Frater X on Occult Science Radio
Frater X will be on Occult Science Radio tonight to talk about The Secret War Inside Freemasonry, his upcoming book from Sync Book Press.
Frater X will be on Occult Science Radio tonight to talk about The Secret War Inside Freemasonry, his upcoming book from Sync Book Press.
You’ll get better in time. Don’t be so hard on ylresuof.People go to school for broadcasting. It takes time & practice.Enjoy your journey In regards to enochian magic, I don’t practice it anymore.In the beginning, I believed what people told me about it.I believed that they were Angels .Over the years, I came to the (my) conclusion that they are not Angels .Once I was sure of this, I stopped working with them. By their fruits, ye shall know them .I have seen the fruits of a lot of enochian magicians.Not so good on an auric level -god-complexes, ungroundedness (like Jason Newcomb’s extremely airy & ungrounded speech pattern), I have seen the fruits of a lot of enochian entities: Angels shouldn’t harm one’s nervous system. Angels should bring inner peace, contentment, hapiness, Commune with the Archangels/Angels of the Tree & the Shem ha-Mephoresh Angels, then compare those experiences with the enochian entities.Love & Inner Peace versus Visions, Fear, & Headaches?Magicians should know when enough is enough.LBRP, BRH, & MP (+meditation) is enough for inner peace, happiness, love, & Divine protection.God, HGA, Real Angels = what else does one need Just my 2 cents. Have a good week.