Thesyncbook.com is nearing the end of a massive upgrade, which means that so much cool stuff is coming, but it also means that access to parts of the website will be restricted from January 16th to January 28th. It also means that we need your help during this time and want to give you really neat stuff as a thank you.
If you’re short on time or just came here for the free goodies, simply answer the 3 questions below.

EVERYONE who registers here will receive an exclusive sample chapter from Marty Leeds’ forthcoming book and an exclusive video clip from the Olympia Sync Summit. Everyone.
And, for a limited number of you willing to get your hands dirty (in a digital sort of way), there’s something extra-special we’re giving away . . . a book that people have spent years waiting and asking us for. If your Beta Tester application is accepted (remember, there’s only a limited number of positions available), we will give you nearly the entire 2012 draft of Suicide Kings.

For now, all we ask is that everyone fill out this form.