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Fine Just Fine 1:

Matthew Guggemos, Stardust

In the premiere episode of Fine Just Fine Season One, we discuss the origins of language and communication with language scientist/entrepreneur/drummer/speech pathologist Matthew Guggemos. As usual, we come full Circle K. Heather also makes a surprise appearance with a haphazardly executed demonstration of ADSR Envelopes.

Topics: The Rings of Uranus, Stardust, The Put The Baby Down Origin of Language, the subjunctive mood, Generalized American English, Ebonics aka African American Vernacular English, He Cool, The Word 'Is', Creole, The Shh Sound, Palatal Fricative, Slovakian Language, The Dragon's Teeth, Cadmus, Pointing: The Proto-Declarative, Prosody in Speech & Music, Proto-Language Analysed as Sound Synthesis, ADSR Envelopes, Phonology, The 'R' Sound, Finnegans Wake, Hieroglyphs as Early Zip Files, Vowels as Redundancy.

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