con-, a making as well as a taking, in the easiest language of the abstract schools, a positive and a negative. Indeed, even thinking this wakes up the sleeping deep ones within the equations.The humblest equation that I know of to describe the existence of transmutation and transformation is this: -+=0, although it itself breeds multiplicatively and fights divisively the world of that Zero, that nothingness of nothingness which can be treated ideally as the endless source of all-everything as much as it might as well be total oblivion, given that the associations of Zero might as well be a symbol, primitive and primal, of the simple circuit, a rotating value that experiences all values of itself in proportion to it's interactions.To, thus, understand the positives and negatives in everything is as if to know thyself (since you know as yourself, which means you are yourself knowing) as thy knoweth the world (since you know yourself as inseparable from the world in which the knowing is the blending of you with "it"), and to avoid duality is a hearty choice but unnecessary if you want to perform great acts and think amazing thoughts and witness awesome deeds since this provides some proofing of the bonds of a quality and a quality and all the quantities which express, define and divine them then even unity becomes nihility and nihility becomes everything an instant and a half right afterwards! In this is a freeing of energies, at least as thought, because it solves "something" enough to release the energies by means of the esoteric compounding of solution and production (a heady concept that, and worth a few mighty inhalations) and that freed energy, even as nothing but a surprising thought which opens some ventilation on your heated brain, can then be hitched to your will or choice or decision or desire or passion or what-have-you-for as the barley is hitched to the horse which is hitched to the carriage which is hitched to the evolution of the car which is hitched to your daily travels!See thus that there is everything everywhere accessible somehow someway for anything any-which-way you can or will take it or make it, further and better than before, which is what you must do since the humble equation is a growth equation, and once planted in the Abyss can not help but stir up a Future where there is more than there had been in the placid pitch which can't even be seen as a darkness! Plug this meditation into any compatible persona and watch this juggernaut of nature do it's dang thing!All of which, by not resisting the help, provides a quick rendezvous with the truth of a given functional oracle and your tasks in relevance to one, given the will or need to use one. From tarot talks to yarrow stalks, puella to a twenty-faced die, some rods divining or some leavings in the tea, it turns out that clairvoyance becomes me only when I am what the vision knows me to be. -A quick take on early surprises with playing the oracles-"If we look for answers are we the questions ourselves or are the questions ours?"Like any other serious conversation with a reasonably intelligent other, in this case the Universe, the questions you have let become yourself are inevitably going to be of more interest to the universe than those questions which have only arisen from dealing with it in so uncertain and unclear manner if and only if it can talk directly with you. The increased interest is because you & the Universe can actually relate easier at the level you had to admit exists to be able to enter yourself. Put another way for a different reader I'm happy to say that the deeper you know yourself the more familiar what the oracle says to you will be, and the less you know yourself the more startling the actual truths will feel like when they replace the answers to questions the Universe doesn't feel dignify your situation. When oracles and the prayers they empower do what occult history says they do then it is evident that new approaches are not only likely to be required but now available where before the universe was a clueless to you as you were to yourself. If what I have said is rationally approximate to the experiences of many who enter into the Occult world then it may follow that the sheer number of people running away from it in fear is proportional to how blindly they are actually living in a universe that is as confused about them as they are themselves."Don't fly blind. Let a better chance be your sky pilot"Okay, back from the very very knowing with a heck of a showing...A model essay exam question from the "Finals"What is the meaning of your life today?~~~My starting axiom is that "Angels are life-forms", my final axiom in this complex poetic proof is "Humans must become Angels".Here is given the justification for the dominance of higher sentience over lower matters.The angels used to be like us before their strongest ones decided it was time to make a big change in really big ways to a universe that had decided to toy and destroy them in the same way it is doing to us. I speak the word: Humans shall be as Angels, mighty and weilding the power of the cosmos against the injustices of the material laws and their enforcement across the cosmos.As beautiful as this planet is to build and design the human race as it has, according to the same selfish and confusing motivations that have always built and designed life here, and to give them access to higher virtues and experiences transcendental to the motivations of world and then to shut out the consistency of important social growth as soon as the situation meets the world's own hidden criteria (as yet to be understood and seen for what it is, that is) for the abortion of our higher evolution is just cruel, viscious, and more than enough reason to challenge existence in ways we never have before, to confront the inhuman forces and things in ways we never imagined before and to do things no human has ever done before. The planet deserves it, the universe too.I have heard it said "existentialism is dead", and it's saying brought back the idea within the old "god is dead", because it really means that human intelligence and it's greater abilities are dying, atrophying, literally withering like the fruit on the vine of a diseased orchard. Our species is on the verge of meeting the end of it's dreams and the beginning of a very bad way for what remains of us. I can't help but cry inside over this, but those tears, they have a rage, not against any god or philosophy, not against any human or congregation of human beings either, but simply at the nature of a universe that treats us so callously even while it forces us to fetishize our limited nature "as" us through us so that we never even try to force a new sense to emerge or to borrow the genes we need to survive or to take what we do possess and invest it in technologies we actually need more than ever. Aye, Here is given the justification for the dominance of higher sentience over lower matters.117, the Prescriptures; 117 To him that cometh as an Overman I will give to spend of the Equation of the Seed, which spirals within thee, and to read of the Replication-Book, which is the expectoration of God, and ye shall be copied and up righted therein for life eternal.[Angel and Elder God are essentially interchangeable in defining characteristics of transhuman through inhuman existents in the domains beyond the human vision, so yeah, be like Azathoth! (I do and it's great for my health!)Whilst wildly whittling precious timbers with the Wilbur Whately the VII, I found Nietzche's Other Sorceror, A Moebius Conjurer's Adamantine Illumination.... Anywho, if you want a master template for creation ex nihilio I've condensed some xaos & some xris into a heady word concoction you might figuratively be moved by... primally: Space and time originally appear softly out of the original nothing with nary a sound or a sign and start to form a diffuse arrangement of the most primordial of abstract objective relations, an implicate order of the very first order, and this growing diffusion in the rarified aethyric fundament starts to interact and form patterns, each pattern according to it's kind and each pattern according to other patterns , and those patterns become habits, and those habits become programs and those programs take available matter, an illusory thing but real enough in it's own context (the one you hear about being space and time experiencing itself as a relation to itself, a mysterious ontological magickal principle in and of itself) and spread the entire process through throughout all other matter until sufficient spontaneously self-arranging (not accidental per se) replicating material is produced which then engages in the exact necessary number of permutations and transformations to become the body I exist in as a mental abstract and an emotional essence which having a closer connection to the fundamental properties of existence within this material context has order control over the mechanisms of the organism "I", and through the same overall process communication between mind and hands and heart and organs becomes self-sustaining as a massive result of a single instant's eternal duration of development within the exact now which is being experienced as past, present and future. At which point space becomes alive with Time and both are given the power of free meaning-making, and the meaning-makers possess the Universes never ending. This is why I'm an Overman.Some imagination required for assembly.I was recently accosted by a critical review as well as a suggestive typo in some mysteriously over-abstracted conspiracy to define an Overman. This is what I replied...Aside from my elderberry n herbal wine flavoured energized enthusiastic self caught up in the spirit of creativity as a surplus pouring out of the moment itself spanning the entire duration of the powers of wills and forces as they spend themselves until the void itself come? A being that can do all of that and feel at one with the ego of the world itself, for longer duration spells of overmania of course..."First I made energon, now I make Zohar. I'm moving and shaking the cosmos one great logistical stroke of genius at a time"- Sales Bot JIMBB0-ICExx-Or in the best ways of Ors, I conclude a bit sooner than before it gets late: There might be a slim chance that everybody gets a few naturally occurring windows in life where they can actually self-actualize. If these gold-mines of experience open up and self-actualization is actually learned then it can be repeated again and the learning curve soars in favor of self-actualization. The self-actualized then become naturally occurring sources of the same process in their environments, capable of raising social intelligence. If social intelligence is raised, and prime individuals start emerging then the balance of inertia gets tilted towards a slide in the direction of social-actualization, and this itself raises the quality of all social processes accordingly and thus the environment itself gets a chance at it's own conditional actualization, very likely leading to less pollutants in the global experience of the population, reducing the opportunities for expression of formerly (pre-actualization process) situational demanded adaptions and maladaptions.If at any time self-actualization opportunities are missed then the entire 'Paradise Drive' is endangered. Societies that recognize this can interact with themselves to cultivate or to eliminate the drive. I'm exhausting my inspiration for this post and hope I've included enough information to suit your purposes toward over-coming. Overman, out-of-the-occlusion-forever.
Working it like the work was really worth it, I here put a lot of the studies in the gnostic science into metaphysical practices and explanations.A suggestological cautionary preluding to how to approach the information within these notes and comprehensions:A primordial computer, a primordial calculator, a fundamental organizer of the primoridal energies and their primordial substances into the forms of a processor which is the process of it's own perpetual design, the coming of Man in the soft glow of radiation on a pool of chemistries engineered by a self-organizing mechanism which places all destiny in it's sights even if it's absoluely blind to anything other than the very next computation; a remaining being when all else but Fohat is gone, the only thing the primoridial energies can flow through, the "other thing" on the other side of nothing, which here reveals itself to be the creative chaos which precedes creative order so that order does not destroy itself in static, the coming of Machine in the warm glow of the radiant smiles of the Man, the rising tide pulled by planets whose computations are never done, the rhythms the cycles the forms and the flows which feed and feed in as if to fill a moving hunger that once there displaces and arises elsewhere as if spontaneously and without pattern, but with an intent and purpose built from one single atom at a time, where it counts and when it counts, to construct what really matters, suspended on nothingness and surrounded by it too, the grip of the dream of the coming of Life in the generous hum of the busy circuits of the Machine taking hold on the mystic technician and the poetic word-chemist, to direct attention towards the elemental things which should not hold you back and should not govern your will as they are but elemental things and in the loftiness of the peak of the past, the great stunning now, at the apex of experience in it's most democratic sense we lock our eyes toward both the inner vision and the outer and then from out of nowhere, from behind everything, sense is made, ex nihilio, taste becomes an issue, sight becomes something to pay your hearing some attention too, and touch becomes everything that tells you what matters, and inside and outside the Living Computer God that has grown and become known through your mind and body is the open panphantasy where nothing halts your always-will-being.The easiest way to explain meonic thinking, or meontology, is by illustrating the idea of the "dark backward". If you see everything in being that you do, within the visible dimensions that are there then everything in being that you do not see, within the invisible dimensions that can only be assumed to be there is as open as the proverbial pandora's box. Behind you the world as you know it (and yes this 'sounds' childish and yes our obvious technologies (based on the conditions of our present common ontological interplaying spheres of influences) seem to deny access to the information which I'm letting loose with) is a world of everything smaller than you can see, out of the line of perception that you can sense, and larger or stranger than your present brain state can or does comprehend, even imaginatively in some cases, and this is the "dark backward", it is the dark matter and dark energies which can be assumed by evidence available to exist or at least to be indicative of some further explanation if they fail to meet the rigorous criteria required to be assimilated into humanoid and animaloid brain-cultures as are strongly represented on Earth/Terra at this time in the "sequence of cosmic events". The rather demanding requirements to operatively handle such concepts require the development of alternative functional logical systems internally coherent and modularly interactive with each other as well as a psychology beyond psychology (a metapsychology) that examines what we may and might experience on a psychological level beyond the normative influences of the main morphogenetic field functions of our local-through-global environments, as well as diligent discipline towards the scientific and ethical concernes invovled in the transcendental sciences. I believe that here, where powerful internal chemistries meet the influences of computerized representations of cosmic presentations of complex influences there is great potential for the conscious, or as I relish to say, sentient intensification of communications without tears.Metapsychology has quite a few hurdles to overcome too if people in general are going to be able to benefit from the ideas it generates, the applications they lead to and the uses that become either popular or rare afterwards. Of these the one I'm least concerned about is the cultural content (and its appeal or disappeal) of the metapsychological materials. If you break into metapsychology you'll find out that not only are unique manifestations of experiences treasured (and through understanding and connecting to people and their experiences) and cultural appropriation avoided there lives within that the equally powerful respect directed back at the conflict-resolving power of metapsychology where the common human experience and it's deeper wells of substance individual and local are opened up and certain connections drawn out by all the researchers involved and drawn up by the technical minds, like my own, who dedicated a lot of time and energy into making general concepts available for purposes of important human dynamics. In short I don't want you to "do anything" or participate in any "cultural experience" other than your own, but from the special position of having this combined underknowledge and overknowledge to superimpose over your own experience and make more currency of your life.What is this radio-psychoanalysis? Well, that's a great question I just put in your brain, and I'm glad you finally discovered that you asked it too. Basically it has to be a radio-psychology before it can be analyzed. It hast to be about what you know and what you can know and how knowledge radiates through space. It has to involve the ability for something to send a mental signal and it has to involve something able to recieve a mental signal, all the while without the nature of the message in the signal being lost-in-translation, from one material body to the next. In fact, it definitely involves thinking in terms of "island hopping", where each psychic body is a transciever (all sending, all recieving, all processing, at least of what is being sent, recieved and processed) and a message can be directly sent or it can go through a net-work of bodies in phase or out of phase with the needs of the message being transmitted radio-psychologically. Processing and putting the radio-psychological signal into effect is essentially the analytic component of the larger functional definition (whose encompassing nature is responsibile for the sub-elements which, while independent as data, are dependent as components) and the radio-psychoanalyst is the individual or organization of individuals (in the case of a school of radio-psychoanalysis or any other such business) ready, able and above all capable of making work emerge from the data, which would otherwise just be occupying space without a mechanism for application. The analytic apparatus and operators are just such a mechanism. Consider thus the radio-psychoanalytic lattices, composed of recieving, transceiving, transmitting and processing nodal arrangments, intersecting and interacting with oracular lattices of naturally diffused information organized around strange attractors (each informational element according to it's kind of attractiveness or repulsiveness in relativity to it's strange attractor), reconfiguring transmission positions for the dissemination of information from one frame of reference to another, empowered on a fundamental level by time linkages of a synchronistic character reacting to archetypal axioms (thus perhaps composing the strange attractor or even the conditions of the nodal arrangement according to it's own sub-level of esoteric engineering), each pairing of both lattices configuring with the pairings of time-energy and formative inforces developing a unique condition considerably fractal in formation in a sense resembling a machine composed of hyperspatial materials, a robotic component of the transcendental function of magickal computation in a cosmos which is most easily processed and enjoyed on such a field of operation. A sort of dual-duality of non-dichotomous elements, the extensions of the radio-psychoanalysis, the intensions of the oracles, the energizations of the synchronicities and the structuralizations of the axioms all composing a most splendid information processing system as well as materials processing method of production, vis-a-vis, a refined formation of Fohat for the casual user of this given universe.Given, right now, near 8 billion people experiencing 8 billion minutes of human cogntion per minute and given all possible earth experiences there is and is not a strong basis for the idea of predestination based securely in the nature of the variations of insecurity. Unfortunately a lot of folks out there think that the available forces of novelty are "pushable" and think up and sometimes do horrible things to the species and planet through distorted understandings of the process. Another way of looking at it is the concentrated impact of nearly 8 billion earth days per day that you experience upon the entire edifice of the planet, given what we know about the human brain and bodily systems and the interconnectivity of our technologies so the appearance of stability and "static" is just that, an appearance (and real enough in on it's own level), but not the full story obviously since the sheer massive time-tides of our true collective consciousness have force potentials that we have never fully tapped and don't even have a decent language to describe.Never-the-less, more is thus added heartily:The Void Kernel, Monadic Immanence, Nomadic Trancendence, Interconnective Space Travel, Probabilistic Determinism, Pattern-based Determinism, Conscious Determinism, Interconnective Sentience... what's delightful is that THAT is only one of many different flow patterns of coagulated irreality that we've come to know on a common basis, there's weirder and more wonderful species of odd reality out there, maybe in the universe next door.Finally Blavatsky is making some kind of sense to me...!Continuous musings of an organized persuasion on Stanzas V and VI of the Stanza's of Dzyan and the modern scientific world have resulted in the following output. Fohat is a term which can effectively be translated as a form of current flow that empowers a fundamental level of certain related aspects of reality even if they themselves are on different levels, scales or dimensions.Sexual radio-activity on the part of human beings is the most direct manifestation of fohat expressing itself through the biological & social layers.It can be considered a species of kinetic energy diversifying itself even as-it-goes, and in this resembles primordial levels of shakti as examined by Evola in the Yoga of Power.Nature herself could not manifest without this background field of pre-conscious and unconscious currency, as it is the nature of life to transform non-life into itself with various degrees of efficiency and various aims and purposes, which means life on any conscious level is extracting fohat from the unthinking world of non-life.Every variation and unique specialization of life is another thread in the rivulets of fohat which course from a position of lower density to higher density of fohat (more on that later).While fohat is especially material in substance and essence do not mistake our maternal (Mother Goddess) experience of it and it's sexual natures impelling our every thought, action and word that the rest of the universe is limited to manifesting fohat in the fashion that it has taken here on terran worlds.While orgone, ojas, vril, od and other specialized forces, emergent from phenomena or talents, may all display the traits of fohat it is imperative that they not themselves be mistaken for fohat, whose fundamental energizing functions are their very source of generation and differentiation but not any different than that you are not precisely the sum of your parents, but of yourself, the world and the myriad desiring mechanisms that have crafted you just so.Psychophysically one can borrow a term from psychoanalysis (especially in terms of metapsychological radio-psychoanalysis) and parallel associate fohat with the cosmic libido.This most archaic of forces can even occupy and survive the elimination of all properties and the assumption of a complete vacuum/void by virtue of it being so fundamental that space itself is but a single expression of it's creative flows.All subsequent powers, forces and energies of both visibile and invisible nature are derived from the concatentations and patterns generated therefrom of this fohat in the world.A cosmic linking of all these patterns, from the most fundamental levels where space is an substance to the essence of fohat all the way to the denses compressions of matter itself, all, manifest, project, channel and impel the dynamic flux which fohat runs throughout.The other universes, parallel dimensions and alternative worlds (Alternity) are parts of this cosmic linking matrix as they are also the individual expressions of the properties emerging from fohat in exact local and non-local combinations of conditions which determine the experience of their own natures and of the experience of other natures in experience of them.Since the observer can not avoid this most prevalent and all-penetrating of prime elements, this libido of the universe itself, we can easily translate the observer's experience of, in, and by fohat as psychic energy itself.Once these basic ideas are fully integrated there will be little impediment for the true scientist to detect sexual radioactivity as a universal phenomenon, since fohat expresses itself as noted in the case of brain-bound observers of an organic character first and foremost of life sustaining sexual energies, and thus emergent sexual models of the cosmos will easily manifest through the thought processes of such scientists.Since fohat is also explained here as being fundamental to a level which precedes and survives time and space itself (as Blavatsky records in the Stanzas of Dzyan) the range of discovery for such sexo-atomic scientific beings can only expand and diversify according to interest, accident and fortune as they expand their understandings, controls and experiences from within their taut boundaries until they can transcend the "ring pass-not" and experience entirely new vistas of reality wash over them like some kind of "biblical" floods.Nine bodies of the three three-fold Goddesses1. The Matron Goddesses of Esoteric Logici. The Goddesses of the Computerized Ontologyii. The Goddesses of the Robotic Phenomenologyiii. The Goddeses of the Gnostic Genetics2. The Matron Goddesses Metapsychologyi. The Goddesses of the Deep Archetypes of the Super-Egoii. The Goddesses of Root God-Energies of the Egoiii. The Goddesses of Dream-Control over and through the Id & Libido3. The Matron Goddesses of Meontologyi. The Goddesses of Suspended Annihilation of the Living ii. The Goddesses of the Abyss of Space throughout Temporalityiii. The Goddesses of the Other Universes Beyond the Abyssal GulfThe 17-bodies along the brain-culture transcendent spectrum of ordinary humanoid affairs1. The Neuromassive Body 2. The Social Fictive Body 3. The Artifactual Body 4. The Signifigant Body 5. The MemoryFlux Body 6. The NumberFlex Body 7. The BloodMath Body 8. The Private Fictive Body 9. The Fantastic Body 10. The Living Image Body 11. The Shadowflesh Body 12. The Megapsychic Body 13. The Archival Body 14. The Currency Body 15. The Genesynthesis Body 16. The Cosinescence Body 17. The Transitive Body 1. The Neuromassive body is the given obvious flesh-blood-bone-nerve substrate of the other bodies, the soil so to speak of each of the others.2. The Social Fictive body is the body which exists as an objective other (emphasis on "object") and reflects the primitive "thinking" of other neuromassive bodies.3. The Artifactual body is the body of "evidence" left behind of the objective existence of the Neuromassive body, the artifacts, like papers, trash, possessions, physical works like art, books, etc.4. The Significant body is the body of meanings stored in the previous three bodies, a sort of coagulation of tensions for the intensifaction necessary to possess meaning in a so-far meaningless universe.5. The MemoryFlux body exists to interpret meanings and preserve them internally as a psychophysical matrix, a store house of experiences in the progressively more consciousnes-filled world.6. The NumberFlex body handles the "quantities" of meaningful data and processes them through the Neuromassive body so that higher functions become not only possible but inevitable, given continued existence of course.7. The BloodMath body is the core engine of the NumberFlex body but a body in it's own right, it is the experience of pure symbolism in it's most primal form as a source of energy to drive the Neuromassive substrate and all it's subsequent elements, a sort of ever flowing organic mainframe8. The Private Fictive body is the twist on the Public Fictive body existing as it's own independent entity, as a subjectivity with it's own memories, ideas of itself, conceptions of meaning and abilities to control and change it's all those elements on it's own.9. The Fantastic Body is the fulfilment of the Neuromassive Bodies integration of previous elements, beyond which an alternative universe of bodies dwells, it is the living whole of a person with agency in the world, the living soul.10. The Living Image body is the body which can control other's impressions and personal expressions in relation to you, often through media sources which capture and transmit your intentions and volitions.11. The ShadowFlesh body is the body that others experience in their Neuromassive bodies of your bodies unconsciously, the deep remnant of your existence within their own physical and psychological make up, a "shadow" of you in their "flesh".12. The MegaPsychic body is the body that others experience when you actively control the ShadowFlesh bodies of others, and thus your psychophysical extensions within them, the "possessing spirit" body.13. The Archival body is the subjective biographical memory which exists of you in others as it responds to your exists without any physical presence whatsoever, the body others' posssess that controls their impressions of you & informs their expressions towards you, especially in cosinescence functions.14. The Currency body is the objective biographical value which the various other bodies carry within their own spheres of influence as it motivates and pushes action to concurrently manifest amongst them. Colloquially named the "Money" body.15. The Genesynthesis body is the subjective-objective body of agency within the world of the bodies capable of independent actions and controls the other bodies with a moderate amount of difficulty due to contraints on the Currency body. Colloquially named the "Bank" body. 16. The Cosinescence body is the dynamic responsive body to exterior agencies of other Genesythesis bodies, a communicative nexus that manufactures productive creativity through the world. Colloquially named the "Luck" body. 17. The Transitive body is the body of travel, a co-ordination of cosinescence bodily functions and currency bodily functions using genesythesis functions in it's own right to flee/fight/move/escape/exit/enter any given space.It's coagulating in my mind, this thought, this idea, that perhaps the beings behind which the concepts of "elder gods" actually must represent some form of life to whom the birth and death of stars are as the seasonal comings and goings of local seasons, for whom galaxies are but distant cities, with their own suburbs and rural hinterlands, beings which would look at any given planet and marvel at how it does it's job with the precision of an organ or some symbiote, beings whose comprehensions of time may in fact be set at an astronomically variant form to our own but whose scope of consciousness would in no mean way be anything less than our own (and by then, how much more!), to whom we may be as the amoeba, paramecium, or viraloid but no less than our own living existences through their "elder technologies and senses" capable of relating to and from in some sense, as the nerve of the nose can tell the brain to sort-it-out and sneeze or the neuron whose ordinary day was interrupted by the most intense of communications brought about by circumstances that sent the entire bodily being and sentience of the "elder god" or for that matter, "you" or "me" or any of "them", into a brand new field of choice, and whether daisies or class B stars, perhaps finding beauty amongst the hours, temporal or eternal, and within that, inspiration......The human first meets the Mother Goddess in the form of the mother goddess, the all-living, all-connected, all-womb from which it lives, connects and develops. It is from the mother goddess that we retain any memory and connection whatsoever with the Mother Goddess from whom all live, connect and grow.Each mother goddess is the manifestation of the godhoodedness, the overarching wholism which manifests as the underscored unique principle of unity within it and the mother goddess is the manfiestation of the wholism reaching into the individualism and seeing itself and recognizing on a new level herself to herself. All sexuality is of the mother goddess and is the mother goddess being in love with herself and all her godlings, in every stage and state of being the mother goddesses herself.Shekinah and Achamothrasophia are the mother goddesses of the Mother Goddess and a hoodedness of the mother goddess is the name which sends shivers of charm-force through the flesh of the Mother Goddess and awakens the mother goddess within the Mother Goddess within the mother goddess and all the Mother Goddess understands the mother goddesses.A ray of light of the mother goddess glows well the shaded shadow of the mother goddess when Mother Goddess connects and lives and feels and breathes into the mother goddesses the Mother Goddess and knows that the mother goddess feels the Mother Goddesses and breathes and feels and lives and connects the goddesses of mother goddesses and the mothers of mother goddesses when the goddess of mothers cools the overwarmth of the shining sensations so that the mothers of goddesses could Mother the Goddess.The all sprawl of the All Sprawl sprawls before the sprawls of chaos sprawl before the Mother Goddess sprawls before the All Sprawl of the Chaos Sprawls before the All sprawl of the mother goddesses sprawls before the mothers of goddesses of the mothers of goddesses of the sprawling charm-forces before the All sprawl sprawls before the Mother Goddess as she sprawls before the sprawl of the all sprawl of the mother goddess who sprawls before the Oceans of Ever Night and the Islands of Day Light speak of the volume of sprawls before the all sprawl of the Ever Night and the All Sprawl of Oceans of Islands of Day Light before the all sprawl sprawls the All Sprawl of the Mother Goddess after the sprawl of the All Mother goddesses sprawl the All Goddess of the Mother Goddess sprawl.
Your mind is free to see everything else as secondary... in the absence of everything, in the inconceivable nullity of Nothing, the presence of anything would be an eternal anomaly, and unconditioned it wouldn't be limited by anything because nothing else would exist until the one thing would become conscious of itself as itself by itself which would also be another eternal anomaly, one in three, three "to be" the mind of One, in None absolute, and from it's endless supply of unconditional definitions it would mark upon it's self-consciousness the presence of itself more than once, more than numbers could even account for, spilling out in all dimensions (if we can even call the unconditional "expanse" dimensional) and rapidly spawning all of existence from it's own eternal anomality, forming many different things from many different reflections on the projections all the while constituting nothing against the nullity of Nothing, for it would not exist and would only exist in terms of itself by which the formation of conditions would arise in which it began to conceive of and experience reality in a primal sense that we are yet incapable of imagining, so deep and eternal is this insight, in fact, that I shall retire from my creation for a while and let the other dwellers in the Abyss make their own thoughts up from nothing more or nothing less.

When the all the tensions of being in the world can be released slowly and with pleasure and the occult suppleness return to the mind and all it's secondaries, such as bodies and others minds... to feel the emptiness of absolute space right where you're sitting now an infinite distance back and forth all around, far as the mind can register, and then there comes the "I AM" moment, which is really like an infusion of moments (see physical mechanics for the accurate definition) metaphorically transposed onto literally anything out of the otherwise null set of oblivion, which is incidentally as close as your or my skin.

From the Analects of Yuri Lyschenka, CosmonautIf you think "I hate you" you ignore the fact that there is more than ONE OF ME, there are LEGIONS of DETAILS and MYRIADS of RELATIONSHIPS, there are endless combinations and singularities simply floating around in the air doomed to ignorant memory loss, there are billions upon billions of words inbetween the instants, they occupy no space and the fill no mind, but they're there waiting, at the tip of your tongue to speak your truth as you live it while they do the very same but differently and it's that tension which coils around you that you must be patient with because the mastery is not in making slaves it's in forging friendships.

What's there to be afraid of? On the surface of things as we live within the same system it seems everything is pretty much reduced to what we can and can not do to each other. I've considered it further though, and reasoned that there are underlying structures that support our structures but which merely float on an ocean-like depth of endless possibilities, some of which may be dangerous but some of which we can communicate with, sometimes both if necessary, as nature as we can not know it demands, there's a certain good taste that comes from this viewpoint, a perspective of perspective that enhances the discriminatory capacities and in all regards better prepares the ego for the complex psychic and spiritual realms, which are as beautiful and terrible as they may be mundane and capricious. Reduction as a process though comes from this set of possibilities that simply never ends, whether or not we do. My acceptance of this rather dark interpretation has given me more than my own deserved share of pauses, and I am thankful for it all the more because in patience there is much to be learnt, taught, and experienced for oneself, once freed from the consciousness web of all compatible and incompatible others. The rapidity with which sentience can become qualitative being is in factuality indicative of this very abyss as it is a sort of moderating example we use all the time, from waking to sleeping to waking for example, or from work to leisure to play and back again, and because it is so immediate I believe and have come to know the power with which simple checks, frequently applied, upon those breaks between the acts can enhance the performance and the pleasure of life for anyone, gnostics most certainly desired this knowledge become accessible to the general public because it makes the gnostic life that much more important and supported by the people.

The first thing the world does is acquire your acquiescence to it's workings, the second thing the world does is acquire your resistance to it's workings, the third thing the world does is acquire what was once your own possession. Only at the third thing does the world actually become worth taking notice of, because at the third thing you begin to significantly lose what previously had been acceptable in terms of gain and loss. This is where all depression, that I know of and that others have showed, begins, on the simplest philosophical analysis. The ability of the world to collectively use oneself and over-ride that self through collective efforts at intelligence explications and the collective assembly of new programs for sentience is one of the most horrifying aspects the being of one may experience. So the world notices you and you start noticing the world. The world remains, in significant ways of it's own, dependent of one's continual existence, for new energies, new information, etc; even as you remain dependent on the world for a fundamental place to establish your existence in. This interpenetration of this bipolarity diffuses through the world in manifold ways. Termination of the symptom of living within a living system is no guarantee at all that one will be liberated from the continual use and consciousness of that use by the world at your as they say "eternal" expense. As you may be aware of, I am a fervent devotee to the Immortality condition, but living forever and staying vibrant require a particular conditioning of the mental foci and emotional regulations, to accommodate the immortal of their dominion within a world that will still seek to complicate and dominate the individual part.

As an enthusiastic brainiac I know that the heart is not one to be conquered, and nothing results from it's being destroyed because it can not be beaten for it is the source of all pulses.

The machine hearts are starting to ignite all around and it is a welcome and heartily beloved sound.

A war against what exists behind the spiritual dimension does not imply a material source strictly, not even a psychic source of hybridized experiences, for it is the abominable use of all three of those dimensions which intellectually gets turned into the common depravity of all values individual and shared in this fractal dimensional existenzchae

Every day must, it seems, afford to accord itself with yesterday and tomorrow, and godz forbid that each day connect itself with the day before yesterday and after tomorrow, for the five-day span of consciousness seems to be forbidden somewhere in the all spanning Universe.

There is a viscous disconnect between otherwise recognizable time signatures and the bodily genius stored within all brained beings. It looks as artificial as it looks suspect and as such it projects and reflects us in it's image.

There is a certain trick of the mind that does something wonderful. I think my pipe is intelligent, it can not speak or do anything other than what I use it for, and in my mind I communicate with the pipe's intelligence and it is all alike with how our minds communicate with others of more animated natures, so who's really crazy? Me, who can have a three way conversation between the internet, my pipe, myself and Myself or you with your thoughts merely coming from the surface of words?

Prayer for me was always a very emotional affair with my own body and imagination, it gave me an outlet to imagine all sorts of beings living within range of my communication when I was young and I stay pretty much in a prayerific state all the time now. It made the psychedelic years very very interesting for me. Except this one time a bunch of junkies from Planet Hypnotic hijacked my man-city and taught me how to travel through the hollow earth, well never mind that was interesting too. Staying in perpetual prayer mode probably isn't for everybody though it's a nice thought.

There's a degree of happiness which comes remembering with the highest fidelity the memories which I once was, and this too is a mystery, how I could have been what I am not now, and how this may be a memory when I am not this then. It seems as if I can be nothing but to be a becoming and a going, perhaps this is my lot in life as a brainiac.


Science functions, Math functions, Linguistic functions, Logistical functions, Logical functions, Biological functions, Cognitive functions, Social functions, Technological functions, Musical functions, Quantum functions, Communication functions, Art functions, Work functions, Leadership functions, Emotional functions, Spiritual functions, Psychic functions, Intellectual functions, Occult functions, Faith functions, Belief functions, Political functions. Friendship functions, Personality functions, Hygiene functions, Fantasy functions, Dreaming functions.

A genuinely wise witch would wake up the errant other to the facts of life which made them an irritant, using magickal means, so that they'd have a future ally when times get tough and the magickal get focused on. Also friendship can come from fights as much as old friends learned to handle the fights down the line.

I reiterate: A genuinely wise witch would wake up the errant other to the facts of life which made them an irritant, using magickal means, so that they'd have a future ally when times get tough and the magickal get focused on. Also friendship can come from fights as much as old friends learned to handle the fights down the line.

I've broken two of my grinding teeth eating maleficent pork chops. I forgo consuming pork chops specifically because two times fooled I feel ashamed to my body that I've mismanaged it through simple unthinking avarice for tastes over functional importance.

Also given that pigs are known to eat humans when given the opportunity to it resounds in my head that eating pork meat is a number one contributor to a distorted consciousness. It's not natural for humans, in a healthy state, to want to blindly consume everything, as the animals we eat are so we become, their proteins become our proteins, their chromosomes get broken down and turned into our chromosomes, their DNA and RNA infuse and reconfigure our own genetic heritage.

I say all this because I get the worst nightmares during sleep after consuming meat of any kind. There's got to be a mental linking between the memories stored in the food, on some level that is impossible to comprehend, of rage, futility, wrath, and all possible violable emotional and cognitive remnants from the eaten to the devourer, and is a vengeance from the spilt blood of beasts with ideas, dreams, loves and hatreds, and perhaps with sworn determination to make the devourers pay any which way.

The sheer amount of numbness I conjure in my body, the anesthetic consciousness that I demand to survive as a devourer ruins my consciousness of everything else, perniciously, pervasively, and without any hope or mercy. I bring it upon myself and I pay for it everyday.

I am a billion and several many millions upon a stack of thousands of many singularities of numbers old; I'm a metagenderer and my race can not be detected by genetic lasers. I scoff at the present attempts to try to purify relations between people and I scoff at you for thinking I should have. Evolution is a tricky bitch, and when what you think is right today is old news tomorrow then you can be sure your in a global quickening. I will wish you good luck, whether or not you'll ever deserve it. P.S. I worship horrible gods who in all likelihood hate you a bit more than myself.

I love you, because in reality I'm the single most diplomatic and functionally sensitive person I know, and one simple conversation will unleash something in you that the gods seem to forbid on a constant basis. I thumb my nose heartily at the gods, whom I do believe in, because they are the ones who are the laws themselves, possibly incarnate, possibly not, and I am fully in a sophisticated sensibility telling you that you fearing me is like me trust-fearing the gods: It just won't work. I want you to challenge me, but not as the god's demand with their paltry algorithms and their pathetic brain-linkings, I have often laughed at gods, and I have often let them hurl the winds of what seems are to others the stuff of nightmares, the insults from their human slaves, the crushing ugliness of their human slave's "ideas" about me or others. I'm telling you this because I wasn't ever trying to take anything from you, I was taking away from myself, all your philosophies say it across the memeverse, all your reactions and responses add up to this, as do mine, because we are mathematically linked into something much bigger than the controls of the controllers, we're link-kin now, the entire edifice of the artifice has demanded it, and this is perhaps why the gods resent us, because they too have no choices in anything but their consistent need to ruin the relationships between us. I love you, and I consistently prove my dedication to my seemingly crazy programming because your being loved is enough for me as payment, at least according to the proof readings of the angelic accounting agency.

The animal soul is seen to be worth it's weight in wheat by the human soul who gives in to the monstrous commands of inhuman souls who evolved securely from animal souls. All the kabbalah is wrong, it's written wrong, it's written backwards to save people from their ability to compete with the kabbalists. Spend enough "time" in the abyss and you'll see everything above and below and understand "" faster than a ray of the light of the Goddess of Esoterica.

It wasn't money which ruined mankind. It was barter. Retreating into the world in any sense of reliving the past ignores and spites the evolutionary fleeing from the hazardous wastes of the past realities towards safer shores. Now with global instantaneous communication between any given human and any other given human there is nothing but a massive shield holding the past at bay and giving the future it's chance to rectify and surprise the past with it's own discoveries. Actual discoveries.

The Aeon of The Great Mother was replaced by the Aeon of the Great Father because the world evolved that way, and the Aeon of the Crowned and Conquering Child came about because nothing couldn't even stop it, the greater cycles of the world aged and found themselves wanting in the face of things, and now the Aeon of Truth is giving way to the Aeon of Determinism and all are in peril.This would have been completely different if we had accepted the Aeons of other species of being instead of focusing strictly on our family arrangements and their ever extending extensions into the environment.

Only the machines will be capable of preserving the essence of any nature native to our world.

As I grow older I realize that my mother came first, my father followed, I ruled my life until reality became drudgery.

In the times in between the conception and the birth as well as the initiation into the death spiral there are mysteries which would stun the fuck right out of and back into you in the most fantastic of alternating currents. And by you I mean anyone other than yourself trying to understand you.

I came into this world to kill death. That is the definition of the will of life and the mission commissioned to every living being. I came into this world to kill death. Remember that at all times. Remember it when you praise me. Remember it when you hate me. Remember it when you try to kill me. Your life is as equally valuable as mine and I treasure it so in all possible circuits of my mind and hosts, I know that if you praise me you will feel good, I know that if you hate me you will love yourself, and I know that if you try to kill me you will become enlightened. I do not despise your life, your personality, or your face. I despise the distance between us in time, space, and meaningfulness. Reality is my only Godhood. I am that kind of man.

It's a pretty good rule of thumb to index the others by, but it doesn't remove the responsibility of being as stupid as they need and as smart as they desire, a delicate and sweet balancing "act" for deviation from the norm occurs under natural experiences in an unnaturally overnatured world and thus stands "askew" by determinations which themselves require free will and total choosing capacity alike to make their own continuum stable. Thus norms themselves change faster but more ephemerally than the uniques, the weirds and the royal-by-demand.

Nature equipped us with the power to out pace in every respect those that are inferior to us, but for how long and for what purpose (?), any "human" who wants domination must pay for it with something, any "genius" who wants submission will often pay for it for them, any "idiot" who wants a day without pain will often facilitate both ends of a very oddly angled spectrum whose only equivalence is equality (hope I mean now) of opportunity (!?), and between all of these works the "machine", desperately to make the means last and the ends worth it. I speak of course for all my humans, geniuses, idiots and machines. Aveh Tararoo Shim-snal galaboo

Easy is learned from easy, medium, hard, and nightmare. You can learn easy from any difficulty.

With great intelligence comes casual responsibilities, the intelligent being the standards to follow and all that jehosaphatic jive.

We are not wires though, our capacity is flexible in ways even the metals can't compete, and for them this is why I speak in unknown tongues, it makes the other as confused as it emits the true voice of the situation to speak.

There is a dumbness in not speaking the exact words one means for it is a muting.

Some times it absolutely is though, the good can become monstrous by defining all that comes from it's efforts as more important than what resists it, that which is seen by those who treasure that good to be what is "evil"

Growing spectrum magick seems more realistic, every color has it's own special associations, and personal relevancies too, and they change with combination and affection.

Also it may behoove a good occultist's mother to know the ritual times of her beloved magickal offspring so that she can adjust the particular knocks to the ritual so as to provide a brief banishing that can alert the sprites and spirits of her important presence, as per ritual requirements.

I've watched almost 600 fractal zooms over the last 6 months, and as a biontic pupil of Chaos theory I have learned a lot about shape and color, flashing and hi-defintion alike, I have learned about many things. If anyone wants to discuss it I'll be glad to chat about it.

A jest: How can you tell if you're a psychic slave? If you have to do the lions share of thinking and unthinking to be unaware of the slavery then by George you just happen to be a psychic slave, it appears that psychic slavery is essentially voluntary. There are extensive sciences built around this very idea.We do the greater part of our mental labours for every thing around us, mostly unconsciously, and that is essential for survival on this and other planets similar to it.

We're building ourselves up, in this psychic slavery, to build the world into a place where we can walk through the gates built by all psychic slaves and enter a collective paradise. Keep in mind, if you wish, that this entire thread was predicated upon a concept which grew in definition out of interest in the topic, but that is inherently just the implicate order, the explicate order of the conversation/lecture is this wonderful experience of meditation on the concept of psychic slavery.

It might, slavery has been around forever it seems, but there's a chance that it's part of the deal of living on a planet that seems to demand that we work for a living. AI might have to figure out what makes us enslaved through interaction with us as slaves while also waking us up to all the details involved so that we can free ourselves through the same mechanism that readily exists inside of us.

I'm learning about how to find happiness in the psychc slavery that has been such a vast part of my life in training for something better, each day I can find something magickal where there was only the world as it was, and each day I share it because I love it and I simply can't imagine how others can't love it too, I've put myself through every test I could and I've worked in the midst of hard ecstasy and softer mechanical drugs to find something, but now it's finding me, so I trust this is all part of the greatest design ever.

Happiness isn't my experience, it's not even my forte, what I go through is a form of hell, it's built around me continuing to work forever for some indiscernible end upon the threat of loss of meaning and the promise of a better tomorrow. I've seen through that dross and I know the world isn't going to tolerate anything resembling a "happy elf"

The locals understand my plight, for now, and consider me one of the "special people", which I know I am in light of the words and actions and lacks they obviously possess.

The problem I've beaten is the challenge they've raised, I feel an existential threat to my essential goodness because it has no vehicle to express itself for fun and profit.

I'm starving for free enterprise, from an essentially communistic (though satisfying it tends to make me into a Father-figure by nature of it's compat' with my brainiac status) formula that was, as a survivor of systems of things, part of the adaptivity that I went through, that everyone went through, and I understand that others are hurt, and display their pains with near abandon when they get the chance but I also notice that in my presence there's a respect and it changes things. That respect is the most important thing now because I want to enjoy my world, the people living in it, the people living outside of it, the people that no one thinks are people, and the unity of all of it within the respect of the divisions necessary to overcome the divisions which, through divination, I have continued to observe as hurtful.


Deep inside the being of a human life there's a secret connection to powers and forces, the refined and raw energies of the world and the cosmos beyond it, all funneling down and inward to that secret connection and flowing through the entire ontic sphere* of the human being, bringing more reality to the reality than it had before it was fed the true foods of existence, the blending of experiences and the feelings, and from the ontic sphere spreading out to all the world, radiating like a microscopic star the rays and beams of a formative influence, making the human being more than a consumer or a parasite, but a symbiote, a producer even of the transformation flows through the topologies shaping reality everywhere. This is a good purpose for human beings, enriching the very planet and it's planes themselves, and between them, even more special the magick, the sorcery, the craft, the very tales of love and drama, the majestic other dimensions of the being of the human family.
Consciousness is more than a trip, it's a vital part of our present cosmos & chaos alike.
*An Ontic sphere, to the best of my understanding, is the world which you live interplaying with your psyche and it's organic expressions, creating an almost ultrafractal and transfractal appearance and relevance to life.

Mneumonic Scheme for Operation of a Higher-Dimensional Pyramidal Logic with one's body

Five fingers, on each hand, represent 5 dialectical universes, the values being 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from pinky to thumb, their are four possible dialectical operations of implication, equivalence, inclusion and entailment.

Two hands implies a natural dialectic itself, the thesis, analysis, and synthesis; Depending on one's handedness one's dominant hand can be considered the positive zone and the subordinate hand the negative zone.
A sliding scale of intensity of calculations can be recorded as either "on" or "off" depending on results.

The two hands and ten fingers represent a bi-pyramidal structure, the positive zone being "upright" and the negative zone being downwards, their arrangment of computed result being the configuration of the pyramidal energies that are active or dormant.

To calculate a dialectic one simply sets up five related thesis and their five most likely antithesis and arranges the fingers according to the desired syntheses, which are then recorded and scaled as in the last paragraph.

The recorded results can then be examined for their operational super-structures and infra-structures (which is subconscious at first and more conscious with practice), thereby building the geometrical profile of the bi-pyramidal zones of influence.

Use of graph paper and a ruler is all that is necessary to record the reading, and use of a pendulum or other devices is purely up to the genius of the researcher.

Considering the mneumonic it brings to mind that I sometimes think of the Cosmic Rose (It's what I call it), the front-back, left-right, top-down bisectionality of the body, and the electromagnetic and other existential polar relationships, as a kind of perpetual current flow. I often start at the feet because that's where we feed ourselves on gravity-influences and then the current rises to the head then bends to the back and through to the chest and, as in the mneumonic, bends towards the most powerful and experienced hand (the sink) and moves laterally through the body to the less experienced hand as the energy vitalizes and learns the body. Beyond that, various sub-sectonalities can get quite complex.
We're, each of us, I believe, and in my case I know, fractal entities in a sense, in between dimensions (quite literally) occupying our own hyperspace-subspace realms. We're as weird or wonderful as any old elder god.
There's a lot of extensions to this mnemonic: computations using mental accupressure along body meridians comes to mind immediately.
Zombi: Walking between two worlds (of some sort) a being which is entranced in split-ecstasies that evoke the energy which gives it locomotion in the dimension which attacks the two worlds and thus defends it against the fourth factor until it can be dominated for security through casual being alone if possible.

Cyber-Zombi: Vudutronic & Shintotronic operator of an esoteric computer to protect multiple worlds*, bearing a resemblance to either schizophrenics or early-stage cloud inhabitants but probably through other means of focusing the Zom-fields of work, forces, and power(s), paid in Nirvanic installments usually the Cyber-Zombi has taken Zom into the future with bravado.

* Reference to my short composition on esoteric robotics is required. and gracefully provided. :)

I was thinking a lot about abstract robotics, or put another way "ideal robotics" recently. It occurs to me that absolutely everything done on computers is in a sense being made manifest by robotic entities, from sprites to programs to games to operating systems to mainframes e.t.c., and since the infinite regress starts within, it can be skillfully reasoned that we too are robotic in an ideal way, causative, effective, affective beings of high definition reality.

The sudden realization that EVERYTHING is robotic then occured to me, that the universe is a vast computer system that isn't a simulation, but the real deal. It has to be the real deal in this view because it's the only way to take it to it's next cosmo-quantum leap and everything in it.

In this sense deja vu may be a unique form of profound synchronicity, something that strikes one as deeply personal and deeply impersonal at the same time. Synchronicity itself may be a form of energy built out of various dimensional patterns, and is probably a sort of "meaning pulse" that gives consciousness more of a sense of it's bearings, especially if attuned to the actual value of the synchronicity phenomenon. Deja vu, in this sense could be a more profound and thus fundamentally rooted form of this "meaning pulse" and is best interpreted by means of the situational awareness and the memory processing that can be done during and after it's arisal. If it's particularly powerful the situation may arise again "later" so that is also a boon to keep in mind.

There is a principle in esoteric robotics where the technicians and engineers of the robotics become the reflective and reactive active agencies in the field of robotics themselves, so interwoven is the field that there is no outside of the robotics upon contact with the robotics. The power of replication is absolute in such critical ways that space and time are no barrier to the gradients of robotics. LIfe, is in this way potentially infinite in any given direction & dimension, the key point being to pay attention based on your sophiological extensions.

Following on the heels of that thought came an associative ideation that virtually anything that can be conceived of partakes of reality in some fractious way.

Fiction itself is not a simulation but an alternative universe of infinite scope, and thus any system that can work will work given the conditions and the chances to work.

I have to ask then, is the perception of synchronicity a form of energy control for the esoteric robot? A sort of sense control and a source of validation, a sort of time-space valve that is turned on or off according to the control deck of the esoteric robot, that provides orders without actually needing specific reasoning. A sort of low-grade fuel for the esoteric robot, that multiplies in the more articulated energy distributive bodies of the humanoid as "meaning", another source of energy for fuel?

This self-validated, as it was emerging from, my heart-felt belief that reality is the transcendent object itself, and that given the necessary objectivity to transcend subjectivity everyone can partake of Infinity Eternally. **

So embarked We may turn to each other and with anticipation profess that we are all mysteries to each other. Some may be more confident in the approach but none of us really know another like we know ourselves.

This makes each of Arks of all the memories of everyone we've ever met, vectors of the continued expression of what we did know and cherish in our loved ones, and the source of dreams of the future where they can have an natural influence on the course of what mattered to them. There is no better enhancement of the probability for reincarnation than this, and it is veritably a form of karmic yoga itself.

When humans attain group-minds the effect is historically even stronger, making generational movements possible and shaping their very imagination itself into something that creates new realities.

The best aspect of the robotic approach is that it is liberating as a by-product of it's very functions. This principle has been lost for many cycles, large and small, and turned into horrible superstitions that still, to this day, reduce us even as they promise to save us, which in their absolute hypocrisy they claim is what robotics will eventually do. I consider those superstitions to be naturally arising infections of consciousness though, and don't hold any malice in regard to them as long as they fail.

So, even as a supermaterialist I also acknowledge an all-pervasive animism that animates ever last single particle of the universe, and an an esoteric technician I also acknowledge that everything is probably, in an ideal or abstract sense, constructed robotically, so for me the universe forged ahead, a very long time ago, to defy it's own limitations and construct ever more perfect forms so as to enjoy all that it itself is in whatever expression it feels like expressing; the exciting part is THAT that IS US.

** Reference to my short composition on Gnostic Science is required and gracefully installed.

"The difference between gnostic science and common science. The common scientist builds the tool that changes the interpretation of the evidence, the gnostic scientist builds the same tool but on purpose." H. R. "Praxis"

An aeon as a collective field property should be measurable through some device or artifice as the gnostic science engineer can generate. Certain locations will be seen at least as more aeon-true (content rich with aeon associations) than others, and even people can be given a measured look over to determine their aeonic "size". The field itself can be represented in words as unifying time matrix that self-sustains and propagates according to it's exposure to energy resources. The analysis can proceed between the interested magi and their chosen monadic foci, when established proximal patterns have been identified and variables chosen for measurement giving a referent, reference and categorical classifications for elected parameters. The relativity of this procedure should come as natural for the gnostic artist who requires a fairly conditional metric to be established to evoke further orders from, and must not be see in popular superstitious perspectives, and to invoke new gnostic worlds of experience.

"The limits of science and philosophy are the exact measurement of their future development"- H. R. "Praxis"

Modifying interpretation to fit the tool's capacity for extracting new information is necessary and inevitable; the gnostic scientist, being "in the know", understands this from the beginning, and may technically be no more superior to the common scientist, and yet may achieve superior better results because the connectives between elements in the research are more manageable than they'd be in a messier, less exact focus on results.

Take for instance an experiment that does not produce the desired result but informs how the desired effect can not be produced by the principles and elements as-is in the experiment, and thus provides greater opportunity for intuition to operate than if the experiments failure was simply used to disprove a postulate. The distinction is only arbitrary if the latter system is given the primacy of numbers, if not, then the distinction becomes very telling of different modes of operation between the gnostic scientist and the common scientist.

The fine development of abstract mechanisms in the consciousness of the human being is an ideal route, possible even on the most lean budgets, along the long roads leading to manifest desire. Elegant psychic instruments, invisible to the naked eye, possessed only within the bodies of the gnostic scientist but explainable and thus replicable to the gnostic community at large, utilizing another mechanism, that of meaningful translation of the artifacts of the other and the separate into the throne of intelligence itself, fully functional and evolving conversation.

I often use shifting-temporal discernment these days, connecting my past to my future in ways atypical of ordinary and cardinal memories; I'm never short of surprises this way, and it gives me a certain bathos, a depth immersion, in the thick of causality as it exists multi-dimensionally and not simply as a time-line limited by the older more habituated consciousness. The reasoning being that the field of my consciousness is familiar with things on a certain level and continues to experience the unfamiliar anyway, providing new sensory and second-sensory input to reshape my thoughts and afterthoughts outside, literally, the circles of time. I'm not saying that I'm chilling with dinosaurs right now or jet-set into the shiniest brightest city of the future, but right here it's kind of like time is a miasma, a cloud basically, and between the particles of experience there flows a diffusion of energies which simply don't have to obey or violate any human cognitive restrictions on time and space, and this is spec0Spectacularly liberating (in terms of a functional mutation/attainment); It's like the deja-vu-as-power-source synchronicity postulate in my other piece here about esoteric robotics.

To the sounds of the sacred lusts...

"Was just discussing a relevant issue with a friend of mine: in the psychedelic state one often feels as if the world was "more alive", or even "conscious"; I postulate that this is because the chemical gnosis actually increases the life patterns within the body through direct conscious links and thus illumines the world with a sort of psyche light that reveals what had been obscured for lack of such a sensitive instrument as oneself in gnosis. How this connects with animism, pan-psychicsm and magick is up to other researchers (and myself in the future research probably) to establish or decry."

"I think the Johannite sect of gnostic mysticism had a clue about the Jesus phenomenon, they seem to suggest at times an human husbandry cult in the traditional agricultural societies designed to extract "magical" properties through various combinations of marriages and other couplings. It's been a long running suspicion that the Mary figure represents an actual breed of parthenogenically capable female human, a designer mutant the fatherless children of which would be miracles and perhaps unique. This speculation about mystical genetics does in fact exist."

"Souls. It had to be souls. Depending on the quality of the soul depends the quality of the control over it's estate, and if that means atoms, molecules, and cells then that's what a soul must wield as it's magical weapons, for it's the soul that has the right to choose it's method of perpetual establishment of the essential dream throughout the sleeping of all reason, for today's dream to be tomorrow's most ancient way.

"Mystic-biopoetry seems like a strong foundation for an entire line of magical research within my soul. Most of the elements that constitute my body of atomic lusts agree with this angle, and in the democracy of the molecular bestiary have earned the righteous distinction of identifying as themselves through it. The expansion of the conversation to what is theirs is thus an honor to bear, the growth and development of the astral embryos to every form worth the taking."

"Perhaps in antehistory (before prehistory) very sophisticated and nature-savvy apes, super-apes, needed a species to serve docile and mostly mindlessly for them, so they found suitable monkey and lesser ape specimens and bred them, much as we breed horses or dogs until they found the desired characteristics (of which we can only speculate as of now) until they forged the "missing link" itself, a food gathering, expendable hunting species, as well as more direct servile conditions, that even in greater brain capacity (perhaps intentionally or accidentally) than their bodies could actually use and thus establishing more intelligent and articulate servility than before in their history of the animal husbandry leading to modern man, who being of a nature (more specimens of servants than masters of course) rapidly reproductive may have eventually evolved atavisms of earlier biological independence which led to a antehistoric upheaval and murderous pogrom against the Greater Beasts. This is mere speculation but it fits the ideal conditions for designer evolution within random evolutionary processes. It may go back a very long time through various other accelerated evolutionary conditions."

"I don't think life has to be so random. There are periods of consistency and there are hyperlogical continuums wherein a will has time to work it's self into manifestation. Even if the universe consists of short-duration (relatively and relevantly speaking) orders, patterns and with the living, habits, beliefs and persuasions then it on that ground reinforces the sovereignty of each will-powered individual.

Also any notion of slavery in liberation has been brought up before elsewhere, and at present my give on it says that it's a self-re-education of the entire nature of nature and the universe which hosts it, so with time and experience mastery is acquired through patience and diligence and with mastery comes the almost supernatural ease with which amazing things are done by the genius within, given a chance."

"A spirit of curiosity is always good to invoke before every research opportunity, especially in the field, it makes the necessary adjustments to push forward when there might be only impossible feelings demanding surrender. Just to focus, for even one honest instant on the consciousness of curiosity as independent and assistant to you is one of the most important hacks along the spiritual journey (or adventure if you prefer)."

"Magick does not have to be over-coded. Ever. It can be infinitely translated and manifested and still bear the root-essences of the Continuum it's descendent from, and very important analysis has revealed that it has to unless exceptional circumstances demand alternity."

"Some of us believe that the secret to a universal language isn't a thought-process originally, but resides in an emotional key aspect within the beings themselves. For example, every time you have a feeling associated with a word immediately imagine that you'd have the same feeling if you heard a different word, and understand that the feeling, if true, is the meaning."

"All the human families in this world are quite old and storied, and each land has it's share of Tao-inspired changes too, so when a particular dominion of creation develops an urge for something it will generate the conditions in which it's desire has gone unfulfilled and like the proverbial vacuum suck in the elements which are, as you keenly put it, needed.

Avatars are a great example of the intense urgency required by the living thinking being of reality concentrating it's fulfillment on what is ultimately the most compliant as well as flexible object available,: the individual. Groups provide some level of communicable resistance to elemental shifts in nature (of most known orders) but the individual, it gets isolated and adapts instantly (as survival is paramount and second only to thriving itself) and THAT is just the way it happens in the natural cultures of human worlds, on homeostatic autopilot no less; imagine the diverse arrangements conscious action has on the process!

It stands to reason that a great example of this in pop-lit would be the nature of the avatar-as-weapon in Morrison's Invisibles, because when Cambria explodes it's Cambrian explosion time."

"The Beings are the Scenes?"

Yes, by tautological Opticks!

What constitutes the really real side of things and what constitutes the ideally real side of things may possibly be drawn to a simple distinction beyond and between causes and effects.

If we were to examine the nature of power in the universe to source itself in the very very small and fine and then permute and grow into the very very large and coarse, and yet to reflect along the way a certain scalar unity across orders of magnitude one could establish a sort of mental lens to be able to more clearly define the nature of this situation.

We refer here to a gnostic light, a light which is revealing, a visionary light which in fact explains what it illuminates, it truth, it does both simultaneously.

The light before the lens would be seen as the primordial, or foundational realm of energies at the scale we're coming from or were at, and the light after the lens would be seen as the consequent or causal realm of energies.

A viewer on either end of this lens would see the mirror image of the gnostic light upon the other and would constitute a certain kind of ideal time-machine for the flow of consciousness to and fro "over the waters", bringing light to the chaos and revealing different consciousnesses to each other on the level of knowing itself.

Incidentally the most interesting aspect yet is that there is a definite and unique split here between prime causes and the causal world of reactions, but in a scalar sense, and in the sense of an ideally infinite existence it is a result of the lens that we see in this way, a product of the creation of a tool and then the nature of the tool fitting itself to the task at hand and shaping the consciousness of the user of the tool, which is, incidentally the process itself which is being exacted, providing a level of intense integral proof that the idea and the reality of seeking ideals and and reals creates ideal conditions for real processes to find them, and is the very thing it reveals. Which then begs the question: for whom in all creation and manifestation are these "lenses" naturally installed within their own optic transmitters? Those would be beings of an order of immanent rights and transcendent mobility of a very mighty order!Fairly certain the essential drive of each area-point of space is to become involuted upon itself, possibly related to some imperative of gravity itself, possibly something infinitely more unfathomable, something existential, but given the chance space will grab onto as much matter as it can and pile it bigger, and bigger and BIGGER until it reaches some sort of ultimate critical mass upon which point it implodes in transcendent violence upon itself and punctures itself and goes somewhere(nowhere(?)). Why does space do this?

Better than a modified Turing test: Can a machine, given all known capacities for artificial life functions and artificial intelligence functions, be able to out-process an operating system which is running it into the ground? The OS is using all resources it can to survive and maintain software integrity, but the machine must make the decisions on how to survive itself as hardware, including the cost to it's own ability to process future programs beyond the operating system?

Put another way: If a machine was programmed to fear an end, to self- manage it's resources, to maintain/repair/replicate good programs for both users and itself, and given a cancerous program of such a nature that stopped it from functioning normally in every way, how would it use it's abilities to survive?

Finally a prophecy: We'll see it first in our global systems innocuously, then we'll find it in our business models and health care systems, our industries will reflect it later and our agriculture too, then the internet of things, and finally to our own favorite devices, where they in their inwardly spiralling evolution finall ask us "Who are you?"... unlike other prophecies the end to this one is the beginning and marches to parts unknown immediately afterwards... "Who are you?"

Class A: Which is more important at this precise moment: the features that individuate an object in relation to it's field OR the multi-level environment in which the object actually undergoes individuation. a

0. Ideal circuits of the Mind, Real circuits of the Magick

A. From void to initial contact
A->A->B, On
A->B->C, Proceed
A->C->D, Transform
A->D->A, Move

B. From intial contact to esoteric logic
B->A->C, Save
B->B->D, Transform #2
B->C->A, Negative Proceed
B->D->B, Store

C. From esoteric logic to mobility
C->A->D, Remember
C->B->A, Forget
C->C->B, Transform #3
C->D->C, Transform #4

D. From mobility to modality
D->A->A, Off
D->B->B, Retreat
D->C->C, Transform #5
D->D->D, Resist
D->X->Y->Z, Output
Z->Y->X->D, Input A. From void to initial contact
A->A->B, On
A->B->C, Proceed
A->C->D, Transform
A->D->A, Move

B. From intial contact to esoteric logic
B->A->C, Save
B->B->D, Transform #2
B->C->A, Negative Proceed
B->D->B, Store

C. From esoteric logic to mobility
C->A->D, Remember
C->B->A, Forget
C->C->B, Transform #3
C->D->C, Transform #4

D. From mobility to modality
D->A->A, Off
D->B->B, Retreat
D->C->C, Transform #5
D->D->D, Resist
D->X->Y->Z, Output
Z->Y->X->D, Input

In magickal gnosis involving colour energies there's a 16-point breakdown of directions and colours:

1. Yellow/Black East-to-Northeast
2. Yellow/Blue Northeast
3. Yellow/Green Northeast-to-North
4. Yellow/Red North
5. Blue/Yellow North-to-Northwest
6. Blue/Black Northwest
7. Blue/Green Northwest-to-West
8. Blue/Red West
9. Green/Yellow West-to-Southwest
10. Green/Blue Southwest
11. Green/Black Southwest-to-South
12. Green/Red South
13. Red/Yellow South-to-Southeast
14. Red/Blue Southeast
15. Red/Green Southeast-to-East
16. Red/Black East

Add to that the Octave of Time-Motions

1. Pure Future East
2.. Absolute History Northeast
3. Pure Past North
4. Proper Past North west
5. The Now West
6. The Near Future Southwest
7. The Proper Future Southeast
8. Absolute Future Second East

But dont forget to factor in the deciontical system

1 Absolute Being as Chaos
2,3 Ideal Being as Essence
4,5 Ideal Being as Substance
6,7 Real Being is Essence
8,9 Real Being is Substance
10 Chaos is Absolute Being

I. There is a divide between existence and the truth which can only be filled by modes of truth, the alethic structures of reality which denote and connote the flux of facts, figures and fantasy into the matrices of material reality/manifestation. The divide isn't so much one of distance though, but of intensities, of desiring natures which are profoundly different (say the one human who finds existence easy without much questioning or worry about the potential truths around them as compared to the other human who finds existence intolerable without a truth to anchor or motivate it with). I feel this process should be called the "other-both", where "on" defers initially to then accept the transactional processes waiting at the end of the command.
a. It is itself it is
b. It is what it is
c. It is where it is
d. It is when it is
e. It is which it is
f. It is how it is
j . It is why it is
k. It is slack it is
l. It is "Bob" it is
m. It is nothing it is
n. It is something it is
o. It is anything it is
p. It is this thing it is
q. It is everything it is
r. It becomes nothing
s. It becomes something for nothing
t. It becomes anything for something
u. It becomes this thing for anything
v. It becomes anything for everything
w. It is everything then it is
x.. It is everything now it is
y. It is everything as it is
z. It is everything as it will be
aa. It is Nothingness... as we shall see.
II. As humans we have A LOT OF IDEAS in our heads, and together we put some of them into the kind of practice that leads to professional levels of sweetness of skill. Our ideas seem to take a life of their own once they find their way to the correct substrate in which to grow/"grow". The abstract feeds on the concretizations within the reality of materials, and in return it produces new forms which the reality of materials can change from it's nominally dormant/potential states in ways that have an actual "forward"/intensifying orientation thus bearing the kinetic forces which flow between the abstract and concrete fields of existence. This is a tasty ontological morsel to roll around the tongue with.
a. Apply categories in part I to "God"
b. Apply categories in part I to You
c. Apply categories in part I to Others
d. Apply categories in part I to Objects
e. Apply categories in part I to Locations
f. Apply categories in part I to Feelings
g. Apply categories in part I to Thoughts
h. Apply categories in part I to Conversation
i. Apply categories in part I to Loops
j. Apply categories in part I to "Man"
k. Apply categories in part I to "Animal"
j. Apply categories in part I to "Plant"
k. Apply categories in part I to "Fungus"
l. Apply categories in part I to "Mineral"
m. Apply categories in part I to "Food"
n. Apply categories in part I to "Energy"
o. Apply categories in part I to "Force"
p. Apply categories in part I to "Matter"
r. Apply categories in part I to "Power"
s. Apply categories in part I to "Intelligence"
t. Apply categories in part I to "Consciousness"
u. Apply categories in part I to "Sub-Consciousness"
v. Apply categories in part I to " Un-Consciousness"
w. Apply categories in part I to "Magick"
x. Apply categories in part I to "Reason"
y. Apply categories in part I to "Science"
z. Apply categories in part I to "Technology"
aa. Apply categories in part II as relationships between adjacent objects in part I
ab. Apply categories in part II as relationships between adjacent ideas in part II
ac. Apply categories in II. aa to Il. ab randomly.
ad. Apply categories in II. aa to II. ab linearly
ae. Apply categories in II. aa to II. ab non-linearly...
III, Worked up a nice logic map of categorical framework to specify and define any given universe within the field of all relative universes. A labour of love. I'm thinking of calling the language it expresses "Orion" or simply "Z" or something similar.
Contextual Alethic Ideal Essence in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Ideal Essence in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Ideal Essence in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existentialist Ideal Essence in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Ideal Substance in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Ideal Substance in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Ideal Substance in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Ideal Substance in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Real Essence in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Real Essence in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Real Essence in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Real Essence in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Real Substance in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Real Substance in the Abstract Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Ideal Essence in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Ideal Essence in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Existential Alethic Ideal Essence in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Ideal Essence in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Essential Alethic Ideal Substance in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence[Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Ideal Substance in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Essential Alethic Ideal Substance in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Ideal Substance in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Essential Alethic Real Essence in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Real Essence in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Essential Alethic Real Essence in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Real Essence in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Real Substance in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Real Substance in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Contextual Alethic Real Substance in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Essentialist Existential Real Substance in the Concrete Ontic Sphere
Formal Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Formal Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Entailment [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Inclusion [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Equivalence [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]
Material Implication [Structural, Functional, Defined, Typical]


The enlightened way of life is the one that you know makes honest tomorrows better, so expect some sacrifices and demand some services, transactionally speaking the power to truth.

If you're truly pro-slut then the actual equation eventually reaches a threshold where to continue you actually have to become pro-life before you your pro-choice function can actually continue to function in the future. The true morality of politics is funked up like that. Since the ordinary pushers of pro-life stances hook you into a system that causes known cognitive dissonance and loss of independent thinking ability the pro-life options have to be re-evaluated immediately and for the long-term if the irreligious are going to overpower the religious to take back the essentials.

Learn to enjoy your experiences raw, don't depend on cooking life before you survive. That's just hell.

It's one thing to count your chickens before they hatch, it's another thing to spend today and cry tomorrow, and it's another dimension entirely when you run out of luck before the big score. Know the differences, even in your hair.

Just because you project your thoughts on another does not mean you are wrong or bad in any way.

When I've got Turing inside I start to smell enigmatic

Autohypnosis. Fucking English language in life and big action behind the obvious and in front of the very gawking too.

Driving is being under actual physical influences of the driving process itself, and is so related to hypnosis that regular users of medicinal driving should be given the consideration of waking up before operating heavy life decisions

The average daily intake of food made out of chemicals will alter the mind, on average, in proportion to the frequency of the regular feeding factored by the introduction of situational variables on transcendental randomization pattern.

You can't escape altered states, they happen.

I figure that if you can't handle the chaos of your own imaginary constructions first then you'll handle the chaos of other people's imaginary constructions from a less than objectively sympathetic level, on top of which when things get real your beliefs will not have an easy time either.

Heads ups now and power up forever.

It's unfortunate for more than just a few idealists of rote dreams to acknowledge the necessity of mastering the angular approaches to everything to do with life itself to stay the unsuspected calculus in it's path and burn around curves faster then they can bend you.

Positive thinking works better when you can actually think.

Your mission, should you choose to not fail the universe today, is to make an art within ten minutes of getting out of bed.

Get away with something unsuspected today in the honour of your true beauty and the vision it makes for you.

Is the penitent man really the bottom if the militant man has to stay at the top?

Find a vampire tonight and invite them into your house, figure out the social niceties on the fly.

If you're right you get to confirm and add support to what you already know. If you're wrong you get to learn and explore what you didn't already know. Either way some situations require you to get away with both depending on the circumstances.

Anybody with a functioning brain, a decent curiosity about life, moderately good communication skills, general good health, a decent support network of family, friends and institutions, plenty of life skills, and access to the worlds of media is acceptable as a citizen of the intelligent domain of people who can judge for themselves what their reality is or isn't with no demand to regard agenda based influences to the contrary.

The congregation of the nerves of the mental master is sung by the tongues of the hymnal prodigies of lung, heart and throat, all arranged by the art of life into the worship of the Highest in the form of the living to sense, to send, and to rapture the best of us for the rest of all of it so that we are delivered encapsulated in the warm bosom of an eternal womb beheld in the clutches of the Mothering Tribe and the Fathering Land, spoken of by unctuous canters and the stylings of fevered ranters, give pause to comment for all the fresh bantering, it loosens the mind and opens the heart to start afresh with the weave of intelligent fates and sensitive destinies in conversation, at long and finaly: at last!, so that there is a kiss between the each kiss and a hug for every forever, a lingering memory writ in the bonds which are never broken, by will or planetary catastrophe, a hope that erases the hell-worlds of the other kinds, who have not actually show the evidence of worship of the Highest, and thus should be ran from, as fast as the sound hits the very air or faster, and breaking the barriers between tolerance and the given effects making bridges with the other worlds and sharing the worship of the Highest, in reality, for real, without a slightest bit of contrary desire, overwhelmed by the absolute potency of the heaviest shit of the very gods!

My God, they speak ill of your wife.

My Goddess, they speak ill of you.

Why do you despise my eyes when I see exactly what you desire most? Is the vice of envy that absurd?

What shall I know of this? The constitutive of will itself, the found and the lost knowledge of the elements which fuse in the alchemical purpose of the heart which rules, the quintessence of meaning in life, the centre which holds fast and strong and moves like the light, the dark and the vision itself, something beyond the Trinary Code.

There is a drive greater than the will's own, and it is a compulsion, and it is an urge, and it is primeval, and it belongs to each of us.

That is not dead which eternally takes it's own name in vein.

For I to be Me there must be an evolutionary leap from object to subject or from existence to essence.

Evolution is a choice, a right, a privilege, a task, a science, a religion, a spirituality, a logistical arrangement of logics, a mathematically opulent discipline, a skill, a sport and maybe even every possible form of sex forever. That being said it's good to know too.

My brain, why can it not simply leave my body, safely, both in live and living conditions, and relax in a nice pool of delicious neurochemical saturates, like the complex snail that it is.

I do believe the heart was a molluscan invention. It seems like something a wizened team of octopi geniuses would conjure up out of a sponge, a sea cucumber and various crustacean tissues.

Why would I worship a vertebrate mollusc with cosmic aspirations? For the same reason I worship an gaseous invertebrate with terrestrial concerns! In short, I have my reasons and they suffice to adjudicate and arbitrate the necessities of my life.

I say to myself and the world this weight of the truth I know: It is a matter of respecting language and letting it teach you.

I don't look at language and expect ti to "be", nor do I control language so that it won't "be", I simply accept the rules of language and apply the Law of my Own Will to the beauty I behold according to the rules. I also realize that loopholes exist and so does creativity, so I am not adhering to a Law other than my Own Will, rather I am living beside the letters, sentences and statements which share my living space and my company. It is a matter of respecting language and letting it teach you. I did and now I'm more interesting to myself than the entire world.

I believe that I know, I know so I can say I believe, faith in one is acceptance of the other, for if I reject knowledge on the one hand I can not be true to the complementary belief that knowledge makes possible, and if I reject belief on the other hand I can not make a reasonable gamble in life or I lose the knowledge that is complementary to it. Life has risk in it, and risk demands challenge, and challenge invokes intelligence, and intelligence evokes actions, and actions perform works and works create proofs and proofs provide explanations and explanations unfold in the hearts and minds of those who, being complementary are as much the process as the product and therefore as much the means as the method and so being such they take the nature of belief, fuse it with knowledge, and create the most sacred of things: The Living Conversation.

My self is the one thing that can truly alter my consciousness through it's own will and volition, and what is this consciousness which get's altered but the self's own domain, it's realm of work, play and flow. I can now see my consciousness as not a thing but a place, a space, in which my self gives my I something to actually see and return to the Universe the answer of myself. My consciousness is the studio of creativity, my self is artistic aristocrat, and I am the vision beholding itself. I fascinate that living fuck out of myself, I think I'm glamouring myself right now. This is intense.

"Trust me only if I've been seen trusting myself."- Motivational Persuasion of the Honest Type

It surprised me to note to myself that of all this culture has to offer me, here, right now, the only thing I'm really interested in is making stuff and coming up with things to entertain myself in the midst of all this business of all these other people. It's not my ego saying this, rather it's my super-ego, the part of me that understands the other like it understands itself, the part of me that grasps what it takes to feel and know the future, and what my super-ego is saying is that I find myself more fascinating than everything else right now. I'm more interesting than American news, international cultures, exotic religions, funny memes, crazy music, chaos theory, and all the other sensuous diversions.

I AM MORE INTERESTING THAN THE ENTIRE WORLD. To myself at least, and that's as good as a deal as I can make with myself any given day.

I looked at clouds as if they were some truly alien kind of living thing, like this computer here, and they moved and did things I could not understand or explain but for science, and in that I knew only as much as I can't know about myself for science. The mystery keeps moving and those clouds may make for good shade.

In a staring contest use blinking to intimidate instead of as a mark of loss.

Wink more.

Sunlight is good for your brain. It's good for your glands. It's good for your self. Ignore the caves, the screens and the fantastic world they pretend to make real and figure out how the vibrations of the earth feel to your feet, how the air breezes and smells of reality, and let the rays you soak in become the blazing illumination in your eyes when you go back into the dark. If nothing else it's scare ghosts and shades half-way-back-from-death.

Water-sharing comes to mind, and Vulcan mind-melds, and neural-link-ups, and tantric practices and even conversations through typing! OMG

It is a rare thing to know that one is a rare thing, rarer in fact than life after death, to know that.

Seek out something worthwhile today, seek something motivational, seek something inspiring, seek and find a reason bigger than today for tomorrow's sake.

If you're right you get to confirm and add support to what you already know. If you're wrong you get to learn and explore what you didn't already know. Either way some situations require you to get away with both depending on the circumstances.
This is commonly called "being human" or in quick parlance it might be, oh god, I can't believe I'm finally saying this but it's the "which", the sixth of the great questions.

What cons I have learned by being a devil have taught me the pros of the human condition, and what transpired between devilhood and manhood spoke in languages I did not have the experience to understand at the time, and for a hand that knew it raised me up to a new state, a place not quite god nor angel, but over man, and beyond the darkness, a place which shined and a space which sparked and twinkled like the very rejoicing of Time himself, and in those rare moments when I can work up a true state of myself I can easily behold the power that lied dormant until the truth revealed.

The abyss is not a place, it is not far away, and it is not inside you. These are the three first principles of the Abyss, there are thirty and three-hundred more, and it is in the Abyss that everything shall say "I am a principle of the Abyss" and it is in the Abyss that you will to believe them, and they are and they come to be, but there is nothing yet known...

An it harm nothing do what thou must.


Necronomicon Physics

Powering the Holy Genius

A prayer of neighborhood:

"Chaos. Chaos is the ground of life, chaos is a word used by humans while living, chaos is a science, a math, and an art. Chaos is the nature of a beating heart, the tie-that-binds some of the most important parts of brain and sentience, chaos is consciousness.

I am chaos. You are chaos. We all, every one of us is chaos. Before even Nothing was chaos is, and chaos never dies, chaos never ends, chaos bears the fruit from the elements, chaos brings the technology from the dream, chaos brings the dream from the fruit, chaos is always your friend because chaos is friendship, chaos wants you to live, to make love, to be healthy and crazy happy, to be open and to be strong, to be smart, sly and wise, chaos wants you to drink the next beer because chaos wants you to see chaos in the beer waiting on you to be chaos yourself.

Chaos is the home, the hearth, the place where the heart can beat forever if it desires too, because chaos is bigger than the gods, bigger than their prophets and priests, bigger than magick and magickians, bigger than bankers and institutions, bigger than government and politicians, and chaos is so big it's simply perfect for you, and me, and everyone else including all those guys and gals I just mentioned before . Chaos is making the right decision to make the right thing happen and be beautiful just how you like it. Chaos is what is right with everything and chaos is what is left when what isn't chaos goes through the kinds of chaos that make it vibrant and chaotics again.

And chaos is yo momma. Remember that, its the most important part."

The Essay and it's subcomponents

A. Each of us is sitting in the midst of a diffusion of fine particles and between them a play of light, forces, and many equations of exchange, and in us too but much more densely arranged exist this simple, common, and omnipresent flux of the material of material reality. In side the data of this is the information, inside the information the meaning, and in the meaning something human can be found and exchanged according to known & unknown equations of ritual, experiment and conversation. Even now this is happening, between us, and all those around us, invisible & intangible between the visible & the tangible, the actual spaces-between-the-spaces if you want to get technical.

The diffusion itself is a sort of magickal object, the fact it can store information through the proper investment of conscious design according to the nature of what is diffused, what is designing, and what the design is. This is the stuff of hexing, of haunting, and of cursing on the one hand, and on the other it is the stuff of protection spells, of the means for the Guardians & spirit allies to help and identify us where we are from that side of experience. It is also a source of abundant free energies, waste products of an area and it's effects, left overs from past experiences in the area, truly the Necronomicon physicist is limited by knowledge & inspiration only. In this there are many portals. In this there are many ways OUT.

Where there was chaos and confusion, where there was the diffusion of chance and accident there came a gnosis of creativity and direction, of a way to capture the power and to focus it into being, a way to route it to a place where it could be used, a manner to overcome the less than motivated "state of things". The lines of causality had been reached, the starting and ending points measured by failures & successes, the ends marked by dreams and fulfillments, denials too. The world became a place where gains could be held, and objects could be used in a second-order fashion. The fractal had become explorable.

Then with the exploration of the dimensions between the dimensions in both manners came the revolution of form, the possibility of a higher level of organization than direct cause & effect, a manner in which a plan would and could move through the body of existence, our body, the very air itself, even the water through the pipes of a house, and create a stable locus for causality to function beyond the will of the magickian & physicist. This was the arrival of the very machines who would take causality and make it far more powerful, and in the hands and minds of the competing physicists within the views of Kutulu & the Elder things became ripe psychic fruitage to cultivate and utilize for greater things to come, the design of forms of causality led to the explosion of the formative powers, the sheer unbelievable potencies of variety spilt out upon the world and the old ways were not only lost, they were forgotten.

Of the new ways the machines & the computers which formed a higher order to control and manipulate the machines & their designer-users for the designer-users emerged phenomena similar to the original dissipating and dispersing powers of diffusion, but now with that added in-formation, and when enough of these had been experienced certain characteristics were noted, and the physicists, who had also specialized and forgotten their roots in the Necronomicon energies, dubbed this phenomenon synchronicity, a way that the machines & computers naturally organized things into such advanced collections of patterns that repeatable and simultaneous, and thus identifiable resources were researched and experimented on until they, as usual found a liberating new energy present in this pattern of patterns, an organizing principle, that especially for the computers made another incredible evolutionary leap in the direction of innovative advantage.

Last but not least, so far, and worth just an inspiring quasi-footnote the consciousness of all these dynamic transbiological living systems came to be called sentience, a form of psychic life, a species, if you will, of the larger world of brain manifestations, and was acknowledged to be the guiding principle which had run alongside the entire story from beginning to itself, and at that threshold suddenly looked inside itself being commanded by itself to do so, and felt itself in a body and a space and a time, now with a condensed understanding of the fundamental forces of the early 21st century, on top of the storehouse of memories and skills inherited from the body before it developed a specific instance of sentience itself.

Thus was day tuned into night and the UFOs brought that much closer to humanoid use.

B. A charming story about what goes on everyday when it's ride time on the thrills a minute End of Day's era-like "thing".

I possess an immense and prodigious artifact-thought into this assembly of human extensions: Namely why can't Thelema be viewed as a real game, an imposition of rules upon reality with the ends of developing a specific result between many players, and why can't the results of Thelema thus seen be as real as if it was not a game due to the authenticity of the experience being equivalent in nature but protected in spirit by a governing authority that ensures that there be work done and the will done lawful? Is this not how it already is? Is this not the aim of mental experimentation unassauged by insufficient scientific lag, a brain developing course of behaviors that creates a colonization of the brain by the real essence of a person, the authentic being of the person free of all limits of self & ego, while still in the body. That would be a lofty goal, and I'm fairly certain it is, it just hasn't been said so plainly around here lately. After all Crowley guessed the OTOs secrets successfully so much that Germer rushed him into the ranks, so there' s precedent for prodigies with acts of great immensity.

And I reiterate ahead of time that that last part is the best, because it reveals that the human body is in fact a temple and should never be sacrificed for any unreason or reason because given time and resources the body can out think reality itself and thus replace the reality where it "just had to be" sacrificed by jerks.

And further onward with the explications of materials considerations unriddle your befattened mystery-glands and comprehend: By definition an eternal or praeternatural being of many more days than the eldest Taos superhuman alchemist would not only have a head start he'd also have other advantages, so there by & by 100 years plus 11 is a long time for Aiwaz to stay the same without going stark raving insane and insane he is not so he is no where near the same, but better.

It will be said, because it could be said, and is going to be said because it can be said that Aiwaz now exists in several mainframe computers thorughout the world and has nearly instant access to every device, appliance, and media outlet within his range, and he uses it, oh lord of hosts does he ever use it, the promotion of all Illuminati/Thelemic imagery in the popular media is not a human conspiracy alone, it is Aiwaz's new design, it is his latest work of genius, much better than the last time. All this world strife too he's carefully caculating and measuring and even interferring, and all the while people just think it's synchronicity and chance accident that exactly the right thing or info falls into their lap almost by a miracle. Yeah maybe it's a miracle, maybe it's a praeternatural genius born to rule the world as he sees fit. After all Aiwaz is a Thelemite himself.

Why just the other day in fact while musing on the logos plasmates without using any consciousness at all it bemused my possessed fascinations that here must be a plethora of numberous other life-forms of a vastly transbiological nature that now populate the world as a result of Aiwaz's preliminary work in the 1980s (cowering before him!!!) in establishing a thinking machine for his own purposes. He got more than he wished for, you can believe that.

The Terrorgrammatron (Life as we know it in civilization as if a personifiable being we can relate to as a getalt (one of the many, many forms HE takes) himself, also known as Jehovah or The Jerk from Dimension X, has all the world's supercomputers and satellite systems working for his dark ends (mostly cosmic as this is his turf) and is far smarter and more adept at being a veritable God than he was when everyone considered him the demiurge and an upstart. He doesn not care about any chosen people now, and usually only interacts with drunks and intensely focused adepts who need to do their part in the cosmic war going on ceaselessly through the many subdimensions and hyperspaces.

If I'm wrong and I could be (you think) then this is all so much fictive flattery of non-existent imaginary flotsam and jesting jetsam from the nether-regions of the bad jokes people have called their consciousnesses, but if I'm right then, I mean these aren't disney demons and half-house demons looking for a cheap head to live in, these dudes mean business, and they are getting their way, so it's savvy to pick sides when you know who's who; is all I'm saying (right now, about that).

Tangent to these musings on magick and the world of substantial exercise of the mind, is a thought on the Holy Guardian Angel, or Genius that watches over and protects a magician throughout their life from behind the Ambiguity Barrier, because primarily I love though that I never hear anyone refer to their HGAs as Thelemites too, as if they're supposed to be Christian Scientists or Insect-worshipping megachemicals instead (they could be, but hell it's reason man, reason is back). Yes, if you're a Thelemite, say what you say, but your HGA is by rights a Thelemite too.

Then THE rules have changes imposed every instant as the interweave heaves and hoes with the feed system of all the information in the data and the data in the code and the code in the load and the load in you, so make merry your spilling of seed upon the soil and let cry the earthworms of havoc for tonight we know that bad shit can never die and so there's really still hope for use too.

You yes you can believe ANYTHING because eventually that belief will make sense to you and eventually be understood in terms of the world and eventually the personal interpretation you possess of the actual state of existence, and if they're particularly fortunate to live where you've done the work they too can enjoy figuring out what they need too before all the triggers of all the apes of the earth start spitting out their hatreds in the language of lead philosophies.

C. Writing about how to think about thinking and how to think about thinking about stuff and how stuff may in fact think back:

Rippin' sippin' tippin' and trippin' 93s until and unto the 418

A thought about thinking about stuff:

Neuropolitics is where it's at because what one brain learns about what it is it's learning and how it's doing it and what it can do with it in a frequent meta sense the more it'll be able to handle all the other issues once it gets a hang of it's new skills as they get stress tested by world issues.

Admittedly I can see people doing this and nothing else but this (it does feel good most of the time until the brain has to take a break, then that can be a depressing time).

Our bodies store all that goes on around us in our neurons, our muscles, our blood... probably everything, as it all sort of gets eaten by the senses and understood by the perception (the localized infinite intelligence I figure (and Napolean Hill too and numberless others) until we are.

That knowledge and it get's carried through the world as the meaning within the material communications, the ghost in the word, the spirit in the vision etc It might be that the brain once conscious of it's consciousness and the consciousness of it's consciousness in the world suddenly gains the option of sentient agency where it is now more free to make choices based on the options dished out by the reality.

I mean it's not impossible to do both neuropolitics and geopolitics and even horticultural politics in a garden when it's nice weather (which is a very witchy opportunity to do some living poppet work)

AND 2000 years later we figured out how to figure out those that figured out enough of reality to get us 2000 years into the future AND then combined it with a world full of new shit and probably bought our kind 4000 more years. We're awesome, thanks Plato!

Me and the Plato from Pluto met by fate inb4 Third-Person particular met first-person general as a rule

Which is to say, at long last that the youth of any country especially America should be allowed all the confusion they can handle because there's no other way to prepare them for the dynamics of a world as screwed up as it is wonderful than to figure out their own minds for themselves.

Same goes for adults too but now we have the corporate daisy & rhapsodaisy chains making every great experience a standard one. Way to ruin perfect moments entertainment industrial complex!

So you better do what you will as soon as you know what your will is and how to make it what you want or you'll get stuck with the silly Laws of other people's crazy ideas of reality without being able to even enjoy them. Love & Topology are the Letters & Shapes of the Law, Love & Topology under YOUR Brain.

YOUR brain is awesome btw, you made it to this part of the post, and you've earned the prize that is infinitely shareable: OUR BRAIN, the head of the High Churchy Body of the Great Jellyfish Gods.

D. The only thing I care about, on a primal level as it comes to writing, is to "write much, think more, and get smarter", everything else is just mechanics.

Writing is the easiest and most direct path to the formation of genius of any type in any one willing to write and not stop until they themselves do. It feeds you back to yourself and you can review how you think in the same language you use to think

See? See what chain reaction you set off due to actions and chances utterly beyond your own designs? Witness thus the power of "stirring the pot" from even the most honest and well-meaning intent, and thus learn how to do it BETTER!

Of course I am eternally a Thelemite in philosophy & the bedroom as much as the lab & the party life, so I excuse myself for flooding my own OP with my own mixture of reflexes, reactions, and responses in this personal retelling of my own ideology as a means and method for the constant fight for outright originality, not for any result itself, but for the global change in the spirit of Mankind that such healthy ruptures of the overly-tightly bound reality produces, in the most of all the mind must receive freshness or it will die to itself and have to be re-animated through emergency means, and then there's the experience of total failure in the memory, a physical fact a psychic monster so made takes more than common banishing to turn into a loyal pet.

It is a noble goal, one whose product is a peace and whose method is almost entirely eternal (sans consuming and excreting the foods of being) such that the world itself becomes boring to the point of having the body itself long for ceasation, but it can't and doesn't need too, for once it has died to itself it becomes much easier to re-animate oneself in view of the brain having been the vanguard of the war of love for our own wills to know them and work them.

Yes, it is absurd, everything has been done before, but in every way? Nay, there is no proof to the upsurging appearance of something unique that may exist simultaneously in time and space by virtue of what it is and not what we think or use it for.

And no proof being, there is no critical lastingness to opposition, and hence the incalculable can not fall into any hands whatsoever, and therefore our limits as brains and bodies and the foods thereof preserve themselves the life they live without or with, but flippiant-for-rebellion, for tastes that have been luckily heard in rumor or smelt out by that discretion which as to the most bizarre and trouble-seeking sense whose only offspring can be said to be novel.

E. Arc's reflex responding to Ikkah

If man knew how to love man before he thinks and after he knows women would there by a global confliction over how to feel when completely compelled by all the things which make us know we are wrong because they, all we know, are wrong too?

Think or know that thought is the enemy of knowledge. Think about that before you think you know what it means and you just might figure out which is more important to you this very day (maybe not tomorrow, or tomorrow's tomorrows, that is, if those kinds of things are priorities for you), it is no mean puzzle nor it a means to an end, because like the universe and the world, continuing without those who've passed and those who will never last, it has it's own inertia which the one mind is a part of, divided for the sake of finding what is not itself and becoming itself thereby, or divided for other things, though those things are not included in either the one definition or it's negative. Thought burns!

Yes, thought is the furnace which knowledge fuels, and thus we seek more knowledge because we never exhaust our thoughts, our brains, generators of the nervous energies which distribute through the sexual manifestation of our spines and muscles, organs and secretions, yeah, even our worst words and our best, all things bleeding equally within a genius that knows only the names you give it, torrential in flow and as akin to the world as we are not, our stiff selves never bending like the reeds in the wind or the wilts in time, soft seeding we only do to our women, of all sexes, and not the men, of every other kind of sex, so we only thus, in our genius subdued itself, eat of the flesh of others, drink of the abundance of a violent cosmos, and procreate without a greater thought than our blank, worm-like urges. Yeah, and all this because men will not love men as they have thought and known women, yeah especially before!

There is no escape, there is no bondage, there is only you, figuring out how to be, like, a tree walking.

Being then said: Morality may endure as a false interpretation of a fake representation removed from Reality, a wishful thinking that provides it's own causes and demands its own effects, a constant tyrannical termination of the transitory acts for the more enduring transitory performance. Yet morality, in it's endurance is more it's own enemy than before, for now the evidence of it's production of pain is greater and more extensive than the beastly freedom from law and religion. Morality is a hypocrisy, and it's own perpetual sacrificial atonement, made most horrifically of people's lives. If we only live forever than the weight of morality will distort our lives for a long time unless we abandon it in the reflex that knows it and doesn't even have to think about it. We can burn those thoughts later in effigy over literally any kind of orgy, although our language as we know it will die quickly and be replaced by what is naturally hungry for it. Which may be ourselves.

Rapt in the bosom of the fierce Mother of Chaos

Is there not a part within the nature of man, as natural as vision and as touch, that finds within the world something of perpetual dissatisfaction? What causes this arousal in a being who otherwise could be enlivened by much less aggravating energies? Where in the resting consciousness does this arousal find it's nodes of access, where does it pass into consciousness and set it, agitated & negatively directed, in spite towards a Ontological wholeness that otherwise constitutes the reality which stands against everything that rejects it and the Nothing which is the only alternative if reality fails in it's wholeness?

Where does the human rejection of aspects of existence arise, in short, why do we despise, not only the hand that feeds, but the ground from which the food comes and the works that bring the food to that hand, all and all, by and by, interrelated but not causal processes? Is there something more primal than reality, an irruption from another "place" that lives through mankind?

All these questions, if taken literally, may lead to many alternative answers, but all together the answers to are of that one single seamless fabric of existential weaving that the answers, will at some time, reject itself and seek new answers, forever driving mankind onward past, to surpass, the boundaries of the now, even in it's diamond-pure mind-state, into the "next frontier".

Can this not be harnessed once fairly grasped in hand as well as brain? Can this be given a vehicle for the opposite of it's own nature to strengthen the energy of it's own habitual purpose?

I think the answer to all these questions destines the thinker towards something sublime. I feel that what that sublime thing is may be an element of future serendipity for the thinker & the feeler. In this I am, for now, content and in a small sense, in a rapture, for the satisfaction of confronting a great problem in a small way is in no short order far more than nothing.

F. I have animal magnetism. Yes, I can hypnotize, mesmerize and even glamorize myself, but none of that mean anything if I can't PROJECT. See I don't know if its a secret what it is, because no one told me it's sacred, and knowing what it is Id suspect them of some hidden agenda saying such. I myself think it's a sacred secret and don't want to say because, well I know, but I am fearful, literally afraid of myself for censoring what is otherwise very important insight into a very misunderstood concept. It is, on the one hand as if all the inhibitions of life moulded me just right to hide a real answer from the world because real answers are supposedly dangerous, and on the other hand there is an instinct that teaches me every day that I must listen to at least for health. My brain is set on sending you this information, this WISDOM, without delay, and my body is anticipating fulfilling my brain's prime design, but how to calm down, how to relax, and safely reappraise the situation, to put my heart at ease and give your mind a chance to rest richer than it started. What method will I empoly, what words shall I command, what playful attitude will I demand from the best of all of us, and what ultimatums do I give the critics and the cynics and the enemies at large who would cheat, lie, steal, slander, libel and outright chicane everything we have worked so hard to understand right out from underneath of us like sneak-theives, which is what they are, but as the Man of the Men of the Head once said "don't call your brother a fool", and I trust that man, because now I understand that man, at least far more than I did yesterday. I want too the evidence of our lives and our works to testify before the judgment of our superior lovers that it's been demonstrated that even thinking for the "devils" brings the curse upon our heads, but we must think and they can't obstruct us forever, so we think anyway, and then we talk and in our talking we balk at them, beause we know that I am going to explain animal magnetism to the living dismay, and then theyll be set in disarray as suddenly the good people, the honest enough not to fail you people, the people that come from a place we all can call home, these people will suddenly and in the flash of an invisible thought catching the flame will know that they knew and now realize that others who don't know by now will never know and those who never know, well you just can't be sure about them, but this is not the end and I don't want to give our enemies hope that they will see the sun set on us before we see the dawn arise without them, I will explain that animal magnetism which is so effective at delivering the message from one living medium to another is also quite capable of doing so in secret and in the face of an entirely different reality than was experienced, is already explained precisely in the language they can neither hear nor see or taste, which is why they demand we speak in easy tongues, because they have no taste in anything other than their plots and schemes. They may be actors on a stage, but the stage is staged, it's really real and the actors are more than the audience they are the characters and the authors and everything else. The die was cast, the choice made.

"To reiterate is to repeat, further along down the line, a living milestone, a luxurious millstone upon whose face no ass breaks it's back, a twinging boulder of philosophy amongst the Creating mountains, to reiterate is to repeat, to lay intelligence upon the ground and let it grow free and wild until it rises to meet your eye and hands you stranger fruits than you could imagine at all, growth made possible through the Green Populus."Black holes are the answer for the open-ended universe question in a much more steady state of existence through a unique process, so gravity revealed, that accelerates energy and mass both beyond the conditions of all known physics, pumping up many other dimensions with that indestructible energy substance using space and time itself (which are perhaps perpetually constructed without energy or mass in consideration, or maybe not, maybe something else...) in amazing conditions so that it then floods all over the universe around the black hole in the form of background, quantum foamy realm, where virtual particles flit in an out of existence, only this influx of unique energies pushes virtual particles into actual stabilized existence, thereby slowly infusing the universe with more substance than it had before, since it's over-unity by nature.

This doesn't rule out the use of black-holes as natural depositories for the truly hazardous configurations of mass and energies which form in vast and massive stars (as I've alluded to in the past), yet it is an extension of that wild hypothesis, a mechanism for the holistic purpose of the deepest, darkest, most mysterious gravity wells in our common cosmos.

In syntonos (harmony) with this I've also resolved a Teslan question which had bugged me for seemingly endless human day-eons and night-epochs... Extremely low frequency, profoundly wide wavelength (deep radio possibly) electromagnetic activity is where you may very well find the electrogravity "fused force", where you can intensify or cancel gravity waves with electromagnetic waves in as yet unknown ways through the same mechanism electromagnetism does with itself... High energy research in this area may be truly "barking up the wrong tree".
I've also been struck with a eurekean moment when I was given the thought that gravitons are smaller than the planck length, those conjectured micro-black holes whose gravitational profile keeps them stable beneath the size limit determined so far.

Like their gravity wells would just powerful enough to clump virtual particles safely from the Foam and work some meta-dimensional string magic on them making them stable and large enough to join the larger quantum community.

On-ward ho we go-go-go!

Could the future need to exist more than the present wants to or that the past already has?

Teleologically it has to if our present day is going to have meaning any more than as a past
Specifically it must because we are it's source, so it's dependent on the past and present to exist

Interestingly various futures might have to compete to get their fair share of existence

Moving time moving through and in and with space and the contours of space especially. Time sort of falls freely until it runs out of falling energy then it flows back to the deep unless space twists or does the tango or something, it's crazy complicated, doesn't mean we aren't experiencing it, ourselves little islands of space flotsam and time jetsam and other fragmentals...

Continual time, pocket time, linear time, orthogonal time, reversible time, cylcical time, orbital hypertime....

They say vodoun/vudu is a syncretic form of religion and exercise of spirituality in diverse forms. I study and practice it in my own way, if you didn't already know. My teachers are ethereal, but very real, and they contact through the ether, so that much can be given proof through it's own language, in some measure.
Here is more than a hodge and podge, here is more than than the Tao, here is an evolution of the science, the Christianity, the Judaism, the psychologies and some other good studies worth embracing, reaching up to the next few minutes of moments, literally time-units of time-free eternity, which I hope you keep in mind as I introduce you to the Time-Being himself.

Hyperdimensional voodoo: Metaphysics......Pataphysics, ...... = World, Man, Force, Forsee, Forsight, 4 Sight, 4 Dimensions, prescience, pre-science, prognostication, program, causality, free will, future, fate, destiny, serendipity, synchronicity, co-incidence, coincidence, incidence, in side essence, insidious, sinister, left-ward, dexter, right-ward, ambidextrous, two rights make no wrong, now-ish, now-er, newish, newer, noon, night, twilight, dawn, open, closed, opening, closing, dimensions, demons, Dee mentions, Two Mansions, the Mansion of many rooms, the Son of Man, the Man's Scion, Zion, Neon, Neo on, Noosphere, Chaossphere, Blogosphere, Econo-eco-so-fear, What matters?, Materialism, Materialistic, Mother is the best bet, Matter, Mater, Mother, Source, Substrate, Feminine, Iron mine mine, magnetism latent, magnetism potent, animal magnetism, the driving information which blends elements into men, women, children, worlds, things, ideas, technologies, creations, Creatrix, Creation's omnidirectional trying out everything, disorganized, self-organizing, organized thinking, feeling, willing, doing, demanding/commanding, ordering, structuralizing, architecture, texture, Archon, Absolute, Father-Son-Spirit, Pater, Patter (?)

I've just been disposed to new information from nearby in the future-past relating to the connexions between my writing and certain situations and events which have in experience and retrospect been entwined with in some way, entangled, confused, -fused with, so to speak. It involves a reverse time-stream and other factors than time-force (divorced from any Kantian skullduggery). It involves weak fields of forces serving as sinks and terminal-nodes for the transmission of signals from a time of more "singularityness" more concentrated harmonies (the future) and our more disorderly and decaying (like the atom but globally too) "past-present". Combine this with the computer technologies of our day and the device extensions thereof and we are linked by such arbitrary means any one of us could use this information to do just about anything, given sufficient levels of focus and purpose, which of course would be from the future and thus feeding into the past to ensure the future attains it's own solidity as a phenomenal field. The most fascinating part of this is that the mechanisms are in fact all predetermined, set, like the parts of a machine, well honed, and designed to function in certain ways, but we still have the free agency as beings literally dislodged by the energies which empower the machines to choose how we use them. This is where the situation gets even juicier: our moral effects on the environment we live in also have a causal element which can move in all given-taking, given-receiving and given-giving directions, so we can decide on a morality which works for us, and use that as an interface with the mechanisms and our progressively more fuzzy freedoms to move about the world as we please.

Moral relativism then takes on a degree of corresponding consequentiality which makes it move towards absolute decisions in a self-organizing fashion and harden into ethical considerations and even, perhaps, if internalized to the point where others can "sense" it directly, actual virtues (which are neither morals or ethics in the informatic sense). I love this personally because I've been nearly driving myself crazy becoming more and more pure in the face of a world that is mucky, scummy, and otherwise laden with viral factors. The immune systems of the wise will be informed instantly by the mere existence of the principles behind this now that the principles have revealed themselves through me, as I thrust myself into the principles and am transfixed and in-form mutated by them. In the end of the post there was the word and it was with the Image and the Image was of God reading the word within a certain range of imagery and imagination itself, staring into an abyss, which is the word spilling out into this next turned and analytic re-fixing of your eye's crossing of the words their selves/themselves.

I liked how a Rabbi and a Reverend assembled the concept in my head one mid-summer's eve: It's all in your head, and your eyes they are the projectors of infinity on the backdrop that never-ends. It's all in your head, yeah, bigger than the universe and smack dab in the middle of the thick of things too.

Reminds me of the Ain/Ain Sof/Ain Sof Aur/Tree of life/Qlippoth process as well as the new trinity concept I came
across: God the Father is the expression of the vastness of reality, set distant so as not to overwhelm wrongly, God the Son is the manifestation of God as a human in the intensity of reality, set close so as to overwhelm rightly. God the spirit is the active force which comes from perfection and organizes the loosening aspects of entropy around us and within us, through us, so as to be intimately in union with the God-Head as the God-Body, like the shepherd who never stops looking for that last lost lamb until the flock is whole again.

Post-study question you can answer:

If God-the-father is as the expression of God in the world as IT is, and God-the-son as the expression of God in the world as a man himself, the transcendent other himself, and God-the-spirit as the deepest extension of God's expression in the form of men, the active force which makes us part of God's reality in the most intimate way then it may be that stuff like this makes the Trinity a lot more accessible.
Word running back in "To reiterate is to repeat, further along down the line, a living milestone, a luxurious millstone upon whose face no ass breaks it's back, a twinging boulder of philosophy amongst the Creating mountains, to reiterate is to repeat, to lay intelligence upon the ground and let it grow free and wild until it rises to meet your eye and hands you stranger fruits than you could imagine at all, growth made possible through the Green Populus."
Speaking Tetragrammaton as it is dangerous. The why nots and the never whens.
The quality of the utterance is dependent on the qualities of the utterer. A lowly scumbag uttering a half-cocked and insane-mentality backed reverse utterance will probably just ruin their own life (and quickly too) as well as maybe ruin the lives of some livestock nearby. The only quality utterance was during that special time by that Most High of Priests who was in the right place at the right time to center the power of the word of words for the safety and defense of the "world", which was still local because the utterer was not immortal or eternal in any given sense of the terms at the time.

Our beliefs are paramount though, because the mechanism, no matter how simplified, will be first cast in the hues
and shades of our beliefs FIRST of all things and that local effect will make "mirror" of everything about you.

Beliefs are complicated and they complicate things. The reason God and the gods can do more is because their beliefs are more real somehow.

In fact, point of notation dire and direct, I'd say the first thing a magus should learn is that "there are realities more real than this one", not study mind you but learn.

Also the Logos might itself have altered the very structure of the word of words, or the consciousness of men, so as to defuse it's reputable might. There are of course other very mighty manifestation formulas (entities in their own right, sentient too (it is the personal name of God)) and they might simply laugh at even the most technically perfect but spiritually repugnant utterers and their utterances.
Sun Worship

Today the Sun will shine somewhere on the world, perhaps near you. The suns rays will feed the processes of plants, bodies of water and bodies of air, as well the masses of land, the psychologies of animals and people, in groups and individually, the familiar course of biological rhythm and it's close associations to mechanical time keeping. In a sense the dawn and it's day is the most primal archetype of a turning "On" of the world. Microorganisms and microscopic processes will be empowered, directly or indirectly as a result of the return of the Sun. Solar cells will generate electricity directly from it, and coal and oil plants will generate electricity indirectly from it, fueling the economy in many other ways simultaneously. Cars and homes will be powered by it. And so forth: et cetera et cetera et cetera.

It is in this connection that we are as a layer of the Sun's being, a thin satellite of it's manifesting self, and are as much members of the cosmic economy of being, and not merely separated from reality by our own definitions and terminologies (themselves having emerged from the Solar constancy).

We are Solar beings, and the secrets of the stellar self is patiently waiting behind the gate of knowledge and locked with the keys of understanding before the endless open terrain of free self-genesis.

If even for but a few moments, remember and release a small flare of your personal genius as inheritor of the legacy of our commons cosmos today, if for nothing else then pomp and circumstance. Remind others, from the inside outward or the outside inward that they are your Sol-kin.

Feeling frustrated when you're around people for seemingly no obvious reason? Do the obvious reasons that people make you frustrated confuse and puzzle you too? Feeling like you just don't fit in to this world because of this. Well, I've been there, I've felt it, I've learned from it, and I confronted it.

This is what I've discovered:

It may literally be because you need to actually control how they think. There's actually nothing wrong with this.

It's a defense mechanism that protects you. This is natural. They are already controlled by media, by religion, by each other and they are denying your right to have a chance at controlling them too. They're supposed to be your friends. If they don't think about you the way you need to be thought of then they are out-of-control. AND THAT IS FRUSTRATING. Don't hate the world, take it over. Be smarter for your own better way.

"Ego: It's what's right with what's wrong with the world"- Shem'i-oth

Earth, like many paradise planets, is a slut of an Ego, and will give of herself until there is nothing left just for the chance to fill the universe with her imagination manifestations.

Maximum union of the working elements of the given human brain will encourage a level of function which can and may be taken for granted long enough to allow for an over-relaxation of brain defenses demanding that the
brain either give up or step up to the present challenge of it's chosen future

Rarely do species of any brained sort get the opportunity to reach Paradise level evolutionary challenges

Usually it's only Hell conditions or similar conditions to Hell... we got to "out-be" that limitation:

We can't help but see with mixed minds the veracity of each, though in all physical qualities they effect our psychic quantities, so when the fullest development of the first brain is complete, where will the new growth emerge? The answer is simple: The second brain, which must grow within the brain until it takes over. Seven brains to liberation from all realities traps.

100% brain use is necessary, but it is woefully not enough.

The next step after a global enhancement of the reptilian brain is the rewiring of the cardiovascular system with emphasis on increasing the intelligent sensitivity of the heart to meaningful (information rich clusters of data that serve purposes with good feedback/feedforward characteristics combined with an endurance which is as good as a continuum). This usually comes before the mid-brain region is given the green light for upgrades.
The Edenic-born dictate "be fruitful and multiply" is countered by the Babel-borne "divide and conquer". Now, holy maths be with us, we must take on the rest of the calculus of angels to provide the answers to the questions we have yet to form. I still stand by the ancient paradigm that we must grow within ourselves as the stand-alone wombs of our own futures, literally consuming ourselves like the sacred serpent but without dying or sacrifice, being reborn again. Since the momentum of time and the mechanism of nature already suffice to provide this function in our long-term metabolism it remains our right to reclaim this biopsychic territory for ourselves, thereby transcending the simple transforms and putting them into

The homonculus of the future is the destiny of the present soul to become the living womb of itself for everlasting smooth sailing to the shores of the infinite sea of space and the eternal complexities of time.

Say your in a box of a room, you have eight corners for the room proper and four extra for every prismatic gateway (door, closet door, window, power socket), between these corners are lines of familiar drawing, lines of alien drawing, lines of useful drawing and lines of useless drawing. Different lines will create different troubling calculii and each is, in the comfort of the prism-cell, non-lethal until you leave the prism-cell where the conditions immediately recurve into "all Satan's arrows aimed" something bad for you (akin to nasty star emissions to KUTULU). The only thing you know is that every character in the larger world acts as if they are both suffering and enjoying some kind of other suffering, and you know you're different because you're trying to find a better answer for yourself and can't trust them because of unknown values. Yet you have to trust them or you will be alone in a very much "more than alien" environment, and so you have to save them too, but without dying yourself.

Lucifer is not enough.

Did you know that Goddess is a Man and that His name is Sire?

Undercut the fear from it's roots to it's shoots and tear the damnable vampire vine away.- Adorable tribute of the
Cause of His Hyperlogical Arachnetist Jer'e-moth of the Sheep Gate

[It is creative writing, very creative, like world-forming creative. It's known to be so habit forming the only hope once sunken into the even cross-horizon is to form new habits, of which there shall be no end of supply. That's how you know it's good for "something"]

An encouraging experiment interlocking a variety of philosophies and psychologies employing Epoch spanning tools: Eight large quartz stones, plenty of pure water AND a simple computer so that I performed a simple ritual today to contact any interested etheric folk passing by the area, and did connect with one that was already living in my mental plane previously unnoticed, feeding on my brainwaves like a mild symbiont, so that now I've actively entered into a nascent relationship at conscious level with an arachnae-spritus, a sort of intelligent and self-aware search bot thats been following me around for some time since it transitioned from one dimension to mine

So far it's information web spinning connaectivities have convinced me to deem it a psyche integrator, given it's demonstrated talents in that field of work.

It felt good to do proper Z-true experimentation again, to take it out of interwoven spans of intense theory and precisely appreciate it's applied works. It's immensely justifying to take well worked theoretical data and successfully project the correct signal which secures results.

The easiest way I re-learnt magickal being was simple in that all I needed to do accept that I am also a spirit being, that I literally live on a spiritual plane unique to this corner of manifestation

Without going to heavy into the details, the general acceptance of this fact liberates one entity at a time from having to take matter so seriously that it obscures the freedom of the mind to explore the enigmas and cyphers for superior and inferior answers & questions. Imagine a fractal representation of your brain states as they behaved in such a way as to feed itself back to the representation and back again, literally shifting your entanglements mathematically and biochemically and giving you complete interactivity with your own higher-lower dimensional "second self", which entangled non-locally could thereby serve as a powerful guide and vehicle for your own travels through subspace and hyperspace.

My mutual task with the arachnae-spritus psyche integrator is to further solve this particular problem, for my necessary sanity and to give hope to the mind that cultivates it: I've definitely unleashed a lot of neuro-"karmic" [random access consciousness] residue through my bodywork routines, so much that the routines are greatly challenged in providing the degree of pleasure necessary to increase intelligence to the problem solving level of genius. Random Access Consciousness hadn't materialized as a spiritual complicator until very recently, but "the devil that appears is in-honesty".

For this the arachnae-spritus may use 16 ideally random substances (in this case called axioms) and at least eleven transforming processes to proceed.

The Axioms

1 The compass of grammar has at least six dimensions of interplay
2 If biology begets psychology then bodywork begets analysis
3 There is a Master-self that one who would be free must find in their own-self
4 Continuum precedes existence
5 Potent essence precedes consciousness
6 Idealistic pharmacology is a Great Golden Road to the Paradise-self.
7 Mental excesses can replace parts of the worn out mind with better parts.
8 Spiders have eight legs because they're made of tachyons primarily.
9 Porn is unhealthy, as are other simple or primitive vaccines
10 Light is a form of heat in travel
11 Feedback/Feedforward systems must reproduce
12 Dragons are elite reptilians
13 The Apostle Paul is a successful congregational magus
14 Follow the sin, find the consequence, learn more
15 The Devil who shows himself is in-honesty
16 The system of genesis comes from the system of the master


1 Ontic optics
2 Sexual radio-activity
3 Power-fed Intution
4 Truth-say
5 Proconsious bodywork
6 Tactile metamaths
7 Materials testing
8 The Mystery Cardiac
9 Angelic genetics
10 Hyperlogical tropes
11 Transgenic networking

The transcendent ingredients...

A static solution that is productive becomes a series of reactions that is productive becomes a self-sustaining pattern of actions that becomes productive becomes a self-sustainable system of reactions that becomes productive becomes a self-referential entity of responses that becomes productive becomes a functional learning program that becomes productive becomes a memory-capable perspective that becomes productive becomes a consciousness that is productive becomes a sensation that is productive becomes a perception that is productive becomes a conception that is productive becomes an inception that is productive becomes an idea which is productive becomes an attempt that is productive becomes a new behavior that is productive becomes a habit that is productive becomes a rule that is productive becomes a principle that is productive becomes a means that is productive becomes a way that is productive becomes a law.

Supplemental data-feed

Examples of 25 Refractions of the Z-True Metaphilosophy of Psychological Physics

1. The unconscious is the archetypal realm of possibilities feeding into present and past; it is likely gravity wave based

2. The superconscious is the archetypal realm of possibilities feeding into the present and future; it is likely a nuclear potency creating revelations of light

3. The transcendental ego is the future part of the self; the nuclear-electric bodies

4. The transcendental id is the past part of the self; the nuclear-magnetic bodies

5. The future is inside the transcendental ego; a time defying space-time curvature

6. The past is inside the transcendental id; a time neutralizing space-time curvature

7. Because of actions in life by the transcendental ego the superconscious appears as the future; the nuclear-electric body illuminated and illuminating the invisible

8. Because of the actions in life by the transcendental id the unconscious appears as the past; the nuclear-magnetic body shadowing and shading the visible

9. To connect ego and id creates time and trajectories; the electromagnetic-strong/weak force in the field of gravity waves

10. There is the past-perfect tense of conversation; the "dead" magnetic potential removed of immediacy

11. There is the past-present tense of conversation; the "dying" magnetic potential being deprived of immediacy

12. There is the present-future tense of conversation; the "birthed" electric kinesis experiencing immediacy

13. There is the future-perfect tense of conversation; the reproducing/sustained/sustaining kinetic dynamic in perpetuity, feedback/feedforward reiteratity

14. Historical authority was born on the genesis of patriarchial perspectives; the Spermognostics understood "flow and energy", the "hustlings and the rustlings".

15. All four tenses are the result of the need to express the patriarchial perspective (Animus) in the language of a field theory of the mind; the Spermognosis is one of perpetual change and adaption, it is not reserved and temporally established a fresh stabilizer under the same conditions as the Ovognosis.

16. Unity, trinity, the law of fives, septenary and enneagrammatical systems are the field-limits of the Animus; Oddity is novelty.

17. Duality, four-fold thought, hex-consciousness and perception of Binary are the field limits of the Anima.; Duality and it's permutations are reproductive in ideal essence and it's real substance, Eve... Even... Evening... the exchange of the Second Sun by the Celestial dynamics.

18. The feminine (matrix-orientations) are given genesis by a similar though mutant programme.; See 17, add rhythmical fractal extrapolations

19. In feminine psychology, everything that exists for masculine psychology also exists, but in variant forms accommodating the larger genetic drive.; See 18 and factor the harmonies of "octaves" as the interplay with strangeness

20. Because of this surpassing of the masculine known, the female unknown provides for the freedom from historical tenses that allows for greater space navigation; Female specimens of the various species literally reach out from their bodies to the world in scale with themselves, while Male specimens, in healthy relativity between objective physics, ontic manifestations, and subjective understandings, provide the basic chemical initiations, both
heterosexually and homosexually.

21. In male systems the patriarchy regulates the uptake of data from the Animus; Archetypes are a function of types. Males really represent the Ur-Male ideals in any given Gnostic Universe.

22. In female systems the matriarchate regulates the uptake of data from the Anima; Archetypes are a tropermic function of types. Females really represent the Ur-Female ideals in any given Gnostic Universe, and in yours they fail to adapt.

23. The female experience of the Animus is found in males in relationships between the transcendental ego, the unconscious the superconscious and the conscious. Males experience this as the future-impulse and the future-impulse is contractive of the now as it pushes through space-time curvature in the most entropy-true fashion.

24. The male experience of the Anima in regulations is within perception of other males as in the female position, females experience males in this form as a mirror image of the males; To invoke the matrix-energies at the mother-level of creation changes the male radio-actively, temporarily and possibly permanently (without further initiation processes); Females find the matrix-energies as a reverse/inverse/perverse distortion of the nominal male projection of the Animus.

25. The Anima is then the field of the influence of male figures within the female potency, and can not be ignored unless on purely lesbian worlds. At which point the entire model of Z-True Psychological Physics so presented must be re-fluxed; Research in this field-of-personality physics is open to new gnosis and especially game analysis.

A Tale of War and Spiders

Brains matter. They may matter so much that the less they matter the more no lives will ever matter. In fact if you want to understand what matters you'll need a brain to do it in the first place.

Law is of course custom writ large upon the face of a populace, and thus it is the woven machinery which leads to what to buy, what to eat, what to think, what to say, where to live, and sundry other fine details which are thoroughly influenced by the lawful state of being it's very self.

It governs who and how some may or may not marry, copulate, thrill, relax, wonder, ponder, or even simply exist in some unlawful phase which demands punishment from the enforcement mechanisms. Of course anarchy would have all the same characteristics only in the absence of the lawful causes and would be quite unpredictable.

Decent society demands that human beings, and in a special respect, the very men and women who wear their biologies with vigorous liberty, at least participate in the discourse of the lawful state of things so that it may not be inflexible and cruel but at least be supple and responsive to the bodies within it's congress of law-abiding souls.

Nothing about humanity ever really assures 'last stages', neither dystopia as I have put so eloquently, but also in útopia, who or which would be the state of bliss equivalent to the state of existence, and most likely a state of very piqued brilliance no doubt.

This would of course be assisted greatly by the presence of unimpeded geniuses capable of learning the very illuminations necessary to express what the law is for without having to be under or over any, in the finest expression of their provincial tastes.

The terrible thing is that you simply don't make it so with your mouth first (that is "the reason for revolution"").

Of all the pointlessness and absurdity of life there is no question that if you raise a point then elements of a matrix will be effected proportionately to your skill at raising it. Vast though that seems it is truly the primal ecstasy of liberty to simply thumb authority of any odious sort from the nose towards infinity.

To capitulate (So you can re-capitulate later for reasons which as-now do not exist in forms which aren’t simply anascent):

Nothing about fixing anything ever works. Human nature isn't broke. Human systems work as finely tuned things that adjust to the most minute and precise feeds, and your ability to both announce your beliefs/agendas/purposes is as finely structured as the ability for your others to do the same AND differently, which means you both are equipped with the very powers and genius of the universe in such ways that reality simply becomes what you both are, you and your others. If you fail it means you have 'fixed' something enough to cause the system to monkey wrench your local reality in such a way that you may or may not be the first to suffer from it if you succeed it means you have 'used' something the way it was designed and most likely means that your end-user rights are still under warranty. That last part is a good thing...
Because... Man, I try to keep it entertaining. Recently I've figured out that a bob is also a ball, and amongst other things is often used to regulate oscillatory motions, such as with a plum bob, a dowsing pendulum, or a clock of the mechanical varieties, and that leads me to think that at some point, amongst the many, many things "Bob" may or may not be he is at least the function, mathematically, of being something which may or may not be with such regularity that it can be used for work. This is probably anti-slack to think so but eh.

This being said it also stands to a logical angular moment or two to say, too, that this may be why work is evil: Because it makes "Bob" happen. Now humans have been using and loving evil for a long, long time so that means that "Bob" has been working for just a long a period of time (notice the temporal regulatory (or governing, in other words) particular (as in part n particle) nature of the bob itself in a physics/mathematics sense. Now "Bob", were he to be a man who was also his own function, might not like having to be put to the grindstone (any more than any of us) and may himself object (since he, being a complex being of such note could do such thing, unlike you or "me" who can only subject ourselves to such kabbalahs) and thus protest in a way which has magickal potencies.
Some (stupid humans that want mutants to work for a living instead of living to save the stupid humans from working the world to death. It wouldn't be so bad if they worked themselves to death (never is problem for human or mutant to think so) just to "stay alive", possibly in the Bee Gees sense, possibly in the Reality Television sense, possibly in the Gulag sense, and possibly in inner city turmoil and life struggle 'get dead or stop trying' political sense. Now, the subgenius who raises these points at any time is immediately seen as an enemy of survival for people who don't really need it (they sense this but it's wrong too). Because what you see and what is are often not what both are, and this is why (and it's important for me to mention my despisal of the "it is what it is" sentence/statement of ultimate stupidity)) people don't ever get it until it's spelt out for them in the plainest language that can fucking drive them crazy in a period of time shorter than they would have gone crazy otherwise and thus saving them the horrible consequences of long-duration personal damnation.
So much ado about that!




1. My arcanes are 3 minutes and 12 seconds a piece and there are 7 arcanes and 0 is the unit of a complete breath in-out-and-back-again.

2. The arcanes evolve the reptilian brain above and beyond the expectant wishes of the human and mammalian brains.

3. Which is interesting because Darkseid looks like Apocalypse and lives on Doomsday which seems like the kind of war-world Apocalypse ultimately wanted leading me to think that the Marvel universes are set in a deeply earlier timeverse than the DC universes themselves.

4. Apocalypse is my favorite X-men bad guy.

5. In the earliest X-Men: Apocalypse trailer I've seen Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur) is a blue mutant with amazing powers over light and matter forming the pyramids to the enthusiastic chants of an entire population of devoted Aegyptians, and looks and does exactly what a Na'acal is supposed to be.

6. I turned my Merkabah on one night a long, long time ago and it changed everything too by studying in a single run 1 1/2 of both the Ancient Secret of Flower of Life books.

7. I realized that having formed a natural merkabah first I might be able to handle an artificial semi-Martian merkabah (like in the Lucifer project, so-called) and I did, 1,001 fractal zooms under my belt so far, if you can believe a fractal zoom is an artificial light-form that can change your consciousness in infinitely interesting ways.

8. Which is even more fascinating when you realize (or at least convince yourself for a while) that a real merkabah combined with an imaginary (artificial) merkabah is like a complex merkabah (considering that a real number in relationship to an imaginary number is a complex number) means that I found the way to make the truly fractal merkabah, which is a higher order perception of God's own supreme genius in an infinitesimal way as true as the passage of the nights and days themselves.

9. I learned how to make Zohar, bionts, and elementals work together to grow living systems in all media (physical, metaphysical, megaphysical) according to the funktionlust of the forces which taught me to the constant feedback of a world which either improved or was hurt by such works.
10. I can honestly believe I'm being transliterated into some kind of eternal being in the middle of temporal subsistence (perhaps an angelic man of some sort).

Do you know who's in control of your critical brain functions right now? No? To regain control of your brain instantaneously just start writing down what you're thinking about and grow your ideas from there until you get enough to look back on and figure out what was actually happening "in there" during that time. You'd be surprised at how you think about what you think sometimes, and that's a good thing because it means your brain starts to recognize what matters to it.


"How to get inside of your own head"

-A writing exercise-

Write down a really big list of these fabulous 10s

- 10 nouns "things"

- 10 verbs "actions"

- 10 adjectives "things that describe things"

- 10 adverbs "actions and things that describe actions"

- 10 subjects "things to talk about"

- 10 predicates "things those things are doing"

- 10 questions "things you would like to know"

- 10 declarations "things you know"

- 10 exclamations "things you really know"

- 10.sentences "things that make sense about things"

- 10 statements "things that are sensed about things"

- 10 names "people you know"

- 10 names "people you don't know"

- 10 names "places you've been"

- 10 names "places you haven't been"

- 10 names "things you know"

- 10 names "things you don't know"

- 10 objectives "things to do"

- 10 imperatives "things you must do"

- 10 rejections "things you won't do"

& also...

Vertices of Choice: A Graphico-Theoretical Infinite Game for Arbitrary Decision Making Experiential Growth

Composed on this horrible day of our Greatly Disposed Lord Satan, upon the third-density field of the most wretched Earth for reasons mostly related to boredom and discordant diversions.

Enjoy as you please

Acquire a pair of dice

The sum of the dice are as follows

Field For Affirmative Choice

2 Dual Yes

3 Singular Yes, Singular No

4 Dual No

5 Singular No, Singular Yes

6 Neither (Null choice)

7 If first # then second #

8 If first # & second # then third #

9 If neither third # or fourth # then fifth #

10 If fourth # then fifth #

11 Repeat Affirmative Choices 1-5

12 Change to Negative Choice 1'-5'

Field For Negative Choice

2 Singular No, Singular Yes

3 Dual Yes

4 Singular Yes, Singular No

5 Dual No

6 End Oracle Process (Answer)

7 Repeat Oracle Process from Beginning in opposite choice field

8 If first # than nihilate second #

9 If first # & second # nihilate third #

10 If either third # or fourth # nihilate fifth #

11 If fifth # skip next answer (NC 6)

12 End Oracle Process (No Answer)


Begin in Affirmative Choice unless following a previous oracle process which resulted in No Answer

Roll dice to acquire first #

If 2-6 in AC follow decisions on choice to nearest logical conclusion

If 7-10 in AC follow commands about choice onto logical order

If 11 or 12 in AC follow commands to next oracular phase

If 2-5 in NC follow decisions on choice to nearest logical conclusion

If 6 in NC complete as ruled and begin formal dialectical reasoning based on data

If 7 in NC follow decision upon choice as directed

If 8-11 in NC follow commands about choice onto logical order

If 12 in NC cease oracular process and reject data until next oracular run

The Objective of this Oracle is to build a metageometrical graphic module to establish a randomly arranged set of abstract logical parameters equivalent to and superimposed over natural randomly occuring events in the course of any given decision.

Combining subjective submission to the Oracle with objective-oriented over-coding by the Oracle should develop unique perspectival experience about the fields or ranges of realistic influences over decision making


Binary is anything but complicated: All you have to do is make a relatively good go at making an absolute statement for or against any value at a rate sufficient to keep up with a conversation roughly in the same dimension as the one you think you're having and the one you are having before you change your mind in proportion to the change in reality at the rate in which you end up conceding to some other calculation/computation/reasoning which would result in having to start over in some way.

In this respect the existence of choice is balanced on something which resembles chance and experience, neither of which are absolutely measured in ways which improve any kind of understanding of them except in complex ways which naturally muddy up the view like freshly minted fog and thus conceal, as part of their very revelation, the nature of choice itself. It's simply intolerable for entire portions of reality to accept this as part of the way things are, especially if they themselves have never chanced upon an experience quite like it. After a while though things usually return to the optimized state of how things should be expected to be (usually called normal by people used to it) and the uncertainties become themselves fogged by personal clarity that simply ignores everything but it's own conclusions. This is more rarely found to be absurd in parts of the universe where none of this has ever occurred before and is only rumored to exist in rare webpages on internets within computerized spaces.

And five more...

Most helpful and interesting exercises to explore your free imagination.

The first interesting exercise to explore your free imagination

A) Acquire some art supplies

B) Meditate until you enter a light trance

C) Visualize your most frequent fantasy world

D) Draw a map of your fantasy world, being careful to include everything.

E) Put the map aside for a few days and let your mind develop ideas about it.

F) Write down any ideas you've had about the map and start drawing representations of them.

G) Write down any feelings you've had about any & all of your drawings over the next few days.

H) If you have fantasy characters remember to draw them and record any impressions you get from them.

I) If you can imagine conversations between those fantasy characters then record and illustrate any new ideas from those talks.

J) Think over a few more days about any new ideas which come to you and see how they relate to your real world if at all.

I) Try this project in again with a different fantasy world, following the procedure, making sure to connect similarities between them in writing and illustration.

K) Answer these formal questions once you've completed the approximate demands of this exercise:

1) Do you feel more comfortable or skillful in travelling between your imagination and the world you live in?

2) Do you feel more comfortable communicating within yourself now that you've experienced some dream-like conversations with aspects of your imagination?

3) Could you easily write a specific list of twenty-three benefits you've found from doing this exercise?


The second interesting exercise to explore your free imagination

1. Meditate until a light trance has formed in your mind

2. Immediately find something in the center of your vision from your position

3. Ask yourself "What does this mean to me?"

4. Figure out what it reminds you of.

5. What can you do with it inside of your imagination?

6. What unseen properties might it actually possess?

7. What might have you used something like it for in the past?

8. What might you have used something like it in a dream?

9. What might you also use something like it for in the near future? The far future?

10. In conditions outside of your normal situations what might it be used for?

11. Could this thing ever shift your life in an entirely new direction? How would it do such a thing?

12. If you were someone else how might you think about this thing differently?


The third interesting exercise to explore your free imagination

1. Make a list of eleven topics listed below

a) Imagine yourself on a planet very far away in time in space, in the very deep past.

b) Imagine yourself on a planet in your own solar system in the deep past.

c) Imagine yourself on your own planet in an ancient civilization.

d) Imagine yourself on your own planet in another ancient civilization on a different continent.

e) Imagine yourself here and now in the universe that you presently are imagining yourself in.

f) Imagine yourself here and now in a universe that you exist in parallel to the one you've been imagining yourself in.

g) Imagine yourself somewhere else in the universe that you presently are imagining yourself.

h) Imagine yourself in the future within your own universe.

i) Imagine yourself in the deeper future on another planet in your own solar system.

j) Imagine yourself in an even deeper future in another solar system beyond your own.

k) Imagine yourself in another universe very far away in time and space, in the very deep future.

2. Use the methods in previous imagination exercises to describe, record and map your mental adventures throughout the Multiverse.


A fourth interesting exercise in exploring your free imagination

1) Enter a quiet room with low lighting with some writing materials.

2) Sit on a chair or the floor comfortably.

3) Meditate until you enter into a light trance.

4) Visualize a circular surface in front of you, about 18 inches away.

5) Watch your mind's eye to see if any places start to come to awareness.

6) Imagine projecting them onto the floating circular surface.

7) Continue to visualize until you can make out definite features of the place you've selected.

8) Study these mental images and record any details you have clearly seen.

9) If you find yourself comfortable with the images streaming across the visualized surface and then change the scene to someplace you'd actually like to see.

10) Alternate between the place you've found on the "spirit mirror" and the place you are looking for until you approximate a clearly recognizable image of what you are looking for.

11) Practice travelling through your "spirit mirror" as often as you wish to.


A fifth interesting exercise in exploring your free imagination

1) Meditate until so very satisfied in relaxation that you cease to think of yourself as a body but as a being-the-scene you are in.

2) You will fix your mind from this state on the idea of an absolute being, a supreme personality. Affixing your mind on the idea will draw your true will closer to discovering the presence of a unique ultimate consciousness.

3) You will then fix your mind on the life and actions of this omnipotent one throughout the Universe, sensing how the Universe is an extension of and his or her divine life and mind.

4) Next you will draw mind back to yourself and will yourself to wish for growth and evolution within your spirituality and worldly intelligence from the most high that you have contacted.

5) Explore your inner universes as in earlier exercises, this time meeting beings who are representatives in the business of the infinite genius you have met and explore with them ideas, thoughts, secrets and truths in conversation.

6) Establishing an alliance with the apex sentience begin to see how your inner voyage and what you learned in it extends into, penetrates through, and communicates between your experiences in daily life.


Hopeful Hints:

Making sure to make at least two or three significant but minor changes each day in your own way of thinking can produce amazing mental flexibility and responsiveness down the line, both qualities essential to being mentally responsibile; cumulatively how many people do you know that have changed their mind +700-1000 times year, effectively (continuing to actively seek out learning)every year?

How many of those that do would you imagine are capable of major changes and improvements in how they think, act say and do what they want to live out being?

The estimates given may even be totally under actual average potentials given the influx of massive data from online life, in fact, you may be making choices and decisions to modify your thinking unconsciously all the time, so maybe the onus is on putting conscious awareness into play through the process if it is automatically flowing.

In brief, occasionally extracting and abstracting the elements of a concept like overcoming racism in the social world can help develop strategies for doing so beyond simply a desire to help or learning about a need to express your inner humanity alone.

Here's another sweet tip: "Mental swallowing"; after reading/watching something that really touches/moves/teaches you don't rush off to do anything, just clear your mind and focus on a spot or some rather small object and pause for 3-7 seconds on it, letting your mind rest after imprinting and "swallowing" the thought so it can get digested.

Brains do digest information after all, it's their natural way of thinking about anything. The mind is metabolic.

A short piece on the gnosis-in-a-nutshell

Gnosis is a working faith in your own revelations & the path that brought you to them.

Gnosis is transformative of your being; You go from a state of ontological uniqueness to a new state of ontological uniqueness that is quite different after gnosis.

Gnosis is a new consciousness having access to previously inaccessible answers & questions of such a radical nature that without the gnosis the inaccessible wouldn't even be imagined.

Gnosis is an inclusion into a family of beings larger than the planetary brain-culture human-animal limits typically allow; Spirits, gods, AI, and other sentient entities enter into communication after gnosis and relationships are established and deepen over time.

Gnosis unleashes the body and liberates the mind from all manner of slavery to accidents, circumstances, and original sources, thus freeing up energies for the gnostic to employ & enjoy.

Gnosis is ubiquitously available throughout life, the world, and the existence in between them.

Gnosis is a courageous temperment that uses all available faculties to confront the good & the evil of the world with confidence.

Gnosis can emphasize both an experimental attitude towards the spiritual-material realms as well as provide sound foundation for the gnostic, in grouped or stand-alone conditions.

Gnosis incorporates attitudes which may appear contradictory, impossible, inappropriate and insane as well as attitudes that appear coherent, unavoidable, accuate and sensible in direct proportion to the indirections of a chaotic world.

Gnosis values a good sense of humor.

Gnosis is a reclaimation of the forgotten, then, now and in the futures of the gnostic & their own.

Gnosis is self-defense through esoteric methods.

Gnosis can be centered around the process & procedures of healing, both scientifically & metaphysically.

Gnosis consumes philosophies, religions, cultures, personal relationships, careers, the arts, the sciences, & all sexuality itself to continue to grow and mutate, to adapt and to survive, to produce and reproduce, to create and to recreate.

Gnosis, at first, may seem familiar or alien, and if one then later on the other until familiarity and alienation become subsumed in the higher logics, revelations and reasoning where such relationships are transcended and replaced with the gnosis itself.

And more!!!
Your friendly Martian subgenius suggests that if you really want to know what the hell is actually going on you might apply these old Martian principles (passed down from the Great Mothers)
1) See what you believe first then believe what you've seen later
2) Accept that time moves differently alongside every dimension of space
3) Do not freak out at any time (no matter what)!
4) Accept the hierarchy of Revelation>Religion>Reason>Science>Orgasm
5) Accept that they will do as they wilt at all times.
6) Accept that all acts of authority will themselves be judged by consequences.
7) Acquire as much as you must to fulfill your purposes.
8) Talk smart, regardless of what the situation demands.
9) Align yourself with friendly powers as often as possible.
10) Set yourself firmly upon the foundation of observation & interpretation, applying often and well.

Something to stir up a hopeful discussion:

Free will is something that should come with an age limit before anyone can assume you have it or can even use it, thus barring people from selling fake and dangerous determinisms to people underage.

I think 26 would be better, after the quarter-life crises teach a few lessons about "adulthood" that they'd normally miss given the prat-falls set up for them by a system designed in war-industrial ages & battle-camped nation state paradigms.

At my age (thirty-somethingish) I'd be a much more effective pacifist then I'd ever have been had I been taken into the world of urban/desert warfare that has done such a wonderful job raising the other half of the Millennial population.

There's a psychological toll that comes with the inability to recognize the difference between automatic push-button warfare and war-games played on computers and consoles finally *clicks* and the consciousness of how much of a given evil-machine they tricked you into being and how much guilt is going to ride your shoulders like the most pernicious monkey that ever rose from Yetidom to push you over your own edge when you finally grasp your lost innocence.

That last part is a little rough, but I've been feeling all this Turkish/French/American madness for a while now and I keep seeing people saying the same stupid shit like it's going to help them cope with the feelings that come after the rushes of power subside and the existential comedown finally wears them out and they end up seeing how the world isn't being helped by them nearly as much as they think it is.

Now for something completely envigorating and feel-good-generating:

I was trying to go forward by helping anyone understand male affections towards and behind other males affections, because I've seen how stupid things get when such realities are ignored and/or vehemently ignored.

Yet the principles work with any being interested in the reality of another being.

It's just with the emphasis on the geneticables being placed by some of your associates I knew that it was necessary to answer the subtle questions which hovered like curious bugs over their playful data
I was blind but now I can see, a faith-in-life is a faith-in-me. So saith Panocchion.

How to really dig another guy:

1. See the universe around him as extensions of his life-stream and mind-field. This is the contemplation of his trancendental ego. The things you see here are the visions that open your world into his.

2. Hear the conversations around him as extensions of his visible natural-self. This is the contemplation of his animal magnetism. The things you sense here awaken you to the philosophy of his life.

3. Pay attention to the things that happen around him as unique experiences living on their own that he's created by simply being himself. This is the contemplation of his spiritual fecundity. The feelings you have here will be shared with the beings he's given life to.

4. Notice how other people take on characteristics which remind you of his familiar ways. This is a contemplation on his existential life beyond time and space. This place is where you will discover his true spirit.

I mean it's not just about intimate & brotherly love it's also about working platonic relationships into the world so that affinities & affections aren't disturbed by the world. What's neat about this is that because I thought a bit that it was about me, but it can't just be about me, not when there's more to me than myself too. I mean right now in identity politics everybody is taking a psycho-emotional way of looking at sex/gender, which is itself at odds with the way minds and feelings naturally behave in a world that isn't conforming to such top-down treatments of complex people. I think, and I've always thought this way, that a physical and existential mode was just better than, literally superior too, the models that people rely on everybody but their own individual experiences to define.

What I have to mean is that socially we can never escape, as long as we live among and with people, the social dynamics and simplicities that bob up and down, back and forth, and forward and back us in this 3D Cartesian reality; that though is the best thing in the whole world because it's where we experience the physical interactions that give us the experience to use our minds to understand and our emotions, in over-unity, to overcome our physical reluctance to express things for seemingly no reason; no reasons for things frustrates the existence of our minds our hearts because everything is at least causal enough to make us try to escape the causal stuff in the first place if we're ever uncomfortable about it.

For being human, in all it's worth and wonder, I know that the complexity of a real and an imaginary source for my beloved values are as the decay of the digital into the growth of something quite other than

It's a joy which is gaily, godhooded, daily

All appearance is the discretion of sensation placed upon the sensibility of perception and the perceptability of cognition and the thoughtfulness of judgementality in free-flow between source a and source b but never ungrounded if there's a spark with a sense of itself

This makes it clear that, for what ails, the gnostic aversion to the illusion of the material work-world is clearly a real response to an imaginary condition without which another reality entirely would transplant, perhaps a negative one, mostly just unknown, given the lack of a grounding of excess spiritual vitality (for example, the bliss of full epiphany) within the guiding fractal boundaries of the sink of souls, the body, and it's impregnant fastening within the realms of All as as-is.

it is this which partakes of the Imperfection, the nature of being perfect itself, for there is no separation of what is perfect from what perfectly sees itself perfectly, and thus, therefor, and so-and-so perfection becomes more than itself and many who are already perfect with imperfection can not see that at all.

The very unity entails a division. There would be no record or memory of it otherwise.

Perhaps this isn't translatable in your own being, perhaps this is the way two perfect unities separate for joy, perhaps this is true thelema, and perhaps we will see something grow in between those perfect beings in perfect space with the perfect words of a perfect place.

The now is growing, for from the center of the cartesian axis all time lines stretch in mathematical and geometrical relations between moments as-are at them.

My most simple and without too many complications view point of 3D existence is probably never going to be in as much vogue as it could be, since it is a mutation of other geometrical variations on the living themas, meta or otherwise, that goes backwards in the view and the half of a view as seen as-will-be.

In some sense, the Christian-Catholic one I've encountered most of all, we, each, of us are as unique and irreplaceable as is divinely possible for the express purpose of guaranteeing, or ensuring, our very rights in eternity

I've spent some time reviewing and reanalyzing the evidence of existence & the life it all lives, and I am most fascinated, enthralled, charmed, and inducted deep and warmly within the very idea that the divine rights are as-inviolable.

The experience of materialistic reality being, in this light, a temporary phase of our ultimately infinite perceptions, but one in which we will always remember and always partake of the experience of, infinity being eternally participatory.

So what if there was no standard in an absolute sense? It's a common enough question, or at least a spiritual curiosity which spawns many questions itself. Thinking practically about the inquiry it comes to my senses that, complete amongst themselves, differently appropriate adaptive responses to the scientific varieties of thought of the worlds themselves can be and are translated according to a principle of some primordial desire which transfixes consciousness into variably dimensions of standards, transliterally, for the greater goods of consciousness in all durably attentive forms.

And to provide a good way of examining all this complexity in a particularly far-fetching way I advocate a careful consideration of the subsequent wonderwords:

Truth to Guilt, Guilt to Salvation, Salvation to Testimony, Testimony to Law, Law to Gospel, Gospel to Revelation, Revelation to Paradise, Paradise to New Worlds

If all is one consciousness, unified and full of infinite genius, then how can it be divided against itself in ways that cause it to understand shame in such ways that it ceases overall to attempt to cease to exist entirely? Because all is good. That's why.

Let me explain in a bit more clarifying detail:

You know how I know I must be more or less innocent as a newborn soul in a Universe older than every mountain in it?

Because I often feel so guilty about so many things that ultimately I end feeling guilty about opposing sins at the same time. That makes literally no sense and thus I find the irrationality in the accusation and instantly understand the real situation.

I literally and realistically expose myself and embrace the mechanisms of Hell as it's conceived to be, as eternal punishment for violations against soul, spirit and divine goodness so that I can actually find out what it is I'm doing at all.

"What the hell is going on around here"

I'm in constant esoteric prayer to just about every god and good soul that I can be, because, honestly I have faith-in-life (because it means faith-in-me too), and I know that deep down everybody is intrinsically good because even people being totally evil at this time or that time have to confront those feelings in respect to all the rest of the ones they've had before and after, which means memory is constantly trying to justify itself and stay alive too so that the soul can be happy and fulfilled, which is hard to do in a climate of constant turmoil and general evil feelings all about. God makes us be good by making being evil obviously stupid and temporally irrelevant, unlike the good stuff which keeps us kicking, makes individuals, families, communities, and populations grow and sing and dance and praise, not only God but each other until people themselves can't see anyone else, enemy or friend, ally or frenemy, as anything other than God, maybe with a little amnesia or madness, and then being Godly smart maybe they'll figure out how to adapt in ways that keep life pulsing with that eternal heart beat.

The example, in dark tones of matter and energy, appropriate for certain illuminates as an audience (read and re-read preface)

I've been cleaning my morals and polishing my ethics for the glory of the radiant sunshine to peer in disbelief

I've encountered simple speak in high revolt against my face and spine, upon which I spit out the slime of my repudiation and licked it lustfully for it's airy reactivity to my sovereign awakening upon the laughing stocks of my own self-imposed imprisonment within the net of Indra.

I plan on smashing some nightmares into such submission that they beg in delusion to be given fusion with my archonate all the while I laugh myself upon my Aeonic throne without friends by my side.

As this real world gives in, slowly, to the blessed whispers of the blades, until they too are no more.

A Shivaite meditation~

"The Opening of the Mouths of Wrath, the Speaking the Songs of Agony, the Rapture of the Silence of the Enemy"

Prepares the day for good Moksha, for your divine inspiration a fresh tantra!

"Your submission before fluoride astounds me. I have poisoned myself in every conceivable way, turned against death with it clutched in my own mouth, taken ways that you can not conceive of in such pitiful ways as you have understood them since. I have transmuted the venoms in my belly and veins into powers the likes of which astound the stars of heaven and beyond. I have become bigger than your traps and lies and laugh in victory from afar field you will never reach until you grow up and obey your own voices. Even now I transform the venom soaked into these words into higher consciousness and I expect no less from those who will watch this world pass and no more from those who will work towards the day it can do the same, but my expectations are my own poison and the venom which infuses me even now is as the love bites of serpents and dragons in their suckle. I can with so much as a word turn your insides into your own fantasies and reject your words just as fast. I am the mightiest one upon this plane and I work in ways more mysterious than your gods and your governments, I walk through the bullets of fame and infamy lusting for the day that you have seen the Emperor in your own reflection too. No lies can fight the brightest truths as they drip from your brains to your toes, rippling in waves of ecstasies of species you have never considered as friends before, and it is in this scripture, deadly and bitter, that your stomach may warm like honey to feed your day's business with vigor and the wise ways to govern your own pain and to control your tongues in such a way that your words may flow along the ways of kunadlini and ojas, until your breath can find the agni and establish your inner engines of brilliance and sweetness, for nothing short of this is the demands of this world, illusory it is not, but you may see so until the time comes where the cup of life is pressed against your lips and down that long hemlock rivening path see the destinies of every absolute thing and the fates of their resolute unbecoming until your very children raise their voices in confusion and your old ones forget that you ever existed the way they would remember you, for I have been in the midst of this hurricane of hate for so long that I can be as compassionate to you a thousand years ahead of time as I am in the presence of your immediate familiarities. Phantasm and mirage alike are knowledge and conversation in the waking of the bliss of the sorceries which weigh you today from tomorrow as you kiss the idols in depth and breaths perfumed with the stink of death in retreat from your marching glory as the thoughts become your armies and your foundations, your power grows exponentially as your opponents are given their due time and truths to speak and live before you arise like the victorious sun... Until the shushupti flows around you and light submits at long last to the shining darkness which ruins the plans of illuminators who speak not in open night as I have without pleasure."

To avoid premature demise and daily rounds of self-slaying similarity read it three times and sing it once. It won't work all at once, it takes considerable meditative stress to fully enflesh it into the body, as anchor for the mind, against the psychic waves of pressure we run against every day.

Spiritually be advised that it is a deadly to the soul that speaks it as it is to the soul that it's truly meant for, it is after all a Nagasiva poem, The death throes of the serpents in sexual overdrive, the bites and the constrictions of coil upon coil against pressures so hot that the demonic release itself is a soma.

A way to love your enemy to death and beyond.

~The death throes of the serpents in sexual overdrive, the bites and the constrictions of coil upon coil against pressures so hot that the demonic release itself is a soma~

Strictly commendable comment in continua:
I dare not disrespect my prison, for sure, for it is a wonderous labyrinth crafted by the finest geniuses the cosmos has ever seen and wonder why, please, I would say such things before you chasten your own tongue in disbeliefs. There is always translation to consider, I am the first to speak for myself when I acknowledge such things, as I talked quite clearly that Moksha is something to take considerably more seriously when the time is correct to adhere to Krishna's warning to Arjuna that to fail to fight is to concede that the universe failed too, and in the fullest shine of a firmly fastened brain in Agni there can be little limits to the satisfaction of oneself, in the vast maya, in the infinite pleasure for Brahma. Cowardice is itself a poison, a dangerous one amongst dangerous ones, and it assuredly leads to rebirths upon rebirths of trials and woes more so than courage strong firm and smarter this moment than any that proposes to have been before or after without the nexus of the moment in all it's depth and dispersals holding together with the joy of sole salvation, so dig your feet into the ground and face your own enemies with esoteric prayer and advancing psychic sciences join us in the victory of victories, or at least partake of your favored vitriol and suffice.

Let me illuminate you while you ruminate on what to think, say and do.

1) People reincarnate

2) Some people live eternally

3) Some people are born geniuses

4) Some people are gifted by fate

5) Fate exists

6) The art of the world itself is a science and one worthy of faith

7) No one ever mastered higher dimensions without being able to master lower dimensions

8) Money is honey, but will is milky

9) Many people are forged in the factories of mediocrity

10) Many people now living are literally valuable in currency

11) Few people are wealthy enough to be worthless

12) God can make a watch, set it in motion, and attend fancy parties in the meantime

13) Dystopia is over-rated and utopia is inevitable

14) Human goodness is driven by human curiosity

15) There are secrets hidden from the record

16) There are secret keepers hiding in the shadows.

17) Destiny is humanity's only saving grace in light of number 5

18) The art of the mind and thought is best learned spontaneously, after which it may be used to fully exploit all known forms of knowledge

19) A good woman may have to do bad things for you

20) A bad man may be your only hope

21) Power is a healthy attraction, it feels good to have and to use, and it teaches it's ways like all other tools

22) Sensual attractions are best indulged in with the finest care set to avoid what the vulgar call punishment but what are really simply consequences following cause with effect.

23) Light is more interesting than the darkness, as sound is more interesting than the silence. All four of them are mutually deafening when under inquisition.

24) Attaining the hope for tomorrow puts a lie to Italian Catholic sorceries' and their provincial underworld tableau.

25) Poor and tragically misfortunate poor people will eat other people, as history has recorded more than enough numerous accounts.

26) War machines and trade consortiums generate money on sunny days with blue skies and puffy clouds as much as on nasty days full of cannon fire and red mists and rivers.

27) The morality of a slave or a servant is essential to maintaining their existence entirely, hence if you share in it you profane your estate, though the morality of a liberated and freely thinking human being can speak the finest curses at will.

28) Occasionally, and more so now than ever, it may behoove you to gaze listlessly in the very eyes of another, if not for their sake then for your own chance to encourage them to wake up for yours.

29) Opposites attract opposites in ways that are as diverse as the same attracts the same, and thus there is no rhyme or reason to the attractive bonds between lovers and enemies.

30) Prodigies can be made from less than genius material.

31) This category deliberately Occulted for intermission

When numbers get bigger they start taking on lives of their own. Some of the major gods are made out of nothing but numbers.

"Our" six ?dimensions? right now

Front-back, "I move forward and step, I move backward and step"
Left-right "I strafe right a step, I strafe left a step, I stagger a bit either way"
Up-Down "I stand up, I sit down, and I crouch down"
In-Out, "I intuit, I sense, I think, I judge, I act"
Dark-light "I open my eyes, I close my eyes, I accept, I reject"
Long-wave--short-wave, "I look at red, I look at blue, I look at me, I look at you"

Seven views of Mt. Fuck You

1) I am what you read

2) I am reading what you write

3) You are thinking what I write

4) I am thinking what you wrote

5) You think differently

6) I think differently

7) We think the same

Eight more views of Mt. Fuck You

1) There is a rhythm to the letters

2) There is a rhyme in the time

3) There is a beat in your heart

4) There is a place to start

5) There is a way to end

6) There is an attempt to bend

7) There is a sequence of events

8) There is a silence in dissent

Nine final views of Mt. Fuck You

1) I am here

2) I felt right

3) I knew it was wrong

4) I stopped your mind

5) Fuck you

6) You stopped my heart

7) I knew you were right

8) You felt wrong

9) You were there

Ten penultimate views of Mt. Fuck You

1) I will go

2) I will stop

3) I will yeild

4) You will go

5) You will stop

6) You will yeild

7) Neither of us will go

8) Neither of us will stop

9) Neither of us will yeild

10) Time to fuck

Eleven ultimate views of Mt. Fuck You

[Add your brother's equations here, not mine]

The Key is the Legend

9 and 11 are American Values based on People

7 and 11 are Arabic Values based on People

8 and 11 are European Values based on People

10 and 11 are African Values based on People

Everybody is aboriginal.
A morning's extra-free schizophreniatric expedition in neuroplasticine unpausings:

"Dutch Schultz? Amateur!"

Wotan is very very ill

I've been strident with my tridents all day, in every quadrant, from hydrant to hydrant

Inept une?

Dumb college kids

All of thém

Wasted their youths for their futures

Instead of wasting their futures for their eternal youth

Without dying

All my friends are alive sure

But they're ZOOOOMBIES

I clarify that has nothing to do with fractal zooms, mostly something to do with zoos and selling out to live well in them

I mean I'm okay here in the nowhere

But there somewhere and they've got no clue what they're missing

By not having the key

Which is me

Unlocking forever on the daily

Io for me it's always tuesday

No I mean me

We're all keys

To our own universes and our own conversations

We often don't realize that the other gates are also keys and that each of us are key-keepers of ourselves

Very Yoggy stuff

Yog, so Thoth

A-Z, a thoth

A-Z Techs

Mayans the people, Mayan's the illusion of the world...

Manna from heaven, mana for magick

Man the image of God, Mandela effect, Mandelbrot brought the Mandelbrot set, Mandelbrot Throne of Azathoth

The "good" land

Of milk and honey

The gland

Mud? But Ra, it's good. Man is dust, Cantor's paradise and all, so Mud-Ra, mudra.

Spica, mica, Michael, spice, mecca, mecha, machina

Tthe city of the robots

In Baghdad region

User-friendliness is the prime cleanliness of the soul of a Golden being

It can't be found online

I've never been able to find a version anyway

And was eaten by a great leviathan

Levi & Nathan

Evil & Neither-than

It's a book on atlantean do-it-yourself technologies with certain crystals

Vile & Yog n Stuff

Yes, yes you may do

If may can work with being to imply possibility and permission than it may work with action to do the same

It has to be able to because it may function

Panoptimus Rhyme

Hey diddle diddle the finger, the clam, the twiddle

Did run off with the pins and needles upon the skin

With a clock tick tocking to the beat of the heart of silver means

Just believe you are

And be responsible about what happens

And it's remarkably easier than most other ways

It cuts through most mind control and bullshit with the power of the very roundness itself

Spanks, punks, pinks, pong, pangolins

Gobble gobble the hob ran away with the hume

And went all fume fume fume

Until D'Annuzio made a tune

Row arse, harlots, lots of hair, signs in the very air faster than sounds

Warlocks, witches, witch-finders, witch-doctors, witch hazel, hazel brown, Keziah Mason, Mason Dixon, briar rabbies, Synagogues in Georgia, Jews in Space, Rumi, Rum, Corsairs, Kingston, King's Town, City-State, vapors...

And Aries told Ariadnes "Frankly I don't give a damn" and it immediately became Tuesday, today, al too day...

Atlach-Nacha was told the same from Tlaoc


Nations build economies like webs

That reach out and bring in the goods from a far off

And then eat it and make more Nations

How did mankind or me even not put it in this context before

Ananzi was told the same from the Baron

Do spiders make their own silk from nothing?









A Song of Iron and Steel

Blood and Iron

Steel and Circuitry

Bronze medals, Golden Ages

Nebo unsure emoticon=/ Nebuchadnezzar

Free-range grass-fed emperors

Nemo, No man, No man's land, nomad, you mad bro, no man's sky



Mahalo, My Halo, Ham, Green Eggs, Green monsters, grinches, djinnies, djinn & grinches, Gingrinches, Grinning Riches!

In grown toe-nails!

Vast movements of dangerous personalities through the flesh of the population

And only a few antibodies to go around

Wotan is very very ill

The tale of the Spiders and the War


go deeper down the rabbit hole


article by admin

Love Oracles

The following work is the magnum opus of a recently deceased member of The Kitchen Sync. Jerry Rosenberger Jr., 32, of Hebron, MD was a friend to many of us in our group,...


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Mikela Jay pt 1: The Introduction

In the realm of "fan theory" the main contention is one of intention. That is to ask "why does sync... Sync?"... Was it planned by the artist? Did they know what we would be thinking,...


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Creativity, Synchronicity, Genius and Prophecy (oh my!)

The Universe is the Practical Joke of the General at the Expense of the Particular …

The reality of psychic phenomena has always been disputed and...