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This four-letter word is hard to pin down. It's become a catchall, |
Our focus is on Synchronicitywith offshoot topics, such as: | |
Synchronicityaka |
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Synchronicity, as "meaningful coincidence", |
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Myths and Archetypes"Even before the break with Freud, Jung's readings in mythology had turned his center of concern from the daylight world of time, space, and personalities to a timeless eviternity of satyrs, nyphs, centaurs, and dragons to be slain . . . It was this radical shift of ground from a subjective and personalistic, essentially biographical approach to the reading of the symbolism of the psyche, to a larger, culture-historical, mythological orientation, that then became the characteristic of Jung's psychology. He asked himself, 'What is the myth you are living?' and found that he did not know. 'So, in the most natural way, I took it upon myself to get to know my myth, and I regarded this as the task of tasks.'" "The psyche is not of today; its ancestry goes back millions of years. Individual consciousness is only the flower and the fruit of a season, sprung from the perennial rhizome beneath the earth; and it would find itself in better accord with the truth if it took the existence of the rhizome into its calculations. For the root matter is the mother of all things." ![]() |
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Magic(k) and CorrespondencesCrowley defined Magick as "the Science and Art of |
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"Ah! Well the thing about magic that appeals to me is its difference to religion. The two words are very different. Religion is from the Greek or Latin root religari, which is the same root as ligamenta and ligature, and so it means bound together in one space. Now that always feels a bit unnatural to me. It seems very unlikely that any two human beings on the face of the planet would believe, be bound together, in exactly the same thing. So, alright, magic is a language but perhaps a better analogy is to say: Each religion is a language, and magic is linguistics. In the sense that, if you are a linguist, there's no such thing as a false language. It's not like, Oh yeah French is real, but Russian is not a real language. So if you're a magician, you have to accept ALL of those religions as being, they're all true languages! So, you get a different array of concepts, a different worldview in each of the religions. To some degree I take the quantum position that ALL of them are right, in a sense. In order to see truth, you have to consider a lot of different possible positions and hold them all to be true in some mysterious way. Magic, in this sense, is moving between those different positions, studying them, seeing what information there is to be gleaned from each of them, seeing how they connect up. How, for example, a story in the New Testament of the Bible seems to connect up with an ancient Egyptian legend from the Parari Anu. And how this in turn relates to one of the Tarot cards. Which gives it a certain position on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah. And you follow through these chains of ideas. You do that long enough, you start to get a different set of synaptic connections in your brain, different pathways. And you start to see things in a different way. You start to put things together differently." |
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"Well, whatever else it is, from my viewpoint as an artist it is a method of multiple vision. To take an example from Sir John's story, I.N.R.I., analyzed Cabalistically, no longer has simply a Christian meaning, but a Greek mythological meaning, an Egyptian meaning, an Alchemical meaning, a meaning within the symbolism of the Tarot cards, and so forth. These correspondences are not illogical but analogical. The Cabalist sees each symbol—Christ, Dionysus, Osiris, the Tarot cards and the rest—as meaningful in its own mythic context, just as Professor Einstein's theory sees each measurement as true within its own coordinate system. And the Cabalist seeks, behind these diverse and contradictory symbols, the archetypal meaning which is in human psychology itself, as Dr. Jung has recently reminded us. Just as Professor Einstein looks beyond the diverse and contradictory instrument readings for the abstract mathematical relationships that translate one coordinate system into another." |
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Media and Symbolism"The moment one gives close attention to anything,even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself." —Henry Miller "The movie never changes. It can't change. But every time you see it, it seems different because you're different. You see different things."—James Cole (Bruce Willis), 12 Monkeys |
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Jake Kotze pioneered an artform
Visit Sync Media Research to watch some of them |
Mindscapes: |
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"Scholars of the psychedelics have frequently commented on the synchronicity of Hofmann's discoveries with the discovery and propagation of nuclear weapons. The effect of LSD was discovered just six months after the atom was split. Huxley might have been the first to call LSD the atom bomb of the soul, and Frank Barron wondered if nature was keeping itself in balance by slipping these sacraments into society at the time they were most needed." |
"A few years back, while preparing to speak on a panel with members of M.A.P.S. (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies), I met a man involved with the organization, Robert Forte, who had lived with Albert Hofmann in Switzerland for a number of years and had the pleasure of discussing some key points of interest with him. What blew my mind was when he told me that it was Albert's personal feeling that he had not actually 'discovered' anything in any real sense of the word, but rather that he considered L.S.D. to be more of an 'intelligence,' if you will, and that he had felt that it was actually our new found ability to split the atom that called this intelligence to be born into existence. Robert later expressed in an email, "it was unusual for Albert to describe L.S.D. like that, as an 'intelligence.' He became much more a mystic in his later years, having been shy about making such statements among his scientific colleagues for most of his life." So, it was the belief of the man who first synthesized the substance of substances that aided the counter-culture in a Dionysian direction, that this happening was the direct counter-balance to the most devastating display of authority to ever rear its terrifying face in the history of planet earth. It was the same month and year Hofmann took his first 'trip' that Oppenheimer brought to Los Alamos the initial group of scientists who would help build the first atomic bomb." |
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To dive deeper into sync and all these subjects,"Take what you have gathered from coincidence." |