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42 Minutes

FREE 06.23.24 Episode 392: Spring book club
Grail Quest: Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival
What troubles you, Uncle? Or so we try to find for this our Spring installment of the Seasonal book club with Wolfram von Eschenbach's 12th Century masterpiece, Parzival as our guide. Drop the reins and let it guide you!
Topics: Higher Meaning, Joseph Campbell, Jung Purpose, Myth, Teleology, Material Goal, Spiritual Quest, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Superheroes, Arthurian Literature, The Grail, The Matter of Britain, The History of the Kings of Britain, Hengist and Horsa, Angles & Saxons & Jutes, Mystery Religions, Jessie Weston, The Golden Bough, The Waste Land, Yesterday's Men, Lost in Translation, Duality, Labyrinth, The Whale, The Leviathan, Job, Chretien, The Black Rock.
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Purchase: Parzival at

Read: "Yesterday's Men" at

Explore: Parzival Tranlastion at

Watch: Joseph Campbel on Parzival

Listen: More Parzival on Always Record at

FREE 03.23.24 Episode 391: Winter book club
Today the secret, early Christians reassemble in plenary session to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Philip K Dick's 2-3-74 experiences by reconvening the Rhipidon Society at the Sombrero Bar to discuss Dick's 1981 Synchromystic Blueprint, Valis.
Topics: PKD, Synchromysticism, Vast Active Living Intelligence, Reality, Gnosticism, Truth, Path, Trash Stratum, Humor, Playmate, 1991, Nag Hammadi, Black Iron Prison, Hyper-Links, Sync-Link, Communication, Friends of God, Blade Runner, Three-Eyed Fish People, Akhenaten, Hymn to Aten, Psalm 104, Exegesis, Jung, Flow My Tears, King Felix Cipher, Acts, Grasshopper Lies Heavy, Not a God, Oppenheimer.
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Explore: Valis at

Listen: Valis at

Listen: 1979 PKD Inteview at

Read: "Blows Against The Empire" at

Listen: More VALIS and The Rhipidon Society at Always Record

FREE 01.13.24 Episode 390: Fall book club
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale
“Captain Ahab, I have heard of Moby Dick—but it was not Moby Dick that took off thy leg?” “Who told thee that?” cried Ahab; then pausing, “Aye, Starbuck; aye, my hearties all round; it was Moby Dick that dismasted me; Moby Dick that brought me to this dead stump I stand on now. Aye, aye,” he shouted with a terrific, loud, animal sob, like that of a heart-stricken moose; “Aye, aye! it was that accursed white whale that razed me; made a poor pegging lubber of me for ever and a day!”
Topics: Nantucket Whaling, Quaker, The Line, Shakespeare, Job, Order, Chaos, McCarthy, Civil War, 1840's, the Essex, Sync Journey, Theatrical, Industrialism, Metaphor, Blasphemy, Gnosticism, Leviathan, Demi Urge, Ishmael & Ahab, Dragon Perseus, Hero of Order, Force of Chaos, Town Ho! Sons of Abraham, Soul of Man, Vortex, Sea, Mind, Waves, Spiral, Coffin.
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Purchase: Moby Dick from

Reflect: on lighting at

Read: Master & Commander

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Listen: More Moby Dick on Always Record at

FREE 09.23.23 Episode 389: Summer book club
Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness In The West
Night of your birth. Thirty-three. The Leonids they were called. God how the stars did fall. I looked for blackness, holes in the heavens. The Dipper stove, and so did the book club as we hove toward Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian first published in 1985 and oft called his magnum opus.
Topics: The Kid, Moby Dick, The Judge, Captain White, Glanton Gang, Mason & Dixon, Slavery, Civil War, Fantasy, Carnival, Four of Cups, Ahab & The Whale, Sunset, Sunrise, Jacob Boehme, Senseless Violence, My Confession, Chamberlain, Thanos, Crowley, Will, War, Nietzsche, Chaos, Order.
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Purchase: Blood Meridian at

Explore: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club at

Watch: Harold Bloom on Blood Meridian

Read: Harold Bloom on Blood Meridian

Listen: More Blood Meridian on Always Record

FREE 06.25.23 Episode 388: Spring book club
Mason & Dixon
Visit: Mason & Dixon at
"Is it not the very Rhythm of the Engines, the Clamor of the Mills, the Rock of the Oceans, the Roll of the Drums in the Night, why if one wish'd to give it a Name?" Tonight, for 42 minutes, we’ve taken our Pynchon obsession back to the 60’s for some Surf Music in B Flat major by celebrating Mason & Dixon as our spring seasonal book club choice, first published in 1997.
Topics: Thomas Pynchon, Charles Mason, Jeremiah Dixon, 18th Century, Revolution, 1786, Mason-Dixon Line, Will Morgan, Synchronicity, Pynchonicity, George Washington, Ben Franklin, Ted Lasso, Geordie, Don Quixote, Melancholy, Transit of Venus, Carl Jung, 1882, Joyce, 2012, (366 days ≠ 360 degrees), 11 missing days, Enlightenment, Secret Societies, Jesuits v. Free Masons, Royal Society, Age of Reason, Magick, Imagination, Slavery, Capitalism, EOC, Fang.
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Watch: "Sailing to Philadelphia" at

Read: "Line, Vortex, and Mound" at

Read: "The Cheese Wheels of Time" at

Explore: Crypto K at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

FREE 04.29.23 Episode 387: Winter book club
Tonight for 42 minutes, we will be initiated into the mysteries of the Rosy Cross! And our mentor will be Zanoni . . . Zanoni is an 1842 novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a story of love and occult aspiration.
Topics: Rosicrucianism, French Revolution, Style, Ideas, The Last Man, Diction, King James English, Gothic, Saltitude, Zanoni Explained, Types, Science, Idealism, Aspiration, Dweller On The Threshold, Godwin, Dickens, Blavatsky, Steiner, Crowley, Bowie, Alchemical Wedding,17, Eliphas Levi, Tarot, Keys To The Mysteries, Live Math, 81, Plato, Immortals, Magic, Haunted, Elixir.
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Read: Zanoni on Kindle for free at

Read: "Beyond the Occult: The Godwinian Nexus of Bulwer's Zanoni" at

Listen: The Last Man at Sync Book Radio

Explore: Book Club at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

FREE 12.13.22 Episode 381: Fall book club
Notes From Underground
Tonight we try to find a "5" on this 12.2.22 because, 2×2 is four is not life, gentleman, but death. Or so we shall see on this, our Fall installment of the seasonal book club where we mice shall find a home in the underground, Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground, first published in 1864.
Topics: Fiction, Exist, 40, 24, Theory, Praxis, 1840s/1860s, Romanticism, Beautiful & Lofty, Nihilism, Cynicism, Superiority, Useless, Psychological, The Idiot, Revolutionary, Religious, Radical Writers, Siberia, 1864, Stockholm Syndrome, Character Types, New Jerusalem, Crystal Palace, Utopian, Joy, Piano Key, World's Fair, Promenade.
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Purchase: Notes From Underground from

Explore: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club at

Read: "The Translation Wars" at

Listen: more Notes From Underground

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

FREE 10.03.22 Episode 380: Summer book club
"Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die." Or so said Job's wife after he was afflicted by Satan with boils. The book club get our own potshard to scratch out some of these ills found in the Book of Job for our summer book club.
Topics: Mark Golding, 49, Flow, Jung, Blake, Tom Bombadil, King James, Authorized Version, Committee, New Revised Standardized Version, Blavatsky, Satan, Serpent, Gnostic, Initiation, completion, Righteous, Justified, Northrop Frye, The Great Code, History, Law, Ritual, Poetry, Prophecy, Wisdom.
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Read: Dance The Deep Line by Mark Golding at

Explore: Sacred Geometry Mandalas at

Listen: Mark Golding on Sync Book Radio at

Watch: Northrop Frye at

More Job on Always Record at

FREE 05.17.22 Episode 379: Spring book club
To be or not to be . . .
Topics: Mel Gibson, Kenneth Branagh, Helena Bonham Carter, Franco Zephirelli, Romeo & Juliet, Olivia Hussey, 1990, 1968, BBC, David Tennant, Patrick Stewart, 1948, Language, Ghosts & Madness, Frances Yates, Bruno, Melancholy, Agrippa, Ethan Hawk, Dune, Grief, Greed, Famous Quotes, Stephen Greenblatt, Joyce, Hamlet's Mill, World Mythology, Procession of Equinoxes, Cultural Touchstone, King James, Cervantes, Francis Bacon, Robert Fludd, Globe Theater.
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FREE 02.02.22 Episode 373: Winter book club
The book club celebrates the 100th anniversary of the publication of Ulysses by James Joyce which was published on February 2nd 1922, his 40th birthday. Our first encounter with this work was back in 2017 on Bloomsday, June 16th, for episode number 278.
Topics: Homer, The Odyssey, Dublin, Ireland, Schema, Telemachus, Circe, Cyclops, Nausicaa, Nighttown, Ithaca, Nostos, Portrait Of An Artist As A Young Man, Stephen Hero, William York Tindall, Correspondences, Macro/Micro, Adam Kadmon, Embodied, 1967, Calypso, The Tunnel, Myth, Celtic Renaissance, Richard Ellmann, Obscenity, Mystery, Initiation.
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Purchase: Ulysses at

Listen: RTE Full Cast Ulysses at

Watch: 1967 Ulysses at

Watch: Bloom at the rokuchannel.roku

Continue: the conversation on Ulysses at Always

FREE 12.23.21 Episode 372: Fall book club
The Last Man
The book club celebrates apocalypse this holiday season for our fall book with Mary Shelly's The Last Man which was an inspiration for the now cancelled FX post-apocalyptic TV series.
Topics: Frankenstein, Prophecy, Sibyl's Cave, Plutarch, Delphi, Station 11, Distopic, Ada, Nabokov, Ada Lovelace, Henry Fuseli, Gothic, Laudanum, Godwin, Wollstonecraft, Anarchist, Caleb Williams, Milton, Darkside, Dracula, Romanticism.
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Purchase: The Last Man from

Watch: Gothic at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Explore: Book Club at

Listen: more Last Man on Always Record at

FREE 10.12.21 Episode 370: Summer book club
Naked Lunch
For the summer book club, we continue on with our Beat theme, this time sharing 42 minutes on William S. Burroughs's 1959 classic, Naked Lunch, one of the most important novels of the 20th century, a book that redefined not just literature but American culture. This is an unnerving tale of a narcotics addict unmoored in New York, Tangiers, and, ultimately, a nightmarish wasteland known as Interzone.
Topics: Junky, Queer, 90s, Cut Ups, Synchromysticism, Sex, Drugs, Tangier, Interzone, Paul & Jane Bowles, Ethics, Cancel, Transgression, Orgasm, Cronenberg, Divination, Dr Benway, Schizo, Cocaine, Yage Letters, Ayahuasca, Technology, Mayan Codexes, Control System, Word Virus, Junk Economy, Matrix.
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Purchase: Naked Lunch from

Watch: Naked Lunch at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Explore: Book Club at

Listen: more Naked Lunch on Always Record at

FREE 07.02.21 Episode 367: Spring book club
The Sheltering Sky
The Sheltering Sky is a 1949 novel of alienation and existential despair by American writer and composer Paul Bowles.
Topics: Traveler, Arrogance, Trauma, Elegance, John Malkovich, Debra Winger, Ex Pats, Artists, Survival, Let It Come Down, The Spider's House, North Africa, Omens, Train Dream, Rationality = Sheltering Sky, The Infinite, Western Chauvinism, Heart Of Darkness, Awakening.
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Purchase: The Sheltering Sky from


Purchase: Paul Bowles from

Listen: more Sheltering Sky on Always Record at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

FREE 03.28.21 Episode 360: Winter book club
The Recognitions
To get to the heart of the matter--the Stabat Mater--the seasonal book club returns to re-cognize William Gaddis's 1955 masterpiece 'The Recognitions' for the winter edition.
Topics: William Gaddis, Bridge, Modernism, Beats, Post Modernism, DFW, Christian Mystery Novel, Clementines, First Christian Novel, Last Christian Novel, Robert Graves, The White Goddess, Golden Baugh, Battle of the Trees, Poetry, TS Eliot, Palimsest, Anamnesis, The Vanity of Time, Sheri Martinelli, Faust, Sympathetic Magic, 1949, Communion, Holy Fragments.
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Listen: 42 Minutes 249 at

Explore: The Recognitions at

Read: "Re Cognize" at

Listen: more Recognitions on Always Record at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

FREE 12.07.20 Episode 357: Special Edition book club
Death Sweat Of The Cluster
Just in time for Christmas, the program hosts a "Special Edition" of the seasonal book club with a panel of experts upon the subject of Znore's recently published book, 'Death Sweat Of The Cluster'. The panel includes: Bill Klaus, Mark Golding, Zach Bauer, Wally Scharold, Nick Ulbrick, & Alan Abbadessa.
Topics: Cultural Marxism, Cross Fertilization, Will Morgan, Synchronicity Generator, Cosmic Trigger, 60s, 2000s, Cognitive Fireworks, Hindsight 2020, Modernism, Crowley, Conscious & Unconscious, PKD, Blogs, Yogic Gospel, Finnegans Wake, McKenna, Philosopher's Stone, Medicine, Honey, 108,2016,2012,1904, Soft Dark Age, Always Record, Sync Academy, Nazi Golfers From The Future, Panjob.
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Purchase: Death Sweat Of The Cluster from



Listen: Nicholas Ulbrick on Sync Book Radio

Listen: Fine Just Fine on Sync Book Radio

FREE 11.29.20 Episode 356: Fall book club
Journey To The End Of The Night
For the Fall edition of the book club, we go on the road with Céline's 1932 classic novel, Journey To To The End Of The Night. French author Céline's works influenced a broad array of literary figures, not only in France but also in the English-speaking world and elsewhere in the Western World; this includes authors associated with modernism, existentialism, black comedy and the Beat Generation.
Topics: Dark, Depression, Black Comedy, Sartre, WWI Books, Kerouac, Paranoid Attitude, Ginsberg, Burroughs, Naropa, The Beats, Ralph Manheim, Will Self, Hemingway, Kafka, America, Antiwar, Robinson, Tyler Durden, Shell Shock, Malaria, Fever, Fascism, Lost Generation, Colonialism, Johnny Truant, Lude, Misogyny, Racism, The Tunnel.
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Purchase: Journey To The End Of The Night from

Read: "Céline’s Dark Journey" at

Read: "Céline's journey to the cutting edge of literature"

Listen: Journey To The End Of The Night part II on AlwaysRecord

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

FREE 10.01.20 Episode 351: Summer book club
The Tunnel
Tonight, for the summer installment of the seasonal book club, the program considers The Tunnel, William Gass's second novel which first appeared on the literary scene in 1995, and at which time was promptly hailed as an indisputable masterpiece. It's the story of a middle aged professor who, upon the completion of his massive historical study, Guilt and Innocence in Hitler's Germany, finds himself writing a novel about his own life instead of the introduction to his magnum opus. The Tunnel meditates on history, hatred, unhappiness, and, above all, language.
Topics: Gaddis, Gass, Postmodernism, William Kohler, Empathy, Guilt & Innocence, Web of Influence, Butterfly Effect, Joyce, Ulysses, Childhood, Perception, Uncle Balt, Shadow, Light, Truth, Beauty, Fascism, House of Leaves, Filth, Dark Thoughts, Nazis, Party of Disappointed People.
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Purchase: The Tunnel from

Read: "A 1995 Novel Predicted Tump's America" from

Listen: William Gass on Bookworm at


Listen: The Tunnel Part II on Always Record at

FREE 06.09.20 Episode 349: Spring book club
In the middle of a global pandemic, the 42 Minutes Seasonal book club convened on May Day (05.01.2020) to discuss informally what we could could not agree upon reading.
Topics: Synchronicity, Lens, Decameron, House of Leaves, The Tunnel, Meta Text, Sex, Raunchy Sex, Trilogy of Life, MZD, DFW, In The Land of Men, Structure, #MeToo, Lude, Shakespeare, King James, Rolland Barthes, Mythologies, Quarantine, The Odyssey, Petrarch, Dante, PKD.
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Read: "Renaisasnce Man" at

Purchase: In The Land Of Men from

Listen: House Of Leaves on Bookworm at

Read: "Sexism & Genius Collide" at

Listen: Spring Book Club II at

FREE 03.25.20 Episode 348: Winter book club
House Of Leaves
Recorded on Leap Day (which synchronistically was the author's original ideal pub. date in 2000), The 42 Minutes Seasonal book club explores a house larger on the inside than on the outside, a House of Livres. Published in a full color edition by Pantheon in March of 2000, House Of Leaves was Mark Danielewski's first novel, written as an academic treatise by a blind shut in on a sensational documentary film, the manuscript of which, was later discovered and compiled and with notes by a young delinquent name Johnny Truant.
Topics: House, Film, Book, Labyrinth, Infinite Jest, Avant Garde, LA, Fake News, Pelican Pen, Minotaur, Art, Literature, Jamestown, Lovecraft, Underworld, Dante, Yggdrasil, Derrida, Displaced Center, Borges, Library Of Babel, A Serious Man, 237, 48, 22, Tarot, Kabbalah.
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Purchase: House Of Leaves from

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Listen: House Of Leaves Part II on Always Record at

Listen: Unathorized Fan-made Audiobook at

FREE 11.24.19 Episode 345: Fall book club
Upon the 30th anniversary of the fall the Berlin Wall, the program celebrates this synchronistically by discussing Don DeLillo's 1997 masterpiece, Underworld.
Topics: Pynchon, 49, Waste vs W.A.S.T.E, Interconnections, Paranoia, Secret History, DFW, Shot Hear Round The World, Cold War, 911, Consciousness, Zapruder Film, Sync Book Challenger, Revolution, NYC, Wild Style, Texas Highway Killer, Conspiracy Theory, Bleeding Edge.
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Purchase: Underworld from

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Listen: Underworld Part II from Always Record

Read: DFW's letter to DeLillo at

Watch: The Shot Heard Round the World

FREE 09.09.19 Episode 343: Summer book club
The Overstory
Tonight for the summer installment of the 42 Minutes Seasonal Book we speak for the trees! Or more precisely, the bookclub regulars discuss Richards Powers' 2019 Pulitzer Prize winning work of fiction, The Overstory.
Topics: Richard Powers, Trees, Communication, 9, Synchronicity, Science, Gold Bug Variations, Technical Language, Humanity, Vegetable Matrix, Structure, Time & Distance, Conversion, Irony & Sincerity, Corporate America, Eco Terrorist, Sabotage, The Giving Trees, Coopition, Cell, Ovid, Mastery.
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Purchase: The Overstory from

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Listen: The Overstory Part II from Always Record

Read: Richard Powers' Conversion at

Visit: Superlative Trees! (IRL.COM)

FREE 07.15.19 Episode 339: (More) Spring book club
Don Quixote Part II
As Don Quixote was published in two parts, so too does the spring book club meet again to have another go at the Ingenious Gentlemen Don Quixote De La Mancha. Now with more goats!
Topics: Pastoral, Goat Cheese, Synchronicity, Barry Lyndon, Edith Grossman, Empathy, Human, Humane, Humor, Advice, Violence, Censor, Third Man, Fiction, Golden Age, Multi Culti, Blood & Honor, Reality, Deep Fake, Wasteland, Poetry, Alchemy, Area X, Purity, Lothario.
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Purchase: Don Quixote from

Listen: Don Quixote Part I from

Listen: Don Quixote Part II of Part II from Always Record

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Read: The Overstory for 42 Minutes Summer Book Club

FREE 06.06.19 Episode 336: Spring book club
Don Quixote
Somewhere in La Mancha, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago. Thus, the book club follows the adventures of this noble Hidalgo who reads so many chivalric romances that he loses his sanity and decides to become a knight-errant, reviving chivalry and serving his country, under the name Don Quixote de la Mancha. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire.
Topics: Cervantes, Sync Borges, Nabokov, Figurants, Outside, Inside, Subject, Object, Real, Fake, Degree, Empire, Class, 1492, Inquisition, Old Christian, Converso, Occult, Astrology, Shakespeare, Magical Tradition, Translation, Truman Show, Fame, Knight Errant, King James, Enchantment, Brutality, Ego, Honor.
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Purchase: Don Quixote from

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Listen: The Man Who Killed Don Quixote at Always Record

Read: Arabic Numbers from

FREE 03.11.19 Episode 326: Winter book club
Collected Fictions
Ficciones, the most popular collection of short stories by Argentine writer and poet Jorge Luis Borges, was the jumping off point for the book club gang on this Groundhog Day to walk the forking paths.
Topics: Fictions, Particular, Eternal, Dreams, Borges and I, PKD, Compression, What Is Real? Tulan, Nabokov, Arabian Nights, JW Dunne, Secret Societies, Infinity, Lovecraft, Blindness, Chess, Garden Of Forking Paths, Ada, Radical Now.
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Purchase: Collected Fictions from

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Listen: Collected Fictions Part II at Always Record

FREE 12.11.18 Episode 320: Fall book club
Ada, Or Ardor
Published two weeks after his seventieth birthday, Ada, or Ardor is one of Nabokov's greatest masterpieces, the glorious culmination of his career as a novelist. It tells a love story troubled by incest. But, is much more, and thus the book club regulars explore this work for an Antiterran 42 minutes.
Topics: Texture Of Time, Kubrick, Blade Runner, Desire, Barry Lyndon, Lolita, Venus Club, Incest, Insect, Nicest, Eden, Paradise, Infinite Jest, King Wing, Black Rainbow, Synesthesia, Third-Sight, Levitate, Terra, Innocence, Deliberate Present, Radical Surface, Freud, Tolstoy, Borges, Arcadia, Marvel, Butterfly.
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Purchase: Ada, Or Ardor from


Visit: Groupname For Grapejuice at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

FREE 06.25.18 Episode 312: Summer book club
Mrs. Dalloway
Tonight, on Bloomsday, the 42 Minutes Seasonal book club seeks a sense of proportion in the pages of Virginia Woolf's 1925 modernist masterpiece, Mrs. Dalloway.
Topics: Stream Of Consciousness, Composed, WWI, Class, London, 1923, The Hours, Septimus, Connection, Nature, Sky Writing, Conversion, Colonialism, Lark, Hero's Call, Plunge, Wave, Leitmotif, The Waves, Infinite Jest, Bark, Science, Conrad, Prosody, Royal Wedding, Suicide, Joyce, Ulysses, Hostess, Have Ellen Harrison, Art, PKD.
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Purchase: Mrs. Dalloway from

Visit: Groupname For Grapejuice at

Listen: Ulysses - 42 Minutes #278 at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

FREE 04.09.18 Episode 308: Spring book club
Infinite Jest
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; So yo then man what's your story? (Or that's what the bookclub sets out to find on this April 1st, 2018)
Topics: 1996, Loop, Samizdat, DMZ, NASA Cup, Wraith, Mold, Don Gately, Cheese, AZ, Trauma, Johnny Gentle, Joke, Garbage, Area X, Annular Fusion, Mad Stork, Madame Psychosis, Metempsychosis, Joyce, Filmography, End Notes, JOI, Joelle, PGOAT, Odalisque, Tennis, Structure, Post Modern, Year Of The Whopper, Experialist/Imperialist, "There", Pynchon, DeLillo, Walpurgisnacht, Year Of Glad.
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Pruchase: Infinite Jest from


Visit: Groupname For Grapejuice at

Visit: Alex Fulton at

Listen: Infinite Jest Part II at

FREE 01.29.18 Episode 297: Winter book club
The Crying Of Lot 49
Tonight the 42 Minutes Seasonal book club regulars uncover, Thomas Pynchon's classic post-modern satire, which tells the wonderfully unusual story of Oedipa Maas, first published in 1965.
Topics: High Brow, Prose, Gravity's Rainbow, Identity, Postal Service, David Foster Wallace, Sync, Conspiracy, Inherent Vice, Code, Time, Tragedy, Bones, Meaning, California, MK Ultra, 1960s Conspiracy, Alternate Mail System, Bleeding Edge, The Information, PKD, 1904, Crowley, Horus, Revelation, The Matrix, Farina, Mason, Beatles, Jesus, Miracle.
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Purchase: The Crying Of Lot 49 from

Read: The Four Machines Of Yoyodyne from groupnameforgrapejuice.blogspot


Visit: Alex Fulton at

Listen: The Crying Of Lot 49 Part II at

FREE 11.28.17 Episode 294: Fall book club
The Final Dossier
How's Annie? This evening the 42 Minutes Seasonal book club begins to answer that question by Returning to Twin Peaks one final time to consider Mark Frost's latest book, The Final Dossier, which acts as a bookend to the Showtime limited series and positions itself as the final word on Twin Peaks. (Show Contains Spoilers!)
Topics: Twin Peaks: The Return, Mark Frost, The Archivist, Questions, Process, The Mystery, The Secret History, Retcon, Secret Diary, Fan Fiction, David Lynch, Tamara Preston, Lana, Trump, Time, Blue Rose Task Force, Albert, Leo, Ghostwood, Sabrina Sutherland, Correspondences, Interlock, Mark Lombardi, Pynchon, House Of Leaves, The Familiar, Bookworm.
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Purchase: The Final Dossier from


Read: How Parts 17 & 18 Are Meant To Be Watched In Sync at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club Shows from

FREE 07.11.17 Episode 281: Summer book club
The Secret History Of Twin Peaks
Fear The Double! Or so the summer installment of the seasonal book club finds as we meet the first Man In Black who just also happens to be from Twin Peaks, Washington. (Show contains spoilers!)
Topics: Twin Peaks: The Return, Secret History, Mystery, Fan Service, Laura Palmer, David Lynch, Answers, Questions, Mark Frost, Conspiracy, Nixon, Dossier, Archivist, TP, Secret, Decoding, Veiling, Dougie Millford.
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Purchase: The Secret History of Twin Peaks from

Listen: The Secret History Part II on Always Record at


Visit: Alex Fulton at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

06.21.17 Episode 278: Spring book club
Visit: . . . . . .
Bloomsday or Doomsday? Today on this 16th day of June for this our Spring installment of the seasonal book club, we celebrate the "Good Book to the Hibruws", Ulysses. The panel consists of Bill Klaus, Znore, and Dennis Koch.
Topics: James Joyce, Bloomsday, The Odyssey, Return Home, Literature, Intellectual, Annotations, The Recognitions, Infinite Jest, Hamlet, Psychology Geography, Frank Delaney, Re:Joice, Coincidence, Human Bloom, High Brow, Everyday Heroes, 1904, Hermeticism, Hyperlocal, Kubrick, Oxen Of The Sun, Wasteland, Fertility, Narration, History.
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Listen: Ulysses Part II on Always Record at

Purcase: Ulysses from

Listen: Ulysses (with full cast) at

Listen: Re: Joyce from

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

01.02.17 Episode 255: Winter book club
The Shining
The program unmasks a Shining New Year at the Overlook Hotel with the seasonal book club.
Topics: Jet Set, Manager Class, 1%, Darryl F. Zanuck, Rothschild, Unmask! Poe, Caretaker, Supernatural, Literary Conceit, Haunted Hotel, Sexual Overtones, Ivy League Prep, WASPS, East Coast, Redrum, Room 237, Kubrick, The Boiler, The Press, Addiction, Patriarchy, The Gold Room, Mirroring, Officious Prick, Snow Cat, Roque.
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Purchase: The Shining at

Watch: The Shining at

Watch: Room 237 at (& Netflix!)

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from


11.24.16 Episode 249: Fall book club
The Recognitions
For the fourth installment of our seasonal book club, the program recognizes William Gaddis's first novel from 1955, The Recognitions, a masterwork about art and forgery, and the increasingly thin line between the counterfeit and the fake.
Topics: Sensitive Boy, Postwar Fiction, Gravity's Rainbow, Catch 22, Forgery, Infinite Jest, Voice, Encyclopedic Novel, Jet Set, Realism, Arrival, Crypto-Kubrology, Imagination, Man In The High Castle, Art World, Painting, Sun Worship, Golden Bough, Westworld, Player Piano, Fake, Postmodern Noise.
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Purchase: The Recognitions from

Explore: A Readers Guide to The Recognitions at

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from

Visit: Alex Fulton at


08.08.16 Episode 238: Summer book club
The program again discusses "alternate realities" for this, our third edition of the seasonal book club, but this time under the guise of 1Q84, Haruki Murakami's gigantic novel from 2011. Our friends of the book for this program include Talitha Wall, Dennis Koch, & SJ Anderson.
Topics: 1984, Dystopia, Fantasy, Fee Collection, Domestic Abuse, Love Wins, Janacek Sinfonietta, Q's, Cults, Assassins, Literature, Synchronicity Trigger, Meaning, Tantric Sex Ritual, Italics, Two Moons, Sex & Heaviness, Little People, Healing, Brain Hemispheres, Alone or All One, Split, Justice.
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Purchase: 1Q84 from

Listen: 42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club shows from



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04.11.16 Episode 226: Spring book club
The Southern Reach Trilogy: Annihilation
Today marks the second edition of our seasonal book club. This time the program discusses the first installment of the Southern Reach Trilogy--Annihilation--with members of the Always Record Bizarro Crew: Talitha Wall, Dennis Koch, & SJ Anderson.
Topics: Boise Spring Sync, Treefort, Labyrinth, Contact, Area X, FL, Tower, Tunnel, Lighthouse, Lovecraft, Crawler, Toxoplasmosis, DNA, Lucifer, Ghostbird, Seance & Science Brigade, Lost, 1Q84.
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Purchase: Annihilation from

Purchase: The Southern Reach Trilogy from



Visit: SJ Anderson on

FREE 12.07.15 Episode 208: Dennis Koch
42 Minutes book club: The Man In The High Castle
This week sees the first installment of the 42 Minutes "book club". Doug and visual artist Dennis Koch discuss Philip K. Dick's 1962 novel, The Man In The High Castle.
Topics: Alternate Time Lines, Interdimensional Travel, Diction, Voice, Book Vs. TV, Objects, Historicity, DFW, Infinite Jest, Forgery, Wu, Value, Art I Ching, Language, Truth.
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Purchase: The Man In The High Castle from

Watch: The Man In The High Castle from


Always Record


06.30.24 Always Record 260 | pARzival w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 392.

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03.31.24 Always Record 259 | Valis w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Winter book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 391.

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01.14.24 Always Record 258 | Moby Dick w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Fall book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 390.

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10.01.23 Always Record 257 | Blood Meridian w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 389.

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07.09.23 Always Record 256 | Mason & Dixon w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 388.

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04.30.23 Always Record 255 | Zanoni w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Winter book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 387.

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12.26.22 Always Record 250 | Underground Man w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Fall book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 381.

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10.11.22 Always Record 247 | Job w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Summer book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 380.

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02.12.22 Always Record 244 | Ulysses w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes winter book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 373.

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12.29.21 Always Record 243 | The Last Man w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Fall book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 372.

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10.17.21 Always Record 242 | Naked Lunch w/

42 Minutes Seasonal Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Summer book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 370.

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07.18.21 Always Record 241 | The Sheltering Sky w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 367.

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04.12.21 Always Record 239 | Rerecognizing The Recognitions w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Winter book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 360.

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12.03.20 Always Record 233 | Journey To The End Of The Night part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Fall book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 356.

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10.14.20 Always Record 228 | The Tunnel w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Summer book club. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 351.

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06.27.20 Always Record 222 | Canceled w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring book club (which was canceled). Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 349.

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03.27.20 Always Record 202 | House Of Leaves Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Winter book club discussing House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 348.

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12.02.19 Always Record 198 | Underworld Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Fall book club discussing Underworld by Don DeLillo. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 345.

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09.17.19 Always Record 194 | The Overstory Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Summer book club discussing The Overstory by Richard Powers. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 343.

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07.22.19 Always Record 191 | Don Quixote The Second Part Of The Second Part w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring book club discussing Don Quixote Part II by Cervantes. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 339.

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03.26.19 Always Record 187 | Collected Fictions Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Winter book club discussing Collected Fictions by Borges. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 326.

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07.23.18 Always Record 183 | Mrs. Dalloway Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Summer book club discussing Mrs. Dalloway. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 312.

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04.15.18 Always Record 182 | Infinite Jest Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring book club discussing Infinite Jest. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 308.

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02.04.18 Always Record 180 | The Crying Of Lot 49 Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Winter book club discussing The Crying Of Lot 49. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 297.

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07.13.17 Always Record 177 | The Secret History Of Twin Peaks Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Summer book club discussing The Secret History of Twin Peaks featuring the talents of Dennis Koch, Alex Fulton, and Alan Green. This Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 281.

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06.26.17 Always Record 176 | Ulysses Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Spring book club discussing Ulysses featuring the talents of Dennis Koch, Bill Klaus, and Znore. This Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 278.

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11.29.16 Always Record 168 | The Recognitions Part II w/

42 MInutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Fall book club discussing The Recognitions. Featuring the talents of Dennis Koch & Alex Fulton. This Always Record is the second portion of the conversation, continuing from 42 Minutes episode 249.

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08.14.16 Always Record 162 | 1Q84 Part II w/

42 Minutes Book Club

Sync Book Radio presents a summer spectacular 42 Minutes/Always Record crossover for the 42 Minutes Summer book club featuring the talents of Dennis Koch, SJ Anderson, & Talitha Wall. Always Record is the second portion of the conversation.

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